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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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Brenna was shocked when one of the Beothers approached and started signing.
"Yes I can hear," she replied in a shaky voice. "My daughter is hard of hearing," she said and gave a small shriek when the black blood of a Lesser sprayed on them. Brenna took the brunt of it, when only a few drops landing on Gracie, who immediately started trying to get it off. The child's wide eyes and whimpers showed that she was terrified.
Gracie had her father's eyes. Although Brenna had never known his name she remembered his face, epsecially his eyes. But seeing them so scared on her little girl made her heart twist in pain.

"Please," she pleaded, "help us."

Most of the threat was dealt with. The remaining Lessers disbanded quickly when there were only a few of them left, risking the Omega's wrath over death at the hands of the Brotherhood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Zavist saw the fear. He smealt the baby powder and saw the lessers from the corner of his eye. He had a choice. He hated to leave his brothers but the females needed safety. A snarl left him before he grabbed the girl and picked her up. He looked at the mother before snagging her hand with his own and running past.

The lessers had blocked his path. That meant he had to get them moved enough. He head butted one causing it to stumble and he used that as an opening. He ran as fast as she could...his Amber eyes searching for somewhere safe enough. He spotted a bathroom. He managed to get the door open and them inside.

Zavist Licked the door and handed Gracie back to her mother before pulling out his phone and dialing the mansion. The sound of the phone being picked up caused relief on his features. "I need the line kept open I've got guests to get to safety." it was said before the man on the other end could speak. Zavist looked at the two before taking the mother's hand and using the line to transport them to the mansion.

Once there he hung up the phone and released her hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

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Afecjtion started round the scene for a few more minutes making sure if everything was going with a calm flow. Once he realized everything was going a slow flow especially after the man took a female and child into a public toilet.
Afecjtion nodded and shifted his body and turned on his heel. He started making his way down the dark alleys of the city. He was becoming slightly worried about Seren and didn't want her becoming hurt. Shaking a little he was getting a bit to worried as his pace started going up and he was being quickly.

Starting to run down the alley's way he ran the whole way till the pavement of the one road he left his sister on. He looked around and seemed interested to look both ways before he turned to the left and made his way up the street. Seeing Seren, he smiled slightly and went up to her. "Hello, Seren." he picked her up from under her arm pits and raised her to his chest area as he held her closely. "Are you okay?" He asked moving the light hair from his little sisters face. "Yes." She giggled and grabbed his wrist with both of her little hands. Looking at her as she did this gesture he titled his head. "I don't really know where to go." He sighed and rolled his shoulders looking around. Seren looked around and then looked back at Afecjtion and didn't really know what to say to his comment.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


In a split second it went from the sounds of fighting and death to peaceful silence. Brenna opened her eyes to see the foyer of a large mansion. Gasping, she instinctively stepped away from the male, pulling her hand from his and wrapping her arms around her daughter.
"Where are we?" She asked as Gracie continued to whimper and cry, large tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Mommy," she signed and voiced, wiping at the black blood on her face and whining in protest that it wouldn't come off.
"I know baby. We'll clean it off I promise."
"Monsters"" Gracie voiced as she frantically tried to get the black substance off of her. "Monsters."

Kneeling down, Brenna put her on the floor and pulled up the hem of her shirt to try and get Gracie cleaned off, trying to calm her down as much as possible. At this rate the five year old was going to have a panic attack.
Brenna looked up sat the male who had brought them to... wherever this was. "Thank you for getting us out of there. We live at Haver's Clinic in the city. We will return there as quickly as possible, so as not to bother you and the other Brothers. My name is Brenna. This is my daughter Gracie."

Gracie was peering up at the male shyly, not certain if she should be afraid of him or not.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Zavist exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. He was tired. The shifting and the transporting really took a toll on his energy. He looked at her as she backed away. "We are at the mansion. Home so to speak" home for him anyway. His nostrils flared as he took in the familiar scents and his gaze slowly moved back to the duo.

"You may use my bathroom to get clean if you wish" He did not like seeing them upset...but really he had no idea how to help. At the mention of leaving his arms crossed and his head shook. "It is not safe. I insist you stay" he paused at the introduction and pulled off one of his gloves. He placed it on the table and held out his bare hand.

