It's AnAn,
Thank you for checking out the Roleplay. I hope you find something that you fancy.
This, is where the journey begins.
Before you begin: A quick disclaimer, this is not set in stone. The setting is not necessary for every character - a diverse background is welcome. The original village presented is for interest.
i. Introduction
ii. Notes
iii. Rules
iv. Character Templates
v. Survey
The Hikaemena Village, occasionally dubbed
‘Koya no Mora’: a village whose roots began as a home to peaceful, non-shinobi citizens. Located within the Northern part of the Land of Fire, the small village was founded by a shinobi of the Leaf Village (now known as the First Saizen) who chose to abandon the violent ways of the ninja. It was her hopes that the village would become a home to those that sought refuge. Families. Orphans. Retired shinobi. In times of war, many neighboring villages were pressured to become Shinobi- or simply frightened. Ultimately, The Hikaemena Village served it's purpose: becoming home to those that fled neighboring, war torn villages. For a short time. Although the village remained neutral, rising tensions made bordering villages suspicious. Over time, the amicable village became an unwilling (and unknowing) accomplice to the raging wars.
The citizens lived modestly- building their own homes, growing their own crops and laboring for their fellow villagers rather than expanding or outsourcing. Soon, they reached a decline as their numbers increased. Undercover shinobi invaded. They became a safe rendezvous point for spies and traitors. Eventually, the village was ravaged by its bordering villages - caught in the crossfire of a battle and accused of being allies to opposite parties. Their homes and reputations tarnished, the village faced devastating losses. Crops. Homes. Lives. Families. All destroyed.
In the aftermath of the war, the remaining villagers were left to pick up the pieces. Many had lost hope - feeling there was no escape from the violent world around them. As such, in it’s lowest time, villagers struggled to work together to rebuild. They had become mistrusting and suspicious. The war’s impact lingered - making citizens angry, irritable and violent. The First Saizen, in her old age, struggled as the village head to placate the calamity. She received pressure from council to change policies and to become a Shinobi village. They needed to strengthen their economy as well as their citizens. However, her pacifist views prevented her from budging. It was not until her death did the village evolve into a shinobi territory. Even in death, she was respected- becoming a symbol of hope for the people. Seen as the mother figure, she was seen as someone worth protecting - whose vision was worth fighting for.
Over time, relationships within the village improved. Yet, outside relationships were strained. Villagers became a close knit family. Throughout their existence, they were criticized for varying reasons: for being poor, producing relatively unskilled ninja, for having foolish ideals,for being cowards or traitors (for leaving/abandoning their initial villages in times of war to seek peace). Still, this small village has thrived. There is still much to improve upon, but they have come a long way - and well…
“We aren't stopping here!”
Hikaemena is an original (non canon) village. I thought that it would offer some interesting depth to explore a developing shinobi nation. Of course, shinobi from other villages will be permitted. It would even be encouraged (especially with the inclusion of clan from certain villages). I thought it would be a fun addition. Including this new village helps to add the following things to future plots:
Facing Insecurities
Building Relationships
Alliances (or Animosity) Between Villages
Overcoming Trials
Being the 'Underdog'
Proving and Finding Self
Et Cetera
A few Ideas include conducting the chunin exams.
Strained political relationships, clashing with personal relationships between shinobi of different villages.
Attempts at strengthening relationships between villages: tournaments, fairs, festivals, etc.
Character Template
Sexual Orientation:
Personality: (Description, not just adjectives)
Looks and Appearance
*Reference photo or description
Ninja Information
Birth Village:
Current Village: [Could be the same as the birth village]
Rank: [Chūnin,Academy Student,Sannin]
Ninja Status: [Villager or Missing nin?]
Chakra Element: [Earth,Wind,Water,Fire,etc]
Weapon(s): [Sword,Shurikan,Kunai,Fan,etc]
Fighting Style: [Close range, long distance, melee, weapon's expert, etc.]
A Quick Survey
A few questions for those involved. Your opinions matter! Communication is key.
How often are you comfortable and able to post?
Do you think there should be a post limit ? (I.e: a number of posts before you post again).
What would you like to focus on? (Action, drama, character development, a combination of things).
Any other notes?