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Blood type:

Birth day:





Fighting style:



(Optional) Powers:
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

アリス マレー

Name: Alice Murray

Nickname: Arisu, Hurricane Alice, Mutilator Murray

Age: 18

Gender: Hermaphrodite

Nationality: Brazilian

Blood type: B

Personality: Alice is constantly a person that constantly fights for what she thinks is right and tries to go against what is wrong to the best of her abilities, Alice tries to stay in the middle of things not showing her true side to most people. Alice unlike many people is very active and seems to almost have an unending amount of energy being able to go an entire day of fighting and action just to crash at night when she runs out of energy to keep going, Alice is a big eater being able to eat dozens of different types of foods in one serving and ask for more.

Alice has is very passionate about firearms, mostly shotguns and heavy weapons but she likes the small things that pack a punch as well, and her passion has led to her purchasing several if not many firearms that she needed to store away. The Brazilian can very irresponsible towards certain things that people give to her to watch or keep safe, either breaking said item by mistake or losing it somewhere due to negligence or forgetfulness, The Brazilian is also very unforgiving and can hold a grudge as long as death it self.

To a lighter degree Alice hates drugs that will destroy a person's life and keep them dependent on the drug, her hatred for drugs extends to the point where she would kill the people distributing and beat the users near death for offering to her. Alice on the other hand is a very foul mouthed person, after years of living with people who cursed very often and mixed up languages, ended up being just as foul mouthed as the people she grew up around and learned how to speak English from them.

Alice doesn't let her gender bring down her mood or mess up her performance, she actually believes that having both genders makes her stronger than most and extra special, but she doesn't really go around saying what she truly is and just let others thing she is what they see her as instead of ruining the image of a strong Brazilian to guy's minds and some women's minds till they get to know her real side.

History: Alice's history is pretty fuzzy, but she was born in Brazil and someone in her family was addicted to a drug that was being sold by the Yakuza in Brazil, things began to lead to other things and Alice was soon traded along with several other girls for a pallet of drugs to a brothel, at the time Alice didn't know what was happening and didn't know what would happen to her.

When the people that bought her took a good long look at Alice they saw what she was and thought they were lucky to have her, but they also sent her back to be with the Yakuza since she rarely got any customers and most weren't into her gender at the time, but while Alice was there she saw the brothel as a real home instead of a whorehouse like others would have seen it as. When the Yakuza returned to take Alice away they didn't take her away to kill her or to take her back to her home, they just inducted her into their group as a low level hench woman hoping something might happen to her or she'd get arrested.

But in the end she ended up being better than they thought she'd be, unlike the other guys she'd be tougher than them, but also had the element of surprise looking like just a regular woman or tourist to Japan, she also became skilled at shooting over time as she begin getting older and older. When Alice turned 17 she had earned her place among the Yakuza being tough and skilled in a fight and willing to take orders from the higher ups without questioning them, and in turned earned respect from the others despite being different from them in the end.

On her 18th birthday one of the higher ups said she could get rich if she were to take this one job to kill this girl, no questions asked, at first Alice thought it seemed weird because most others would just give her money when she was finished to pay her for how well the job was finished, but she was more than willing to take the offer when it was a million yen for the job to just off someone, she took the offer not knowing what she was getting into at first and got a picture of the target, along with being entered into a school and meeting up with a small blonde haired girl shark toothed girl to get a personal welcome to the school and small tour of the place and being shown her room


- Tough hand to hand fighter

- Adept marksmen

- adept motorcycle rider


-Duffle bag with an arsenal of weapons ranging from firearms to melee weapons

- Brass knuckles



Appearance: Alice stands at the height of 5'9 and weighs 200 pounds, Alice's skin tone is a dark tone in a chocolate color, under the corner of her right eye Alice has a small black mole, Alice has the fierce jade green irises of a lioness with neck length black hair and a yellow small hair pin on the left side of her hair to keep the hair out of her face and a small pointed nose of her face. Alice has a lean build with abs on her stomach, and visible muscles on her arms and legs, Alice has a naturally large bosom that earns her looks from both men and sometimes women.

