Well, someone mentioned deadpool and the idea stuck in my head!... I'm not sure if OCs were the requirement or the preference, buuuut it shouldn't be too hard for me to fix if I got it wrong ^.^
Character Sheet:
Name: Deadpool,Screwball,Boring Guy
Age: Unknown, though he's listed as immortal so it's kind of a moot point. "I can't believe the wiki didn't have my age listed!""More likely the writer just didn't feel like scouring the internet for it.""Iiii know 'eveerryooone's' age! Cause I know everyone's birthday!""Hush, it's not your turn yet!"
Sex: Yes please!,Chimichangan,Male...
Appearance: No, uhuh! I don't believe anyone here doesn't already know what I look like!"Luckily, the writer is going to be sure nobody can miss it.""Bull, I'm universal you old-"Is it my turn yet?""Oh hey! Lets do that! Save the pictures for 'your' profile!""Oohhhh jooooyyy..."
Bio: http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Wade_Wilson_(Earth-616)#Personality "Oh thank god, I was worried he was going to fill this damn bio with my whole life story...
Weaknesses: "I HAVE NO WEAKNESSES!","CHIMICHANGAS!","He's an idiot...""Hey, that's mean!... Is it my turn yet?""No..." "I actually don't know if he 'has' any weaknesses... aside from literally being an idiot most of the time, on purpose."
Appearance- "Wait, why is this here twice?... Just... just google me..."
Bio- "Okay... did you copy paste accidentally? There's two doubles! What a sin!""I think these fields were there to explain what to put in those sections.""Shut up buzzkillington, it's funnier this way!""You guys are really mean to eachother... Is it my-""YES!""YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!"
Other Info- "I'm a rebel! I'm going to explain 'here' instead of in your bio section! Think about that next time you double post em! Basically, I woke up on this ship with this stupid computer yammering at me and was like 'Oh no, Deadpool, the multiverse needs you to save it with your amazing awesomeness!' and I was like 'Ugh, What? AGAIN?! Doing it once was cool, Twice was okay, but 'Again'?! Saving the world is boring now!' and he was like 'Yes' and I was like 'Yeah okay fine, but only if you can make it fun!' and he was like-""And I was like 'I CAN MAKE IT FUN!' and tackled his head! But I forgot that humans are squishier than my friends, even the tough ones like him, so I... kindof accidentally broke his neck, and it scared me and I cried and thought I'd murdered someone, but then he just cracked his head back into place and screamed like a little girl and I was like 'YAY! YOU'RE ALIVE!' then I hugged him so hard it cracked his ribs and he screamed even higher pitchedThen I took over and made her squeeze harder.and I apologized, but he healed again and I was like-""And 'I' was like 'WOO HOO! IT'S FUN NOW! Lets go save the multiverse again!' And then I hopped on his back and soared off on a band of Rainbow's and saved the universe!""We haven't 'done' anything yet.""Shut up, I'm exercising artistic license!"
Name: Deadpool,Screwball,Boring Guy
Age: Unknown, though he's listed as immortal so it's kind of a moot point. "I can't believe the wiki didn't have my age listed!""More likely the writer just didn't feel like scouring the internet for it.""Iiii know 'eveerryooone's' age! Cause I know everyone's birthday!""Hush, it's not your turn yet!"
Sex: Yes please!,Chimichangan,Male...
Appearance: No, uhuh! I don't believe anyone here doesn't already know what I look like!"Luckily, the writer is going to be sure nobody can miss it.""Bull, I'm universal you old-"Is it my turn yet?""Oh hey! Lets do that! Save the pictures for 'your' profile!""Oohhhh jooooyyy..."
Bio: http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Wade_Wilson_(Earth-616)#Personality "Oh thank god, I was worried he was going to fill this damn bio with my whole life story...
Weaknesses: "I HAVE NO WEAKNESSES!","CHIMICHANGAS!","He's an idiot...""Hey, that's mean!... Is it my turn yet?""No..." "I actually don't know if he 'has' any weaknesses... aside from literally being an idiot most of the time, on purpose."
Appearance- "Wait, why is this here twice?... Just... just google me..."
Bio- "Okay... did you copy paste accidentally? There's two doubles! What a sin!""I think these fields were there to explain what to put in those sections.""Shut up buzzkillington, it's funnier this way!""You guys are really mean to eachother... Is it my-""YES!""YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!"
Other Info- "I'm a rebel! I'm going to explain 'here' instead of in your bio section! Think about that next time you double post em! Basically, I woke up on this ship with this stupid computer yammering at me and was like 'Oh no, Deadpool, the multiverse needs you to save it with your amazing awesomeness!' and I was like 'Ugh, What? AGAIN?! Doing it once was cool, Twice was okay, but 'Again'?! Saving the world is boring now!' and he was like 'Yes' and I was like 'Yeah okay fine, but only if you can make it fun!' and he was like-""And I was like 'I CAN MAKE IT FUN!' and tackled his head! But I forgot that humans are squishier than my friends, even the tough ones like him, so I... kindof accidentally broke his neck, and it scared me and I cried and thought I'd murdered someone, but then he just cracked his head back into place and screamed like a little girl and I was like 'YAY! YOU'RE ALIVE!' then I hugged him so hard it cracked his ribs and he screamed even higher pitchedThen I took over and made her squeeze harder.and I apologized, but he healed again and I was like-""And 'I' was like 'WOO HOO! IT'S FUN NOW! Lets go save the multiverse again!' And then I hopped on his back and soared off on a band of Rainbow's and saved the universe!""We haven't 'done' anything yet.""Shut up, I'm exercising artistic license!"
Character Sheet:
Name: Bubblini Davinci Berry "awww, that sounds all boring and official. Why not... Doctor Pinkie and Mister Pied?!""That's because it's supposed to be, and no, now sit down, you remember the rules of us being out in the multiverse.""Awwwww...""'I' thought it was funny."
Age: "Don't ask..."
Gender: Male... this time.

