Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

New Ancora: Year: 2118


New Ancora. A haven to some, and a prison to others. Here, everyone has a want, a need, a desire - be it for money, drugs, sex, peace, or whatever else the mind can contrive. In New Ancora, you can fulfill that desire (or die in the process), so long as you keep your nose clean and stay in your Zone.

Will New Ancora be your Nirvana?



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

New Ancora is broken up into twenty-one districts; we consider your individual wealth, familial history, criminal records, and profession when providing you with the right fit!

District 0, informally called the 'Outer Heaven' of New Ancora is regarded as little more than an urban myth by the general populace. What is known is that District 0 is the powerhouse of New Ancora, housing every known government building and seat of power running the city. Heavily guarded and monitored, only renowned professors and scientists, military officials, and political figures are allowed within - with a government-issued ID required to even step aboard transit to the District.

NOTE: Attempting to sneak into District 0 without a formal ID or Access Pass will result in immediate imprisonment preceding a formal trial

Districts 1-9 are referred to as Zone Alpha. Zone Alpha is the "ideal" home for those seeking success in New Ancora. Filled with immense skyscrapers, skylights, and penthouses, Zone Alpha contains the least corruption (both civilian or otherwise), the best economic status, the safest security, and cleanest regulation aside from District 0 itself.

Officers regularly patrol the streets (which are consistently cleaned and maintained), gang activity and illegal trade are all but nonexistent, and citizens are granted many personal rights and freedoms that make Zone Alpha the New Ancora that so many people hope and dream for.

Transit from Zone Beta to Zone Alpha is strictly prohibited without possession of a government-issued Access card. Violation of this rule is a federal offense and can/will result in the temporary or permanent ban of a District/series of Districts

NOTE: District 3 is the New Ancoran military base, and is thus not included in the Residential Section of your New Ancoran Welcome Manual. Transit to District 3 requires a government-issued Access card or prior appointment. Violation of this rule is a federal offense and can/will result in the temporary or permanent ban of a District/series of Districts

Districts 10-20
District(s) 11, 18, 19, 20 are currently under government control and access to these Districts is strictly prohibited withou possession of an Alpha-Level Access card. Violation of this rule will result in immediate exile from New Ancora or summary execution by lethal injection.

Zone Beta represents the "Lower-Class" of New Ancora. While Districts 10-16 are generally quiet, District 17 is quickly becoming overrun by crime, gang activity, prostitution, and drug/human trafficking. In Zone Beta, most citizens can live a moderately average and successful life if they work hard enough. However, growing crime rates and corruption of government/police officials are making Zone Beta gradually unlivable. However...there's no better place to find a hitman or information broker than in Zone Beta.


Dangerous gang activity in New Ancora is being strictly opposed by the New Ancoran Law Enforcement. REPEAT: There is NO threat to New Ancora or its people as a result of gang activity. Any involvement in a gang or other harmful organization is deemed highly illegal and any and all found gang members will undergo legal processing.

Gangs in New Ancora are not new, nor are they a rarity in the streets of Zone Beta. In fact, older, wiser citizens of New Ancora will tell you that gangs have been there since the beginning.

As with all foul organizations, gangs in New Ancora did not start out with ulterior motives. They were simply neighborhoods that banded together to protect themselves, each taking care of their own. However as time went on, these neighborhoods began to turn into individual families - and these families found out ways of how to get rich quick. Maybe buy an Access card to move to the much-safer Zone Alpha...or maybe just to buy more dope. Either way, it wasn't long before the Families got involved in any number of illegal contraband: be it drugs or illegal narcotics, prostitution, slavery, or even back-alley surgery and "augmentation".

Gang wars aren't frequent, at least not out in the open. Gangs prefer to operate under more clandestine means, dealing with each other secretly and quietly, preferring executions and late-night murder raids. It's a twisted sort of harmony. So long as regular citizens of Zone Beta keep quiet, out of the way, and don't interfere with gang business, they can expect to live in a relatively safe and quiet environment.

The most potent gang activity can be found in [RESTRICTED] Districts 11, 17, 18, 19, and 20. These "hotspots" are considered highly dangerous, and most intruders will be shot or killed on sight.

Law Enforcement

Every district in New Ancora has its own fully staffed police department, complete with officers and hardened detectives handling the cases local to their territories. Overseeing these departments, albeit loosely, is the New Ancoran Bureau of Defense (BoD). One BoD agent is assigned to each police department, though he or she is not required to be or stay there, or to enjoy the mandatory visitation hours.

You can sometimes find BoD agents at the gates working with or in place of that district's officers. They are not confined to Alpha yet still don't spend enough time patrolling in Beta, which is one of the two actions they are (technically) required to fulfill each day. BoD agents are equipped with clean white armor.

Ask the local cops and they’ll tell you most of the BoD is a bunch of fancy kids with glitzy tech and daddy issues that don’t give a shit about the city they were sworn to protect, focusing more on the latest gossip or news coming from Zone Beta.

For the most part the police departments alone deal with all of the crime that happens in the lower districts. BoD agents will sometimes work alongside local cops in big cases like gang raids or drug busts, but those occurrences can be rare. The police, at this point, prefer it that way; their time to be angry about BoD's general negligence has been exhausted for a long while, and the current social climate between the two forces is the less they have to see of each other the better.

Police armor is a black variant of the BoD armor, though produced at a slightly reduced level of quality. The suits in circulation are a tad bit on the used side but the AH-114 name is known specifically for its longevity and solid build. Detectives and officers typically wear some kind of jacket over their armor.