Alice wears a number of different outfits and clothes as long as she can fit them, but one of the many things she wears is a yellow turtle neck sweater with a big neck roll that sometimes covers her mouth and nose to hide her identity, she wears this along with a navy blue mini skirt, under her skirt she wears a pair of blue striped underwear, on her legs she wears a pair long socks that stop at her upper thighs, on her feet she wears a pair of normal blue and white running shoes.

other: None
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Full Name: Ashley Archer

Alias: Dr.Archer

Age: 32

Rank: Doctor/ Field Medic

Occupation: Medic

Prior Service:

-Clinic pharmacist (Fired)
-Terran Federation Navy ( Dishonorable discharge )


  • Terran Federation Naval Academy
  • Terran Federation Naval medical corps
  • Holds 3 medical degrees
  • Declared enemy of the State by the Terran Federation
  • Malpractice-17 counts of it
  • Treason-1 count
  • Desertion-1 count
  • Theft-100 counts
  • Organ thefts-90 counts
  • Acts of Piracy-1000 counts
  • Murder-unknown amount

Comment: N/A
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Cole Hale
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Experimental creature
Height: 6'1
Weight: 200
Blood Type: BLK

Alignment: True Neutral
Affiliation: Asamiya Clan, himself, Russian black market, The Crimson Veil

Appearance:Cole stands at the height of 6'2, with dark skin, and cool green irises, with a squared shape face with mature, handsome, masculine facial features, he has long snow white hair that stops at his neck and sometimes gets into his eyes calm green eyes, along with matching colored eyebrows. Cole has a slim but muscular mesomorph build with visible muscles.

Cole wears a slate grey turtleneck sweater, with a thigh length navy blue zip up trench coat, on his legs he wears a pair of hunter green cargo pants with visible stitches in certain areas, around his waist is a brown belt to hold up his pants, tied tightly around his feet are new looking black sneakers that come up to mid ankles, keeping his hands warm and protected are a pair of dark brown tough leather operator gloves.

Personality: Cole is almost an unnaturally calm being almost letting nothing bother him, Cole also does not care for certain personal things that many find important like several thousand pairs of shoes or a computer, Cole can be very creative and cunning in battle and when he fights he fights relentlessly and with unforgiving brutality.

But he isn't a prude and always a serious person, Cole does smile and seem happy, and at most cracks jokes at times about the moment and about his companions but nothing to ever put them down and make them feel bad about themselves. Cole suffers from the, does what he believes is the right thing syndrome, but doesn't like being played as a fool by other people who think their more intelligent than him or better than him.

Background: All Cole remembers is that he was a young guy that was confident in his skills and abilities and grew a large ego from because of it, he soon began to learn secrets of the Russian government and in the end led to a science group and the government making him disappear as if he never existed. The government didn't try to kill him but conducted several experiments on him and never let him see the light of Day, after an experiment called chernaya krov'(Black Blood) everything else goes hazy and Cole cannot recall how he escaped or why the government isn't tracking him down on a black list.

When Cole found himself on a flight going to Japan, the plane crashed landed and Cole was pulled out of the plane thousands of feet in the air, he hit the ground hard and suffered massive injuries, but luckily he was near the Asamiya Clan's home and on the luck just increased as the clan aided him to help him get better from his injuries and in the end the man began to offer his services to the clan to help them for what they did for him.

-Superhuman strength
-Superhuman Agility
-Superhuman senses
-Superhuman durability

-Master marksmen
-martial arts intuition
-Expert Driver
-Master of dynamic entry



-Wrist mounted grapnel gun
-Cellphone and Headset

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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Jack Hunter
Gender: Male

About Me: Was in KD since he was 14, before he joined he was living his life as an anti hero fighting criminals that picked on the weak, but stealing money from the criminals to get by, he was found during the middle of a store robbery when one of the KD superiors went to buy some snacks and someone with a gun ran into the store trying to rob it, the superior was wounded by the shotgun the robber was carrying but Jack managed to survive getting shot in the chest and thrown through the store's front window, after he got up and dispatched the robber the superior made him an offer he couldn't refuse for helping him.

-Durability: Able to take more injuries than the normal person and get up from them afterwards.

-Expert marksmen
-Proficient Hand to hand combat
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Sayaka Himura

Nickname: Crispin, Crispy, Napalm

Age: 16

School Year: First

Gender: Female

Appearance: Sayaka stands at the height of 5'5 and weighs a light 100 pounds, almost ever inch of her body is covered in bright white clean bandages, her facial features are all completely covered by her bandages with an opening for her eyes so she can see, Sayaka has two bright blue eyes that look like she stole them from an innocent young girl, she oddly has messy long pale red hair outside of her bandages that stop at the middle of her back. Sayaka has a small build and thin body as well.