"I am Zavist. While you are here I promise you any harm that you encounter shall be dealt with by me" His voice was confident with that promise. He most certainly meant what he said. While Brenna and Gracie may not be his brothers they were female. And for some reason that triggered the need to protect just as easily as if they were.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

With the lessers taken Zsadist had two choices. He could go back to the mansion or he could hunt. He wasn't in the mood to deal with his brothers. As much as he cared for them he needed some time and space. So decided to hunt a little longer.

He started to wander looking for another fight. It wasn't long before he picked up the smell of baby powder again. He followed it He was annoyed when he saw black blood but no lessars. Until he saw a male picking up a child. The man was built like a brother but wasn't anyone he knew. Not that he was the most social of the group, but it was a relatively small group. He sighed. He would have to approach them. The man would either attack him or run. Either would annoy him. But he was the only one here and the king wanted males that could be recruited. "You need to come with me. The king would like to talk to you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Afecjtion stood there now as he just got into an upright position after picking up Seren. He then felt Seren's little hands tighten their grip on his clothing that was round his arm. He felt the jacket tighten round his forearm, and he looked down at her. "Who is that?" She whispered with a somewhat nervous voice. Seeing a slight reflection in her eyes of a man. He couldn't make up any features at first though he kept his back to him. Hiding Seren right away making sure she wasn't at all visible to the male.
Afecjtion looked over his shoulder with an un-amused look and seemed to not really care for the presence of what this male brought. "You need to come with me. The king would like to talk to you." the stranger called out. Afecjtion's brows furrowed right away and he seemed to take a few steps forward from the male growing slightly near. The male seemed to be around Afecjtions height, short dark hair, tan-ish pale skin and, a scar-ish mark across his face. Afecjtions blue eyes met with the ones of a grey strangers. "Come any closer, and you will be slashed down." Afecjtion hissed out. Being very on guard especially with his younger sister. Seren hid her face into Afecjtion's chest area as she tried to keep calm. She seemed very nervous when the male approached, and she started shaking slightly. This shaking caused Afecjtion to get on guard and somewhat to appear violent. "Also, who is this king you speak of? I don't remember getting a letter and I rather not attend something I wasn't appropriately invited too." Afecjtion's tone of voice had some sass in his voice as he said this his lips formed a small smirk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Zsadist wasn't surprised when the male tried to hide from him. He would have been irritated if he didn't approve of the action. Still it hurt to know that he scared the child. "I will not harm you or the child." He promised. He held up his hands so he would look less threatening, even though he knew it would do no good.He couldn't look unthreatening if he tried. He wished someone else was here. Most of them were better at this stuff than he was. "Unless you grew up human or in the outlands you should know the king of vampires is Wrath son of Wrath. He has been ruling us for centuries. He's recruiting for the brotherhood and you have brother in your bloodline somewhere. Just come with me Listen to what he has to say. You and the girl will have a safe place to stay for the night."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Afecjtion still felt the tightened clothing round his forearms as Seren was still nervous about the male that was still trying to become on neutral sides or a better side then he actually was. Afecjtion didn't really seem to be amused by this other male and kept his body relaxed and his mind in fight mode. Every movement the male made Afecjtion's eyes went straight too watching him and how he moved. "I will not harm you or the child." the stranger called out to try and see if that helped with Afecjtion's decision on being aggressive. Though, Afecjtion listened to all that the male had to say.

"Unless you grew up human or in the outlands you should know the king of vampires is Wrath son of Wrath. He has been ruling us for centuries. He's recruiting for the brotherhood and you have brother in your bloodline somewhere. Just come with me Listen to what he has to say. You and the girl will have a safe place to stay for the night." the male spoke.

Afecjtion shook his head not in disagreement but, for another reason. "If Wrath son of Wrath recruits such disrespectful recruits...I wouldn't rather listen to what he says." Afecjtion hissed out as his body shifted."I love how you get to your point, though, when you approach me from behind. You don't need to be straight forward. You could've introduced yourself which you still have not and you could've slide into the conversation though you just make me see how young you are that you still haven't learned proper manners..." Afecjtion pointed out that he could tell he was way younger than him. The tone of Afecjtion's voice isn't really blunt though it is sarcastic and slightly sassy.

