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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Manu was uneasy about fighting someone like him but she knew she had to learn some way or another. She nodded her head "hey i might be a kid but thats no reason to not want to fight me" she pouted as she saw him come at her and dodged around not landing a blow she was waiting for the perfect time. She knew this would be harder so she did things that she normally wouldn;t do she got close and slipped behimd him as she stayed there for a bit as she waited for the right time as she then after a few minutes jumped onto his shoulders and slammed the force down on his shoulder smacking him into the ground as she shot up onto the rafters catching her balance on the beams. She stayed there looking down at him.

It was anything goes and he too would have to adapt at trying to get to her as she now had the upper ground and had more of an advantage over him heigh wise and able to smack him with the force should he try to jump up after her. She kept her eyes on him like a preidtor would on its prey as she lashed out each tike he got up making him fall or smack abck into the ground. She grunted as she was knocked off the beam and landed gracefu;ly on her feet only to mistep after and get swept and smacking into the ground and grumbled as she forced herstef back onto her feet. Jedi didn;t give up, but she too had her limits she knew of and she was yet to reach it . She probally had a few bruises from fallign and smacking into the ground but it would take more then that to stop her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kiana saw the look of uncertainty in her eyes. She walked over to the wall and grabbed on of the Training Lightsabers before walking back and handing it to Manu. Meanwhile, Canderous switched his weapons to stun. Kiana then walked behind Manu and knelt down, whispering in her ear. "Be careful of him, he may look like just another soldier, but I have seen him tear his way through a Force user before." She then smiled at him as she surpressed the thoughts of their throws of passion, as she had been told that this one liked to pry at peoples thoughts. Rude, but understandable. Canderous had no idea what Kiana had said, but suspected it was something at his expense. "Don't take any of his moves lightly, what may seem like something simple may just be him tricking you into a more favourable position. He has learned to expect anything, as should you. Forget about boundaries, forget about what you think someone can and cannot do. When it gets down to life and death, you may find the latter in store for you, should you underestimate an opponent." Kiana walked over to the side of the room and allowed the two to face down each other.

"Alright, ready, squirt?" Canderous called to Manu.

"She is ready, Commander. Do not speak ill of her in my presence." Kiana replied.

"Yes, Ma'am." he grunted. As Kiana dropped her hand to indicate the duel starting, Canderous gripped his DC-15S in his hands and slowly walked forwards as Manu adopted a defensive posture. He slowly crept forwards, the gun raised to point at her, but he didn't fire. Finally, he got close enough that it became a case of who struck first lose. Were she to go in for a swing, he'd be able to pull the trigger and she'd not be able to block. If he pulled the trigger, she'd probably deflect the attack, then go for the attack.

However, the part of his arm that attacked, wasn't his gun, but an attempt to quickly end it by quickly lunging forward to try and hit her in the head with his elbow for a quick knock-out. She managed to dodge and jump behind him. She then seemed to set up a defensive posture to think about her next move. Kiana smiled. "Remember, Striking with anger is swift and powerful, but striking with calm concise and methodical." After a minute of her not doing much. "However, attacking with calm shouldn't take so long. In a real fight, Canderous would have already figured out how to get a blaster-bolt past that blade." she called. Manu was fortunate that Stun-rounds didn't ricochet like Live-rounds did. Canderous didn't take his eye or his gunbarrel off of her. As soon as she jumped onto his shoulders, he instictively dropped the gun and grabbed her by the shoulders, throwing her, just as she force-pushed, sending her into the rafters. He used the momentum from her force-push to roll backwards onto his feet, before pushing off for a forward roll to grab his gun. As he tried to get to his feet again, she force-pushed him onto his back, before she started to make sure he couldn't get up. In response, he lay on his back, firing several shots Stun shots at her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