Over top of her bandages, Sayaka wears various amounts of baggy clothing so her movement isn't limited and stiff, Sayaka wears a large hunter green coat without a shirt showing her bare bandaged chest, she wears a baggy pair of jeans with a brown belt, she doesn't usually wear shoes but when she does it's when she goes somewhere off of the island or when she randomly goes outside, on her left wrist she wears a big digital watch that seems to always tell the wrong time.

Nationality: Japanese/French

Personality: Sayaka is a perverted girl who likes both sexes and she seems to have a one track mind to most who know her personally, shes a pyromanic that also has a fetish of burning others with her flames, mentioning that it makes her hot. Sayaka is very bashful towards people and awkward during conversations, either yelling when she speaks or speaking too low, when shes around people she doesn't know she tends to distant herself from others.

Sayaka is very sensitive about her appearance and instantly gets sadden or angry when people make fun of her, She likes to frequently play with a lighter or her lighter when she is nervous or scared. When shes in the act of burning things or people she loses her self in euphoria and can forget what shes burning whether it's a friend or an enemy, she just forget and enjoys the moment of burning everything in her area.

Bio: How Sayaka has joined the assassin academy is unknown, even to this very day the director even wonders how she became one of the students of the academy. Now for the elephant in the room, the way how Sayaka earned her bandages was from a kidnapping, when she was only ten years old, a man pretending to be a police officer took from her neighborhood in front of her friends, when her parents couldn't pay for her ransom they tried to kill Sayaka by burning her alive in a steel box when the police arrived to try and save her they at first they thought she was dead but when she screamed to life they were startled and managed to save her.

After surviving her attempt of murder Sayaka was given bandages to cover her burned flesh, when she was allowed to go home she never came out of the house to play with her friends and hardly left her room, going to school was hard for Sayaka, the other kids called her a mummy and made fun of her bandages, while a large majority of the kids just tried to avoid her, all of them ostracized her from their recess activities. Then one recess Sayaka found a new friend that she knew wouldn't judge her, in the recess yard she found a silver lighter, and when she sparked it she felt a warm feeling that felt friendly towards her.

Her knew new friend produced a bright blue flame, when recess was over she took her new friend with her inside and huddled in the corner with it, but that's when she made a mistake, she dropped her friend and fire began to spread around the class room and school, while all of the kids ran from the flames Sayaka didn't run from the fire, she stayed within it almost as if it didn't touch her and she discovered a new feeling she gotten from lighting fires. When Sayaka gotten older her skin never fully healed properly, but her hair started growing back, Sayaka became an arsonist that burned buildings with and without people in them, it began to happen so often that she actually killed targets for assassins and some assassins in her fires, but with her fires she soon was arrested and taken to jail for arson and murder, when she went to sleep in the cell she awoken on the school island.


-She has two home made wrist mounted flamethrowers that feed into a medium size box pouch filled with gasoline

- Combat knife


-Silver lighter: Filled with good old memories

-Wrist watch: Why does this thing never give the right time ?

-Lye in a bottle: It's labeled "Use only on eyes"

- Extra fuel pouch: You know for when things get too heated.


- Vast knowledge of flammable objects, chemicals, and liquids

- Adept in hand to hand combat and proficient in knife combat

- Vast knowledge of explosives

-Decent accuracy with firearms


-Fire immunity: Fire is a friend

Other: Nothing really besides friendship is burning
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Eiko Kurosawa Hunter Jr.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Revenant
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100 lbs
Blood Type: O-
Aliases/Titles: Zombie girl, Brain eater,

Appearance: Eiko stands at the height of 5'2 and weighs around 100 lbs, she has almost abnormally pale white, with bright sapphire colored irises, on her head she has almost shoulder length raven colored hair done up in a bob hairstyle, she has a small pointy nose with even paler freckles on nose and cheeks. Eiko is very petite and sports an thin build build with a small bosom, on her upper arms, thighs, and on her neck she has highly visible stitch scars.

Eiko wears a number of different types of clothing and outfits that suit her fancy, she somewhat emulates her grandpa's outfit, wearing an olive bomber jacket but with an ammo vest on the inner lining to hold extra ammo, Eiko Jr wears her old school uniform, a black sailor Fuku with an olive green kerchief instead of usual colored one, under her skirt she wears a pair of black shorts that stop above her knees and covers her thighs, on her feet she wears a pair of brown calf boots.

