"My name is Spencer Stewart. Days ago I was given the power battery and a pair of rings by the last person tasked to protect them. A Green Lantern stayed on Earth after the planet was quarantined by his masters hundreds of years ago because 'it's darkness could not spread throughout space'. Upon his death these things have been passed down over the centuries in hopes that one day they would gather enough willpower to function full time. Before the last city in what used to be America was attacked by Atlantis, I worked on homes with my younger sister and her boyfriend. After Atlantis attacked my sister went missing, and her boyfriend Daniel and I went beyond the borders of the city to look for her. That was when we came upon an old dying man who gave us the Green Lantern's stuff.
My sister, Bella, was taken by some mercs on the road who were tapping into the Speed Force. It was all Daniel and I could do not to get ourselves killed when we found them... until the battery sparked to life and the rings began to function. The ring I wore could make copies of itself, so I went ahead and made one for my sister. The three of us went on to recruit another dozen Lanterns and the New Corps of the quarantined planet Earth rose from the ashes of the Power Plagues."
Twenty years later, the year 2518...

The people and aliens already living on Earth were victims of war with power beyond measure. Until they harnessed the green light. Then the people built a battery of their own. Presumably, this became a popular thing in the future with the 'first of it's kind...' line. And to be honest, for a concept in stories set in the future... it isn't half bad. This concept was recently born in the pages of the Justice League post Rebirth with issue #16. I just fleshed out the origin of the new Central Power Battery falling mostly on one man who may or may not be descended from John Stewart. The new Corps rebuilt a Central Power Battery in the fallen capital city of the former United States and humanity began to rebuild the world with only a population of around sixty million. Most of the population is within six larger Megacities, roughly one per continent.

Now about that darkness... aka the Power Plagues. Which from what I understand of the story [or how I interpreted it] forces like the magics of Atlantis and the Amazons, the Speed Force, and future technology has wrecked the planet. Now in the story, I *think* it was the then enemy of the JL... the Timeless. However, if you still go on the whole Power Plagues and set up the enemies of the Earth Corps... you could have enemies with Flash type powers and abilities, rogue Amazons, scorned Atlantians... hell maybe the Amazons go to war with Atlantis Flashpoint style and THAT'S how part of the world goes to hell. And future/advanced technology has polluted the time stream for years with villains like Chronos, the Lord of Time, etc. and heroes like Booster Gold.
Metahumans were still a common threat but once in awhile spawned an ally to the new Corps. The descendants of aliens and alien/human hybrids were almost as common as metahumans. About two percent of the population on Earth can tap into magic, the Speed Force, had access to advanced tech or ancient relics, or were metahuman or of alien heritage.

Unknown to the remaining population of Earth, the quarantine no longer stands on Earth with the death of the GLC proper and a looming alien threat [that I'm keeping under wraps for now] approaches. However the new Corps is dealing with the Power Plagues on Earth. Several Atlantians and Amazons have risen to take war with another once again, families of supernaturals and dark mystics threaten innocents, and a group of around fifty mercenaries found a way to tap into the Speed Force and can run across water at the speed of sound and throw lightning as well as use other classic Flash sub powers.
Will you be a member of the New Corps? Based in the fallen capital of Washington DC, we will be somewhere between law enforcement and military with a dash of everything in between. There will be six Megacities with populations around eight million each on Earth [roughly one per continent], with various smaller cities and colonies with populations around 10,000-75,000 and some even smaller settlements with less than 2,000.
The CS for this and the amount of post-apocalyptic crazyness in the IC will require a High Casual/Advanced level of writing. The Character Sheet will not be my regular type of sheet and will require much more acute details about your character and their skills WITHOUT a GL ring. Only gonna bother posting a template if there's enough of you out there who wanna do this thing. I'll likely also recruit one or two players to serve as villains and have access to the Power Plagues.