F I N A L L Y - L I B E R A T E D

In February of 2017, a treasure trove of planets was discovered by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. This new found exoplanet system known as TRAPPIST-1, named after The Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST), contained seven habitable, earth-size planets revolving around one star. And though these foreign worlds are sustainable for human life, the distance of 40 light-years or 235 trillion miles makes the task of traveling to TRAPPIST-1 seem to be an impossible one, or so it did for its time.
It was not until roughly thirteen years later in 2030, that NASA and other space programs stopped speaking in terms of "space-exploration" but instead hyped a new word, space-colonization. Why? Overpopulation. Every year the human population increases by 75 million. At this rate, by 2050 we would have reached a population of 9 billion people. Overpopulation means loss of freshwater, species extinction, lower-life expectancy, depletion of natural resources, increased emergence of new pandemics, increased global warming and climate change-- the list goes on.
The Collective Commonwealth of Constellations
Aka "the Triple C's" or "The Collective" Thus in prevention of overpopulation, all six major government space agencies-- the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the European Space Agency (ESA), the China National Space Administration (CNSA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA)-- all banded together to establish one united space organization known as the Collective Commonwealth of Constellations.
The ultimate goal of the Collective in the 2030's, was to colonize within the TRAPPIST 1 system. The means to travel there was a top priority. Moreover, forms of slower than light travel (STL) was completely out of the question. The Collective believed the best method for space-travel was one that guaranteed that we would settle on another planet by 2050, the year predicted that humanity would reach a population of 9 billion people. The fastest and most convenient means would be teleportation pads-- dematerialization, rematerialization. In 2039, the telepad was created, but even with this marvelous invention the telepad could only teleport us to other telepads, not into blind space where telepads have not been yet stationed.
Hyperspace was the answer. In 2044 the SC Vagabond was directly launched into hyperspace through the newly engineered jump engine. It was also that year that the Vagabond crew, also know as the Vagabonds, installed a telepad on the surface of TRAPPIST-1d, the third planet away from the host star.
When the Earth Wept
December 22, 2044
Meanwhile back on earth, Yellowstone erupted on December 22, 2044. That was when the Earth wept. Johannes Kepler, the renown German astronomer who theorized that the planets moved in elliptical orbits with the Sun, ascribed that volcanoes were ducts for the Earth's tears.
Ash spewed thousands of miles across the United States, obliterating buildings, smothering crops, and shutting down power plants. The Midwest states were lucky enough to be coated with more than an inch of ash, while Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Utah was buried in it. Fortunately, for months, intense seismic activity was seen across the entire Yellowstone National Park, thus the people living in those states evacuated before the day of eruption. They were the first to be teleported to TRAPPIST-1d, there they would join the Vagabonds in colonizing a new home.
The Yellowstone eruption gave birth to a new doomsday movement, one that promoted a new chapter of humanity-- the discovery and colonization of foreign worlds. No longer was the American dream a life to envy, a life in the stars, in the TRAPPIST-1 system was the new ideal.
Life in TRAPPIST-1d

The planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system all tidally locked, meaning the same face of a planet is always pointed at the star, as the same side of our moon is always pointed at Earth. This creates a constant night side and constant day side on each planet. TRAPPIST-1d carries a narrow band of water near the terminator, the divide between a hot, dry day and an ice-covered night side. Those who live on the night side have been given several nicknames, but the two most used are ice-cubes and night-crawlers. Because of their absence of natural light, night-crawlers are ghastly pale, though vitamin C deficiency is avoided through vitamin supplements. However, on the other side of the planet, those who live in the day are called light-lords and day-wakers. Since they walk in the heat of the host star, the light-lords bear a much darker complexion.
By 2049, it was considered a rarity to remain on earth, life was progressing in the TRAPPIST-1 system under a new one-world government, the Collective itself. Those who continued to live on earth were seen as hermits, because they remained to be completely disconnected from the rest of humanity. But as life on TRAPPIST-1d grew, it came the time to colonize on other TRAPPIST-1 planets...