Personality: Like her mother Eiko Jr can be very blunt never holding back on her opinions or ideas when asked, but unlike her mother she isn't very stoic, she can be very open minded and sometimes give too much information about herself, she tends to stay neutral and tries not to get involved in things that are dangerous unless she get paid for it or drags her into it.

Background: To put it shortly Eiko Jr's mother had her but when she was young she was left with her grandfather in China and while she stayed with him she figured out that he was mercanary who fought in dozen of battles, when he taught her how to defend herself he went a bit over board and taught her how to use firearms and explosives without thinking about it, her grandpa lived near a set of slums that had several criminals.

After learning her grandpa's skills and how to fight Eiko Jr began to spread vigilante justice by killing criminals like she was a dark hero, but after a couple days after her slaughter she continued doing it on an almost on a schedule during her week and acted like nothing was going on in her life, then the unthinkable happened, they found where Eiko Jr lived and while her grandpa was out they blew up the house and killed her.

When her Grandpa came back Eiko Jr back from the dead, and after figuring out she was killed and died, then realizing what she was and figuring out what they could do for her to get peace, she and her grandfather teamed up and hunted down the guys that killed her and after bringing down 3 apartment complexes and lighting a 4th on fire killing all of their inhabitants and some vagrants, Eiko Jr didn't die again, she lived after getting her revenge.

After the mass chaos that happened in China, Eiko and her grandfather both went their separate ways with her going to Japan and him going to America, while Eiko Jr was on her own and she began to notice her powers as of being a Revenant and used her new form in fights. While On her own she began to do wet work locally without making herself high profile, when the crimson sky appeared Eiko didn't know what to make of it besides it was weird, and when the sky turned normal again Eiko didn't know what to make of it.


-Enhanced bite: After she turned into a Revenant Eiko's bite became stronger and able to bones.

-Disease generation: Inside of Eiko's body she the zombie virus, and if she bites others she can spread it to other human beings.

-Consumption healing: It will sound cliche but when Eiko eats the brains of human being or Yokai she heals her injuries.

-Pain suppression: Since Eiko's body is undead, she doesn't get hurt by many things that would hurt and or kill humans.

-Super strength

-Enhanced senses

-Enhanced durability

-Near superhuman speed and agility


-Various firearms training

-Proficient in axe combat

-Horribly deadly cooking

-Proficient in hand to hand combat


-Several knives


-Throwing knife pouch on her forearm under her jacket's left sleeve

Other: "Anything not covered by the above."
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Roxanne Maximilian Fury
Nickname: Roxy
Age: 18
Gender: Futanari
Race: None
Blood Type: Ab
Birthday: Feb 29th

Appearance: Roxy stands at the height of 5'4 and weighs around 190 lbs, she has a fair skin tone with a mole under her right eye, she has two bright blue eyes and freckles on the bridge of her small button nose and perky cheeks, on her head she has voluminous straight bleach blonde hair that goes down to her backside, Roxy has an average build with an average sized bosom, Roxy has bright thin pink lips coated in bright crimson lipstick, on her upper right shoulder she two zeros and a two in black letter font, her left arm is a robotic arm that looks like a regular arm.

Roxy wears a green cardigan with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and a black button up long sleeved shirt, she wears a navy blue skirt, with a pair of black and blue striped panties, she wears long green thigh high socks with a pair of black calf high lace up boots with bright green string, on her bare right wrist she wears a large digit watch band that somehow always tells the right time and date, around neck she two dog tags with her first middle and last name on them along with the word "Project Zulu".


Personality: Roxy is an outgoing person and open minded person, shes very easygoing and cool in moments of extreme stress and when there is a ton of chaos happening around her, She can sometimes be very talkative and crack jokes but she knows when to shut her mouth, unlike most she knows how to be rational to an edge even if hurts her emotionally or physically.

She can sometimes be lazy, enjoys drinking alcohol even malt liquor, but she can sometimes be forgetful, she sometimes has problems remembering things clearly or at all, there are moments where she can be indecisive and hesitate, but she is really tough being able to take a punch and give it back, Roxy likes to stand up for other she feels deserve fairness.

It goes without saying that Roxy is a gun nut and loves guns to the point where she almost knows the name of nearly all the guns in the world with each number with them, she tends to like bullpup guns and use shotguns, she hates weapons that take a long time to reload and makes her a target, she likes to use suppressors to keep her guns silent and always seems to have an unlimited amount of ammo and suppressors.