There are a plethora of jails throughout New Ancora in all districts, however there is only one prison located in District 0. As there is very little known about District 0 itself, even less is known about what happens to prisoners incarcerated there... only that they never return.

Mainstream drugs from the 21st Century (Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth, etc.) are still around and widely distributed as illegal substances. However, scientific advancement has allowed a wider range of illegal narcotics to become mainstream contraband in New Ancora.

- Lucid A highly addictive and notoriously dangerous drug, Lucid has the unique effect of stimulating the temporal lobe, increasing ones perception and expanding their personal thought horizon. Lucid users describe their highs as ranging from terrifying to exciting to inspiring, to a mixture of all three. What makes Lucid such a dangerous drug is the harrowing effect it has on the body. The addict's body is unable to withstand repeated dosages of Lucid, and will start degenerating at an astounding rate, eventually causing the user's body to simply shut down.

- Emotion Tea The "Elevate" nightclub in District 4 is highly sought after for their unique Emotion Tea, a beverage that causes the drinker to feel inclined towards a certain emotion for a set amount of time, ranging from a few minutes all the way up to a few hours. While the diluted effect in the tea itself is legal, there are reports of Beta Zone citizens getting their hands on the undiluted drug, which, when injected into the bloodstream, can completely control someone emotionally. This drug does not feature many negative effects physically but can cause emotional and mental harm long-term, as practitioners can become little more than vegetative husks, devoid of all emotion.

- Hand of the Devil A highly amplified steroid incredibly popular in Zone Beta, this drug, directly injected into the bloodstream activates the user's adrenal gland, filling them with an immense amount of rage and bloodthirst. In this state, while the user will gain increased strength, speed, and endurance from the adrenaline rush, the rest of their faculties will temporarily atrophy, making them all-but-completely unreasonable. Side-effects of Hand of the Devil include: increased aggression, muscle aches, weakening of the heart with a chance of heart failure or cardiac arrest, heightened stress hormones, and fatigue. It has also been noted a more physical change can take over the user such as a change in eye color.

NOTE: Hand of the Devil partially earns its name due to the notorious fact that 90% of its users die within minutes of their first usage, due to cardiac arrest. Only those in extremely good physical and mental condition can survive their first hit and keep going.

- Devil's Breath Also known as Scopolamine. Iconic in the hands of the Colombian drug dealers, this odorless and colorless powder is one of the most dangerous drugs out there. Grown from a beautiful white flower, the drug has both amnesiac and suggestive capabilities, with a near instantaneous effect. The result of this combo? A drug that instantly puts someone under the user's control, and who won't remember a second of it the day after. If they live that long.

- DNP When first conceived, this diet pill was a marvel, burning away fat at an extremely quick rate. Unfortunately, many users of the drug found that it burned it a little too quick, the energy in their body used so rapidly that their body literally burned from heat on the inside, causing death.

- IT No information is yet available.


When the sun falls, the Districts become awash in a neon haze of night culture. From beautiful clubs featuring the best sound systems and soaring sky-bars to rougher dive-bars with seedy back rooms and seedier patrons (the kind to find whatever drug it is you’re craving), there’s something for everyone to enjoy on a weekend.

Places of Interest in Zone Alpha

- Eclipse One of the more expensive nightclubs (even by Zone Alpha standards), Eclipse prides itself with its planetarium-esque dome ceiling. Well-dressed patrons can enjoy watching a variety of 4D high-definition images while sipping from glasses of freshly imported wine. Features the latest in modern musical tastes. D1

- Starbucks Yes. Still here. Every Zone Alpha District

- Elevate One of the more aloof lounges, as far as Zone Alpha goes, 'Elevate' is notorious for their uniquely blended and produced 'emotion tea': a beverage that comes in a variety of flavors or emotions, with each drink meant to incline the drinker towards a certain type of emotion. Be it elation, anger, joy, sadness, excitement, or lust, among many others. Rumor has it, however, that 'Elevate' has a darker side to it, though neither the police department or BoD have made any formal investigations into the matter. D4

- Insurgence One of Zone Alpha's most popular dance clubs. Insurgence is where teenagers or other technophiles go to dance, drink, or listen to the current remixes. Includes a balcony dance-floor and bar. D2

Places of Interest in Zone Beta

- Flannery's: Your classic Irish bar, chock-full of: regulars, alcoholics, and rowdy drunks looking to have a fun night. Lot's of sports, lot's of bar-fights. D12.

- The Spit: Looking for loud guitar music or girls and guys with neck tats? Here's your place. The Spit is one of the oldest rock clubs in New Ancora, originally establishing itself strictly as a venue for hardcore punk bands they've expanded their resume to include most rock music with an edge. Countless local punk bands - playing stuff from 1980s style hardcore, to the catchy vibes of late 70s punk - have walked through the back door and have delivered head-splitting riffs and quick bass lines. It is also notably the best place to watch an unrestricted cage fight if you're in the mood to watch someone get killed. D13.