Aggressive Decay
In 2068, The Collective's next target for human colonization was TRAPPIST-1e. When landing on this planet, colonists were only expecting a new world live on... but they discovered something so much more. They discovered aliens. But unlike the creatures on TRAPPIST-1d, these beings were sentient. They were not animals. This was proven with the fortresses they built, the art they illustrated, and the culture that was created. Though these aliens were only in what we would describe as a medieval era, and humanity was far more superior in technological advancement, they were just as interested in first contact as we were. Therefore there was peace between both species.
Though sadly, that peace was short lived when a brain eating amoeba became humanity's next deadliest contagion. This disease was named, "aggressive decay". Little research was achieve on the disease due to how contagious it was, but speculations say those who traveled to TRAPPIST-1e were immediately infected with it through the planet's water source, and the aliens living their were only immune to it. It takes 2 to 15 days for symptoms to appear, and these symptoms include headache, fever, stiff neck, loss of appetite, vomiting, altered mental state, seizures, and even coma. Those who are infected only survive up to 3 to 7 days.
Quickly, human life began to rot, or at least mankind that settled in TRAPPIST-1...
The Plot
There is one colony that has not been cursed by the aggressive decay. In 2050, when earth was considered abandoned, the Collective established a new project of theirs, a penal colony. Convicts serving life-sentences initially believed that this penal colony was closest thing to freedom. But that was before they were introduced to the demands of the Overseers. Well, of course the Overseers follow the orders of the Collective, but some would argue that they have dehumanized the penal colonists because of their past crimes. In the eyes of these convicts, the Overseers are glorified jailers.
There is only one thing the Overseers expect from the convicts, for a certain number of crops and livestock to be met. And for every crop or animal they are short of, someone is execution on the spot. For this, the prisoners have grown to despise the Overseers.
Since news of the aggressive decay, the Overseers know there is no hope in returning to the TRAPPIST-1 system. In fact their telepad, stationed back in their base on the moon, has been disconnected by the Collective after news of the aggressive decay. Fortunately they are completely pure of this disease, the last time they were in TRAPPIST-1 was shortly before the discovery of aliens. The Overseers do have a food supply, but it was only meant to last for the six months they would be stationed on moon. On the other hand the penal colony is self-sustaining.
The Overseers must turn to this isolated colony for help. Do the prisoners welcome or even just tolerate them after all of lives they have taken because crop shortage? Or is this the perfect time for revenge?
London, England
London, England
London, England, it was once the home for royal families, and now remains a gold mine for historical landmarks, even if it looks to be rotting in neglect. The colony is stationed moreover in the farmlands of London, rather than the big city. However pickers from the vanguards or even historians from the masterminds do venture off into the city by horse.
When the colony was first stationed by the Collective, there were no buildings for housing, only tents. But overtime, the prisoners made it a priority to build the colony into an environment where it was worth living in, rather than just surviving in. The colony is completely powered by the wind farm, thanks to the masterminds. Not all of the make-shift houses have been yet wired with electricity, but the library and theater are in fact powered by light-- the theater is of course muse territory, where as the library is mastermind territory.
As for the vanguards, since they do stress weapon training and the prisoners are not necessarily permitted to arm, the vanguards are housed in a secret underground bunker beneath the theater. Here not only are the weapons kept hidden, the vanguards can train without fear of ever being found by the Overseers. The bunker can be accessed through a trapdoor behind the stage of the theater. Finally the whole colony is protected by junk fences as protective walls against the outsiders.
The Penal Colony is Separated into Three Factions:
The Muses
"To be human,
means to perceive.
To be human,
means to cry and agonizes,
it means to laugh and love.
I may be a master of many faces
but expression,
is my weapon of defense.
Of all emotions,
fear will not trample me,
for I live and love to the fullest.
It through me that this colony shall be home
rather than a prison,
for I am a
-The Creed of the Muse-

Perhaps the most loved faction is the
The purpose of the muse is to
make the colony feel less like a prison and much more like home.
What they do is described as...
Art exhibits, plays, music festivals, poetry sessions
this is what muses have to offer to their brothers and sisters of the colony.
There is no doubt, just about everyone here has something to regret.
