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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zyamasiel


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zyamasiel>

You don't know me, though you act as though you do. I'm more than willing to text punch you in the teeth if you want to, though. Nothing but bad blood between us, and I'll let it continue despite the fact we almost had a bonding moment not long ago. Also...what the fuck do I have to gain from alienating myself from literally the only RP group I've ever known or been with? When most are damn near like family to me now? Get your head out of your ass.

As for @AtlasRize and @DLL, I'll explain myself in private on our forums. No reason to keep this going here. The rest of you, sorry for this drama. I, at the very least, do enjoy some of the peeps I've met here and hope to meet most of you on the battlefield at some point.

The last time you said that, you abandoned the forum mid-fight because you were losing. Assuming you won't be doing that again, open a thread.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metal Tortoise
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Metal Tortoise The RP Testudinidae

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

You know Doc, despite whats transpired, I find what you are saying sincere, and so in a likewise sincere 'salvage' attempt between 'groups/realms' I will take up that 'challenge' you posted. I dunno if you wanna throw out the topic first, I'd be content with either.

I have a character in mind, one somewhat new and focused on melee, so I was thinking...Just that or perhaps low enhancements of characteristics. Either way, Hammer-Gauntlet thrown and I understand both if it is accepted or denied.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Geraven


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Geraven>

The last time you said that, you abandoned the forum mid-fight because you were losing. Assuming you won't be doing that again, open a thread.

Really? Cause I don't recall fighting you. That was Laser. I was used as a weapon to start with, then my attention was turned to someone I felt was an actual challenge to me. Then, after we realized the farce you and the others were pulling, yeah...we left the shitty little forum.

However, you are still too low for me to truly care about, and all you do is run your mouth because you could never really be one of us. Maybe after I'm done with my fight against Lee, I might throw up a challenge. But I have a feeling you'd run like a little bitch anyway.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zyamasiel


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zyamasiel>

Really? Cause I don't recall fighting you. That was Laser. I was used as a weapon to start with, then my attention was turned to someone I felt was an actual challenge to me. Then, after we realized the farce you and the others were pulling, yeah...we left the shitty little forum.

However, you are still too low for me to truly care about, and all you do is run your mouth because you could never really be one of us. Maybe after I'm done with my fight against Lee, I might throw up a challenge. But I have a feeling you'd run like a little bitch anyway.

> threatens someone
> makes excuses when they accept.

Make whatever excuses you feel are necessary, and backpedal all you want. Nobody cares. Nobody ever cared.

You'll either nut up, or you'll shut up. You're still fairly useless either way, bruh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by skidcrow


Member Seen 10 mos ago

as an outsider to this forum, i can assure you guys that this doesn't look good for any of you; no matter who is in the right or wrong here. how about instead of hurling insults everywhere because you've all over compensated for your egos, you actually read @doc doctor's post, think about it carefully and, as politely as i can put it, get over yourselves?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 5 days ago

Regardless of your opinions, your views, and your concerns, I will not tollerate the flaming and abuse of another member. Any member that voices these opinions on the forum will be dealt with accordingly. I would highly recommended that the members in this thread should read through the rules and align your frame of mind towards those vision and values.

Fundamental Rules of the Guild

I will be keeping an eye on this thread for a bit to ensure that everyone plays nice. If you do have an opinion then you will voice it as 'constructive' critique on ways to improve the arena scene. @Doc Doctor has a very good post and that would be a recommended read.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago

@Metal Tortoise

Sounds good, but I'll have to insist that I use Kentucky Tom as my character of choice. I'm compelled to have a fight that'll leave everyone choking on their corn.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtlasRize
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AtlasRize Rebellion in Requiem

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<Snipped quote by AtlasRize>

Sure. Let me have a profile for the character(s) you'd want to use.

I'll use Hisame. The sheet is in the 2nd page of the tournament characters tab.

We can go from there.

I similarly look forward to writing with you.

Excellent. It might be a day or two before I get back (family obligations) but this should be fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darth
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Darth The Thunder Tyrant

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

We are not.

It is my growing personal conviction that there's a culture clash between this place and our particular group. Every single time we've tried to engage with people here, it's ended up exploding in our faces. I'm woman enough to admit that some of that is likely on us - no one in the Alliance is a particularly meek or amiable personality on the best of days (there's a reason I act as the group's spokesman), but a larger part of it is on folks who seem to be surprised that we're not willing to job our faces off to inflate win counts around here and grovel at the feet of Da Champs until we've 'earned our place'.

