Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I went and made another playlist.

8tracks Link: Chasing After Time - A Mandate & Ambassador Playlist

Youtube Link: Chasing After Time - A Mandate & Ambassador Playlist


And this because I have a problem,

8tracks Link: Give a Little - Get a Lot

Spotify: Give a Little - Get a Lot
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LHudson
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Would be nice to give this a shot.

Character you have created: Silas Morano

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): Silver

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Secret

Character Personality:
Silas presents himself as a charming individual. Well dressed, charismatic, and a sharp wit have allowed him to get by throughout his adult life without too much hassle. His voice is welcoming, although his mannerisms make him stand out at social events, if his sense of dress doesn't already do so. He refrains from drinking alcohol, no matter what the occasion is.

In reality and behind closed doors, Silas holds bitterness to those in a position of grand power, whether it be in politics or though business. No matter what industry, he could always tie their involvement back to something he finds abhorrent. He is manipulative, calculative, and twisted in his methods to eliminate those he believed did him wrong.

Deep within his mind exists a cruel personality that's desperate to recklessly enact his revenge, one that barely cares for whom it involves and is more than happy to slaughter everyone in his path. Knowing the problems his 'Passenger' causes, Silas willingly takes medication to hold him back.


Origin Info/Details:
Silas unfortunately doesn't have a memory of his childhood home, his parents, or even any friends to think of. The earliest memory however, was being strapped into a table and continuously given a cocktail of chemicals, drugs, and electroshock in order to create something that would presumably benefit the world. The laboratory was in Switzerland, and the pharmaceutical company that hired the facility had envisioned a body that would be both a living bank of medical conditions and diseases, and a source for the solution the world had craved for decades.

Silas was subjected to such experiments and was given several deadly disease that had the potential to wipe out a large percentage of the population should it be allowed to spread. From Silas, his body became a source for treatment and cures, and allowed research to progress faster than originally anticipated.

Silas didn't see that side, the good that had come out of the never ending pain that was inflicted on him. Constant pain, emotional distraught, and with his memories continuously fading during his time, he never knew how long he was inside for or if there was an end to the misery.

That ending came during an electrical storm and was the result of a crucial deadline coming up. The scientists and overseers increased the voltage and the dosage, but when a thunder struck the main power generator, the facility's only test subject was given a prolonged electrical shock that lasted for several seconds. The electrical explosion freed the subject, and when the scientists prepared to secure their guinea pig, Silas cast them aside before suddenly blinking himself to the otherside of the room, to the sheer astonishment of everyone, including Silas.

The man glowed, and before he could comprehend what was going on, the 'Passenger' presented himself to Silas. Twisting his mind while opening his eyes to the reality of the situation, Silas subsequently began slaughtering every single person in the facility and smeared their blood on the wall. Room by room, he learned his potential, while directing his hatred to those who had caused him pain. With the Passenger encouraging him to dangerous levels, and with the psychotic man learning his tricks at a dangerous rate, Silas showed concern when the Passenger continuously pushed him to continue his rampage on a small town nearby.

He was close to starting the rampage when a combination of the cold storm and nearby civilians caused him to not only pass out before he arrived, but was administered widely distributed anti-psychotics that suppressed the Passenger's control. He found himself to be much calmer and more relaxed, although the bitterness remained. He saw the news of his actions the next day, and found a name that had caused him so much pain.

Stowing himself away and making his way to Lost Haven, and worked himself up the ladder. Starting as a humble worker, indistinguishable from the rest of the civilians, before landing himself in the financial sector, giving him perfect access to the most deplorable souls on the planet.

Hero Type (Select one): Mystic

Power Level (Select one below): World Level

Powers (Be Specific):

Height: 5'11
Weight: 170lbs
Strength Level: Normal Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours
Agility: 2x
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Trained

Resources: Large due to his finances and job

Weaknesses: Medication needs to be taken to keep him under relative control. Without it, he becomes more dangerous and reckless, but also more vulnerable as his awareness decreases.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post:

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Indy Cooper
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Indy Cooper Deity-in-training

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I made a villain.

Character you have created: Zoé Lambert
Alias: Кузница (Kuznitsa), Wraith, Forge

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): n/a for now.
Character Alignment: Villain
Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Zoé does not give one iota of care about anyone other than herself. Having no close relations, no one she trusts enough to call friend, and no real job or other form of even marginal social contact has left her somewhat askew on what still counts as good or bad company. She's also a loner, preferring to stay in her lair and play video games, doodle, read, or other activities that require other people to participate. Part of this is the isolation her powers force on her, as even with practise she has not gotten full control of them, and tied as they are to her emotional state, her volatile temper makes her more dangerous than it would in a normal person.

