Geurchville, Louisiana. A small, stagnant village, surrounded by murky swamps and crooked trees. A settlement rife with crime and poverty, still suffering in the aftermath of the closure of the Robert and Sons boat yard. When legitimate business began to fizzle out, the Laurent Family stepped in, and Geurchville slowly started sinking beneath a wave of organized crime; rising up around it on all sides, like so much swamp water.
In generations gone by, the Laurents were considered to be little more than white trash vandals, but they’ve taken Geurchville’s failings, and twisted them into their own successes. The production and distribution of Cannabis has given the Laurents a means to strong arm their way into the larger criminal underworld, forming a partnership with drug cartels, further down south.
Whilst local law enforcement fought long and hard to crack down on the Laurents, the up and coming crime syndicate has become a much stronger guarantee of a steady wage than any other establishment in all of Geurchville, so it didn’t take long before individual officers starter turning a blind eye to their extralegal activities, and from there it was only too easy to get the Sheriff in the Laurent’s pocket. As Geurchville was transformed into a hornet’s nest of thugs and delinquents, huge swathes of lowlife troublemakers became drawn toward the once peaceful village, in search of a place where the drugs were cheap, and the laws lax.
It was around this time that things took an even greater turn for the worse in Geurchville.
Some time in March of 2016, the one percenter biker gang “The Bloody Moons” rolled into Geurchville, and a new era of crime and chaos came screaming down upon the unsuspecting village.
It wasn’t long before the Laurents and the Bloody Moons started butting heads, and it took only a few weeks before things escalated into brutal, bloodthirsty violence. With the Bloody Moons running their own illegal operations, in the form of gun smuggling and pushing heroin on Geurchville’s grimy streets, months of heated conflict have dropped both factions in a point where a full on gang war seems inevitable.
With Geurchville’s future on the rocks, only one thing is certain; things are bound to get worse from here on out.
Welcome to Geurchville is a sort of slice of life RP, set in a fictional village in the state of Louisiana, USA. The plot revolves around the rising tensions between the Laurent Family and the Bloody Moon gang, with players able to pick a side in the conflict, or place themselves somewhere in between.
Despite involving heavy elements of crime and violence, a focus will be placed on at least partial believability, and character development. If you want to play a flawless ninjas assassin, this probably isn’t the game for you. Equally, I’d much rather have a small group of committed players than a large roster of inactive members, so if you’re not sure that you can spare enough time to properly get engrossed in the RP, it might be worth giving this one a miss.

Character Sheet
Please post applications in the OOC tab. The CS tab is for accepted characters. Feel free to get creative with the template, so long as the fundamentals are still intact.
Appearance: (Short, physical description of your character/picture/both. No manga, please.)
Personality: (A couple of paragraphs to describe how your character behaves, and what drives them. The more detail the better, although I don’t expect an essay.)
Bio: (A brief synopsis of what got your character to this point, and how they function within Geurchville. They can be a previous resident, or somebody who arrived only recently.
As with before, brownie points for detail.)
Other: (Any other notes, pieces of information, etc that you wish to include)
Appearance: (Short, physical description of your character/picture/both. No manga, please.)
Personality: (A couple of paragraphs to describe how your character behaves, and what drives them. The more detail the better, although I don’t expect an essay.)
Bio: (A brief synopsis of what got your character to this point, and how they function within Geurchville. They can be a previous resident, or somebody who arrived only recently.
As with before, brownie points for detail.)
Other: (Any other notes, pieces of information, etc that you wish to include)