Avatar of Glitter Guppy


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8 yrs ago
By order of me, Lady of the Lore, I am not allowed to go to bed until I finish this post on pain of *insert creative punishment here*.


::Who Is Glitter Guppy?::

Hi! I'm Lor. I've been role-playing since 2006, bouncing around between multiple sites, dipping my toes in different creative pools. In fact, I've been a long-time RPG member (PlaysWithFire was my old name, if anyone recognizes that {probably not}), but lost track of the website after the multiple crashes a few years ago and ended up taking a break from this website. I'm big into Sci-Fi and Fantasy (Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, The Tudors, Harry Potter, True Blood, Spartacus, etc), so naturally that's what I love to write about, but I'm also a fan of mixed historical fiction and apocalyptic of any flavor.

I love to write complicated damsels, both distressing and in distress. I'm a huge believer in the power and ability of the ordinary human race, and I like to try and integrate that into my work when I can. I don't much care for blatant horror or gore writing, but I won't shy away from getting my hands dirty or shedding some In Character blood when needed.

I go with the flow during story progression and don't make a big deal about anything unless someone's being purposefully mean or troll-y. Outside of writing, I am a child of the Performing Arts (voice, piano, dance, acting, etc) and a huge pasta enthusiast. I go to Sci-Fi/Fantasy conventions around the USA and costume as various characters from films and TV, I play a variety of MMOs (7 Days To Die, Guild Wars 2, WoW, SWTOR, etc) and games (Halo is a favorite, as is Mass Effect and The Sims 4). I LOVE music, it inspires me when I'm creatively blocked and calms me when I'm freaking out on an airplane, and it's not hard to trigger my Excitable Mode. I fangirl over good stories and fun characters SO hard. <3

I'm more of a player and not a very good leader, so I prefer to respond and react instead of guide or control a narrative (OOC and IC), but I'll do my best to fill whatever role the group needs at the moment. Smaller groups are better, I get overwhelmed easily so I have to work to make sure I don't over-promise and ensure burnout doesn't happen. Not to say I CAN'T do giant groups, I just prefer smaller. :P

::My Role-Play Preferences::
  • Interested In: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure, Supernatural (not the TV show) and Paranormal Phenomena, Post Apocalyptic, Historical Fiction, and I'm sure this list will grow!
  • SLOW POSTER! You have been warned.
  • I prefer smaller groups (in my experience, anything greater than 5 or 6 writers gets absolutely lost in translation), I enjoy one-on-one as well.
  • I also enjoy forming OutOfCharacter bonds with other writers.
  • I tend to treat character applications as works of art, and like to spend some time crafting them.

::Role-Play Exclusives::
Things To Know When Writing With Me
  • I am a VERY slow poster due to offline circumstances, but I AM paying attention, so rest assured I will post for you at my earliest convenience and will try not to hold anyone back. If this is a problem for you, talk to me, we'll work something out.
  • I try to keep OOC communication flowing, so if I'm going to be offline for a bit, I will try to let you know.
  • I always say quality over quantity. That said, I do tend to make Starkiller-sized opening posts, but try to keep things smaller after that. If you have trouble post-splicing my words or need clarification on something, ask away! Happy to explain.
  • I am a big fan of both spontaneous unplanned RP and pre-planned RP. If you have ideas for something, even if you think it doesn't work or sounds crazy, please share!
  • I am happy to offer other methods of communication if we're involved in a plot together and you need to reach me quickly. I use Discord, let me know if you'd like my info, and don't mind looking into your preferred application if that don't work for you.

Most Recent Posts

Also here! Will think on things tonight and see what I can come up with. <3
I REALLY like this.

I REALLY don't think I have time for it. :P But, that depends on posting speed. Are you hoping for a rapid fire, or something a little slower?
I'd be biting off more than I can chew, but....

YES. ALL THE YES. Incredible premise. <3 Interested, but I may be more of a cheerleader than a participator unless I can find more time. >_>
March 15, 2018
Framingham, Massachusetts – Walmart Interior

Bri stared blankly at the towering stands of mascara and lipstick in front of her, untouched and left behind, frivolous monuments to a different time, the dust settled thickly on the plastic wrapping. She couldn't remember the last time she'd worn makeup, although she'd never been one to doll herself up in the first place. Odd, how so many things the world thought were so important just didn't matter now.

"Let's stay a while," she said, breaking her gaze and grabbing a discarded shopping cart near the wall of brightly colored eyeshadows. The wheel squealed as she pushed it, so she abandoned it in favor of a basket instead. "I don't like splitting up, but… it'll take forever if we don't." She gave Grant a tight smile, stuffing her flashlight in her armpit so she could free the machete from the sheath strapped to his leg. "Grab the essentials? Water and food first, maybe some new socks, yours have holes and mine are getting crunchy." She tucked the weapon carefully in her belt, scrubbing at her nose. "I'd kill for some of those tissues with the lotion, too. Meet me in the pharmacy in twenty?"

And the two parted ways quietly.

