Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Through the Portal

They've finally done it...

The mages of Chaosera have finally made a stable portal to another plane of existence. This vast new world is full of unknown lands, creatures, and resources, and all the kingdoms of the world have their eyes set on it. At first this lead to political tension, but then Chaosera agreed to share their portal with any kingdom willing to contribute to its power source. It seemed like a good deal, however, the energy it takes to sustain that portal is enormous; after a year of gathering resources, the combined kingdoms of the world obtained enough energy to keep the portal open for three minutes.

The first time the mages opened the portal, they used one minute of that energy. They conducted preliminary investigations, and ultimately determined that people could survive there. They described an open field and sunset skies, but the information was just enough to tease public interest. Then they made the announcement...


A team of brave adventurers to step through the portal. We welcome people from all contributing nations to sign up for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Spend one year in this new world and be handsomely rewarded upon your return. We require naturalists, cartographers, alchemists, and any who believe they have something to offer the party. Spaces are limited, and only those deemed the most useful will be sent through. Once there, we require as much information about the realm as possible. Experiment, gather resources, and NAME WHATEVER YOU DISCOVER! So, if you're looking to carve yourself a place in history, apply today!

* * *

The RP will start with your characters stepping through the portal into the New World. Your mission is simple: make yourself useful to your kingdom. What you ultimately decide to do upon arriving is entirely up to you. A wagon of supplies has been sent through the portal with your characters. This contains enough food and water to last close to a month if rationed properly, however, it will not be enough for you to survive your full stay. You'll need to learn to survive in these strange new lands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


1.) Be active. I expect all players to be able to post at least once every couple of days. If you cannot post, please let me know so that the RP doesn't get held up. I will remove your character from the scene if necessary. If you become inactive without notice, your character will die of dysentery.

2.) Make quality posts. I expect all posts to be at least a full paragraph that contributes new actions to the scene. I expect you to give your posts a once-over for spelling, grammar and typos. If I see you make a sub-par post, I will tell you to edit it, and will explain what you must do. If you continue to submit sub-par posts, I will give your character a grammatically incoherent death.

3.) No OOC drama. If you have a problem with one of the players, one of the characters, or with the way I'm running the game, PM me. We'll talk it out without calling each other names. I promise. If you see drama starting, ignore it. Don't take sides. Don't prove your point. Don't try to defend yourself. PM me, and I'll deal with it. If you involve yourself with OOC drama, I will feed your character to a troll.

4.) I control the weather and the time of day. If you try to control the weather, a rain cloud will appear over your character and your character alone, and will always rain on them. They will then go crazy and die akin to the characters in Ray Bradbury's The Long Rain. (Great story, check it out).

5.) No godmoding or auto-hitting. Whether you are interacting with another player, or an unnamed NPC, you may declare an action, but you may not decide if that action succeeds. Here is the rule of thumb: if it can react, the person controlling it gets to decide how it reacts. If it is an inanimate object, you're free to decide whether or not your 360 noscope hits or not. Bear in mind, you are in a strange world, and some inanimate objects may have a few surprises in store. If you godmode or auto-hit, I'll call up Doflamingo from One Piece and have him control your character to death.

6.) There might be more rules, there might not. If I need 'em, I'll add 'em.

* * *

Character Sheet

You can pretty up your sheets any way you like, but you're required to contain the following information:

Name: (Include any nicknames or aliases)

Age: (All races will age like humans. Please no 253 year old elves)

Race: (Keep it human-ish. If you're not sure if your race qualifies, ask)

Appearance: (Pic or description)

Role: (What is your character's primary purpose on this mission? Blacksmith? Alchemist? Ranger? Think of it like your character's class)

Bio: (Tell me a little about where your character is from, and what their accomplishments are. Why do they want to go on this mission, and why were they chosen out of all the applicants?)

Skills: (What is your character particularly good at? List any specific weapon or item proficiencies here)

Magic: (List all the specific magical abilities your character has)

Equipment: (What weapons or items did your character bring through the portal? Note that you get a wagon of mundane supplies, and you don't need to list obvious stuff like a water skin or the clothes on your back)

Other: (Anything else that you feel like adding.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Meh, started right when I'm about to go to bed xD

I'll have my Elvish blacksmith up tomorrow sometime, most likely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Regitnui
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Regitnui Lorespinner

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One changeling scribe soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eyyyy @Yuuta I haz a question about rule number 5, specifically: "Whether you are interacting with another player, or an unnamed NPC, you may declare an action, but you may not decide if that action succeeds."