Seren looked at Afecjtion and picks herself up from his shoulder so she could see the male stranger. "Hewwo!" She waved at the stranger. "I'm Seren." She giggled. Afecjtion did nothing when she did these actions. He really wouldn't stop her unless she was doing something bad. "I will come with you. But, you aren't allowed in five feet of this child and if you touch her. You loose that body part. Do you understand?"Afecjtion asked. He didn't really care to introduce himself unless this male did first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zsadist wasn't surprised at the males reaction. He wasn't a people person. His live hadn't taught him how to interact with others. It was one of the reasons that he avoided interacting with anyone but his brothers. They understood his mannerisms. He knew he had screwed up with this. He hadn't meant to. He had stumbled onto the man and his child. He had handled the situation badly. He ran his hand over his head. He wished that one of the others had been here. He didn't blame the other man for not wanting to have anything to do with him. He sighed. Wrath would not be happy when he heard about this. He was surprise when the man said he would come with him. "You know nothing of me. I handled the situation badly and I admit that. But I can not be anyone but who I am. If you wish to met with the king. You will have to allow me within arms length. There is only one way into the mansion. I will not touch the child. While I am not a man of honor I am not a bastard either. Do you know how to phase?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Brenna frowned worriedly. He insisted they stay? It was not safe? Why? The Lessers had been dealt with... right?
Gracie tugged on her arm and pointed to her own mouth, a questioning look on her face. It was a brief sign for what is he saying?
Brenna started signing then realized how rude it might look to not translate what she was saying. "He says we stay here," she said aloud as she signed. "His name Zavist," she finger spelled it for Gracie.

The child looked at the male with wide eyes and signed wolf, her face a question. Not wanting to offend him Brenna just nodded without translating. Gracie swallowed hard and started at the male with wide fearful eyes. She was afraid to make him mad. Would he turn into a wolf and eat her like in the Red Riding Hood story?

Brenna followed the male as he led them to a bathroom to clean up. Brenna wished she could give Gracie a bath but they had no clothing here. The smell of the black oily blood was terrible. Gracie was still shaking with fright.
Here safe, Brenna signed. Brotherhood protect us. Gathering up Gracie in her arms, she left the bathroom after cleaning herself off as much as possible.

She met the male again in the room outside of the bathroom, which she assumed was his room. She shifted nervously, being in a strange male's room. Gracie kept staring at Zavist, a mix of fear and curiosity in her eyes. Most of the large males she had seen at the shelter had been bad males who came to hurt their mates who were in the shelter hiding from them. The only postitive relationship she had with a male was with Dr. Havers but he was only polite to them nothing more.

"I'm sorry to bother you," Brenna said, "but we have no clothing here. Would it be possible to borrow something for her, just for tonight?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zavist did not like the terrified look he got from the girl after she signed something and her mother nodded. It stung him a bit, but all he could do was try to make up for it.

As they cleaned themselves he remained in his room cleaning the claws of his gloves and wondering where his brothers were. They could handle themselves, but the wolf in him made him want to find his pack. But doing so would mean leaving brenna and Gracie. He couldn't do that either.

Zavist smelled them before she said anything. He slowly stood and turned. He blinked and put the glove down. "Oh of course" he made his way to the closet and opened it to reveal a lot of black and grey. He seemed to be going for the very back and produced the only two t shirts of a color other then black and held them out. One was a cobalt blue while the other was a forest green. He paused before going back into the closet and grabbing some old draw string sweat pants and basketball shorts. He held the clothes out. "I believe you deserve a bath as well" his voice was quiet.

Zavist was trying...and trying hard. Both of them had been through what he imagined was traumatizing to them...and he felt the urge to help them. How could he not. Without his gloves and bit being attacked he seemed to have a softer side. He continued to hold the clothing awkwardly hoping they would take them. Even though his clothes were probably going to be giant on them.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Brenna took the clothing he offered. There was something about this male that was unlike others she had met. A kind of... animal nature. It unnerved her but at the same time made her want to reach out and touch him, like when you found yourself around a large predator.

Gracie peeked at the male from Brenna' neck, holding on to her mother but not as tightly as before.
"Thank you... Zavist," Brenna said, hesitating only a moment before saying his name. It was a strong name. The name of a warrior.

