Peach Trees was in orderly chaos once more after Judge Dredd and his rookie captured, judged, and executed the notorious leader of the Ma-Ma clan. It took some time, but eventually the Judges managed to root out all but the most cowardly rats under Ma-Ma’s influence. Life continued as it had for the normal folks, however a power vacuum was created after the Ma-Ma clan was wiped out, and every slum lord with a gun and a few goons thought he could be the next superpower.
Turf war once more broke out over the floors of Peach Trees, however this was nothing the local folks hadn't seen, and the squabbles were so minuscule not even a Judge bothered to show up for half the crimes that went down. However not everyone was looking to become the next slum lord, there was one individual whose sights were set much higher.
She was an ex-Judge, hardened by short but violent years of service to her people. She’d seen things, lived things that one would not wish onto their worst enemy. It was a thankless job that paid little, and she was hated and feared. Even amongst the Judges she was held with strained respect at best. She wanted out, but what did retirement offer her? She no longer has any love for the law, nor the people she was sworn to protect. Pushing papers at a desk was a monotony she dreaded only slightly less than taking The Long Walk.
After taking an early retirement she went and founded her own clan, in the dark, uninvolved with petty turf war, and pushed these men through Judge training. They were equipped with weaponry that surpassed even the Judges’ arsenals, and everyone of these men would pass the Judge assessment with flying colours. This was the birth of a new age, and a new superpower will finally claim not just one sector, but Mega City One as a whole.
As more and more rumours circulated about these super human thugs, calling themselves The Legion, taking down gangs one sector at a time with cruel and calculated precision, the Justice Department could ignore them no longer and Judges were dispatched to eliminate the threat. You have the choice to play as a Judge (up to a maximum of four Judges, so first come first serve) or you can choose to have control over a whole opposing gang, we have no limit on how many gangs are in existence.
Word of caution though, players playing Judges have a higher rate of having their characters killed/murdered, since the morality rate of a Judge is very high. IF the story comes to that and we agree on the death of a Judge, the player is free to choose another character.
If you are going to create a gang you maybe be in opposition or alliance with the currently rising superpower. It is up to you, through story development, to play your cards how you see fit. Since players that choose to play a gang need to control the whole gang, it will be slightly NRP-ish, but on a much smaller scale. Also your gangs are not limited to Peach Trees only, but can be from any district within Megacity One.
We would like the story to be very open ended, with what’s described above only as a guideline to get everyone started. No canon characters, and we are using the Dredd-verse from the latest movie for visual references, however anything from Dredd-verse in the comics can be used, as long as the character(s) is(are) not canon.