The muses for once can give them peace, because although these colonists are in fact prisoners,
the arts that they create can induce a form of escapism, a form of
Even within a crowd, the muse is easily identified wearing their mask.
With this mask, the wearer visibly expresses his or her passion or prime emotion.
This passion can be for the visual arts, poetry, music, dance, drama, comedy
or this prime emotion can be agony, sadness, joy, confusion, love, hate.
Of course the mask itself does not have to obviously express chosen passion or emotion,
but instead can be rather abstract.
The highest rank for a muse is known as the Renaissance.
To become the next Renaissance, you must challenge the current Renaissance
to some feat testing one's creativity.
The showdown will be held formally at the colony's next festival.
One may choose to recite a personal poem in front of the entire colony,
whereas the other may choose to present a piece of artwork.
To whoever gains the most vote from all who attend the festival that night
becomes the next Renaissance.
The muses are not only known for their arts,
every muse is trained in the mastery of a disguise.
In fact it is not rare for a muse to wear many mask.
Though these disguises are not just for show,
they do serve a purpose,
because most muses are in fact assassins...
The purpose of the muse is to
make the colony feel less like a prison and much more like home.
What they do is described as...
Art exhibits, plays, music festivals, poetry sessions
this is what muses have to offer to their brothers and sisters of the colony.
There is no doubt, just about everyone here has something to regret.
The muses for once can give them peace, because although these colonists are in fact prisoners,
the arts that they create can induce a form of escapism, a form of
Even within a crowd, the muse is easily identified wearing their mask.
With this mask, the wearer visibly expresses his or her passion or prime emotion.
This passion can be for the visual arts, poetry, music, dance, drama, comedy
or this prime emotion can be agony, sadness, joy, confusion, love, hate.
Of course the mask itself does not have to obviously express chosen passion or emotion,
but instead can be rather abstract.
The highest rank for a muse is known as the Renaissance.
To become the next Renaissance, you must challenge the current Renaissance
to some feat testing one's creativity.
The showdown will be held formally at the colony's next festival.
One may choose to recite a personal poem in front of the entire colony,
whereas the other may choose to present a piece of artwork.
To whoever gains the most vote from all who attend the festival that night
becomes the next Renaissance.
The muses are not only known for their arts,
every muse is trained in the mastery of a disguise.
In fact it is not rare for a muse to wear many mask.
Though these disguises are not just for show,
they do serve a purpose,
because most muses are in fact assassins...
The Masterminds
"Never shall I believe in superstitions like luck,
rather I determine by the weight of probability,
likelihood through numbers,
not emotions.
No matter the situation,
never shall I let my emotions overpower my intelligence,
my logic.
Yet that not is a statement to decree that I
lost any sense of my humanity,
no, because instead
with the flag draped around my shoulders,
I embrace the old world--
the world of what we were,
and what we still can be.
It is through me that this colony
will be one of reason, order, and rule
for I am a mastermind."
-the Creed of the Masterminds-

The masterminds,
they are the ones that remind humanity of what we once were.
Scientists, engineers, doctors, and even historians
show that even convicts can achieve careers that are considered prestigious in the free world.
However, they are not purposed to impress the Overseers, the only freemen they come in neutral contact with in the free world.
For instead, the only priority of a mastermind is to benefit the colony as a whole whether that be through medical practices or even history-- uncovering relics of the past through trips alongside he colony's scavengers.
And though this factions does contain other professions beside historians,
history still remains to be a very respected aspect of the masterminds,
it is something that they take pride in.
The muses have their masks, and the masterminds wear their flags
just like a cape draped around their shoulders.
This flag represents an old-earth nation they very much agree with in terms of how that nation did function.
A mastermind may choose a flag representing a country that they born in before man abandoned the earth,
before man was aligned under one government, Collective.
The highest rank within the mastermind faction
is known as the Victorian,
primarily named after one of the most productive eras in human history.
To become the next Victorian,
the current Victorian must simply be challenged to a game of none other than
This board game is most famously honored to be a test of pure strategy and wits,
that is the very thing that masterminds are the greatest in.
In fact, masterminds are masters in much more than just the mind.
