Gala City, Galax - A brief history

Gala amazing and wonderful place that is known as one of the most symbolic cities in the 25'th century. Named after the worlds most famous and renown super hero, Galaxy Man, Gala City stands proud as a beacon of the both the past and the future. 3 centuries ago, this was not the case. Simply put, the scum of mankind had control of almost anything and everything. Not only did normal normal criminals and gangs flood the streets of almost any civilized city, but more and more super villains began to emerge as well. Super human abilities showed up every night and again in the publics eye, but never before had so many super humans shown up. The super hero society, simply the name for the large group of super heroes, could not keep up or always match up with most of the top players that chose to use your skills for crime. It was not so bad that simple civilians could absolutely never do anything, but it was more common than not to see a power struggle with the supers, or to be robbed in the middle of the streets.
There were many significant events that are still remembered to this day, and the extreme loss of life in these events are recorded for time immemorial. Three much time went by that most people had given up hope. So what happened in the start of the 25'th century is widely debated even until this day. A lone hero, ignored by the super hero community and super villian community alike, chose to do something about the crime spree that had dominated the globe for the last three centuries. He had an ironclad will and courage to rival anyone, and while his origins are a mystery his intent was clear. When he started out, he had shown talent but it was considerably weaker than the average hero. He had shown his talent was strength, his super human muscles allowed him to punch or kick through anything and he could leap over tall buildings in a single bound but that was it. Years later into his quest, he was seen using more than that power set. He was seen manipulating energy in an actual physical form. A year later he was seen flying, and a year later he was shown using more powers than that. No one knows why so many powers were showing up in a single hero, but all anyone knows is in the years that followed this lone hero took down more bad guys than the public had ever seen any single or even small group of heroes took down.
He went from city to city, state to state, all across North America trying to cleanse his home of the filth that had infested it. While doing this, he did amass a following of heroes that stayed behind in the cities he helped to keep the biggest bad guys in check and keep the smaller baddies afraid. But he did have a code that he enforced, a simple code. Do not kill, and do not run from danger. You see danger or hear it, you see or hear someone in need you be the better man and you go to them. When he finished in America he went on to do the same all across the globe. He was given the name Galaxy man, and in 20 short years he was able to do what no one else could. He defeated the biggest players, encouraged other heroes, and turned the tide on the war on crime, all in the span of 22 years. When he returned back home to America, his home city was renamed in his honor and was even able to colonize a previously villain claimed area and turn it into a new state. They called this state Galax, and in it was Gala City.
After settling into Gala City in the newly formed state of Galax, Galaxy Man decided that the world needed something more. He decided the world need a more formal way to identify super crisis, and an official team of heroes that could respond situations. Galaxy Man created The League, which was basically a way to tag and identify heroes. It was headed by normal civilians so they could feel like they had some control, that way civilians could never have a real reason to revolt against super heroes. Then Galaxy Man created The Team, which was the squad of super heroes handpicked by Galaxy Man which was separate from The League.For 5 years, The Team and The League kept the peace with relative ease. A few big players came out of the woodwork every now and again, with The Team shutting down these villains before any major damage occured. But soon....very soon.....things will be set into motion that could either destroy the peace that was so hard fought for or could make peace certain for centuries to come.
The year is X-225, and it started on a dark friday night. It happened so suddenly and all at once that most people could not react to it in a timely manner. All sorts of drug dealers and lower level criminals who were all guilty of lesser crimes, came crawling out of the shadows. All at once they dropped like flies, dead even before they hit the ground. When they died, they began bleeding from the ears and nose. Everyday for the next following week, different sorts of criminals died in the same manner. That first day it had been dealers, the next day it had been scammers, and so on and so on. For the first time in years Gala City was experiencing its first epidemic. Since something like this has not happened in years Heroes were going crazy trying to figure out what was happening, but by the end of the week something even more stunning happened. After the final day of that week, when everyone was expecting another death streak, a mysterious figure took control of all public TV's that showed the news. He was unidentifiable, the man used voice filters and fuzzed the screen so no faces were shown, but his message was clear. The following was his speech.
"Hello citizens of Gala City, super hero's for the average man, and I do so hope Galaxy Man is watching. Did all of you enjoy my little spectacle, making all those meanie weenie bad guys drop dead? GOOD! I am sooo glad you enjoyed it. Can you believe it, so many bad guys died! Or rather, so many people you thought were good showed their true colors. So many people the Heroes of today failed to capture, so many times the heroes of today failed the average citizen. Do you realize what this means? OUR SYSTEM IS BROKEN. Galaxy Man came in like a charging bull, and all of you sheep fell in behind that bull. He made up a few stupid rules, and you dumb, dumb, oh so very dumb sheeple just ate it up. You thought the world was beter? It isnt! Its just a lot nicer to look at, but really underneath the nice layer it reeks like a sewer. I'm not the bad guy here, I killed so many people just to prove it! I want to reveal to the world how rotten it is in the shadows, and I want good ol Gal Man to stand trial in front of the world for being a fraud. So prepare Gala City, warn the rest of the world that The Visionary has come. Blood will spill. And the Downfall has begun."