She has no regard for property law, and steals whatever she desires, or the cash to get it. She maintains her cover identity only as a front for where she gets the money, and will happily buy illicit goods from whomever has them. While she doesn't take hallucinogenic drugs due to the loss of control of her powers, she is more than happy to do some of the lighter things. Whiskey, however much she might like drinking it, usually results in her having to buy new stuff or move.

Internally, Zoé is lonely, blaming her powers and not her behaviour for driving away everyone she once cared about. She misses her family, but the way they split left her very much blaming them incorrectly. She drives herself further into villainy every day, trying to drown her problems in wealth and booze, and is extremely self-destructive. If she's not stop, she may begin eroding her own rules, which include no killing women or children, no unnecessary harm (though her definition of necessary is different than the norm), and not robbing the poor. She likes to see herself as a "noble" thief, though she's as greedy as any of them. She also enjoys rubbing her getaways in the faces of heroes and the authorities, sometimes putting herself in more danger than she would normally get into even doing the job she's bragging about.

She is intelligent, far brighter than most, and enjoys logic puzzles and challenges to her mind. She's also bright enough to realise the path she's on is not one destined for a long life, but she depressive enough and far enough along to think she's stuck, and the buzz from getting away with things tends to chase away her doubts, at least temporarily. She is also smart enough to realise the advantages her stelath powers give her, and has attempted to keep them as secret as her identity, and has been so far successful at it.

While working and in combat, she tries to maintain the advantage of surprise as long as she can, manipulating civilians or staying invisible until she makes a decisive move, then fading back into obscurity when she can. If she can't, she will go for a blitz strike, creating heat, fire, smoke, and launching intense, focused attacks to stagger her opponent until they either cannot fight back or lose track of her long enough for her to slip away. She doesn't typically want to fight any longer than she absolutely has to, and will only go toe-to-toe if given no other way out. She refuses to purposefully kill, but she is well aware of how dangerous her fire powers are. She is much more comfortable using the threat of them than actually causing damage, but if she's forced to, she will not hesitate to burn those in her way.

Uniform/costume: Zoé wears normal, everyday colours and clothes when she's not working. When she is, her costume involves greys, browns, and muted other colours, varying clothes between jobs so she never has the same look twice in a row. Her body suit is black and grey with ember red seams. While the bodysuit is skintight(because that's what supers wear, right?), there are strategically placed pieces of armour, that both protect vital areas like her kidneys and joints, as well as disturb her body line enough that anyone who can see through her power can't identify her later on. She also wears a mask that covers her cheekbones, chin, eyebrows, forehead and hairline, bride of her nose, and ears, somewhat like a luchador mask. The nature of her powers make it so that she must leave the rest exposed. The body suit itself and all armour bits and made by an inventor she commisioned to be completely fireproof.

In combat, she will slag metal into plates, cool them off, and use them as armour, either keeping them on her or floating just away from her.

Origin Info/Details:

Zoé grew up very well, in a nice country/suburban home outside Orléans, and spent summers at her grandfather's vineyard along with her brother, though a fight about schooling stopped those visits when she was twelve. While she loved both her parents and her grandfather very much, the rift between them was enough to drive her to sullenness, and she began acting out more than most teenagers would, typically with petty crimes and defiance of her parent's authority. Shortly after her fifteenth birthday, she joined Les Chiens Sanglants, a local gang, and within a year had fought with her brother, had a huge row with her parents, and ran away to be with her gang full time.

Her turning sixteen, after a month with the gang, brought with it unexpected changes, her powers awakening full bloom during a fight with another girl who had insinuated she was sleeping her way up the ranks, an accusation both untrue and offensive. Not knowing what was happening, but having some instinctive grasp on her newfound abilities, not everyone was killed in the resulting blaze, but she found herself homeless. However, power called her subconciously, and after a month of practise, she had mastered all but the more subtle aspects of her powers, and swiftly turned it to making herself more comfortable.

With cunning manipulations and several low profile robberies, she amassed a small fortune, and set herself up as a "mercenary villain", handing out her number to select trustworthy individuals and remaining on call for jobs. She has worked several of these, and her front as a legitimate painter with an unknowing agent, along with private investing, covers her profits quite well. Aside from smash-and-grabs and bank robberies, she has done jobs ranging from blackmail and spy-work to smuggling small, high value items and arson. She is building a reputation as a volatile but trustworthy "co-worker", and is careful to avoid any connection to her civilian identity.