"Ugh, No! We're already going to be doing so many dead pool parodies, don't fill the profile with it too.""Awww, but it's funny!""We don't share the same sense of humor... besides, this is more representative of 'myself'."

"Well... you're not wrong, but it's so dark...""That's the point... I'm the dark side, even if I'm still 'good'.""But you don't 'have' to look mean and scary"I have to do 'something' to keep humans from grabbing us up for cuddles, something about being waist-height, fluffy, and pink, makes them unable to keep their hands off unless it looks like i'll kill them.""But cuddles are the best!... besides, I like this one more!"

"Wh-WHAT?! How did you get that?! I told you not to use our abilities to prank me damnit!""It's not a prank! I think you look cool... even better, you're having 'fun' in that one.""........ Lets just continue."
Weaknesses: One could say that needing to deliberate between two powerful split personalities before carrying out an action is a bit of a weakness, in that crucial decisions may be delayed by having to convince one or the other that it's necessary.
One half of this personality is fanatically pacifistic, and just as obsessive with 'fun' and silly things that it believes should be funny, but over-all is a powerful factor in neutering the ability to just 'go out and kill the threat' for it's host.
Other weaknesses... Well, perhaps anything that imposes resistance to any form of reality defying powers might count... hostages too, that's a pretty good way to work up the desperate pacifist personality... heavens forbid anyone should go far enough to make the poor things 'agree' on killing though.
Name: Bubblini Davinci Berry "awww, that sounds all boring and official. Why not... Doctor Pinkie and Mister Pied?!""That's because it's supposed to be, and no, now sit down, you remember the rules of us being out in the multiverse.""Awwwww...""'I' thought it was funny."
Age: "Don't ask..."
Gender: Male... this time.

"Ugh, No! We're already going to be doing so many dead pool parodies, don't fill the profile with it too.""Awww, but it's funny!""We don't share the same sense of humor... besides, this is more representative of 'myself'."

"Well... you're not wrong, but it's so dark...""That's the point... I'm the dark side, even if I'm still 'good'.""But you don't 'have' to look mean and scary"I have to do 'something' to keep humans from grabbing us up for cuddles, something about being waist-height, fluffy, and pink, makes them unable to keep their hands off unless it looks like i'll kill them.""But cuddles are the best!... besides, I like this one more!"