An hour after this, all members of The Team were quickly recalled back to their HQ in Gala City.
There were many significant events that are still remembered to this day, and the extreme loss of life in these events are recorded for time immemorial. Three much time went by that most people had given up hope. So what happened in the start of the 25'th century is widely debated even until this day. A lone hero, ignored by the super hero community and super villian community alike, chose to do something about the crime spree that had dominated the globe for the last three centuries. He had an ironclad will and courage to rival anyone, and while his origins are a mystery his intent was clear. When he started out, he had shown talent but it was considerably weaker than the average hero. He had shown his talent was strength, his super human muscles allowed him to punch or kick through anything and he could leap over tall buildings in a single bound but that was it. Years later into his quest, he was seen using more than that power set. He was seen manipulating energy in an actual physical form. A year later he was seen flying, and a year later he was shown using more powers than that. No one knows why so many powers were showing up in a single hero, but all anyone knows is in the years that followed this lone hero took down more bad guys than the public had ever seen any single or even small group of heroes took down.
He went from city to city, state to state, all across North America trying to cleanse his home of the filth that had infested it. While doing this, he did amass a following of heroes that stayed behind in the cities he helped to keep the biggest bad guys in check and keep the smaller baddies afraid. But he did have a code that he enforced, a simple code. Do not kill, and do not run from danger. You see danger or hear it, you see or hear someone in need you be the better man and you go to them. When he finished in America he went on to do the same all across the globe. He was given the name Galaxy man, and in 20 short years he was able to do what no one else could. He defeated the biggest players, encouraged other heroes, and turned the tide on the war on crime, all in the span of 22 years. When he returned back home to America, his home city was renamed in his honor and was even able to colonize a previously villain claimed area and turn it into a new state. They called this state Galax, and in it was Gala City.
After settling into Gala City in the newly formed state of Galax, Galaxy Man decided that the world needed something more. He decided the world need a more formal way to identify super crisis, and an official team of heroes that could respond situations. Galaxy Man created The League, which was basically a way to tag and identify heroes. It was headed by normal civilians so they could feel like they had some control, that way civilians could never have a real reason to revolt against super heroes. Then Galaxy Man created The Team, which was the squad of super heroes handpicked by Galaxy Man which was separate from The League.For 5 years, The Team and The League kept the peace with relative ease. A few big players came out of the woodwork every now and again, with The Team shutting down these villains before any major damage occured. But soon....very soon.....things will be set into motion that could either destroy the peace that was so hard fought for or could make peace certain for centuries to come.
The year is X-225, and it started on a dark friday night. It happened so suddenly and all at once that most people could not react to it in a timely manner. All sorts of drug dealers and lower level criminals who were all guilty of lesser crimes, came crawling out of the shadows. All at once they dropped like flies, dead even before they hit the ground. When they died, they began bleeding from the ears and nose. Everyday for the next following week, different sorts of criminals died in the same manner. That first day it had been dealers, the next day it had been scammers, and so on and so on. For the first time in years Gala City was experiencing its first epidemic. Since something like this has not happened in years Heroes were going crazy trying to figure out what was happening, but by the end of the week something even more stunning happened. After the final day of that week, when everyone was expecting another death streak, a mysterious figure took control of all public TV's that showed the news. He was unidentifiable, the man used voice filters and fuzzed the screen so no faces were shown, but his message was clear. The following was his speech.
"Hello citizens of Gala City, super hero's for the average man, and I do so hope Galaxy Man is watching. Did all of you enjoy my little spectacle, making all those meanie weenie bad guys drop dead? GOOD! I am sooo glad you enjoyed it. Can you believe it, so many bad guys died! Or rather, so many people you thought were good showed their true colors. So many people the Heroes of today failed to capture, so many times the heroes of today failed the average citizen. Do you realize what this means? OUR SYSTEM IS BROKEN. Galaxy Man came in like a charging bull, and all of you sheep fell in behind that bull. He made up a few stupid rules, and you dumb, dumb, oh so very dumb sheeple just ate it up. You thought the world was beter? It isnt! Its just a lot nicer to look at, but really underneath the nice layer it reeks like a sewer. I'm not the bad guy here, I killed so many people just to prove it! I want to reveal to the world how rotten it is in the shadows, and I want good ol Gal Man to stand trial in front of the world for being a fraud. So prepare Gala City, warn the rest of the world that The Visionary has come. Blood will spill. And the Downfall has begun."
An hour after this, all members of The Team were quickly recalled back to their HQ in Gala City.
Note from the GM
I plan on constantly updating this RP as I go. If you have an suggestions or helpful advice please do not hesitate to pm me. This RP will only be accepting 5 or 6 people but if you are not accepted do not fret. It is more than likely for reasons other than your skill as a writer, and I will keep your submission in case someone drops out.
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