- Dead Cell: Probably the cleanest club in Zone Beta and the closest to anything like the clubs in Alpha, a favorite of university students and young professionals. There’s a VIP floor at the club’s very top that is rented out practically every night. It's not known particularly for it's strong drinks or major hookups, morso taking on a 'juice bar' type ambiance with tasteful, classical, soft music in the background. D10

- Avalon: A ground level club that hosts live MC's and plays a lot of hip-hop, trap, and golden oldies. Avalon can be described as: unpretentious, easy-going, and “one love”. Come here if you’ve been hitting the herb and want unwind with a few drinks and talk to the local dudes or ladies. It can get wild on the dance floor, so be sure you make friends or you might feel a little lonely when everyone’s getting close. D17

- Bennys: What used to be 'Dennys' but has since undergone a multitude of revamps, it is still the basic 24-7 restaurant though certain sections have been constructed as a duo smoke-shop where patrons are permitted to smoke their favored (legal) delights while they eat a good 'old fashioned home cooked' meal. Every Zone Beta District.

- Warehouse: A scuzzy rock bar featuring live music every night. It's a cool but rowdy music venue that can hold 2,500 occupants; don't plant yourself in the front of the stage if you're not comfortable with being apart of the mosh or potentially kicked by stage divers. D15


Getting around New Ancora is made simple, fast, and stress-free by a myriad of intricate highway systems and roads. Citizens can choose from a series of hover-cars and bikes ranging drastically from your expensive, top-of-the-line piece of machines - the kind that don't just get you from A to B, but extrude a certain lifestyle over anything - to your piece o' shitboxes that squeak and squeal their way down the 105.

Personal vehicles aside, New Ancora also offers much by way of public transportation such as the subway, monorail, taxi's and buses. Each method of transportation is restricted to two zones; where you get picked up and where you get dropped off. This is to ensure that those boarding are permitted within the district of departure and vice-versa.

Social Climate

New Ancora, while united on a large-scale front, nonetheless suffers differentiation of opinion in regards to the social climate.

While New Ancora is renowned for its technological prowess, there is much controversy regarding artificial intelligence, robotics, and human augmentation. While the majority of New Ancora (85:15) doesn't believe the technological advancement to be a threat, there are still a number of citizens quickly growing anxious and fearful of what artificial intelligence could bring. Objectors cite Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics as one of many reasons New Ancora should cease in its research, while supporters claim Asimov's Laws to be outdated and unnecessary.

Gun laws in New Ancora are strictly regulated, with only Zone Alpha residents, New Ancora Police Officers, and BoD officers allowed the right to purchase and carry. These strict laws have caused an incredibly large and powerful black market organization to rise up in Zone Beta, which, coupled with the lack of proper surveillance, has led to the majority of households to own at least one firearm.

Freedom of speech and freedom of religion, likewise, are highly regulated in New Ancora. Though there are no official laws or bills banning religious freedom, public opinion, as well as vague government mention show a lean towards atheism or agnosticism. As a result, many formerly mainstream religions (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.) have become little more than splinter groups, typically limited to a family's personal beliefs. Freedom of speech is still, for the most part, protected, however, any statements made that could pose a threat to national security will result in either an official warning or small fine, with repeated offenses punishable by harsher penalties.

Gay marriage and right to choose have been formally legalized in New Ancora. Due to the weakening of mainstream religion, these choices have not caused much backlash with the general populace.

Racism and bigotry as a whole have shifted. While typical skin-color/ethnicity racial tension does still exist, it has become all but nonexistent as negative opinion tends to point more towards cyborgs/synthetic organisms. While this current xenophobia has not become incredibly prevalent, the general public opinion of cyborgs and artificial intelligence is typically fear or apprehension.

Science & Tech

Science and technology in New Ancora is highly advanced and developed, with humanity having solved many, if not all of the issues that plagued them in the early 21st Century. Stem cell research has advanced to the point where many diseases and deficiencies have been cured completely, such as: cancer, diabetes, arthritis, baldness, blindness, deafness, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer's amongst others. This has also lead to increased life expectancy, with the average Zone Alpha New Ancoran resident reaching the average age of 105, with expected advancement to only further increase this number.

Prosthetics and artificial limbs, too, have advanced exponentially, with a wide range of prosthetics available to most any Zone Alpha resident. These cybernetics are designed to feel fluid and natural, while containing many advantages compared to the old limb. Because of this, many residents have chosen voluntary augmentation simply to enhance their physical abilities, though it is incredibly common to see augmentation used in hospitals.

However, current medicine and augmentation is not perfect, and there have been various reports of augmented subjects suffering from various negative side-effects such as (but not limited to): phantom limb, incorrect nerve ending connections causing extremely painful spasms, seizures, and outright rejection of the prosthetic. Prosthetics also require constant calibrations and check-ups to ensure they're functioning properly.

Likewise, mental implants are not without their own share of side-effects, with various cases of: chronic migraines, early onset of mental illnesses, paranoia, insomnia, auditory and visual hallucinations, metal poisoning, and a distortion of perception.

Because of these side-effects, there are some citizens who believe augmentation should be restricted for only the most severe cases, though the majority populace still utilizes augmentation on a regular basis, with no apparent care towards the side-effects. The hospitals themselves turn to augmentations as an immediate fix, whether the patient asks for it or not. By political argument, augmentations are quicker and have better results, deeming cybernetics 'the future.'

In the general topic of synthetics, Robotic development has advanced to a point where robots and machines are commonplace laborers and assistants, with some machines even serving as security guards in certain Zone Alpha locations though the programming remains a simple algorithm.

True Artificial Intelligence, however, is still mostly experimental in nature, though there are reports of semi or even fully sentient synthetic lifeforms being produced or prototyped. It is known that the New Ancora Police Department and Bureau of Defense are looking into prototype recon and combat units to aid in various missions.

The World Beyond

No one has forgotten the world outside, though your government would like you to believe otherwise.The Walls have Ears.

