Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deegee
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Hello all. deegee here. This is my first stab at writing an interest check. (depending on how this goes, I'll flesh it out into an OOC.) Looking for 3-5 players for a high-casual / low-advanced RP, set in a place the likes of which I've never seen well-demonstrated on an RPG site such as this.

There was a film... mid-'90s, starring Ray Liotta, called 'No Escape.' (not to be confused with the Owen Wilson film 'No Way Out'...) The thrust of it was that prisons had become privatized, and that one such prison corporation had purchased an island to drop their most undesirable of undesirables. This was counter to the 'official' rules by which corporations could conduct business, which still fell squarely in the 'brick and mortar' style of prisons. The prisoners on the island were left to their own devices for the most part, eventually falling into two factions. There was a bestial, savage group called the 'Outsiders' (think marauding bikers from 'Mad Max' meets the barbaric, bloodthirsty horde of 'Doomsday') and a far more peaceful tribe called the 'Insiders.' (think the 'Hilltop,' from Walking Dead.)

This film got a lot right, but never found much of an audience in theatres. Sure, there are nods to, and scenes that feel a whole lot like 'Escape from New York' or 'Maze Runner..' or 'Hunger Games' but I love the idea that the inhabitants are all hard cases, cons, broken people. And I love the notion that there is no reprieve. No end to the hell, except death. Of course, left to our own devices, the basest of us will devolve into something evil and savage. The best of us (or the wrongly accused?) would seek something brighter.

As GM, I will play a role, but I will also drive the action. See -- one of the factions will receive regular supply drops. The other does not. I am classing this as apocalyptic, or PA, as the tech is extremely minimal (whatever you find on the island, or were able to hide as you were transported to the island.) That said, I imagine the time to be slightly ahead of today, so we are set in the future, though any advances in tech are mitigated by their complete absence from the setting.

Who's interested?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ztlabraptor211
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Sounds promising. I'm in
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deegee
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whole island is four miles (of dense jungle) wide
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GranmotherPandi
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GranmotherPandi Pandi <3

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Sounds very intense and desirable. Count me in.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ztlabraptor211
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Ah this reminds me a lot of The Condemned. Promising so far!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ulstermann
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deegee
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If we get a few more interested folks, I'll make the OOC. Might be nice to have 6 total, plus me. Six would be enough to start, can continue to recruit after that.

Glad to see some interest out there!

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

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Is this setting male only or female only given that it's something of a prison, or are we gonna toss everyone in together?

In any event, consider me interested.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deegee
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Is this setting male only or female only given that it's something of a prison, or are we gonna toss everyone in together?

In any event, consider me interested.

Good question. As a PC / GM, I'd personally be unhappy if it was all male. However, the statistics show that the majority of violent offenders and the kind of devious creatures that would find themselves the inhabitants of Absolom, would be male. But note--I said majority. You want to play a woman, please do!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nyxella
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Nyxella Delphic Dame

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Dangerous deviants and perfidious plots blended together in a spike-laden cement-mixer - yes, please.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

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interested but unsure if i could join yet, based on how many RPs im in :(
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deegee
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@Infamous Empathhehehe... I'm in the same boat... about forty characters spanning tabletop and four sites online... believe me, where there's a will there's a way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Glitter Guppy
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Glitter Guppy Books and Cleverness (And Emots)

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Well. I mean. You know I'm already in. <3
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

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@deegee Ah! There are so many character ideas to spawn from this, definitely interested!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deegee
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This is great everyone -- definitely going to make the OOC. It'll be up tonight.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deegee
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deegee
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YO! The OOC is up... looking for more characters! (Consider this a 'bump'.)

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