They are skilled in their poisons and toxins.
However there is a downside to having a reputation like this,
trust comes sparingly.
But what does a little poison matter when they have minds of pure brilliance,
minds like gold?
they are the ones that remind humanity of what we once were.
Scientists, engineers, doctors, and even historians
show that even convicts can achieve careers that are considered prestigious in the free world.
However, they are not purposed to impress the Overseers, the only freemen they come in neutral contact with in the free world.
For instead, the only priority of a mastermind is to benefit the colony as a whole whether that be through medical practices or even history-- uncovering relics of the past through trips alongside he colony's scavengers.
And though this factions does contain other professions beside historians,
history still remains to be a very respected aspect of the masterminds,
it is something that they take pride in.
The muses have their masks, and the masterminds wear their flags
just like a cape draped around their shoulders.
This flag represents an old-earth nation they very much agree with in terms of how that nation did function.
A mastermind may choose a flag representing a country that they born in before man abandoned the earth,
before man was aligned under one government, Collective.
The highest rank within the mastermind faction
is known as the Victorian,
primarily named after one of the most productive eras in human history.
To become the next Victorian,
the current Victorian must simply be challenged to a game of none other than
This board game is most famously honored to be a test of pure strategy and wits,
that is the very thing that masterminds are the greatest in.
In fact, masterminds are masters in much more than just the mind.
They are skilled in their poisons and toxins.
However there is a downside to having a reputation like this,
trust comes sparingly.
But what does a little poison matter when they have minds of pure brilliance,
minds like gold?
The Vanguards
"My excuses earn no coddling
nor my does my self-pity gain praise.
I have not trained in blood for the bullet stringed around my neck to only
come so far and walk away without the victory.
I do not declare immunity to fear,
but I fight regardless of it.
We silence souls not because of the enemy in front of us,
but because of love for those behind.
With strength I shall remind my oppressors of their weakness,
and let this colony thrive in living
rather than in surviving
for I am the
advance guard,
the soldier on the front lines,
the vanguard. "
-the Creed of the Vanguard-

By definition, a vanguard is the advance guard;
the solider at the foremost division of the battlefield.
That is how every single member of this faction functions,
as if he or she is positioned on the very front-lines,
no matter the rank or occupational held,
whether that be
the sentinel- the watchmen or law-enforcer of the colony,
or the picker- the scavenger that departs from the colony for periods of months in search for artifacts of old-earth or in search for what could further benefit the colony itself,
or the trapper- the vanguard that tracks down and captures animals to meet the Collective's demand for livestock,
or the combatant- the warrior who sets off to fight the outsiders-- the hostile hermits that stubbornly believe that the earth is theirs, never shall they ever let it be the Collective's, for they who abandoned the earth in the first place. The outsiders are clear enemies of the colony since it is under Collective rule.
The upmost highest rank of the vanguards is known as the Spartan,
named after the the greatest warrior cultures in human history.
Unlike the other factions, challenging the leader in this one is considered
because in order to become the next Spartan, you must survive a death-match first against the current Spartan first.
This duel could be a quick-draw of the gun from the holster,
or the clashing of two blades,
or the bashing of two fist,
either way it always results in one thing:
the death of the one who fails to rise victorious.
The vanguards are well known for their guns,
in fact it is so embedded into the faction that it has grown to be a symbol of theirs.
A single bullet hooked to string is the vanguard's form of the dog-tag.
Since guns are rare and are only found by the faction's scavengers, they are practically considered to be super-weapons.
Acting as both the colony's military and law enforcers, vanguards are the only ones who wield them.
So it would be no surprise that the vanguards are experts when it comes to sharpshooting.
This faction is rather extreme,
engaged in activities to test their pain tolerance
or doing whatever to conquer their fears.
Brawls, challenges, and races are all apart of being a vanguard.
But out of all the factions
perhaps the strongest comradery
comes from the vanguard.
the solider at the foremost division of the battlefield.