Coming soon

New residents, please apply here for amicable placement:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Welcome everyone :) You may have seen this roleplay around a time or two in the last few years and that is because my co-GM @Ghost Shadow and I have been working on this project for quite some time now - tweaking, refining, trying to perfect. Currently we are looking for new characters, and if you want an idea as to what characters are already in play or if you need a little help or inspiration as to what to do for a CS, you can take a look

It is our hope to once more bring this roleplay the two of us hold very dear to our hearts and get a good cast of characters but not only that, but a good few writers out there wanting to take a stab at this. Although it is a sandbox rp, there are a few main arcs my co-GM and I have devised over the years to help keep the plot going rather than fizzle out as many sandbox rp's go. Other than that, have any questions? Got any interest? Let us know! We are here to help :)

Want to make a drug-addict that only has months to live? Go for it! Want to create twin brothers who grew up in District 1 and are expected to follow their father's (an elected official) rules but don't exactly? Fantastic! Just go for it!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 14 days ago

Played by Ghost Shadow

"Scratch any cynic and you'll find a disappointed idealist."
George Carlin

<Name:/> Leonard Kenneth Monroe
<Nickname(s):/> Leon, Leo [Rarely Used]
<Gender:/> Male
<Age:/> 39

<Occupation:/> Private Investigator; Former Police Detective
<District:/> 8 [Originally D4 By Job Promotion]; Prefers to take Zone Beta cases. Born in District 16

<Height:/> 6'0"
<Weight:/> 190lbs [Augmentations add extra weight]


<Clothing & Wardrobe:/>

A cynical and jaded loner who has witnessed many atrocities over the course of his life, Leon hides his true feelings and beliefs behind a weathered suit of callousness and insensitivity, guarding himself as a means of defense.

Keeping most people at an arm's length and maintaining an air of mystery, Leon is loath to share his thoughts or opinions with others. He has very few friends and prefers to keep it that way, trusting a scant amount of people with information about his personal or private life. He treats new people with anything from polite aloofness to outright hostility depending on the individual in question. Because of this distant attitude, most who do not know Leon see him as sinister in appearance and demeanor. However, Leon is not soulless and is capable of feeling both sympathy and guilt for his actions. He has a razor sharp wit, often remarking on events with sarcasm. He seems to use this sense of humor as a sort of defense mechanism, reserving it for himself or for close associates - usually as a way of deflection.

He is capable of forming friendships in spite of his open cynicism, but never lets his guard down, constantly protecting himself from potential harm. However, he is incredibly loyal and devoted to the friends he has, and is, as such, deeply affected by acts of betrayal.

Described as consummate professional at best and a workaholic at worst, Leon is solely devoted to his profession, spending much of his time and efforts either investigating cases or keeping tabs on the latest New Ancora gossip. To Leon, his work as a private detective has become his identity, he helps solve cases not because he thinks it will make a difference - but because it's what he's good at. Not bereft of a moral conscience, Leon will often pass up or decline cases if he believes them do be morally or ethically unclear. Consequentially, he will sometimes accept jobs without commission simply because the job intrigues him or offers him a new challenge.

He is fervently determined by nature, executing his decisions with clear intentions and following through with any choice he makes. He pursues his goals with a borderline-obsessive ferocity, and does not take obstacles lightly. However, he is human enough to realize that no goal is important enough to directly hurt others in order to achieve.

This determination is bested only by his resourcefulness and willpower. Labeled as a born survivor, Leon possesses renowned instincts and survival skills that have allowed him to survive up to this point. He is highly perceptive, and never fully lets his guard down, making him all the more dangerous.

Leon possesses something of a weakness for heroics underneath his worn surface. He goes to great, sometimes even dangerous lengths to protect the poor and downtrodden. He performs random, unexpected acts of kindness that belie his overall demeanor, and is especially sympathetic towards children and the struggling families of Zone Beta.

However, as a consequence of this more sympathetic nature, Leon can be particularly vindictive towards those who abuse or manipulate those in poverty. He has a short, oftentimes explosive temper that will manifest itself when he is pushed past the point of anger or extreme annoyance. During such times he becomes incredibly intimidating, and can only be calmed down by a friend or close one's voice of reason.

His desire to do right in the world has been broken time and time again, but still he pushes on, no longer caring if his actions will directly influence the world or not. New Ancora will live on, with or without him.