She just barely managed to dodge the stun attacks, keeping her balance though rather well though she looked at him with calculating eyes as if she was searching for a point to disarm him from. She knew staying behind him would work well for a while but for right now she kept him on his back though she knew he was fully capable of firing at her many times. She then slinks along the beam allowing him to get back up but she flipped onto the the floor near a corner. She knew well never allow yourself to get cornered but she was doing it on purpose. She waited and waited till she knew he was close enough and deflected a few blasts got closer and closer creeping closer to him. She then lashed out with four swift chi blocks paralyzing him for a few seconds with each jab disrupting his nerves sharply with each forceful jab and sweeping him before backing away. She knew in real life you would never allow your foe to get back up and fight back but she was testing the waters for what worked and what didn't. Shje was not aiming to knock him out cold with one blast she wanted to test different angles and thigs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@mattmanganon"Hello," she responded. "My name is Dozzy Mu'vuna, Jedi Knight. I am being dispatched to a contested planet to aid the resistance, and have my own smuggling ship, an impounded pirate vessel. I've flown fighters in combat and I've flown freigters before, but I've never flown a freighter in combat. I was told that you could help me with that, though. I've got a cover to get onto the planet, but if that fails, I'll need someone that can get us on the ground in one piece."


Clemel Halcyon entered the cantina a few levels below the streets of Coruscant. This place was well known as a place to find bounty hunters and mercenaries. He looked around and, seeing a Devronian he recognized from his criminal record, walked over to the man. "Tur'kuso Fast-blaster" he said, causing the guy to look at him. "I heard some good things about you. Is it true you went through a dozen battle droids to get back a defecting scientist?"

"More like two dozen." he said. "What can I help you with Jedi?"

"I'm going to need a few hired guns for a longterm mission, and I think you might be the kind of merc I'm looking for." He motioned for the server droid. "Ranu Durgo" he said holding out his hand. "How about I buy you a drink and we discuss the particulars?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A heavily customized Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft entered Coruscant's space. Naast turned to his royal guard. "Find the Prophecy Girl and bring her to me. Kill anyone who gets in the way. If any Jedi extremists get in the way be sure to show them to death's door, they are beyond redemption but the Prophecy Girl if she is young enough can see the error in the Jedi."

The Firespray landed somewhere near the Jedi temple. Cabur & Kyramud exited the ship in full armor with their weapons. They proceeded to a terminal and Kyramud sliced in. He was looking for any information he could find on the Jedi. Cabur kept watch for any trouble makers.

Naast also in full armor proceeded to the Galactice Senate building. He had caught wind of a Senate resolution for the Republic to send an occupation force Mandalore. He was stopped by Senate Guards which he quickly incapacitated without killing them. When someone with intelligence approached and demanded to know his business. He informed this man he wanted to address a senator about the Mandalore Defense Resolution. He was taken to the committee discussing that very topic while being escored by Senate Commandos. When he was in commitee's room he didn't wait to be addressed. He made himself known. "I am Mand'alor the Naast, the rightful ruler of Mandalore. I am here because you seek to send an occupation force to Mandalore. I am here to inform you, any occupation force will be treated as an invading army and slaughtered without mercy then we will come for you and eliminate you. Satine Kryze the false Dutchess of Mandalore may have no right to lead but she at least has enough intelligence to oppose this idiotic plan. Mandalorians will take care of Mandalorian problems. I have already killed Death Watch's leader. They are in disarray and those loyal to me are currently at war with the rest. You can not afford to fight two wars. So heed my warnings and fight the Confederacy only." Several Senate Guard immediately raised their blasters and fired a volley of stun-rounds. Naast used his Vambraces' shield emitter to block them.

