Ey Leute!
This seems as good a time as any other for introductions, and thus I appear. Having glimpsed this thread now and then, and eventually grown interested enough to crawl my way through most of the IC (I will admit, heavily relying on the summaries, at least for the moment), I found it to be something I in which would greatly enjoy participating, and now come to ask if there may still be some place for my humble self in here.
That said, I have just now become most inopportunely busy. While I am still very much active (and thus not just pointlessly cluttering the thread with this), my first contributions here, if they are to come anytime soon, may be somewhat slow. I realise this note makes this a rather ungainly first post, but hopefully it is not so bad as to call for too terrible a punishment (or is it?).
This seems as good a time as any other for introductions, and thus I appear. Having glimpsed this thread now and then, and eventually grown interested enough to crawl my way through most of the IC (I will admit, heavily relying on the summaries, at least for the moment), I found it to be something I in which would greatly enjoy participating, and now come to ask if there may still be some place for my humble self in here.
That said, I have just now become most inopportunely busy. While I am still very much active (and thus not just pointlessly cluttering the thread with this), my first contributions here, if they are to come anytime soon, may be somewhat slow. I realise this note makes this a rather ungainly first post, but hopefully it is not so bad as to call for too terrible a punishment (or is it?).