That is how every single member of this faction functions,
as if he or she is positioned on the very front-lines,
no matter the rank or occupational held,
whether that be
the sentinel- the watchmen or law-enforcer of the colony,
or the picker- the scavenger that departs from the colony for periods of months in search for artifacts of old-earth or in search for what could further benefit the colony itself,
or the trapper- the vanguard that tracks down and captures animals to meet the Collective's demand for livestock,
or the combatant- the warrior who sets off to fight the outsiders-- the hostile hermits that stubbornly believe that the earth is theirs, never shall they ever let it be the Collective's, for they who abandoned the earth in the first place. The outsiders are clear enemies of the colony since it is under Collective rule.
The upmost highest rank of the vanguards is known as the Spartan,
named after the the greatest warrior cultures in human history.
Unlike the other factions, challenging the leader in this one is considered
because in order to become the next Spartan, you must survive a death-match first against the current Spartan first.
This duel could be a quick-draw of the gun from the holster,
or the clashing of two blades,
or the bashing of two fist,
either way it always results in one thing:
the death of the one who fails to rise victorious.
The vanguards are well known for their guns,
in fact it is so embedded into the faction that it has grown to be a symbol of theirs.
A single bullet hooked to string is the vanguard's form of the dog-tag.
Since guns are rare and are only found by the faction's scavengers, they are practically considered to be super-weapons.
Acting as both the colony's military and law enforcers, vanguards are the only ones who wield them.
So it would be no surprise that the vanguards are experts when it comes to sharpshooting.
This faction is rather extreme,
engaged in activities to test their pain tolerance
or doing whatever to conquer their fears.
Brawls, challenges, and races are all apart of being a vanguard.
But out of all the factions
perhaps the strongest comradery
comes from the vanguard.
And of course there are...
The Overseers
Nicknamed: "Hawks""The hawk,
it is known be a violent predator,
yet also it heard that they can be quiet and gentle...
Rare is it that the hawk travels alone,
because it is in flocks that the creature finds its greatest chance of survival.
As the day lessens,
that is when the hawk strikes--
at nightfall,
when prey least expect its arrival..."

The Roman soldiers had their eagle for representation and inspiration,
the Overseers have their hawk.
Sometimes gliding every so to survey the penal colony,
the Overseers are the watchmen and even wardens of the prisoners below.
Just the uniform or hawk symbol reminds each convict within the colony of their lack of freedom.
Especially when the Overseers land on earth every three months to collect the colony's resources.
In fact the colony does not eat the crops they harvest nor do they feat upon the animals they capture,
no that all goes to the collective for research or to sell as organic earth-born meat or crops.
What do the convicts eat?
Well if after having to surrendering all crops and livestock,
they can celebrate over leftovers.
If not, it is mainly the bugs that they can manage to catch,
whether that be crickets, grasshoppers, worms, ants, termites, tarantulas, beetle larvae, and even leeches.
As for what the Overseers eat,
back in their base on the moon,
they are well supplied with a food synthesizer for a year.
After the year is over the Overseers are permitted a visit back to the TRAPPIST-1 system.
For a year they spend there while the second team of Overseers take over.
These two teams alternate between years of overseeing the colony.
The crimson Overseer uniform is decorated with a sliver hawk pendant.
Beneath this uniform lies a bullet-proof vest,
and the captain of the unit wears a swooping ebony cape.
The weapons they carry vary upon the Overseer's taste,
whether he or she prefers to handle things lethally with a shoot to kill method,
or non-lethally with stun-guns, batons, and tazers.
To become an Overseer,
he or she must have done something that proves to the Collective that they can rule a colony,
whether they were actually one of the Vagabonds,
the colonists that established the first telepad on TRAPPIST-1d,
or they were a high ranking officer in the Collective military,
or even a warden in one of the most maximum-security prisons back in TRAPPIST-1 space.
Overseers definitely have the resume and past to back up their skill in being well in their work.
Hawks are high up in the food chain,
though with the given circumstance,
it seems now that the hunter might have
just become the hunted.
the Overseers have their hawk.
Sometimes gliding every so to survey the penal colony,
the Overseers are the watchmen and even wardens of the prisoners below.
Just the uniform or hawk symbol reminds each convict within the colony of their lack of freedom.
