Avatar of Glitter Guppy


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8 yrs ago
By order of me, Lady of the Lore, I am not allowed to go to bed until I finish this post on pain of *insert creative punishment here*.


::Who Is Glitter Guppy?::

Hi! I'm Lor. I've been role-playing since 2006, bouncing around between multiple sites, dipping my toes in different creative pools. In fact, I've been a long-time RPG member (PlaysWithFire was my old name, if anyone recognizes that {probably not}), but lost track of the website after the multiple crashes a few years ago and ended up taking a break from this website. I'm big into Sci-Fi and Fantasy (Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, The Tudors, Harry Potter, True Blood, Spartacus, etc), so naturally that's what I love to write about, but I'm also a fan of mixed historical fiction and apocalyptic of any flavor.

I love to write complicated damsels, both distressing and in distress. I'm a huge believer in the power and ability of the ordinary human race, and I like to try and integrate that into my work when I can. I don't much care for blatant horror or gore writing, but I won't shy away from getting my hands dirty or shedding some In Character blood when needed.

I go with the flow during story progression and don't make a big deal about anything unless someone's being purposefully mean or troll-y. Outside of writing, I am a child of the Performing Arts (voice, piano, dance, acting, etc) and a huge pasta enthusiast. I go to Sci-Fi/Fantasy conventions around the USA and costume as various characters from films and TV, I play a variety of MMOs (7 Days To Die, Guild Wars 2, WoW, SWTOR, etc) and games (Halo is a favorite, as is Mass Effect and The Sims 4). I LOVE music, it inspires me when I'm creatively blocked and calms me when I'm freaking out on an airplane, and it's not hard to trigger my Excitable Mode. I fangirl over good stories and fun characters SO hard. <3

I'm more of a player and not a very good leader, so I prefer to respond and react instead of guide or control a narrative (OOC and IC), but I'll do my best to fill whatever role the group needs at the moment. Smaller groups are better, I get overwhelmed easily so I have to work to make sure I don't over-promise and ensure burnout doesn't happen. Not to say I CAN'T do giant groups, I just prefer smaller. :P

::My Role-Play Preferences::
  • Interested In: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure, Supernatural (not the TV show) and Paranormal Phenomena, Post Apocalyptic, Historical Fiction, and I'm sure this list will grow!
  • SLOW POSTER! You have been warned.
  • I prefer smaller groups (in my experience, anything greater than 5 or 6 writers gets absolutely lost in translation), I enjoy one-on-one as well.
  • I also enjoy forming OutOfCharacter bonds with other writers.
  • I tend to treat character applications as works of art, and like to spend some time crafting them.

::Role-Play Exclusives::
Things To Know When Writing With Me
  • I am a VERY slow poster due to offline circumstances, but I AM paying attention, so rest assured I will post for you at my earliest convenience and will try not to hold anyone back. If this is a problem for you, talk to me, we'll work something out.
  • I try to keep OOC communication flowing, so if I'm going to be offline for a bit, I will try to let you know.
  • I always say quality over quantity. That said, I do tend to make Starkiller-sized opening posts, but try to keep things smaller after that. If you have trouble post-splicing my words or need clarification on something, ask away! Happy to explain.
  • I am a big fan of both spontaneous unplanned RP and pre-planned RP. If you have ideas for something, even if you think it doesn't work or sounds crazy, please share!
  • I am happy to offer other methods of communication if we're involved in a plot together and you need to reach me quickly. I use Discord, let me know if you'd like my info, and don't mind looking into your preferred application if that don't work for you.

Most Recent Posts

With more than a little hesitation, the motley crew atop the speeders flanking Abilene exchanged a few glances. No one seemed overly keen on approaching the loading ramp situation now that the spacer and his crew had back-up.
The lead on the left jerked his head towards the cargo, motioning for the right to go first.
The right just shrugged at him.

Given her situation, Eryn was a billion percent not fond of making moves that might attract any measure of attention, but the woman had a schedule to keep and she had no patience for gutless morons.
She pushed away from the speeder driver in front of her and slid off the vehicle, making sure her boots were heard hitting the ground. With the helmet on over the hood and the mask covering the lower half of her face, the only thing that set her apart from the others was her height.
As she suspected, the movement set the others into motion. Now all she had to do was follow the others and blend in.