Aisle by aisle Bri moved quickly, swiping things off the shelves, never pausing for too long, checking off the list in her mind as she went. An odd assortment of items it would seem to the outsider, but years of studying homeopathy and holistic healing had given her a broad foundation of knowledge to work with, and she'd learned a trick or two working with the homeless of Boston. Newspaper made great emergency insulation on cold nights. Honey, for its antibacterial purposes and wound application properties. Vaseline, for like, everything. The sides of her basket were lined with dried herbs from the grocery section. Basil, cardamom, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric… all had massive healing benefits, as did the few boxes of teas she picked up, and because they were dried and ground, they kept longer than their fresher versions. Not that there was any fresh food to take anyway.

A small sewing kit, tapes and sterile bandages, two little bottles of antiseptic wound cleaner, three bars of soap, salt packets, a small coil of thin, stiff wire probably used for fishing, scissors… She'd made good time, her basket full as she lugged it back towards the pharmacy, still rounding every corner with care. So far, so good, but if it's one thing she'd learned during this apocalypse, it was never get comfortable and never trust the darkness.
March 15, 2018
Framingham, Massachusetts - Walmart Parking Lot

"No…" She paused at the doors, scrubbing at her cold, raw nose as she peered through the dirty glass. "…we don't get lucky days, Grant. Not anymore."

Sometimes, Briana envied Grant. She looked over her shoulder at her best friend's casual smile, the strength in his stance, the tiny glimmer of optimism in his eyes, but the quiet admiration she felt for his attitude never made it past the hot, brittle anxiety that crackled day and night under the surface of her mind. Even now, she couldn't help quickly scanning the horizon behind him, checking left and right, nerves on fire.

That's how it was for her now. Fear, dread, constantly on edge, always just on the cusp of fight-or-flight. Four months of it had pulled her seams apart and sewn the frayed pieces into something she barely recognized. Ironically, only when trouble actually hit them did Bri feel anything like herself. It was everything in between the obstacles, the quiet times that she couldn't seem to handle, and they'd seen a lot of that in Framingham, Mass. But more and more, she found herself wishing for chaos, even as she feared it.
At least a risen attack gave her something to focus on.

"C'mon, let's see what's left," Bri motioned, pushing and pulling at the front doors, but it was clear they were locked from the inside. Hmm. Obstacle. Thank God. "Mm." Immediately, she backed up, a handful of scenarios flashing quickly through her thoughts. Locked doors, no broken glass, could be it was simply closed down before the chaos and hadn't seen survivors. Or it was occupied already, someone else's safe haven, but then wouldn't there be guards or deterrents against others? No signs of serious damage to the outside, only three parked cars in the parking lot, doors wide open, odds that they'd be inside the store were fairly high. Odds they were infected and risen were even higher.

"Maybe a side door, or…a loading bay or something?" She approached the corner with caution, rounding it slowly, prepared for anything. She didn't get far before Grant stepped in front of her, weapon ready. He'd always been protective, even before The Outbreak, and there was never a day she wasn't grateful for his efforts, although when she was in the zone and trying to accomplish something, sometimes it messed with her focus.

But right now? Bri let him go first. They were working on it, slowly, but her skill with a weapon was still very low.
The side entrance was unlocked, which had Bri nervous. But her leather messenger bag was nearly empty and the few mouthfuls of water left in their bottles wouldn't last the rest of the day. They couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. Flashlights out, the two survivors entered warily.

There was a time not long ago that Bri would a reached for the light switches out of habit, but she'd broken that one a few weeks ago. "What do you need?" she asked Grant quietly, her patch of light sweeping steadily, looking for any signs of the risen. Her heart hammered in her chest. "I've got a list. It's short, but… damn, I wish the power worked, I hate the dark."
I'm still waiting on word from our awesome GM as to the part I can play in getting us moving. <3

Name: Briana Argent

Age: 27

Born In: Chicago, Illinois

Resides In: Boston, Massachusetts

Family: Younger sister, Katie, MIA. Older brother, Jeremy, MIA. Father, Calvin, MIA.

Occupation Prior To Outbreak: Program leader at Soul Shelter, a refuge for the homeless, impoverished, battered people of Boston founded by Briana and her older brother, Jeremy.

Current Status: Alive, Immune

Terminus Release: Initially? Home, in my apartment, watching the chaos on TV with the rest of the world. But I knew it was coming before then. I was sitting in a tiny Thai restaurant on Charles Street when I got the call. My dad was in town. But he was doing that speed-talking thing he does when he's anxious, I could hear the fear in his voice. He wanted to meet me. I told him where I was, he burst in the door minutes later, and I will never forget the look on his face when he took my fork full of pad thai, put it down, and shoved his glasses back up his nose. I'd never seen that look on anyone before. It scared the hell out of me.
He paid my bill, literally threw the money at the waiter and dragged me out of the restaurant back to my apartment. Only after I'd locked the door and sat down, bewildered, did he tell me what was going on.