Going back into the bathroom, Brenna eyed the door for a moment before stripping down and getting into the shower. Gracie followed her lead and got in as well. The bathroom was large with a shower and tub. She assumed all of the rooms in the mansion had their own bathrooms like this one. It was obvious the Brotherhood enjoyed luxury. It wasn't a bad thing. With all they did to protect the race they deserved it.

The females washed quickly. Irish Springs soap rested on the shelf and Brenna breathed in the refreshing scent. The shelter used generic hospital soap that had no scent and was rough on the skin.
Once they were dressed Gracie started giggling. Brenna could help the small chuckle that escaped her. The shirt was truly gigantic on Gracie, going to the floor and falling off one shoulder. She looked utterly adorable. Brenna fairs no better, the shirt more like a cocktail dress length on her. But the material was soft and warm. And both shirts smelled like the male.

The bottoms he gave her were too big to stay on so she had to go without them. A blush crept across her cheeks as she showed far more of her legs than she wished to.
She spotted the male still in the room and then blush deepened slightly. "Your kindness is greatly appreciated Warrior," she said respectfully and bowed, the old language custom of showing honor to the host.
Gracie imitated her mother. Moments later their was a knock at the door and Gracie cried out, scrambling behind Zavist's bed in the blink of an eye.

It was a Doggen, wondering if any of them were hungry and if so what they desired to eat. Brenna coaxed Gracie out from behind the bed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Zavist studied her. He did not know what to make of the look she was giving him. He tilted his head as Gracie peered at him and focused back on brenna as she spoke. "You are welcome" the way she said his name was as if she found it to be a strong name. He had to admit it was...but it meant envy. Something he found suited him quite often.

As they disappeared back into his bathroom he worked on cleaning the claws of his other glove. Once he finished that he lightly took off his shirt and inspected the now present hole in it. He could sew it, but what was the point.

He was still inspecting the shirt when brenna spoke. Zavist quickly put his shirt back on and watched her thank him. He bowed back and managed not to react too much to her in his shirt. They smelled like him....they didn't know it yet but they were rapidly wrapping him around their fingers.

Before Zavist could say anything there was a knock and Gracie shot onto his bed causing him to turn and let out a growl before inhaling and looking at the doggan. "Steak...how I usually have it with mango lemonade." he glanced at the two females. "And a kettle of lavender honey tea." the doggan nodded and left.

Zavist shut the door and looked between them. "If you wish you can stay in this room...I can sleep elsewhere or on a cot or something" he rubbed his neck. At least they didn't seem terrified of him anymore.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The sight of the male shirtless would have affected a dead female. And Brenna was most certainly not dead. A surge of desire hit her stomach and she quickly put a stop to that. It was a normal female response to a male, but while natural it was certainly not appropriate.

The feral growl that came from him at seeing Gracie's fear of strangers affected her in a different way. It was also a natural response: a male response to a child, protective. It was... a very nice feeling it gave her. Neither of them had ever felt the protection of a male before. The simple feeling of knowing they were safe for the first time in a long time overwhelmed her and he eyes stung with tears.

Mommy? Wrong? Why cry? Gracie signed.
Fine. No worry. Only tired. Brenna sighed back before turning to the male and composing herself.
"I cannot thank you enough," she told him, signing as she spoke so as not to leave Gracie out. "We can't take your bed from you. We could stay in another-"
Gracie cut her off, making whimpering sounds and shaking her head, signing fast. She had to repeat herself twice before Brenna got it all.

"She wants me to tell you she doesn't want to leave your room. She is scared, but feels safe with you," Brenna paused and looked at Zavist with wide eyes. She signed to Gracie that she and Zavist were going to have grownup talk and then spoke to him without signing. "Please forgive my shock and know this is nothing against you, but I am genuinely shocked. You don't understand. She never feels safe with people, not even at the shelter. This is... this is incredible..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Zavist rubbed his neck again after being thanked. He was certainly not used to this. He was about to cut brenna off himself when Gracie began to frantically sign. His brow rose before he managed to fully understand what was being said.

Gracie felt safe with him. He seemed frozen for a moment before he shook his head. "I'm glad she feels safe...and I'm happy that she feels safe around me" He paused before making his way to the bed and dragging a cot out from under it. "I'm guessing she wouldn't want me to leave the room so you both can have the bed" he lightly plucked one of four pillows from the bed and dropped it on the cot.