Trailing close behind the speeder leads, Eryn kept her head down but her awareness up as she began helping load the cargo, studying the scene, making mental notes, looking for openings or things she might be able to use down the line.

The rival crew caught her interest. She noted the way they rallied around the wounded captain, the stubborn steel in his words as he stood once more, the sharp, calculating gaze of the older one. Eryn knew a soldier when she saw one. She could almost see the calluses on his soul, the weight of what he’d been through in the tension through his frame. The woman was the most intriguing, not much taller than Eryn herself, hair red as a laigrek’s eye. If Eryn hadn’t heard otherwise, she’d have assumed SHE was the leader of the group, commanding their back-up firepower with the unwavering diamond spine of someone who knew real power. But there was nothing…arrogant about it. If she was putting on a show, she was a damn good actor.

She caught sight of at least two others, but she couldn’t get a decent look without craning her neck, and the last thing Eryn wanted to do was draw more attention. She was hoping they’d have to board the ship to collect everything, giving her time to find a spot to stow herself…

Eventually, when all was loaded and the exchange had ended, no one would be able to find the short new member of Abilene’s cronies. Not that anyone was looking. She’d done a decent job of making herself forgettable. But the speeder crew would be short one grimey lackey, and nobody on that blasted rock would give a bantha’s ass about it…
She was up and moving long before the arriving ship’s metal touched the ground, leaving behind a mess of tarps and empty noodle packages stuffed into a corner of her shelter-pipe.

Watching the aircraft break clouds overhead after such a long stretch of waiting felt like hope again as she slid nimbly down her planned escape route, tempering the rising bubble of relief and elation in her chest. Best not to get ahead of herself. She hadn’t even seen the thing up close yet, nothing to be relieved about until she was hidden inside.
If she could even get inside. Personal starships and smaller freighters were tougher to get into than the huge star liners or refugee transports. The bigger they flew, the more space to go unnoticed. Run-of-the-mill spacers were either paranoid with great security, or stupidly overconfident with none.
Hopefully, this crew was the latter. Guess she’d find out soon enough.

Still. It was a chance off this rock. That alone felt good enough.

Adjusting the black mask over the lower half of her face, Eryn hastily stuffed her dark greasy hair into her hood and pulled it up over her head, sticking to the shadows as she looked for her opening to join the sparse flow of beings along the main causeway. A handful of them were armed to the teeth, probably looking more intimidating than they actually were. Much like her old crew, actually. Overconfident and focused on personal glory. ‘Gotta look the part’ kind of people. One or two were wearing long necklaces with what looked like a giant tooth at the end.
The same kind of tooth she’d seen buried in the captain’s face as the rest of ‘The Wyvern’s crew scattered in every direction.
Eryn curled her lip in mild disgust at the amulets. Far too clean and way too white to be something they’d actually ripped from the skull of the creatures prowling outside the city limits. Probably bought them in souvenir shops or paid for them from crafters.

She took a moment to glance at the small datapad she’d swiped from a bar patron days ago, scrolling past various galaxy-wide bounty postings to the more local information available to all. And there it was, right at the top.
Wanted: Dead. Credits for intact creature heads. Make money protecting the colony! Prices negotiable based on size of head. [Active]

The whole reason ‘The Wyvern’ had landed here in the first place. Crowing about how it would be easy money, how they could taste the credit chits already, ‘we’ll make this colony worship us by the end of the day’, etc.
Karkin’ dumb lot o’ trash. But, trash was easy to fool, and easy to control if you knew how. No one bothered her after she dismembered the Mon Calamari galley ‘cook’ who’d attempted to throw hands after accusing her of stealing ‘more food than she was worth’. She displayed random bits of him outside the small corner of the cargo bay she’d claimed as her own, and never walked the ship without both weapons drawn.
Certainly didn’t make her popular, but Eryn wasn’t there for buddies and comradery.