Zoé's hobbies include painting, glasswork, and pottery, cello and oboe (her parent's insistence), and video gaming. Despite her easily frustrated nature, she seems to have enough patience for these tasks. She is also fluent in her native French, Russian, and English, knows her way around a computer, is good enough with numbers to invest privately and successfully, and smart enough to cover both of her identities so their "off times" don't coincide enough to arouse suspicion. She is well versed in physics, as her powers required her to have some knowledge of thermodynamics, and she is also knowledgeable in calculus, biology, chemistry, and geology, though she has no formal secondary schooling in these subjects.

She is power hungry, and is actively attempting to learn how to be a successful criminal mastermind, though it has been slow going because of her cautionary attitude. She is willing to take the long road, however, and has set herself up with a third identity, Wraith, in order to manipulate gangs, villains, and the like and try to gain her own territory in her adopted home of Los Angeles. She is careful to only speak Russian or English on jobs, so as to avoid anyone looking for a French girl.

Hero Type: Energy (fire), Psychic, Other(maybe shapeshifter)
Power Level : World
Powers (Be Specific):
Temperature Manipulation: Zoé has extremely adept control over temperature, being able to shift the temperature in areas in the following definition:
-As small in volume as a child to as wide as she wishes;
-Within two hundred metres of her, in line of sight only:
-As fast as her maximum within a minute in a slightly exponential graph as she pours more or pulls out energy into an already energetic situation(putting more heat to heat up air that is already heating up the air around it), or as slowly as she wishes;
-The heating can begin to spread to areas out of her control;
-Temperatures between 50F(10C) to 4200F(2315.6C);
-If concentrating on an object only, she can flash the temperature up to her maximum in less than a second. She CANNOT do this to people, however, and relies on heating their clothing, weapons, armour, or the air around them.

Pyrokinesis: She can form, control, and move in apparent defiance of physics, any fires within her range, able to throw fireballs, put out or enlarge flames, start fires on flammable objects, render things fireproof(with concentration), shot jets of flames from her hands, and even go as high as doing the same with plasma. She has enough control to make shapes and little figures out of the flames, though they are not in any way independent and she has to mentally control all of their movements.

Temperature and Disease Immunity: Zoé is completely immune to all heat and cold based effects, from fire and ice, to ambient temperatures, to lasers, radiation, and the depths of space (though she'd still need proof against pressure and the ability to breathe). When infected with any sort of bacteria, virus, or other disease vector, she can heat her body to the point that the offending organism cannot survive. She also is, oddly, immune to any smoke created with her power.

Alternate Form: If pressed, Zoé can turn her body temperature up to the point where the air around her ignites, or even to the point her own flesh ignites, though this does not damage her. At this point, she is incapable of dropping the temperature around her body fast enough to counter the heat pouring off of her body. She has the capability of pushing this far higher, up to turning into a walking form of plasma, but she is too scared of it to try. With her minor telekinesis, this allows her to fly, though not at any spectacular speeds, 60mph at most

Minor Telekinesis: Anything Zoé is controlling the temperature of, she can also move about with her mind, either keeping it hovering around her, or give it enough thrust to launch somewhat like a short toss. She can do this with anything weighing up to 600lbs(272kg), and the lighter the object, the more force she can throw it with.

Minor Telepathic Imagery: Zoé has the ability to project, through broad range telepathy, the basis for any given type of person or profession she wants. So, she can project herself as a CEO who simply belong in the board meeting, the police officer who belongs at the crime scene, or the homeless person who no one pays attention to. She CANNOT take on any specific image or disguise, as this power relies more on the perceptions of others than her own. Everyone sees somewhat different things, depending on what they might believe, but on normal people it is fairly foolproof. Anyone with psychic powers is completely unaffected. People actively looking for her, who know what she looks like, have a chance of shaking this off. This obviously does not have any effect on cameras. She can project on a crowd seemingly without limit, as it subverts the viewer's perception, so there isn't much, if any, energy expenditure on her part, and while she has this going, she doesn't have to concentrate beyond maintaining what type of person she wishes to portray. This does include clothing.

Phasing and Invisibility: Zoé has the ability to shift herself in to a form that allows her to move through solid objects as easily as she would air, though in a slower way than usually. She is also invisible to the naked eye when doing this. People she moves through only feel slightly cold and hot at the same time, noticeably, though the source is indistinguishable. She cannot bring people into this form with her, but small objects (such as knives, bundles of cash, hand grenades, etc) can be in her pockets. No object she brings with her will function in this state (cameras will not take picture, guns will not fire, etc). Shifting back and forth can only be done with her whole body, not parts. When she shifts back, matter where she would be is shunted away until there is space for her. If she lets go of an object while "phased out", it returns to it's normal state after thirty seconds, not before, upon leaving her person. While phased, she can see everything in a blurred, colourless way, with very reduced depth perception, but other things trying to stay invisible cannot hide from her in this state.