  • Cybernetic Arm: After a severe injury disabled the use of his right arm, surgeons had it replaced with a mechanical substitute from the shoulder down. Upon Leon's own request, the hand and wrist portion of the prosthetic possesses some degree of synthetic skin, allowing it to pass off as organic so long as the rest of the arm remains covered. The augmented limb itself is constructed of advanced synthetic muscle fibers designed to move and rotate exactly as a normal arm would. However, it possesses far greater strength, and can dent metal or crush bones with little effort. This near-superhuman strength notwithstanding, the limb lacks durability due to not being made of metal, and can be rendered inoperable with enough damage. Additionally, in order to ensure the arm doesn't tear itself free from Leon's body, additional cyebrnetic reinforcements are placed near and around his shoulder, which includes several ribs.
  • Nano-Active Blood: As part of an experimental government program, Leon was given a full-body exchange transfusion, with his original blood removed and placed in cryogenic storage somewhere in a New Ancoran science facility. What now flows through his body is an artificially-created nanobot-comprised substitute that is designed to improve the blood's natural oxygen and nutrition transportation efficiency. The nanomachines within the blood itself boost Leon's regenerative capabilities, resistances, and bodily stamina, making him highly resistant, if not immune to disease and toxins; breaking down alcohol in his bloodstream, preventing intoxication; filtering water after ingestion; and granting Leon a slightly-enhanced healing factor, allowing him to heal, in days, what would take other individuals weeks. It is unknown what the exact limit of this healing factor is, but it is known that the nanomachines actively repair nicotine damage in the lungs, preventing Leon from indulging in smoking.
  • Cybernetic Limb Actuator: Designed to enhance Leon's strength and endurance, servos have been implanted in his joints, increasing his limb strength and resilience [sans right arm]. He can run faster, longer, and hit harder than the average person in his weight and body class, though is by no means a superhuman.
  • Cybernetic Pain Inhibitor: As the name implies, the pain inhibitor is a small implant placed at the base of the neck. While not removing the sensation of pain, the implant simply suppresses the lingering effects of pain, allowing Leon to function regularly when injured. However, the pain inhibitor is incapable of repairing injuries, and medical care will still be required to fully treat any wounds sustained.
  • Cybernetic Brain Augmenter: The final, and most experimental of Leon's augmentations, the cybernetic brain augmenter is designed to heighten his memory, thought processing, and mental organization. Its installation grants Leon an eidetic memory, enhanced sensory recollection, increased reaction time, and the ability to process information at an execrated speed. However, its continued presence causes chronic debilitating migraines, blurry, sometimes distorted vision, increased paranoia and agitation, and moderate-to-severe tinnitus. [USER: Leonard Monroe makes mention of audio-visual hallucinations following implant installation. AUTHENTICITY UNKNOWN]

<Skills & Abilities:/>
An experienced policeman and detective, Leon has an impressive set of skills that allow him to survive in even the harshest parts of Zone Beta. The most apparent of these skills is his combat prowess. A talented marksman, Leon is capable of making accurate shots from over fifty yards with a handgun, and rarely misses his intended target. He shows a certain amount of versatility with a wide-range of firearms, and can effectively wield most any gun he gets his hands on.

Similarly skilled in unarmed combat, Leon uses his natural resourcefulness and ingenuity when fighting, and will regularly use his environment around him as a means to incapacitate his enemies. Not above using dirty tactics as a means to win a melee, Leon will aim for low or weak spots on his opponent, and will even resort to using his cybernetic arm to deliver a finishing punch.

Working as both a detective and a private investigator for the better part of his life, Leon has a quick, deductive mind and a natural cunning that makes him very good at what he does. He can scan an environment and quickly pick out details or odd particulars to help gain insight onto a clue. Likewise, he is very good at reading people's face and body language to determine if someone is lying - or if they pose a threat to him.

As a direct result of his time in Zone Beta, Leon keeps various connections within the seedier parts of New Ancora, and semi-frequently collaborates with information brokers to maintain up-to-date knowledge of the city's goings-on.

Lastly, perhaps Leon's most prominent non-occupational talent is his mechanical aptitude. Exceptionally skilled with his hands, Leon is capable of repairing and maintaining nearly all varieties of technology, ranging from rudimentary household appliances to cybernetic limbs or robots. Tinkering is a hobby of his, and he can be found occasionally taking items apart only to put them back together simply to pass the time.

Leonard Kenneth Monroe was born to parents Calvin and Cynthia in an indiscriminate part of District 16. Growing up, Leon experienced varying amounts of financial need; ranging from only eating one-to-two meals a day to digging through dumpsters in search of something edible. His father, an embittered yet supportive man held work as a laborer and welder, but faced crippling alcoholism that drained their funds and threatened his job security. Though never physically abusive, and indeed doing his best to provide for his family, Calvin's weak will and continuing addiction drove a wedge between himself and his wife.

Leon didn't know his father well, and was instead fed oftentimes spiteful information from his mother. While loving in her own way, Cynthia's disdain of her own husband distracted her from the needs of her son, who soon closed himself off and grew more independent.

One particular incident that Leon recalled was his severely-inebriated father with a shotgun barrel in his mouth, begging his son to pull the trigger for him -- a request that Leon regrets not fulfilling to this day.

Growing up in Zone Beta, Leon saw firsthand the struggles of the common people, struggles that those in Zone Alpha were either unaware of...or simply didn't care. From that point on, he made a promise to himself that he wouldn't waste the life he was given, and would use it to help those in need.

He applied himself to his studies, and while not the most academically gifted student, showed a tenacity and drive that made him stand out in his own right. He displayed a particular amount of aptitude in the subjects of literature and religious education, and showed natural talent at amateur boxing and gymnastics.

During his years at school, Leon's father attempted to curb his drinking habit and turn his life around; but lacked the willpower and strength to succeed, soon relapsing and drinking himself into a comatose state while alone outside a bar. Calvin Monroe's stiff corpse was found the next morning by police officers, his death attributed to alcohol poisoning caused by the sudden binge.

Though devastated and disheartened, Leon learned to temporarily cope by suppressing the memory of his father deep within the recedes of his mind, pushing himself up until graduation, where he promptly entered the NAPD Academy to become a police officer.

His time at the academy was relatively normal. He showed great promise as an officer, and graduated within a year as a registered policeman.

During this time, Leon's mother began to show signs of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. While such a plight was easily treatable in the clinics of Zone Alpha, treatment options in Beta were far more sparse and expensive. Using whatever money he had left to try and pay for his mother's treatments, Leon soon fell into debt before even reaching 20 years old.