She tucked the screen back into the small pack on her back, eying the passing armed ‘bigwigs’ as they clinked and clattered past her, bristling with the same measure of cocky attitude that had seen ‘The Wyvern’ crew to their deaths.
She joined them, pulling smoothly from the shadows and blending unnoticed into the lineup, matching their stride and their attitude.
See? Easy to fool.

Her hunch was right. They were headed towards the exit, and by the looks of the groups they were joining up with, they were there to hunt.
If she could tail them safely, they’d make fantastic bait for what lay outside the city, and with the beasts distracted by such a large party, she’d have a chance at making it to that ship without too much risk.
It was plan-as-you-go, fly by the seat of your pants for now.
For what felt like the ninety-ninth time today, Eryn wriggled out from under the elevated concrete slab and propped herself up on her elbows, pulling out the broken binocs she’d swiped from the trash three buildings over. She closed one eye over the cracked eyepiece and dragged a hopeless, practiced gaze across Abilene’s surface with the other.
Nothing new. No ships. No way out.
Oh my god. What a surprise. She just couldn’t even.

Disappointment had died days ago for her. Couldn’t even muster annoyance anymore as she dropped the binocs back on the tarp next to her and shimmied back under the makeshift slab shelter like some kind of crab returning to its shell. It wasn’t comfortable, but finding the concrete outcrop atop one of the only three story buildings in this dusty outpost had been a much needed shot of luck for her. The area was undisturbed, playing wall-less closet to a collection of old mining gear long past its expiration date, and with the way the slab had shifted over the top of the building, it offered her a vantage point without risk of being seen. Not a bad protection from any elements, either. From there, laying on her stomach with binocs in hand, she could track anything coming into Abilene from land or sky, and track she did.

So far, the only thing even remotely interesting going or coming past the town’s edge was the young couple sneaking off to make out undisturbed every other night.

Stupid teenagers.
She stared up at the damp concrete above her, running a finger across the multiple slashes in the arm of her leather jacket. Traced how wide and jagged each one was. Felt the dried blood still flaking off the leather under her touch. Brushed at the thick scar marks now knitted into her flesh.
Remembered the screams of her old captain.

Really stupid teenagers. They knew what was out there, and they still snuck out.
Not like she actually cared, though. Not her problem. They’ll die or they won’t. No one here mattered unless they were a way off this rock, and Abilene definitely wasn’t bustling with off-world activity.

“Not. My. Problem,” she breathed quietly as she scratched another line into the tally above her head with a bit of metal, a shower of concrete dusting her like snow.
Thirteen days.
Thirteen karking days and no end in sight.
A very, very small part of her had hoped at the beginning that whatever crew had survived and taken ‘The Wyvern’ would realize she was still alive and come back for her. They’d seen her during the chaos, she knew a few had.
After day four, that hope fizzled out, replaced by vivid, violent scenarios of what she’d do if she ever saw any of them again.

A rogue gust of wind rushed over her hiding spot, toying with the edge of the tarp she hadn’t dragged under the shelter. The sound drew thoughts of the instant noodle packages she’d stolen from one of the kitchens down the street, and the way her stomach growled, there was no denying it.
Time for dinner.

The one problem with this slab-shelter thing? You couldn’t sit up. Or, it would have been a problem for someone else.
Eryn contorted like a worm folding in on itself, her flexible Sorrusian bones briefly turning her into something out of a horror film as she reached around her feet to grab one of the brightly colored noodle packages.
It was gone in under two minutes, raw and crunchy, and the tiny heating pack included for cooking was activated and tucked into the breast of her shirt. The tiny bloom of warmth felt nice.
Eryn tucked the ripped packages into the stack at the edge of the shelter, stacking the rocks atop them like paperweights just in case of wind, and flipped herself back around to war-crawl towards the outcrop once more, enjoying the heat of the spice at the back of her throat. Felt better than dust. Tasted better than dust, which was all Abilene had to offer her up here.

Soon, she was perched, binocs in hand for the hundredth time today. Maybe this time. Maybe this time, someone would come.
She panned down out of habitual movement. There they were, sneaking out again. Stupid. Ugh.