I think this might make it quite difficult to generate paragraphs, especially in fast-paced action scenes. Do you mean we should declare our character actions in the IC, or put it in the OC that we'd be doing so and so, and wait for your reply before writing out the entire scene (action - decided by us, and result - decided by you) in full?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Silverlight138 I mean your post ends with the declaration of an action, and the next person's post begins with the results of the action. In my experience with combat RP, I've found it is quite possible to generate multiple paragraphs for a single post during fast-paced action sequences following this rule. A typical combat post has three components: reaction, action, and anticipation. This won't be quite so combat-intensive, so you probably won't need the anticipation phase. However, you will still be describing your reaction to any previous actions taken against you, and you action against somebody else. You could also describe your emotional state at the time. Are you scared? Pissed off? etc. A couple of sentences for each of those, maybe a line of dialogue, and you're sure to have a paragraph.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Silverlight138 I mean your post ends with the declaration of an action, and the next person's post begins with the results of the action. In my experience with combat RP, I've found it is quite possible to generate multiple paragraphs for a single post during fast-paced action sequences following this rule. A typical combat post has three components: reaction, action, and anticipation. This won't be quite so combat-intensive, so you probably won't need the anticipation phase. However, you will still be describing your reaction to any previous actions taken against you, and you action against somebody else. You could also describe your emotional state at the time. Are you scared? Pissed off? etc. A couple of sentences for each of those, maybe a line of dialogue, and you're sure to have a paragraph.

Mmmm, alright, sounds reasonable enough! Thanks for the answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThriceDefied


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Jurin Maers "Jurin Deathward"

Age: 27

Race: Human

Appearance: 6'3", 230 lbs, balanced muscular build, short military-cut black hair, unslanted black eyes, sharp facial features, usually wears sleeveless dark-colored shirts and shorts.

Role: Bodyguard. Jurin's role is to keep everyone alive, rather than to do any of his own research.

Bio: Jurin had complications at birth. He was a very large foetus, and when it was time for him to come into this world, his head was away from the birth canal, and no amount of pushing would change that. In the end, his parents, who were wealthy minor nobility, solicited the services of a wizard, who cast a spell that would make Jurin want to survive and instinctively know what wouldn't work. Finally, he was birthed as a healthy baby boy, but the spell stuck to him forever. Later in life, much to the dismay of his parents, Jurin decided to essay his education into foreign languages, rhetoric, geography, philosophy, and politics (his parents were preparing him to become a royal ambassador) in order to make full use of his innate magic, as a bodyguard. He was chosen by the mages of Chaosera to go on the expedition to the new world because he is uniquely suited to assess the risk of a situation, regardless of how little experience he has with it. And naturally, nobody has any experience with the new world yet.

Skills: Beyond his obvious skill in hand to hand combat and most melee weapons (especially daggers), Jurin still retains some of his education as a diplomat, though he hasn't practiced much lately. He has rudimentary skills in nature survival (finding North, limited hunting, starting and kindling a fire, other basic things like that) but he's probably worse than most of the group at this. His understanding of science is limited.

Magic: Jurin has an ability called Death Ward, from which his nickname originates. This ability allows him to instinctively know if he has a greater than 50% chance of dying within five minutes or less if he doesn't change his own actions in a major way. This is a purely yes-or-no ability: he either feels like he's closer than a coinflip to death in the near future or he doesn't. This ability doesn't pinpoint the exact source of danger, or the possible cause or death, or the exact percentage. And in some cases, he may not start feeling threatened straight up 5 minutes before the potential death event, but less than that, if it was, for example, hovering around 40-45% lethality until then. His sense also doesn't trigger on the potential deaths of others, even if they are people he is deliberately trying to protect; for example, if the group is collecting highly poisonous mushrooms and planning to eat them, he won't sense the danger of this if he doesn't like mushrooms and won't be eating himself. One last thing is that Death Ward is, as the name suggests, a death-specific warning spell. If something is about to happen to Jurin that will horribly disfigure or maim him, or send him into a coma, but has a low chance of straight up killing him, he won't know.

Equipment: Machete, three 10 inch daggers, several cords of rope, bandaging cloth, flint, 300 grams of gold in 10 gram nuggets

Other: I would describe Jurin as reckless and not very brave at the same time. What I mean by this is that while his Death Ward is tingling, he will be extremely apprehensive about his surroundings and the source of danger and active about getting himself and the rest of the group out, rather than facing the danger head-on, but while his Death Ward is silent, he is perfectly willing and even happy to take risks, even though he knows that the potential for permanent injury is there. Just something I thought others should know about how he behaves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nagariin
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Name: Numzom Deepfeet (Nummy Deepfeet)

Age: 20

Race: Half-Elf

Appearance: 6'2" Tall, Long hair (as long as his neck) but he keeps it maintainable with his headband, Bluish Green Glazed eyes, and brownish skin color, usually wears green shirt with brown Bermuda shorts, a lightly muscular body, and brownish black hair.

