
Ashlyn Murray
Unknown, Late teens
Spheres of Death: Ash's construct is being able to make explosive spheres made of her blood that could be remotely detonated, once detonated a plethora of spikes would explode in every direction and injure or kill others if used properly
Chaotic neutral
Hot headed to be simple about her, Ash can be a hot headed person that can be easy to anger at moments, she can be very vulgar and swears almost more than a sailor on shore leave. She can be very headstrong and willing to rush into a fight without thinking about the consequences or how strong her enemy may be, her idea of good fight is punch the enemy several times till they go down even if she was hurt in the process, combined with her powers she would attack constantly not know she could just knock herself out by using her own blood to keep attacking.
Ash is a very athletic person that won't hesitate to show off her body's muscles or show off how athletic she is. She is a very big eater being able to eat several meals and count it as a single meal it's self, she apparently gotten it from her "father's" side of the family. Ash can be very irresponsible towards certain things that people give to her to watch or keep safe, either breaking said item by mistake or losing it somewhere due to negligence or forgetfulness at times.
Ash takes a very heavy handed approach to most problems that get in her way, never usually handling something the simple way, but usually going about the problem the most violent way in the most simple way she sees it. Being a heavy handed hot headed person, Ash isn't much of a smart person, she doesn't know some math that she should know, and is horrible at science and doesn't even bother thinking too much about it.
Ash was an only child that lived with her mother in Japan and a drifter of a "father", she knew she wasn't like all the other Japanese kids she went to school with when she grew taller than most of them when she was young, when the other kids figured out that Ash wasn't like them they tried to bully her and call her names.
Sadly for the kids that attempted to bully her, she beat them all up and threw rocks at them eventually getting in trouble with the principle due to hurting the other children, when her mother figured out how aggressive she was towards the other children her mother didn't flip out or even get angry she remained calm and told Ash that she was just like her "father".
While Ash was younger she never really saw her "father" and would always just hear about him most times from her mother, but she would never hear from him or get letters. When Ash was a teenager and still getting in trouble at school for beating up people and defending herself, her mother had met another woman, a Latina or Puerto Rican woman, she was from some country from the ass end of the planet that spoke a different language, Ash's mother was trying to tell Ash that the woman was gonna be her "father" to put it short.
Ash didn't like the idea, it just seemed stupid to her and weird in her mind, she got into an argument with her mother and didn't like the woman that was trying to be her new "father" but instead of handling it calmly and rationally, Ash's mother argued back and nearly suplexed her telling her to deal with it.
Ash did as her mother said and dealt with the new woman living with them, and weirdly enough Ash noticed that she and the latina woman was kinda the same in some ways, they'd put their feet up on furniture, yell at people that would annoy them, would be quick to be violent towards people that pissed them off, and would curse more than a sailor. When Kyushu was attacked and people began turning into Onyxians and Invalids, Ash's mother protected Ash and her new "Father" while they escaped to be somewhere safer on the first days of the attack.
After that day Ash never saw her mother again, the group she was with were a strange bunch of people that she didn't like, Ash decided to leave to find her mother, but as she tried to the Latina tried to stop her and told her to wait for the military to come save them, Ash brushed her off and decided not to listen to her, she wanted to find her mother instead.
When she left the other survivors, Ash gotten a look at the Invalids and the Hunters, and she gotten her first look at an Onyxian fighting against several Hunters, she was surprised by the power and skills the Onyxian man had when he fought against the Hunters single handedly. When he killed off the last Hunter with only his bare hands he turned his attention to Ash who was dumbstruck and awed by the guy's power and skill, he told her to go somewhere safe as the streets are filled with people who are out of their mind and monsters that eat people.
Ash listened to the guy without questioning him, and he patted her on the head before she went back to the others, but when she gotten back shit seemed to hit the fan, her mother had found the group luckily, but everyone was killed by someone, including her mother. As Ash looked through the bodies for anything that could tell her who or what killed everyone, the guy from earlier found her, he followed her and noticed the slaughter that happened, the guy told her that the person that killed everyone had to be an Onyxian based on the wounds that everyone had, Ash turned to him and tried to accuse him of doing it but with no real evidence.
After getting her ass kicked and being restrained by the guy, he told her he could give her the tools she needs for her to get her revenge for who killed her mother, but she would have to help him too. After slowly thinking about it for a couple minutes, she accepted his offer of help and what he actually did was give her a strain of the Onyxian virus with his own blood.
Pro Wrestler- She considers herself a pro wrestler with pro sk1llz
Enhanced strength- Not like she wasn't strong already thou
Enhanced Durability- Shes made out of bricks and concrete, naw not really but she seems like it
Bottomless stomach- She can eat almost seven meals and considers it 1 single meal it's self, she can also clear out an entire fridge in just a day really.
Athletic- Ash use to run track, play basketball, football and wrestle, she was kicked off all the other teams besides the wrestling team due to her aggressive nature and because of the other players being racist and outwardly disrespectful towards her.
Dirty fighter- Ash doesn't usually fight fair all the time, she sometimes kicks up dirt, throws sand, bites people, and kicks people in the groin.
She has a big white......Cell phone that..What did you think I was hinting at you dirty perv. A big white cellphone with dozens of apps and a solar charging app, you dirty minded bastards.
Fingerless black gloves, just too look cool, their a pretty tough pair of gloves.