Maybe this time.

Hi guys!

Another one of deegee's old crew trickling in, here. <3 Just saying hi for now, I'm loving all the posts, it's been a long time since I read anything that excited me so. Looking forward to joining you guys next time a spot opens up! Working on a CS here and there. Meantime, just here to be the cheerleader and enjoy the story. ^_^
March 15, 2018 - Framingham, Massachusetts - Walmart Checkout Area

“Well, Ryan…” Bri huffed a little as she hauled Grant slowly to his feet, trying to keep her body upright, front-facing and one arm free in case their new ‘friend’ needed a stabilizing knife to the face. Struggling to support Grant gave her some verbal cover as she tried to come up with a polite response. Weird how fast your casual communication skills disappear when your only blessed source of chatting knows you like the back of his hand. They could have a whole conversation with a single look. Who needed words when you were that close?
She supposed a name exchange would be a good start.

“Briana, Grant,” she gestured in introduction, still keeping a wary distance. Cool and calm. Clearly Ryan hadn’t had much interaction either. “I guess thank you for the help with the rots.” She shot Grant an understanding look. “I don’t blame you for swinging at us first, asking questions later. Can’t be too careful. But we’re not here to hurt anyone or cause problems,” she finished quickly, in case he was rethinking his apologies for Grant’s attack. “Just needed a few supplies.”

The edges of Bri’s vision began to smooth out as the adrenaline faded. She hesitated a moment before sheathing her knife in a clear sign of ‘I’ll Trust You Enough For Now’, and nodded to the basket of items on the floor near Ryan. It had spilled, sending socks, spices and a few other items Bri had gathered rolling. “Promise we didn’t take more than we needed, but we DO need it, and then we’ll leave you in peace.”

Making sure Grant had a solid hold on the checkout counter, she very slowly went about gathering her strewn items and tucking them into her backpack, every movement deliberate as she narrated what she was going to grab next the closer she got to Ryan. As the last of the adult pre-moistened washcloths was zipped away, Bri gave him a small smile and backed away next to Grant. “Electronics, huh?” She threw her best friend a look, an ironic glint in her eye. “Maybe you know how to fix an old CD player? I found one a while back, got the batteries for it, just can’t figure out why it won’t work–”

Through the boarded up front doors of the Walmart came the sound of a vehicle, a voice following shortly.

Bri froze.

When she’d said she understood Ryan’s fear and uncertainty about strangers, she’d meant it. Because the only thing potentially worse than rotters…was other people.

She looked at Grant, then Ryan, who’d suddenly become part of their group in her mind because he was less of an unknown than whatever was outside in that car. Grant wasn’t much for a fight right now, and Ryan had proven to be something of a loose cannon…but he did know the store, and that was a point on their side.
“I’m assuming no one wants to meet the newcomers?” She quietly crept to the front doors, peering through a shard in the wood paneling, but the glass was too fogged and shattered to see anything. “Ryan? Know somewhere we can hide in here while we wait for Grant to heal up a bit?” she whispered.
Grant did his best to look around to where Bri was. "What are you doing?" His voice was a bit raspy when he answered her, "You need to get out of here." He could feel that he was getting colder and he knew that he was injured enough that he might slow her down and that was the last thing that he wanted. He knew that if she tried to untie him that it would leave her even more vulnerable to an attack from this guy and he couldn't have that. Of course he said he just wanted them to leave but could he really be trusted? He did hit Grant in the back of the head and then hog tie him.

He could still feel the blood trickling down his head and dripping off the side, and he was sure at this point there was a sizable pool that had formed, those head wounds always bled so much. To Bri it must have looked awful. "Take my bag and go before he gets you too." He knew that she probably wouldn't listen but he also knew that she would know he was serious. Even in his worst moment his only priority was to protect her from danger, it was all that he could think about at the moment.

Checkout Counter #6, Walmart, Framingham, Mass.