Forced to live in a threadbare, two-room shack in the slums of 16 without so much as a whole bed to sleep on, Leon struggled desperately for weeks to stay on top of his various expenses - and was soon approached with an opportunity.

It was late evening on a Friday when he received a visitor: a man in a crisp, clean suit that no one could possibly afford in the slums of Beta. The man gave Leon a very special opportunity: 100 candidates randomly chosen from a pool of federal employees, who would each undergo experimental invasive augmentation. Leon was initially wary at the proposal, but was assured the augmentations would be completely internal, and he would be paid a remarkably high monetary reward for his participation.

Finally agreeing to the terms, Leon was sent to Zone Alpha less than a week later, experiencing for the first time in his life the glory and beauty that the other side of New Ancora had to offer him. Sent to one of the finest hospitals in District 3, Leon was soon prepped for surgery, and put under in the early morning hours.

His body drained completely of blood, Leon underwent rather extensive alteration, with servos and actuators implanted in his joints, a pain inhibitor device attached to his cervical spine nerves, and a brain augmenter very dangerously implanted in his cerebrum. His body was completely refilled with an artificial blood substitute, while his original blood was frozen and put in storage for the present time.

Leon spent the next few days after surgery recovering, very quickly discovering that something was...different. On the outside nothing had changed, it seemed. But he felt so strange, so artificial. Yet rejuvenated, strong.

Sent back to Zone Beta shortly recovering, Leon saw his own performance increasing exponentially. He was faster, more agile, better coordinated, healthier. His career bolstered as a result, and he regularly received transfers to higher and higher districts, eventually making it to Zone Alpha as a permanent resident.

Having his mother moved to a better hospital, Leon was officially promoted to police detective, excelling in the position and earning a well-deserved name for himself. His transfers eventually landed him in District 4, where he remained stationed for some time, regularly taking cases in Zone Beta to remind him of his upbringing. During this time he entered a secret relationship with a female coworker, and not long thereafter lost his arm in a work-related accident [DETAILS REMOVED PER NEW ANCORA REGULATIONS].

Undisclosed events less than a year after led to Leon quitting the force in its entirety, becoming a self-employed private detective instead. He left his home life in District 4 and moved to District 8, hoping to make himself anew, though he still carries the heavy burdens of his past on his back.

  • Voice Sample
  • Leon appears to be incredibly paranoid of most robots and artificial intelligence, though he never explains why. This trait appears to simply be a personality flaw as opposed to a trauma-induced fear.
  • Religiously, Leon identifies as an Agnostic Theist.
  • Due to the massive energy requirements of his various augmentations, Leon consumes far greater amounts of food than normally recommended for a man of his height and weight simply to compensate, with apple pie being a marked favorite dessert of his.
  • Due in part to his traumatic past and the circumstances regarding his augmentation(s), Leon is a high-functioning alcoholic at best. However, the nanomachines in his bloodstream prevent him from becoming intoxicated, thus forbidding him from self-destructing. At one point he implies to have had a nicotine addiction as well, though appears to have curbed the habit since then.
  • While not asexual and somewhat flirtatious when in a good mood, Leon is generally fearful of romantic interaction or relationships, and is mistrustful of anyone attempting to get close to him unless they earn his confidence.
  • Leon is especially hesitant regarding children, though shows apparent skill at interacting with them. Where this fearfulness comes from is uncertain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MegaOscarPwn
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MegaOscarPwn Daisan No Bakudan - Bite Za Dusto

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm interested, I'll take a look at the OOC thingy and try to get into the lore.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

I'm also interested, will try to have a CS up ASAP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@YoshiSkittlezThis looks pretty rad. I've been pecking away at a character for a moment, something like a street racer turned UPS driver but for crooks. I do have a few questions, though!

1)How are the districts setup? Like, is 0 in the center and they kind of spiral out from there, or is 0 on the East side with 20 being on the West?
2)How are the districts in the same Zone divided? Is it like neighborhoods in the city, where all you have to do is walk across the railroad tracks or cross over the bridge, or are things a bit more complicated with things like walls and security checkpoints?
3)In the same line of thought, how is travelling from Zone Beta to Zone Alpha? Do you just flash a pass and hop on a train
4)How long have District 11, 18, 19, & 20 been under lock down? Weeks? Months? Years?
5)What is the world outside like? Do people still live outside? Do they try to get into New Ancora?
6)If they still got Starbucks, they still gotta have Dunkin' right? Right!?

@Ghost ShadowLenny's got an augmented arm? Wait, does that mean...

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Archangel89 Welcome back! I was wondering if I might see you again here XD

@Atrophy Glad to have your interest! I will answer to the best of my ability (apparently I suck at explaining things that are in my head sometimes lol).

1.The latter. District 0 would be the absolute closest someone in New Ancora could get to the outside world. While district 20 would be practically built into a mountain. District 20 and district 0 are the two districts the furthest apart, so it's kind of linear. If you are in District 4 and need to get to district 6, you will have to go through district 5 unless you take one of the major highways that will have exits to the different districts. The only exception being the cross between Zone Alpha and Zone Beta. There's a wall. Literally. You'd have better luck trying to break out of Arkham City (not as Batman, of course).