Roxy hates drugs and people that use others to get a head, and throw their victims under the bus, she hates people like that with a burning passion, she also hates cowardly people with the same feeling. Roxy can also be very perverted to both sexes, commenting on bugles in Men's pants and the breast in women's shirts, she sometimes even goes the length and talk about her cohort's body and if shes feeling in the mood she'll go in for a grope. Even though Roxy is a gun nut, doesn't mean shes not a good in a fist fight or not skilled in using a knife against an opponent.
History: Roxy was or is one of many of children that were born as a mistake because of sperm bank accident that resulted in her having 20 siblings born by different mothers and a single father, Roxy didn't bother getting to know any of her siblings and doesn't keep up with them, but she did meet her father one time but sadly he was dying and didn't want to see him die.

When Roxy turned 16 she lied about her age and illegally joined a program that were trying to make the perfect solder, she and almost 100 others joined the program and she was labeled number two project zulu, 60 of them were killed in the training while 30 of them nearly died from the drugs that they were given, the last 10 that survived everything were then handed over to agencies across the world.

But Instead of reporting to an agency, Roxy just became a mercenary and didn't show up to the agency she was suppose to report to, when Roxy turned 18 someone saying they knew her said that the program that she was a part of hired everyone of her siblings instead of just random people to test on them, and the last ones that went to the agencies were killed in a month's time.

The person that said they knew Roxy was actually one of her sisters who was working with the people killing them off, When Roxy met her supposed sister, she was informed about the group that was axing them off, And like a B movie actor, Roxy just went after them and killed dozens working with them leaving a giant path of blood behind her.

While she was on her killing spree her sister was captured and unlike the movies, her sister was killed by the group and Roxy had a contract bounty on her head, when she met Clair she knew that Clair was gonna be her friend, the two stole a car and raided a gunshop and the two have been together ever since then.


-CQC- Roxy knows close quarters combat off the back of her hand and knows how to flip a man or woman using their own weight against themselves.

-Weapon proficient- Roxy is very skilled in wielding firearms no matter what the size is or the recoil it could produce.

-Expert driver- If she was any better of a driver, Roxy would be able to drive with only her feet, one on the wheel and the other on the petals

-Skilled in knife combat-

-High pain tolerance-

H&K 45 pistol with a silencer

Trenched knife with spiked hand guard

-Trunk weapons-

12 pounds of C4

A box of grenades

Famas machine gun

KSG bullpup shotgun


-Black hard top convertible mustang

-left robotic arm

-Tinted aviator sunglasses

-Small note book

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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Famas

Nickname: Bullpup

Age: Possibly 12

Gender: Male

Nationality: None

Blood type: Ab

Birth day: Feb 29th

Personality: Famas is very shy and bashful, they're also very submissive and naive, Famas some times even has a problem speaking, usually they just stutter and clutter their words, they feel as if they need to follow another person's orders to survive. Famas heavily uses their powers knowing how to use them to aid who ever is ordering them.

History: When Famas was younger they were taught to be submissive and listen to someone that was stronger than them, when they 6 Famas noticed they had abilities to control firearms with telekinesis or another form that someone came up with called Gunkinesis or FirearmKineses, when Famas' parents then handed them over university to be studied on. But in only a years time the university was bought out by the country's government and Famas was in the hands of the government, the government pretended that the university was still doing test while they conducted brain surgery on the kid's frontal lobe to make them more submissive towards others who orders them around.

Weapons: None

Equipment: None

Appearance: Famas stands at the height 4'6, they weighs a measly 40 pounds, all over Famas' body there are several scars and stitches, Famas has tanned skin and half a head of hair, on the right side of their head it's completely shaven and has a large stitch like scar next to clumps of hair the left side of their head has long dark silver hair that stops just past their left shoulder.

Famas wears a white mask over their face covering their face with large straps holding it around their face, they wear a large grey over-sized hooded poncho, under the poncho Famas wears a number of black leather straps across their bare chest, on their legs famas wears a pair of small black shorts and a pair of leather straps across the base of their feet showing their toes and most of their feet.

Skills: None



-Gun Manipulation- If it's a firearm or built to fire Artillery, then Famas can use telekinesis to break the weapon down to it's base parts and turn it on it's owner, Famas can even stop bullets in mid air with their manipulation.