She was close. Close enough that he could smell her. (Degree Antiperspirant, $3.99, aisle 3A.) Wait. Was that her? Blood on the floor. His. Grant-package's. (Band-Aid brand plastic coated self-adhesive bandages, box of 50, $5.99, aisle 3B.) No. Nonononononono... Not her. Something else, smelly. His focus was on them, on her... but his ears were elsewhere. (St. Elsewhere, box-set, season one, $29.99, aisle 28) **quietly, almost hissing** "not NOW, dammit..." He could pinpoint a sound now. It was in women's underthings, just inside the main entrance. **still very, very quietly** "Your fault. Your fault. Your. Fault. Yours. Bad. Yourfault. You and Grant-package. 'least two of them. Stinkers in the naughty garments. Leaker needs new hosiery... cleanup, aisle 2 please..." Very, very slowly, with his off-hand, Ryan reached into a coat pocket and withdrew a set of dikes (Milwaukee, $11.99, aisle 17, Automotive) and as he swivelled the wavering gun barrel toward the ladies' naughty garment section, held them out for the woman to take. Held them as if touching her or touching them while she touched them would mean certain transmission of cootiees. "Cut him out. There'll be more coming. Always more. Always when there's fresh meat. Aisle 10. Delicatessen / Butcher..."

@The DudeMan @Lady of Lore

Oh. Oh God, not NOW!! Dammit, they’d cleared the store! Where had they come from?! Of all the worst possible times…
But of course it was now. Long before the world fell apart, people thought it cruel and unfair. Little did they know how good things were.

“Quiet,” Bri hushed Grant as she swiped the pliers from the crazy-man’s hands and set them to work on the bonds holding her friend, whipping her head around every once in a while to check the surroundings… and the man with the gun. The way he spoke, the aisle numbers, something about him not being ‘done’ with something, made her wonder if he’d worked here before everything went to hell. Had he been here this whole time by himself? Could explain the severe mental instability—

A wet, ragged groaning from the ‘naughty garments’ aisle interrupted her musings just as the pliers clipped through the last of Grant’s bonds. She almost flinched instinctively as something knocked over a stand, worried Gunman might lose it and pull the trigger by accident. Bri stuffed the pliers in her jacket pocket and crouched over Grant, hands gently but purposefully checking him for injuries. “Pain? Nausea? Sleepiness?” She found the gash in his head, patting it with a cotton pad. “Can you move? You may need to move…”
Her heart was present, but her mind was already on the impending rotter situation.
Grant was down. She’d HAVE to fight. No way around it. Could drag Grant to safer place if need be. Leave basket behind, can grab it once the risen are taken care of. The addition of Gunman made it more complicated. Unstable. Unpredictable. Unknown. Can’t trust to help her. Had to protect Grant from him, too.

Her thought pattern ended abruptly, that adrenaline-fueled clarity kicking in. Hyper-aware of everything, she turned an ear upwards, listening.
They were getting closer.
“Stay down, G, I’ll be fine, ok?” she hissed at Grant as she tiptoed over to pick up her machete once more. Bri came to stand beside Gunman, but not too close, her movements slow and steady. “Hey,” she whispered, gesturing towards his gun with a shake of her head. “Too noisy. That’ll draw more, we need to stay quiet. Use something else. We need to hunt them down before they get to—”

Too late.

What rounded the corner looked more like giant moldy SPAM than something that used to be human.
And it brought friends. Just four. But even one was dangerous enough.

Bri didn’t hesitate as the small pack of rotters broke apart, two heading for Gunman, one with arms stretched out towards Bri in a death-hug. The last one gurgled from behind the others, awkwardly attempting to move forward. She glided towards ‘hers’, noting the ‘new item, half price’ tags dangling from its clothing, the way its gaping mouth hung at a weird angle as if its jaw was broken. She punched a hand against its chest to keep it at arms length, feeling its ribs give beneath her palm with a soggy SCRUNCH as she jammed the tip of her blade through the bottom of its jaw. It was an easy push upwards into the brain.

Gore drizzled downwards.
Bri waited for it to fall, smashed its head with her boot heel just to make sure, and turned around.
There she was. klak. klak. Her boots on the tile. Her light wasn't helping the matter, and for a moment, he considered just pulling the trigger. Two of them. Two would mean trouble. Two would mean more will come. More would mean the stinkers. Trouble. Trouble... he couldn't trust her. Sure, sure. Not looking for trouble. klak.

