Avatar of Glitter Guppy


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8 yrs ago
By order of me, Lady of the Lore, I am not allowed to go to bed until I finish this post on pain of *insert creative punishment here*.


::Who Is Glitter Guppy?::

Hi! I'm Lor. I've been role-playing since 2006, bouncing around between multiple sites, dipping my toes in different creative pools. In fact, I've been a long-time RPG member (PlaysWithFire was my old name, if anyone recognizes that {probably not}), but lost track of the website after the multiple crashes a few years ago and ended up taking a break from this website. I'm big into Sci-Fi and Fantasy (Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, The Tudors, Harry Potter, True Blood, Spartacus, etc), so naturally that's what I love to write about, but I'm also a fan of mixed historical fiction and apocalyptic of any flavor.

I love to write complicated damsels, both distressing and in distress. I'm a huge believer in the power and ability of the ordinary human race, and I like to try and integrate that into my work when I can. I don't much care for blatant horror or gore writing, but I won't shy away from getting my hands dirty or shedding some In Character blood when needed.

I go with the flow during story progression and don't make a big deal about anything unless someone's being purposefully mean or troll-y. Outside of writing, I am a child of the Performing Arts (voice, piano, dance, acting, etc) and a huge pasta enthusiast. I go to Sci-Fi/Fantasy conventions around the USA and costume as various characters from films and TV, I play a variety of MMOs (7 Days To Die, Guild Wars 2, WoW, SWTOR, etc) and games (Halo is a favorite, as is Mass Effect and The Sims 4). I LOVE music, it inspires me when I'm creatively blocked and calms me when I'm freaking out on an airplane, and it's not hard to trigger my Excitable Mode. I fangirl over good stories and fun characters SO hard. <3

I'm more of a player and not a very good leader, so I prefer to respond and react instead of guide or control a narrative (OOC and IC), but I'll do my best to fill whatever role the group needs at the moment. Smaller groups are better, I get overwhelmed easily so I have to work to make sure I don't over-promise and ensure burnout doesn't happen. Not to say I CAN'T do giant groups, I just prefer smaller. :P

::My Role-Play Preferences::
  • Interested In: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure, Supernatural (not the TV show) and Paranormal Phenomena, Post Apocalyptic, Historical Fiction, and I'm sure this list will grow!
  • SLOW POSTER! You have been warned.
  • I prefer smaller groups (in my experience, anything greater than 5 or 6 writers gets absolutely lost in translation), I enjoy one-on-one as well.
  • I also enjoy forming OutOfCharacter bonds with other writers.
  • I tend to treat character applications as works of art, and like to spend some time crafting them.

::Role-Play Exclusives::
Things To Know When Writing With Me
  • I am a VERY slow poster due to offline circumstances, but I AM paying attention, so rest assured I will post for you at my earliest convenience and will try not to hold anyone back. If this is a problem for you, talk to me, we'll work something out.
  • I try to keep OOC communication flowing, so if I'm going to be offline for a bit, I will try to let you know.
  • I always say quality over quantity. That said, I do tend to make Starkiller-sized opening posts, but try to keep things smaller after that. If you have trouble post-splicing my words or need clarification on something, ask away! Happy to explain.
  • I am a big fan of both spontaneous unplanned RP and pre-planned RP. If you have ideas for something, even if you think it doesn't work or sounds crazy, please share!
  • I am happy to offer other methods of communication if we're involved in a plot together and you need to reach me quickly. I use Discord, let me know if you'd like my info, and don't mind looking into your preferred application if that don't work for you.

Most Recent Posts

I'm still here reading! <3 I DO actually have a character sheet mostly ready, I just need the Personality section.
Still here! Feeling better today, gonna try and fix up my character sheet. <3
My only reason is the flu. Still in the game, just need to be able to make the profile. :P Will have it up as soon as I can.
Working on mine on and off right now! <3
Well. I mean. You know I'm already in. <3
Not the dead. Human. This was a human problem.

Not that it was any comfort for Bri. Too often, they'd found the living to be more dangerous than the dead, and without Grant around to deter trouble-makers… well, her odds of surviving went down very quickly. Visions of her best friend wounded or bleeding out under a cashier stand threatened her focus, but the voice had said he'd be fine…

Gripping her weapon, she moved slowly towards the direction of whomever had spoken. How many were there? Only one had spoken. Rare to find anyone running solo, though. What did they want? Couldn't be their supplies, they were in a store full of everything a human needed. Information, then? Possibly. Medical help? Unlikely. If intentions were sinister, why the 'hostage' song and dance? Why not just kill them immediately?

Bri raised her hands out from her side in a cautioning gesture as her light found the culprit. Her heart jumped a little as she saw Grant, laying on his side, tied and facing the wall… and the firearm resting on his head. "I-..we don't want any trouble," she said calmly as she approached, shifting her flashlight beam from his face. The machete was still in her hand, but it was pointed downwards. Bri paused a good distance away.

She squinted a little, limbs tensed, trying to get a clearer look at the man crouched against the wall without blinding him with her flashlight. "We just stopped for some supplies…"
"…Grant?" she whispered, peering slowly around the corner of the candy rack near the checkout lanes, flashlight off and machete at the ready.

Her basket stashed near the back of the pharmacy, Briana had taken every precaution she could think of as soon as the 'crash-clang' rang out through the deserted store. Supplies hidden, weapon out, mental pictures of exactly where to hit the dead so they couldn't get back up flashing through her mind, the panic that gripped her form day and night released her as her focus narrowed and adrenaline kicked into overdrive.

Grant would never make that kind of noise unless something was wrong, and she wouldn't face the end of the world without him.
She'd gone quietly aisle by aisle, fully prepared, but nothing seemed amiss and there were no other noises. That had her worried. A careful sniff of the air told her there were no rotters, and even the shamblers made some kind of noise.

That meant either Grant had injured himself or knocked something over by accident (highly unlikely, and he'd have called out to her if he had)…or there was someone else inside the store. The living were just as dangerous as the dead.

"..Grant!" she hissed again. Hesitantly, Bri turned her flashlight on as she neared the checkout area. It was risky, but she couldn’t see a damn thing. When she saw the bakeware scattered down the aisle, her grip on the machete tightened. Her beam bounced from lane to lane as she paused in the open.

| @deegee |

Well, this was short lived.

48 hours without a post is short-lived? :P Well damn, sir, you have some kind of standards.

I think it's just getting started. <3
Mine's being written right now, but I can always jump in once we've begun. <3
I'm still here! Been tossing a few ideas around for this, think I've settled on one, so getting to work on my profile tonight. <3 Love the characters already up!
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