Zavist looked at brenna. "Please make yourselves comfortable" He made quicker movements as he grabbed an old t shirt and his sweat pants and went into the bathroom. The door clicked shut and soon it was clear he was taking his own quick shower. He figured the doggan would be awhile so a shower would be good for him as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Afecjtion's body shifted as he waited for the male's words. Afecjtion was being aggressive since it was in his nature and Seren was right with him. If she wasn't he would've probably taken the situation a little more half heartedly and un-aggressively. Though, Afecjtion wanted people know he was going to get his point across that you don't touch his little sister. Hearing the sigh, he shrugged his shoulders. Afecjtion heard there is only one way into the mansion and he had to let the man within arms length of Seren and his brows furrowed. Glaring at the man Afecjtion took a moment to think about what he should say. What the male said to Afecjtion he seemed not to understand a few of the words. "Mhm...phase what is that?" Afecjtion used a sarcastic tone, smirked and looked at the male."Also, stating the obvious is wonderful...I don't know anything about you. That's why I'm not fully going to leap in your arms." Afecjtion stated as he looked at the male somewhat annoyed on the words he picked."But you can try and change your ways kid." Afecjtion said as he walked up arms length to the vampire."I really hope...we can get along in the future." Afecjtion stared right into the male's eyes and held his glare. Seren held onto her brother tightly as she was very close to the man. She seemed very shy and a bit nervous since she doesn't really go around anybody but her brother this close. Peaking out from behind her locks she kept her eyes on the new male.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After the male left Brenna set to work calming Gracie. The child was still shaking slightly. Brenna held her, kissing her head and rubbing her back. The soothing sensation did the trick and the child's eyes started to drop.
A knock at the door had her whimpering. Brenna opened it cautiously to find the doggen there. He left the food and tea and bowed before leaving as Zavist came out of the bathroom.

Gracie sat on the floor with her tea cup and sipped it slowly, the lavender having a relaxing effect. But she still sat close to the bed, ready to dart underneath if she was scared. She barely finished the cup before she was curled up on the floor like a sleepy puppy. Brenna carefully lifted her into the bed, covering her with the blanket as the child drifted off to sleep.

"I hate that her first instinct is to find a place to hide," Brenna admitted to Zavist. "I feel like I have failed her as a mother. A child should not live in such fear."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zsadist snorted. "Look I am not good at social interactions. I know that. It's a short coming of mine. It's not likely to change.i won't apologize for who I am. I don't expect you to like me or jump into my arms. That's more V's thing than mine." he told the other man gruffily. He doubted the man would give him a chance. He didn't blame the man for not trusting him. Hell he wouldn't have trusted him if their roles were reversed. He pulled out his phone when the man came within arm's reach. Without a world he dialed the mansion's number. When Zsadist heard someone answer he grabbed the other man's wrist and phased. Phasing might not have been the best word for what happened. But it was the only one that he had. Their molecule separated and than traveled through the phone line. Within minutes they reformed in the manion's dinning room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Afecjtion titled his head as he approached the male and listened quietly to the stranger’s words. Still not knowing the, male’s name. Seren clung onto him tighter as they neared once the rambling of the other male’s voice stopped.
Afecjtion watched as the male pulled out a cell phone and moments later all their bodies were warped. Feeling like a millisecond their segregated molecules went crashing back together and they were generated into a dining room set.

Viewing over to the virile he smiled to some extent. It was a pleasant smile and the primary mien he’s made decently towards the male since they first approached in view of each other. “I recognize it’s a petite pending and I rather you not change.” Afecjtion whispered silently and peacefully as his eyes seemed to become dull and his smile converting too much happiness. “I rather you not apologize for who you are because, I will never change who I am unless it means I have to save Seren’s life.” Afecjtion stated as his eyes turned into sharp glares and the smile faded into a straight line. “Not much of a name either.” Afecjtion pointed out. “Mine’s Afecjtion just call me A.” He said with a faintly mocking voice with a hint of joking around. Afecjtion sometimes was able to pull to a few jokes but, it was hardly and he was trying to get on a decent balance with this V-guy.

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