"Wh-WHAT?! How did you get that?! I told you not to use our abilities to prank me damnit!""It's not a prank! I think you look cool... even better, you're having 'fun' in that one.""........ Lets just continue."
"Oooh, I-""No...""...... okay."
"I was born in Equestria, big surprise there, I'm not sure anyone in the multiverse doesn't know what a pony is. My life was half-way between boring and brutal, your little human world kid's cartoon only shows the 'prettiest' stuff, but magical worlds have all kinds of threats that would terrify your children.
A 'boring old rock farm' was no different, I grew up learning how to cultivate rocks that would blow. your. mind... Right alongside learning how to kill giant crag spiders, feral minotaurs hiding underground, crushing rockodiles and stone snakes... The royal guard was never big enough to keep security that far out, and without one of those so revered deity figures living in the area magic and monsters ran rampant.
... Then Pinkie happened
You don't need to know the precision details of how we came to be like we are, just know that I'm the original one, and the crazy lunatic 'element of laughter' invaded 'me'. I'd always tried to 'do what was best' for my family, and as it turned out playing along with the whole 'happy epiphany' things fell in line with that as it helped save the world a dozen times over with the elements... I didn't like it, but I couldn't deny it.
I had plenty to do though, the element's presence caused... strange things to happen around us, not the least of which was this freakish ability to slip into other dimensions and pop out at a different location... while the pink loony is the face in Equestria, 'I'm' the one who's in-charge anywhere else, that was the deal, because smiles and hugs don't stop inter-dimensional threats or multi-versal criminals looking for a 'pretty and soft' place to strike at.
We already had a habit of getting involved in our universe's threats, or our neighbors, whenever things got big enough, though I wouldn't say I was more than just 'experienced with external threats'... To say I was surprised to wake up on a strange ship with a stranger telling me how they needed my help, among many others, to save the multiverse from some much greater threat, would be so much of an understatement... I kind of took out some frustration on the nearest source that could survive it...""Namely me! But it's okay, I still love you pinks!""Shut up Deadpool."
"I was born in Equestria, big surprise there, I'm not sure anyone in the multiverse doesn't know what a pony is. My life was half-way between boring and brutal, your little human world kid's cartoon only shows the 'prettiest' stuff, but magical worlds have all kinds of threats that would terrify your children.
A 'boring old rock farm' was no different, I grew up learning how to cultivate rocks that would blow. your. mind... Right alongside learning how to kill giant crag spiders, feral minotaurs hiding underground, crushing rockodiles and stone snakes... The royal guard was never big enough to keep security that far out, and without one of those so revered deity figures living in the area magic and monsters ran rampant.
... Then Pinkie happened
You don't need to know the precision details of how we came to be like we are, just know that I'm the original one, and the crazy lunatic 'element of laughter' invaded 'me'. I'd always tried to 'do what was best' for my family, and as it turned out playing along with the whole 'happy epiphany' things fell in line with that as it helped save the world a dozen times over with the elements... I didn't like it, but I couldn't deny it.
I had plenty to do though, the element's presence caused... strange things to happen around us, not the least of which was this freakish ability to slip into other dimensions and pop out at a different location... while the pink loony is the face in Equestria, 'I'm' the one who's in-charge anywhere else, that was the deal, because smiles and hugs don't stop inter-dimensional threats or multi-versal criminals looking for a 'pretty and soft' place to strike at.
We already had a habit of getting involved in our universe's threats, or our neighbors, whenever things got big enough, though I wouldn't say I was more than just 'experienced with external threats'... To say I was surprised to wake up on a strange ship with a stranger telling me how they needed my help, among many others, to save the multiverse from some much greater threat, would be so much of an understatement... I kind of took out some frustration on the nearest source that could survive it...""Namely me! But it's okay, I still love you pinks!""Shut up Deadpool."
Cartoonish qualities - It's hard to quantify such things as this, but it refers to things from being 'squished alive' and only flattening out instead of dying, seemingly able to 'fall apart and reassemble', to somehow 'zipper disguising' oneself without ever having said disguise physically on their person... also, weird phenomena like 'helicopter tail' or taffy like limb extention, as well as the ability to squeeze into and out of places that are larger than their own body, typically also associated with things like diving into a dresser drawer only to come out of that potted plant across the room.
Further examples have been the 'hammer space mane' that he seemed to draw any number of strange objects out of, possibly weaponizable or not, demonstration of turning his mane into a drill, even multiplying limbs at random or devouring things whole that are larger than his own body, as well as instances of sponteneous self detonation followed by subsequent rebuilding, and even straight defying the laws of physics, like sliding 'up' a slide without even having to move a leg.
Split personality - One of them is clearly more cold, calculated, and willing to exercise violence for anything from comedic effect to saving lives, though generally 'for good' and thus with restraint to avoid killing good people. The other is hopefully naive, childish, and seems likely to even stare down a shot-gun barrel while giggling madly as if it weren't even a threat, utterly despising the idea of hurting someone even though the other side has made a powerful point about it being necessary sometimes, this one is likely to pull out the most outrageous of feats yet the least likely to actually bring harm to someone.
Further examples have been the 'hammer space mane' that he seemed to draw any number of strange objects out of, possibly weaponizable or not, demonstration of turning his mane into a drill, even multiplying limbs at random or devouring things whole that are larger than his own body, as well as instances of sponteneous self detonation followed by subsequent rebuilding, and even straight defying the laws of physics, like sliding 'up' a slide without even having to move a leg.
Split personality - One of them is clearly more cold, calculated, and willing to exercise violence for anything from comedic effect to saving lives, though generally 'for good' and thus with restraint to avoid killing good people. The other is hopefully naive, childish, and seems likely to even stare down a shot-gun barrel while giggling madly as if it weren't even a threat, utterly despising the idea of hurting someone even though the other side has made a powerful point about it being necessary sometimes, this one is likely to pull out the most outrageous of feats yet the least likely to actually bring harm to someone.
Weaknesses: One could say that needing to deliberate between two powerful split personalities before carrying out an action is a bit of a weakness, in that crucial decisions may be delayed by having to convince one or the other that it's necessary.
One half of this personality is fanatically pacifistic, and just as obsessive with 'fun' and silly things that it believes should be funny, but over-all is a powerful factor in neutering the ability to just 'go out and kill the threat' for it's host.
Other weaknesses... Well, perhaps anything that imposes resistance to any form of reality defying powers might count... hostages too, that's a pretty good way to work up the desperate pacifist personality... heavens forbid anyone should go far enough to make the poor things 'agree' on killing though.