Except he didn't really tell me anything. It was too much information to process, too many details spat at lightspeed. Hours until an attack? Something about a bioweapon? Death, mutations, dead rising, Michigan, a cure, everything was explained in the USB…
All I caught before he slammed the syringe into my thigh was that everything was about to change. And then I blacked out.
I woke up fourteen hours later to a dark apartment, no father, and a tiny USB chip on a thin silver chain wound around my hand. I called Grant immediately. I tried called my dad, but the line was disconnected, and mom's cellphone was off. Plugged in the USB, but it wouldn't open unless it was a specific computer in 'Station 7 Labs', which I could only assume was connected with the Michigan thing.

I had the TV on when Grant arrived, waiting, watching, hoping it had been some kind of bad dream. Only after the first news reports rolled in, after the nightmarish scenes started flashing across the monitor did I tell Grant everything I knew, which honestly wasn't much. I couldn't figure out why my dad had drugged me, or why the injection site hurt like a bitch. All I knew is I needed to get to Flint, Michigan.
We left the city, started heading west.
We have a long way to go.

Gear: Grant carries most of the weapons. I had no idea how to use any of them, but I learned pretty fast. I usually keep the machete strapped to my back. My brown leather messenger bag holds a surprising amount of crap, and the USB hangs around my neck at all times.

Journal Entry One:
Boston, June, 2018

It's been one hundred and twenty-four days since The Outbreak, but who's counting?

Everything happened so fast. No one knows exactly how or why the Terminus virus was released, or who pulled the trigger on the proverbial gun, but within weeks most of the world's population was gone. Not everyone died. Most that did rose immediately after, filling our streets with ravenous nightmares. We were so unprepared. No one knew what to call them or how to deal with them, and not all the methods devised in a hurry worked long term. They say everyone carries the virus inside them, even those that were seemingly immune to the airborne form. They say in some places, the animals are changing now, that the virus adapted to affect the animal kingdom, but instead of killing them it mutated them, made them faster, stronger, smarter. They say the more the animals feed on dead human flesh, the more powerful they get, so now we burn the bodies we drop.

They say a lot of things, though.

Survivors roam dead countryside and brave the dangers of the cities to resupply, their only goal to survive. Keep moving, stay vigilant, be smart. We fight the rambling dead, we fight the mutated animals, but we fight each other, too. There are no laws anymore, no judge or jury, no one to reign us in and keep us civil. Fear rules the world now. Fear of the dead, and fear of the living. It's kill or be killed, trust no one, watch your own back, and for those few that still retain some kind of humanity or moral compass, it's even harder to keep living.

…No, not living. It's not living. It's enduring.

But I refuse to just…survive. I don't have a solid plan, I don't have any idea how I'm going to get to Michigan and I have no idea exactly what I'm going to do (or what I'm going to find) when I get there. But I know it's up to me to fix this. After all…

I know who ended the world.

I know why it happened.

I know where the cure is.

And I'm going to fix it. I'm going to fix…everything.

Boston, June, 2018

It's been one hundred and twenty-four days since The Outbreak, but who's counting?

Everything happened so fast. No one knows exactly how or why the Terminus virus was released, or who pulled the trigger on the proverbial gun, but within weeks most of the world's population was gone. Not everyone died. Most that did rose immediately after, filling our streets with ravenous nightmares. We were so unprepared. No one knew what to call them or how to deal with them, and not all the methods devised in a hurry worked long term. They say everyone carries the virus inside them, even those that were seemingly immune to the airborne form. They say in some places, the animals are changing now, that the virus adapted to affect the animal kingdom, but instead of killing them it mutated them, made them faster, stronger, smarter. They say the more the animals feed on dead human flesh, the more powerful they get, so now we burn the bodies we drop.

They say a lot of things, though.

Survivors roam dead countryside and brave the dangers of the cities to resupply, their only goal to survive. Keep moving, stay vigilant, be smart. We fight the rambling dead, we fight the mutated animals, but we fight each other, too. There are no laws anymore, no judge or jury, no one to reign us in and keep us civil. Fear rules the world now. Fear of the dead, and fear of the living. It's kill or be killed, trust no one, watch your own back, and for those few that still retain some kind of humanity or moral compass, it's even harder to keep living.

…No, not living. It's not living. It's enduring.

But I refuse to just…survive. I don't have a solid plan, I don't have any idea how I'm going to get to Michigan and I have no idea exactly what I'm going to do (or what I'm going to find) when I get there. But I know it's up to me to fix this. After all…

I know who ended the world.

I know why it happened.

I know where the cure is.

And I'm going to fix it. I'm going to fix…everything.


I might be the guide, but I'm not the god. Feel free to throw your own flavors into the pot, my friends. I intend to make this life a living hell for all of us. No mercy, no solid plans. I do have a skeletal plot in my head to help us with direction, but I'm always up for shifting things around. Share ideas here! I know we have the FaceBook chat, so this place is more of an extra foundation for our little world. But feel free to use it accordingly.


This Role Play is currently: CLOSED
(but feel free to read and post your fangirling all over our OOC!)
Attendance will be spotty this whole week, but I should be back in business by the weekend. <3
Still poking my head in here frequently. :) @ShieldsOfWar , I could try to take on a 'teacher' 'guide' role if you'd like, give us a little direction and things to respond to. <3 I know everyone is busy but we had such a cool thing going here, would hate to lose it!
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