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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Astraea Amygdala


Male Looks female




Astraea is all about justice, he is very skilled in using a sword and a bow, Astraea looks up to the people older than him, Astraea is a quick learner, if he sees how someone does something or if he is taught something he can get the hang of it in a snap. He knows that he looks like woman and sounds like one as well, but he will tell others that he's not a female, if mistaken for a woman he will act shy and nervous kind of like a woman would become in certain moments.

Astraea's origins are pretty unknown, he was found in the Rivenwood by a knight that believed that Astraea was a little girl, the Holy knight took Astraea back to civilization and gave him his name before figuring out that Astraea was a boy, when Astraea gotten a little older, the kingdom he lived in was attacked, and his father figure was killed as he escaped from the kingdom with a number of survivors, he soon became a holy knight in memory of the man that he thought was his father He then went on a Quest to find ancient relics.


-Radiance: A number of small bright lights looking like small stars appear above Astraea and come down around him and explode and leaves him safe

-Nova flash: Astraea makes a bright flash of light that can blind most looking directly Astraea.


- Proficient swordsmenship

- Proficient in Archery

- Adept in horseback riding


- Halbert

- Simple wooden bow


Pack filled with the basic necessities and a strong brown horse

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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ashton "Ash" Apollo
Nationality: American
Class: 2A

Occupation: Teacher
Weapons: Bare hands
Current Location: Roof


Personality: Ash considered himself a hard teacher and would usually be very blunt and very harsh with his students, but only to make sure that they gotten the subjects that he taught them, he was one of the teachers that would keep a student after class and yell at them to get the problems right while doing his best to teach who ever isn't getting it.

He can sometimes be very heavy handed in his approach on teaching students and would protect his students to the best of his abilities, he may come off as a harsh thug but he means well in the end, Ash is smarter than he looks and thinks more about the future than he thinks about the past. Under his harsh and almost brute like exterior Ash is a kind and almost a selfless person, almost, he will look out for his students, but he won't get himself killed to save someone that he knows he can't save.

Background: If you were to tell Ash when he was 16 that he'd be a teacher he'd tell you your an idiot. Ash was one of the guys in highschool that thought he wouldn't be doing much as soon as school was over for him, he figured that he'd get a cool job that he'd love to do, but his parents forced him to got to college and get a teaching degree so he could be a teacher and not get in trouble on the streets to become a thug and or a bum, or go nowhere with his life.

His years at college went by very slowly for him and when he was finished his years, he moved away from his parents and out of the state so he wouldn't be around them and so he could make his own choices, the place he went to was Japan, he went to work for a school in Japan to teach some of the Japanese students English and hoped to teach another subject over time if the school would have him, when They attacked Ash was tracking down one of his failing students and deafen them with yelling and tell them to get their grades together.
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Akatsuki Academy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Kira Bloodworth

Age: 17


Personality: Prideful, to say the least, Kira is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, cold, blunt, and reserved. Kira has a great interest in Japanese culture, finding it both silly but yet orderly and competent and wishes to learn more of it. Kira has a fascination with abstract paintings and ancient medieval equipment, one of her favorite pieces of equipment is a ōdachi.

While being a calm and prideful, Kira asserts herself when she speaks to others, towards some others, she can come off as speaking down to them. Despite being female Kira considers herself a prince instead of a princess, she believes that princesses are annoying, gets in the way, causes trouble, and lastly are stupid. Kira knows she has the correct traits to be considered a Prince and has plans for her father's kingdom when he steps down.

Bio: Kira hails from a small island kingdom in the southern Indian Ocean, the kingdom is ruled by Kira's father in a monarchy with one of her male siblings destined to take the throne. When Kira turned thirteen, she noticed how much of an impact being a princess was when it came down to big decisions within the kingdom, mostly her brothers or father would make the larger decisions while she and her sisters would usually spend their days fooling around. Feeling that it was only her family that had this issue Kira didn't pay it any mind, but the day when she and her family gone across seas to see other kingdoms, she noticed the same exact situation she had with her family happening to other royal families.

On her Fourteenth birthday, she decided to be a Prince and have all of her subjects consider her as so. Both her parents slowly accepted her choice to called a male and to help make bigger decisions, After helping her father improve the kingdom's economy, education system, and it's island's mining efficiency in three long stressful years. On her seventeenth birthday, Kira's butler presented her with an odd letter after the birthday celebration, within the oddly colored envelope was an invitation to a Japanese school, after getting most of it translated and making a last second decision Kira accepted the invitation.

Specialty: Super Duper Highschool Prince


Danganronpa Despair at its finest
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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