"I came here to give you advice and inform you that one threat has for all intents and purpose been dealt with. Now that is done, I am leaving. Try and stop me and I will not hold back." Just then a Senate Guard decided to be stupid. Naast pulled out his Darksaber and took the Guard hostage. "Like I said, I am not here for your Republic, until you make it a target. This guard is coming with me. If you want him back alive then I am leaving here." He began backing out. He was followed at gun point but no one fired. He exited the building. "Say hello to your friends." Using the force shoved the hostage into the others. He joined a crowd using them as a shield. He dissappeared in the crowd.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kiana watched as Canderous was able to kip-up and start watching for Manu's next attack. "Good." she called. "You are both doing admirably." It was at that point that the doors to the training room opened and Kiana looked around to see Yoda in his floating chair. She bowed to the Grand Master. "Master Yoda, an unexpected pleasure." she smiled, nervously. She wasn't entirely sure it was appropriate to pit her Padawan against a clone. Yoda simply looked at her, then to the sparring session.

Canderous kept his gun levelled at the ceiling, watching her shadow as it moved along the rafters. Finally she jumped down and went for the frontal assault. Canderous had dealt with Lightsabers before, using a few simple dodge maneuvers that Kiana had taught him, he dodged several of her strikes, before throwing the blaster in her face to confuse and disorientate her, he immediately reached behind his back and Kiana stepped in. "THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH." She bellowed, she knew what the clone was about to do and it wasn't going to look good in front of Master Yoda. "This session is over." she frowned at him. Canderous stood motionless for a second, looking at her. "Commander, you were about to use a Flashbang on my Padawan, were you not?" she asked. His hand was quite clearly clutching a flashbang.

"Yes, General, you said we could use anything non-lethal." Canderous said, saluting. Kiana looked him in the eyes with a look to say he went a little too far on a beginner. She then looked down at Manu. "Padawan, how would you have dealt with that flashbang?" she asked, knowing full well that the little girl probably had no idea what a flashbang was. "A flashbang is a grenade that flashes with a bright light, as well as produces an incredibly loud noise to disorientate anybody effected. The commander here has a helmet designed to filter out such an attack. You are not. This is a lesson for the future that an enemy will not always fight fairly. I can teach you how to overcome such an attack, but not right now." she said. She then turned to see Master Yoda, who seemed to be quite enjoying this.

"So long, has it been, that you dealt with a Padawan? Our own ways, we teach our successors." He laughed. Kiana had remembered when Yoda had taken the young Dooku as his padawan. Every morning, waking to see the young man who would one day be a Dark Jedi, running around the temple, with Yoda on his back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Manu looked confused and covers her nose that hurt and winced slightly "ow" she mutters slightly a small drop of blood came from her hit njose which she sighed about. She looked confused at the older Jedi "whats a flashbang?" she asked as she was not versed in clone weapons so yeah she knew nothing abot weapons that well so she knew things limited. She saw Yoda and beamed happily eyes bright "master Yoda" she beamed as the older jedi hummed gently.

"Hello both of you, I see you are doing training Manu good but remeber not everyone needs the force tyo fight and will get close and personal" he said and smiled softly as she nodded slowly "yes master yoda" she said as the grand master nodded.

"I have a job for you to go onto Yavin 4 . There is a temple there that I would like you to go to and retrive in room 567BV" said smiling softly looking at the two to do a simple assignment that would uncover the vision to the young girl and her master as well to see what was to come and what was to come if she was ready or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@TheUnknowable Inuel's false smile faded almost the moment she mentioned she was a Jedi. "Not interested." he grunted, before walking to the ramp of the ship. Renny ran in front of him and pushed to make sure he stopped.

"WAIT!!!" he shouted. Inuel stopped and looked down at Renny.

"Why?" he knelt down and started to whisper. "You hate Jedi more than I do."

"Yes, but the bint has money. And if we do tug-work, i'm going to blow my brains out in boredom. This way, we leave Sleepy here, do a trip in their ship, get paid and go back to doing what we do best." The boy reasoned. Inuel thought for a second.