"Like the others. Right..." Easy... easy... game-face. (cosmetics, foundation, $6.99, aisle 6 -- 'beauty products.') "Shut up!" Sometimes that voice was just too present. too close. Bad timing. Did I say that out loud? The light... her light (C-cell batteries, checkout #3 display -- place where you just whacked Dude with an Edger -- $24.99, aisle 17 -- 'garden implements') "I said cut it OUT!" ...was still lingering close at-hand, so that he couldn't focus. klak. The gun wavered in his hand a little, aimed at her (general location.) The barrel of the gun looked big... dangerous. Dirty. Like it was ready to deliver infection and pain. The fact that it quaked slightly in his (nervous? sick?) hand did her no favours, though the fact that he wasn't pointing directly at her, but only vaguely at her, was of some consolation.

"y-you just need to go. Away from here. Take your friend and leave. I-I just don't want to have to kill him. Or you. But you can't stay. Can't. I'm just not done, see? If I was done, you could stay, and it'd be swell." His face loses all emotion. "But I'm not. So you can't. Go." (bullets, security counter, no listed price [NFS!] -- you can always replenish...) "SHUT. UP!"

March 15, 2018 - Framingham, Massachusetts - Walmart

The room was spinning and he felt the cold on the open wound beginning to seep in as the blood began to drip all over the tiles around him. He blinked a few times as his eyes finally came somewhat into focus and he looked up to see his attacker crouched holding a gun and he could hear Bri approaching. He tried to free himself without gaining too much attention from the gunman but he was still kind of out of it and the more he struggled the more he felt himself losing consciousness. He had to help her, he had to do something but at the moment he was completely powerless to do anything. He could call out to her, he could warn her of the gun, but what would this guy do if he did that? He could try to tell her to run but would this guy shoot her in the back? He did hit Grant in the back so it's possible. He was getting desperate to step in, he struggled once more to no avail. His eyes began to well as the image of Bri being shot ran through his mind over and over again. He couldn't let that happen, he wouldn't. "Please--" his voice was weak but sincere, "Sir. Please. Don't hurt her." He pleaded. "Tell her to go. Do what you want to me, but please don't hurt her." He didn't know what else to do, he wasn't strong enough to break his bindings and he didn't want to risk her safety by calling to her or allowing her to do something heroic. So he pleaded and stared at the man as he laid in a growing pool of blood becoming dizzier and more light headed by the second. He felt tired, he felt weak, but he fought the urge to close his eyes and sleep until he knew that Bri would be safe. At least for now.

March 15, 2018 - Framingham, Massachusetts - Walmart

Bri crouched momentarily, placing the flashlight on its end, beam reaching for the ceiling. It cast her immediate surroundings in a dim, dusty grey light, brushing the edges of each shape in a soft blur.

Somewhere under the layers of adrenaline, her heart sank a little for the man with the gun. The way he spoke, the tone in his voice… she’d heard it before, or at least variations of it at work. There was something broken about it. But then, weren’t they all a little broken now? Survival changed you. For better or worse, it changed you no matter who you were before. Those that say it doesn’t are lying.

“We’ll leave, you have my word,” she reassured him in gentle tones, leaving her machete on the ground near the flashlight. She couldn’t see details, but the way his hand lightly shuddered was enough for her to put her weapon down. Any sign of a threat from her wouldn’t be received very well, for sure. “May I go to him? I’ll check him over and make sure he can walk and then we’ll be gone before you know it.” The young woman didn’t wait for an answer. Prudent to be cautious, yes, but she had no idea the extent of Grant’s injuries. For all she knew, he could have minutes to live. Slowly, casually, keeping her hands in a meek way, she knelt next to her best friend and tried to assess without touching him. “Grant? Where does it hurt? Can you move?” she asked calmly.
Thanks for the poke, this looks like a lot of fun! <3 Will definitely be keeping an eye, thinking about a possible character. :)
Sounds like my kind of fun! Will be watching. <3
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