Enhanced Physicality: Along with her major power suite, Zoé also enjoys enchanced agility, strength, reflexes, and speed, and although not enough to classify her as a powerhouse in those categories, she is powerful enough to stand her ground in a fist fight with some of the more physical heroes, and can easily trounce unprepared normal humans.

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 116
Strength Level: Can lift around a thousand pounds.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30 mph on the ground, 60mph flying/ 60mph level reactions.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2x normal
Agility: 5x normal
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Large: Aside from a very comfortable savings account in a Swiss Bank, she has several tens of thousands of dollars in cash stashed away, stolen goods worth a few grand in and of themselves, and invested assets that bring her close to a total of one million.

-While she is capable of melting knives, and is terrifying if she gets riled up, Zoé has no super power directly related to toughness, and if caught unawares, a single bullet does as much damage to her as to anyone else.

-As stated above, any psychic character can see through her telepathic projections

-While she may be immune to heat and cold, and can burn gases and some poisons out of her system, non-temperature poisons or heat-activated ones are still just as effective. Electricity, as well, maintains its effects, though it won't burn her so much as scramble her nerves, or, if powerful enough, give her seizures or possibly kill her outright.

-She is emotionally unstable, and can be driven over certain edges. Anyone with access to her background and sensitive details could easily push her and manipulate her.

-It is technically possible, if one could find a way to stop her powers from working, to completely disable all of them, excepting that her immunity to temperatures would carry through as a protection against her own powers. Done right, this could trap her in a block of steel.

-She still needs to breathe, eat, sleep, etc, just like normal people.

-While she is immune to smoke inhalation damage itself, anything toxic from burning materials can still harm her.

-Heat from radioactive materials may not burn her, but she is still vulnerable to all the other horrifying side effects from them.

Supporting Characters:
There are plenty of FBI and Interpol agents trying to find her, though not with much luck.
Her estranged family, living in Orléans:
-Mother: Amélie Lambert (43), works at La Scène du Meroubre as a manager
-Father: Hugo Lambert (44), works as a delivery driver.
-Older Brother: Théo (24), an accountant at a law firm in Paris.
-Younger Sister: Émile (15), still in high school, but secretly also has ice powers in almost the reverse of her sister's fire powers
-Maternal Grandfather: Gaspar Moreau (67), owns a small vineyard outside Marseilles

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yarr
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Zoe and Silas are both approved
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Legion X51
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yoink. Taking 666.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

I promised a big event. I believe that I just delivered. :D
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Hound55: You're alive! Join us on the chat!!! Bwhahaa!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Live HOUND!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Just catching up the last 9 days before posts come.

On holiday at the moment, cruising across the Pacific.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

working on some stuff
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rest of the world:

Do not piss of the supernatural.

Regard. The Supernatural.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Rest of the world:

Do not piss of the supernatural.

Regard. The Supernatural.

I agree! XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

And just when everything couldn't get any better, The Psionic Nexus has arrived.

On a serious note, its arrival is noticeable throughout the world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

And just when everything couldn't get any better, The Psionic Nexus has arrived.

On a serious note, its arrival is noticeable throughout the world.

@fdeviant, just as a heads up for you to be aware of as I didn't see a response to at least the earthquakes that have been produced :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Mercinus3>

@fdeviant, just as a heads up for you to be aware of as I didn't see a response to at least the earthquakes that have been produced :)

My current posts are a little dated so what's happening in the time of my posts isn't current time. The Hounds stuff, and consequently the Nexus's arrival, are all happening the day AFTER my latest post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


@Indy Cooper

Spotify Link: Gimmie that Fire

8tracks Link: Gimmie that Fire
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Mercinus3: One thing to note too, which I mentioned in the chat but will do again here to make sure everyone sees it.

There's also time zones to consider. While everyone felt the earthquake, there's a 3 hour difference between California and New York/Maine. And you didn't state when the quake happened which makes it hard to determine when the other characters feel it. This isn't a nitpick, but rather something I noticed. Ben's timeline, and anyone that is currently on it, is currently early in the morning (around 11 pm to 1 am right now) on likely the prior day-present now. Ben, Rune and Otto being the only ones on the present right now. I actually feel bad for him because the moon doesn't set (since according to a calendar for June, the 9th in 2017 is the only full moon, lol) until 5:44 am and he's like four hours away from it. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Is Discord down? I'm getting an error when I try to get on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Is Discord down? I'm getting an error when I try to get on.

Not right now. 0_o I'm on it as are a few others.
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