Role: Fighter, he fights the unknown things in the New World and protects his party (if he even has one) or his own self.

Bio: Numzom was different from the other Elves, he was a Hybrid, His father was an Elf and his mother was a Human, making him Half-Elf. When he was five, His father thought him Martial Arts so he could defend himself, and at the age of 10 he started training to use swords, and at the age of 18 he got a Rank for being "Private Swordsman" in the Royal Military, he got chosen going to the New World because of suggestion from General. Fuorth to the New World Exploration Committee.

Skills: He has an advanced skill of Swordmastering and melee weapons, more than any other weapons

Magic: Numzom has a spirit stuck with him which he called Numbo, strangely enough, Numbo gave him an unusual power that can make Numzom very, very fast and surprisingly strong, Numzom called this form the Mach form because he moves so fast according to his mates eyes, in his eyes, Numzom only moves normally, but the others are moving slowly.

Equipment: Elven Wakizashi, Elven Khanda, 5 Heal pots, some bandages, a bag of Apples and 250 gold coins.

Other: Numbo can be seen to the other players, but he only appears when Numzom is in Mach Form.
(I can't RP everyday, I can only RP 2 times a week, but luckily this is my holiday week, so luckily (maybe) I can RP everyday.).
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LunarValkyria
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Riki Lazarus

Age: 28

Race: Elf


Role: A Hunter and a Botanist.

Bio: Riki is both a good hunter as well as an exceptional Botanist among her small community of Elves. She grew up in that small community, in the middle of a dense forest, far from all other civilization. She longed to leave, explore and seek out new things, especially plants. When she turned 17 she left her village and began explore the reaches of the world, cataloging all new species of plants she came across. But the world was only so big, and by the age of 26, she’d come to realize that there was nothing else to discover. In her 9 years abroad, she refined her hunting abilities as to provide for herself and lower the cost of her lengthy expedition. After returning home, she quickly put together an encyclopedia of all that she’d found. Two years later she heard of the portal that lead to a new world. Within minutes, she had her things packed and set off to put in her application to be a part of this grand adventure into a strange new land. She doesn't know for sure why she was chosen to go through the portal, but if she had to hazard a guess, she would assume it was for her supposed expertise in botany.

Skills: Identifying plants and their various uses. As she always says, it pays to know what can kill you and what can heal you. She’s rather good with a bow and arrow, as that’s the easiest way to hunt. She can produce crude hunting snares. Also, she knows the basics of how to wield a dagger.

Magic: Riki has an elemental ability. She can create fire; however, her flames are no bigger than the size of a baseball. She has no control over it once it leaves her hand and it usually dies out within seconds. She has no desire to use the ability for violence and uses it solely as a torch in dark places or to light fires for her camp.

Equipment: A bow and quiver of sturdy arrows. Her encyclopedia. A small dagger. A small satchel of special plants with various healing properties. Another small satchel with some snare materials. And a new note book with some charcoal, a quill and ink, so she can catalogue new plants.

Other: Even though Riki spent many years abroad and met many different kinds of people, she still has a very blunt way of speaking. She says what she means and doesn’t particularly care if she offends someone or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'll most likely make a Neko. What's the age limit here? What's the magic limit?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Regitnui
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Regitnui Lorespinner

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@The OneActually, you might want to read some of Yuuta's replies to queries regarding magic and its scope/limits here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/163326-thr… Hope it helps!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iuniper


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I wanted a Stargate RP, and here it is!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Silverlight138 Thanks that gives me a basic idea. I'll start thinking while I wait for the Gm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

...I wake up and we have two more elves.

Jesus, people.

Hrm...might change my character. Don't want too many of the same race around here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Iuniper


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What species are humanesque but not human or elf?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Many many species. Neko, Inumi (Dog) Kitsune (Fox) Lupine (Wolf) Orc could be considered human ish. Lalafell, Dwarf, Halfling, Half Dwarf, Sun Elf, Moon Elf, High Elf, Dark Elf, Woof Elf, there are so many species and there from the top of my head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Iuniper Dwarf and such, but in most fantasy situations I tend to make humans the only humanoid species if only because I'm usually not a fan of 'almost human' races because they're a little redundant as far as I am concerned.

Can't really help ya there.

Decided to go ahead and make the elf anyways. Don't feel like throwing together and entirely new concept.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Rune_Alchemist Well, I'm going to get a sword up my ass, because I have to have one of my characters mention her frolicking through the forest.
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