Especially when the Overseers land on earth every three months to collect the colony's resources.
In fact the colony does not eat the crops they harvest nor do they feat upon the animals they capture,
no that all goes to the collective for research or to sell as organic earth-born meat or crops.
What do the convicts eat?
Well if after having to surrendering all crops and livestock,
they can celebrate over leftovers.
If not, it is mainly the bugs that they can manage to catch,
whether that be crickets, grasshoppers, worms, ants, termites, tarantulas, beetle larvae, and even leeches.
As for what the Overseers eat,
back in their base on the moon,
they are well supplied with a food synthesizer for a year.
After the year is over the Overseers are permitted a visit back to the TRAPPIST-1 system.
For a year they spend there while the second team of Overseers take over.
These two teams alternate between years of overseeing the colony.
The crimson Overseer uniform is decorated with a sliver hawk pendant.
Beneath this uniform lies a bullet-proof vest,
and the captain of the unit wears a swooping ebony cape.
The weapons they carry vary upon the Overseer's taste,
whether he or she prefers to handle things lethally with a shoot to kill method,
or non-lethally with stun-guns, batons, and tazers.
To become an Overseer,
he or she must have done something that proves to the Collective that they can rule a colony,
whether they were actually one of the Vagabonds,
the colonists that established the first telepad on TRAPPIST-1d,
or they were a high ranking officer in the Collective military,
or even a warden in one of the most maximum-security prisons back in TRAPPIST-1 space.
Overseers definitely have the resume and past to back up their skill in being well in their work.
Hawks are high up in the food chain,
though with the given circumstance,
it seems now that the hunter might have
just become the hunted.
The Overseers:
Captain Overseer- @Kingfisher
Lieutenant Overseer- @beyond visions
Corporal Overseer- @Xandrya
Corporal Overseer - Open
The Muses:
The Renaissance- @Vashonn
The Renaissance's Right-hand (the Second-in-Command)- @Ellion
Muse 3- Open
Muse 4- Open
The Masterminds:
The Victorian- @beyond visions
The Victorian's Right-hand (the Second-in-Command)- @Blubaron45
Mastermind 3- @Ellion
Mastermind 4-Open
The Vanguards:
The Spartan-@beyond visions
The Spartan's Right-hand (the Second-in-Command)- @Heretic
Vanguard 3- @Apollosarcher
Vanguard 4-Open
Captain Overseer- @Kingfisher
Lieutenant Overseer- @beyond visions
Corporal Overseer- @Xandrya
Corporal Overseer - Open
The Muses:
The Renaissance- @Vashonn
The Renaissance's Right-hand (the Second-in-Command)- @Ellion
Muse 3- Open
Muse 4- Open
The Masterminds:
The Victorian- @beyond visions
The Victorian's Right-hand (the Second-in-Command)- @Blubaron45
Mastermind 3- @Ellion
Mastermind 4-Open
The Vanguards:
The Spartan-@beyond visions
The Spartan's Right-hand (the Second-in-Command)- @Heretic
Vanguard 3- @Apollosarcher
Vanguard 4-Open
What to Look Forward to...
You know what will spice this roleplay up? The chance that any character can die. Now that raises the stakes! Also, the penal colony contains both men and women who likely have children since they are free to populate the earth one more. So if you are willing to have a character play a father or mother with their son or daughter as second in command, that might also raise the stakes with the parent trying to make the best decision for their child's safety even if they will never forgive you for it.
So, I definitely want to carry this roleplay all the way, so I'm looking for long-term roleplayers even if that means we will not have enough characters to fill up all the factions. But that is okay, I will find a way to alter the plot a little bit if it comes to that.
As for language, romance, and violence, keep it all PG-13, including the OOC. Fade to black when needed. Another thing that comes into question for a roleplay is the quality and quantity. Usually I prefer post at least 500 words long because I won't lie, I love long post with important details, it is the reason why I've decided to submit this in as high casual. But I'm not strict about it, because we are all here to simply tell a good story regardless of the word count.
So if you are interested, please leave down below what faction you wish to reserve: the Overseers, the Muses, the Masterminds, or the Vanguards, and what role of that faction.