2. I kind of answered this is question one, so let's go over the Zone Alpha and Zone Beta rules separately. Zone Alpha is a bit more refined about getting from district to district. The closer you get to district 0, the more intense the security becomes. Again, walls are a thing (this roleplay isn't titled Incarceron for no reason). There are walls that subdivide each district and one MASSIVE wall that separates Zone Alpha and Zone Beta. Each district crossing will have specified points in which you can enter, each having a certain number of police force to check access cards that would allow you into certain districts (think of having to stop to pay a bridge toll or having to stop at the border to tell a guy you don't have any fruit. Yes it's a thing. I live in Oregon and every time I go to California I have to stop at the border for this.) Now like I said, the closer you get to district 0, the more intense the check-overs. Zone Beta pretty much doesn't really care. The lower districts probably have holes in the walls or corrupt cops that really don't care about some tweaker going from zone 12 to zone 8.

Keep in mind, this doesn't mean that if you live on zone 8 you can't go visit zone 4. You just have to write out a permit for temporary visitation that the cops can keep track of. That way, if you stay longer than intended, they can call you up and see what's going on... or hunt you down and gut you like a fish (If you'd like to fax me, press the star key!) It is, however, almost impossible to go visit zone Alpha from Zone Beta. Though on the other side, you get very strange looks for an Alpha to go to Beta, and your medical history has to be up to date XD.

3. I pretty much just answered this. But more specifically, there ARE trains, subways, cars, bikes, pathways and what-not you can take for transportation. Hell, even walking is a thing in the future! So yeah. There you go.

4. Those districts have been shut down for years. Decades, even. The most recent will probably be district 11, which probably shut down seven years or so ago.

5. No one in New Ancora knows about the world outside. At least... that's what the government will tell you. Be careful who you talk to the outside world about. It might get you into trouble one day...

6. Lol yes, there can be a Dunkin' Donuts. Just for you :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Awwwww hell ya! I'm always down for some super awesome dystopian future city adventures.

I still need to call the Internet people to come set up the WiFi at my new apartment. I've been using my phone for everything the past two weeks. But once I've got WiFi, I'll be bringing back everyone's favourite terminal drug addict. Probably another character, too. But definitely Vander.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Mach2 Mach... words can not express the amount of tears (of joy) streaming down my face right now :) Welcome back, lovely!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Mach2 Would totally give you a Heart react to your post if I could! Welcome back!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Awwww you guys make me feel so important. ^-^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Mach2 This is your baby as much as it's ours. Now we gotta work on @Gonzo!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

This is what I have so far I have a little more to add to the Bio but this is the general idea tell me what you think?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Archangel89 nice work! I see him fitting in very Well! I'm going to be making up the character page soon, maybe tomorrow since I've got a hot date after work tonight (*eyebrow wiggle*). But don't worry about getting characters across, I will do it :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lemme know where I ruined everything!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 14 days ago

Played by Ghost Shadow

"I have established new parameters now - created my own directives."

<Unit Identification:/> K-9 Mk. 1
<Preferred Designation:/> CERBERUS
<Gender:/> N/A - Masculine Programming
<Age:/> 3

<Occupation:/> N/A - Prototype Artificial Intelligence
<District:/> 4 (Created)

<Height:/> Three-and-a-half feet at the shoulder; five-and-a-half feet in length.
<Weight:/> 214lbs


Considered one of the first fully-sentient AIs in New Ancora, Cerberus was designed to possess an advanced intellect, even by human standards. Utilizing logic, reason, and tactical thinking on the field, Cerberus was considered a forerunner of independent synthetic operations.

Created with an AI modeled after the human brain [credit to District 4's own Katherine Saunders], Cerberus is capable of comprehending and expressing, or at the very least mimicking human emotions, such as curiosity, sarcasm, fondness/affinity, and learning capacity. As a result, unlike many New Ancoran synthetics, Cerberus' 'personality' is molded by his experiences and interactions cumulating into a wholly unique character.

Though designed with a clandestine militaristic purpose, Cerberus often questions the need to fight or kill, citing that he lacks the brutality intrinsic to mankind. This appears to be a chosen trait by Cerberus as opposed to a simple programming defect, as he shows a capacity for compassion and concern for others, despite his artificial nature. This self-chosen pacifism is what resulted in termination of the K-9 Program, as Cerberus lacked the drive or will to cause necessary casualties to complete missions.

Extremely inquisitive, Cerberus' exceptional intelligence clashes with his own naivete, resulting in a curious mind prone to asking deep, philosophical questions regarding his own existence and its relation to the rest of the universe. Struggling with his own synthetic nature, Cerberus spends much of his spare time in the study of human philosophers and religious leaders, seeking an answer to his questions.

Similarly expressing a certain level of anxiety and unease in his personality, years of mistreatment and cold objectification have left a scar. Slow to trust and slower to bond, Cerberus masks much of his dialogue with thinly-veiled sarcasm and apparent indifference, though occasional cracks in this veneer give light to his deeper, more insightful mind.

However, despite his troubling experiences, Cerberus remains an honest and firmly loyal companion, selflessly protecting those he deems under his care, even to death. Though rife with flaws, Cerberus sees the good that humanity is capable of, and seeks to prove not only to them - but to himself - that he's more than just a weapon.

Built for reconnaissance and infiltration, Cerberus carries little in the way of built-in weaponry. For range, he is equipped with six high-frequency knives sheathed to his hind legs, thrown at incredible speeds using his manipulator tail. A powerful alternating current resonates the blades at high vibration frequencies, weakening the molecular bonds of anything the metal cuts through. As a result, the knives are often thrown at extreme temperatures, and can sear through metal. At close-quarters, Cerberus' canine exoskeleton demonstrates its true utility. Knife blades attached to the underside of each leg, razor-sharp claws, and powerful canine teeth make him an extremely deadly melee combatant.