"I suppose we aren't doing it for the money... We're doing it for a shit-ton of money." he grunted, then got back up and walked back to the Jedi. Dozzy would notice Renny keeping his distance, as well as a hand on his weapon. "I apologise for my haste. I may be interested, but unfortunately, docking fee's and fuel aren't what they used to be before the war and a pilot of my age and calibre is impossible to find elsewhere... 50,000 no less." he said. He liked to make sure his business partners were listening before he did anything crazy. He knew to start high and then negotiate down to a reasonable wage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Cabur, Kyramud have you found the prophecy girl yet?" Nasty gets a negative response back. "Forget about it. I came on a little to strong. Over estimated my ability to intimidate. Still the plan is on track. Get back to the ship. Kyramud take up an overwatch position, be ready to take out clones. I want clean shots only. Have to treat them with the respect they deserve. Cabur I'll meet you at rednevous point Omicron Delta Charlie." They had no need to respond.

Naast made a turn and bumped directly into a pair of clone troopers. Using the mind trick ability. "The Mandalorian who attacked Senate went to the lower levels, the slums." The clones took off on a wild goose chase and alerted the rest. 'That should clear out a good portion of them.'

He meets Cabur. "There are about a dozen, Mand'alor." Naast studies their movement. He contacts Kyramud. "Take out anything explosive that is far enough away to not damage the ship. We will find prophecy girl later, if she exists."

A series of explosions begin. While the clones go to investigate Naast & Cabur take off for the ship. While Kyramud takes shots at clones who saw them. As the ship took off Kyramud took off with his jet pack and boarded the ship. They were pursued by clone pilots but using other traffic kept the clones from taking shots that might have hit civilians. As soon as they could they engaged their hyperspace engines.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Princess of God

Kiana watched as the small droplet of blood trickle from her Padawans nose. She knelt down and wiped her nose with the sleeve of her robe, then looked at Master Yoda as he told them of their assignment. "Yes, Master, we shall leave immediately. We were on our way to the planet for a scouting mission. We believe the old temples could make quite the defensible position, we're the Seperatists to gain a foothold on the planet. A last bastion, if you will." Canderous stated, stood to attention in front of the Grand Master. Kiana looked sceptical.

"Master, is there something you aren't telling me?" She asked. "What is it that you want us to retrieve?" Yoda didn't lose his innocent smile.

"Know it, you will, when you arrive." Yoda then turned. Towards the door. "To teach the Youngling, I go. About to start, class is." He floated away on his chair and Kiana turned to the two of them.

"Commander, call a gunship to pick us up at the landing platform." She ordered. Canderous nodded and tapped the side of his helmet. She then looked at Manu. "Come, we will go to the landing platforms and await our transport." She said, before folding her arms in her toned robes and walking out of the door, heading towards the Temples landing platform.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 28 min ago

Cole Surik

Location: Jedi Temple
@Princess of God@mattmanganon

Walking through the halls of the Jedi temple was a young man who goes by the name of Cole. His full name is Colejul Surik, he was walking down the halls dressed in grey black like robes, much like that the robes of a Jedi. Cole was a former Jedi Guardian, he left the order a few years ago to pursue his own endeavors. After he left the order Cole turned into a freelancer or mercenary for hire, this was his first time returning to a Jedi temple in three years. He returns now as he was summoned for a 'job' Cole was rather reluctant to accept any kind of work from the Jedi but he made an except this one time or at least that is what he says if he was asked why he showed up for a job by the order.

After a bit of walking he spots the small green Jedi that he was looking for Yoda. He seemed to be talking to others, Cole then says, "Its been awhile Master Yoda hasn't it? So what is this mission that I have been summoned for Master?" Cole speaks rather casually for just entering the room and speaking to the Jedi master Yoda. Even though Cole spoke to Yoda as if he knew him Cole had only met Yoda a few times never really got to know him other than he is a well-known Jedi master to most Jedi and most that aren't Jedi. Out of all the Jedi Cole respected Yoda the most it is why he went straight to him to ask about why he was summoned and what is the job he was going to be hired for.

While he waits for Yoda to respond Cole starts to take mental notes of those who are standing around Yoda . Cole wasn't sure if those who were talking to Yoda were part of his job or not but he was taking in his surrounding as he prepares to find out why he was there for and what was he going to do.

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