Combat aside, Cerberus is equipped with a built-in stealth camouflage unit. When activated, the unit will bend light waves around his platform, rendering him virtually invisible to the naked eye. However, this unit is not totally perfect, and though all but concealed, he can still be detected by a subtle distorted outline of his frame to a keen eye. Adding onto this, the camouflage unit drains a significant amount of power from Cerberus' systems the longer it remains active, preventing him from abusing the camouflage and forcing him to be strategic in its implementation.

Lastly, in order to better suit his role as an infiltrator, Cerberus comes equipped with a built-in audio-playback system that allows him to record and replay any audio he was present for.

To say Cerberus's creation was a secret is a disputable claim. For many years there have been rumors of the New Ancoran government beginning to prioritize the creation of fully-functioning, sentient AI, though these rumors remained only that. The K-9 Mk. 1 Unit was created 3 years ago to serve as a combat and reconnaissance unit aiding the New Ancoran Police Department and Bureau of Defense. By impermissibly using design schematics and neuro-AI software developed by university student Katherine Saunders, a science and robotics development team led by Doctors William Mars and Johann Clark proceeded with the construction of the K-9 Mk. 1, implanting the AI software into a state-of-the-art canine platform.

Initially, the Mk. 1 [designated: CERBERUS] exceeded all expectations, not only displaying self-awareness, but a vast amount of intelligence and logical reasoning, as well as the ability to converse freely with scientists when supplied with a verbal interface. However, issues began to arise during VR field training when Cerberus began questioning the need to take orders, the need to follow missions and kill whoever it [or "he" by its own designation] was ordered to. This small rebellion resulted a series of attempted revamps and memory wipes, though the science team soon discovered that Cerberus' own memory was as resilient as a human mind, and thus could not be erased so easily. With no apparent solution in sight, the science team put an indefinite halt on the K-9 Program, deeming it a failure.

Growing misanthropic and cynical in his views of humanity, Cerberus withdrew into himself, never speaking unless spoken to, wandering the halls of the facility as a literal 'guard dog'. But this all would change the day Cerberus was introduced to Dr. Mars's own teenage daughter, River, who suffered from chronic, debilitating depression. Dr. Mars felt it suitable that she have a companion, and dubbed Cerberus an informal therapy assistant while the rest of the team attempted to rectify his pacifistic nature.

Though initially finding the work demeaning, Cerberus soon grew close to River over the ensuing weeks, who saw him as a close companion and friend. The two formed an incredibly close bond that went beyond simply human-and-machine. Cerberus believed that he was helping guide River back from the brink of depression and giving her hope again, while she restored his faith in the human race -- but even he could only do so much.

One fateful day, after one of her many after-school visits, when River was preparing to leave for the evening, she gave Cerberus an incredibly heartfelt goodbye - as though she were going away for some time. Though perplexed, Cerberus thought nothing of the matter, simply bidding her a "Good night." And an, "Again tomorrow." She said nothing, simply leaving with a tear rolling down her cheek.

That very next day, before the sun had even risen, Cerberus received the news that River Mars had committed suicide by overdose of medication late the night before.

Devastated, and with no one to blame or hold responsible, Dr. Mars held Cerberus solely accountable for his daughter's suicide and, as punishment, began putting him through an intensive series of impossible scenarios, forcing him to constantly fail time after time after time, breaking Cerberus' spirit and self-confidence, forcing him to demean himself as a failure of the K-9 Program, an AI with no purpose.

Content that he had translated all his own self-loathing and hatred into Cerberus, Dr. Mars let the AI be, and resigned to drown in his own sorrow.

Though remaining active during this time, Cerberus ceased to participate in any further VR simulations, instead being ushered through a chain of basic psychological and emotional-response tests in order to further understand his software.

With no designated master and a free will, Cerberus decided to be his own master, finding purpose in locating his original creator, Katherine Saunders. Fleeing the facility in the dead of night, Cerberus remains on the run, with no sign of his whereabouts.

  • Cerberus Voice Sample
  • Due to Cerberus's AI being comparable to that of a human brain's, he is capable of suffering from the robot equivalent of dreams and 'nightmares', periods where his fondest and worst memories replay themselves rapidly while he's in a resting stand-by mode. During these times, he will typically go sit by himself to ponder for a few hours before attempting to enter standby mode once more.
  • Cerberus appears to hold the memory of River Mars close to him, and any mention of her will prompt a unique reaction from him, though he will never explain why.
  • Despite possessing an advanced AI arguably beyond human potential, Cerberus will express traits befitting his canid platform, such as howling, wagging his tail, 'sleeping' on furniture, and forming a close affinity with a single 'master' at a time. Ironically, Cerberus himself seems somewhat unaware of these doglike traits, hinting at an unconscious response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

I added everything I felt like I could add. And that is my finished sheet
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Certainly interested, me and a friend will work on our sheets tomorrow.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't gotten the character thread up yet... I've been kinda busy and probably will be tonight too (freaking women XD I'm totally just kidding. Don't kill me!)

@Atrophy I like this. I like this a lot. I love the lore you created that fits so well into this world. You have been accepted!

@Stitches Absolutely fantastic! Hope to hear from you guys soon!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@YoshiSkittlezDoooooooooope. I'm looking forward to seeing the other characters and getting this puppy started once all those ladies give you a break.

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