I think you're misconstruing interactions you've had with specific people with Guild's Arena section as a community. This is problematic because:

1. The people in question are probably more tied to the TZDL, given the back and forth that has occurred. The TZDL, in terms of staffing and numerous people participating, are not "from" Guild, so attributing any interactions you've had with them to the community here isn't really accurate. This is, admittedly, a guess. For all I know, maybe one of the "home field" players like Melon or LeeRoy jumped down your throat at some point in the past. I can't really say, but I do know that the most recent friction hasn't been between you and Guild players, it's been between you and Zone players.

2. Guild's "home" population is very small and unlikely to be uniform in attitude. There's, what, maybe a dozen home-field players that are regularly active? "Regularly" being a relative term, considering the dearth of posting that was going on prior to the TZDL. It's somewhat difficult to imagine that a nearly dead community could muster up the wherewithal to make a group of people unwelcome when they can't necessarily dredge up the time or effort to keep their community active.

I'm from off-site too and I've never had any of the issues you've described with the people on Guild, and I'm pretty certain that it has nothing to do with any difference in personality, being that a) people in most fighting communities tend to be more assertive and argumentative as a general rule, so it's not as though your group is unique in that regard and b) I'm easily capable of being as acerbic and abrasive as anyone and it has had no real effect on how people perceive me.

RPGuild's Arena doesn't really seem to enjoy the sorts of fights we do, and we don't enjoy the sorts of fights we keep finding here. Everyone in the Alliance cut their teeth on a tier of combat where star systems were legitimate targets, and we all like savoring combat and drawing out a fight for twenty, thirty, or more turns over dozens of exchanges. A true display of each fighter's versatility, adaptability, inventiveness, and perseverance in the face of unrelenting, unflagging war. One Punch-y instagib five-post fights are not considered marks of skill or distinction for us; they're considered marks of scorn for a player considered beneath the attention and effort required of a proper fight.

We've decided it would likely be for the best for us to withdraw from play here. You don't want us here, and we don't particularly feel like being here anymore. Why keep pretending otherwise?

This seems like a personal failure, if I'm being frank. Aside from being inaccurate -- having judged several fights from RPGuild players including LeeRoy, Melon, Pollen, and others, I can say with a relative degree of certitude that their fights aren't particularly short nor geared towards being ended as quickly as possible -- it's also not especially logical or conducive to actually gaining anything from cross-community interaction. If you're going to participate in cross-site play, you generally follow the house rules until you've established some kind of rapport with the other community. You don't show up to someone else's game night and then demand they play your game. You play theirs, and if things go well then you can suggest your own game.

It's illogical to hop across a figurative pond to someone else's community and expect them to play by your rules, your preferences, and your communal mindset, and taking that approach effectively dooms you from the start. If you're not willing to adapt to the communities you travel in, then the onus for any failure-to-launch is really on you, not on the community. You can't expect a community to play differently for a complete group of strangers. If you want to enter a new community and get people to play your way, you generally have to play their way first.

I should know, being that I've been active on Gaia, NSider, Valucre, RPGuild, in the TZDL, and in numerous other communities, all of which have varying rulesets. In every instance, I've adapted myself to that community's way of doing things, while also explaining my own community's approach. Because I've been willing to adapt, I can in turn get people to adapt to my way of play. I can go into any of those communities -- those that are still extant, at any rate -- and say "Hey, I want a fight, and I'd like to fight according to my rules and preferences." I'd get plenty of people willing to do so, because if I jumped into one of their events, I'd adapt to their approach.

Roleplay is a fluid hobby. It has minimal rules, upon which we can build a nearly endless number of variant rulesets and approaches. If you want to play across multiple communities, you have to be adaptable. If you you're unable to adapt, or if you're dogmatic about how you want your roleplay to be done, then community-hopping isn't really for you, and RPGuild isn't to blame for that.

If you can't or won't adapt to the communities you come into contact with, then it might be best that you don't explore other communities because that inflexibility will just create impasse after impasse and you'll never really get anything for your efforts. That being said, I think it behooves anyone who sincerely gives a flat fuck about this hobby to push themselves towards being as flexible and fluid as possible, because it's the only viable way to create cross-community connections that are going to allow roleplay to grow and flourish.

Being dogmatic and/or isolationist only leads to one thing: stagnant, shrinking communities.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metal Tortoise
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Metal Tortoise The RP Testudinidae

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sweet. Do you want me to post up a topic and 'setting' or would you prefer to do so? If you want it ranked or judged by the way, I also dont mind.

I'll be using Steer Cottonworth, the character I mentioned.

Lets see if we can have some fun, ya? @Doc Doctor
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago

@Metal Tortoise

You can ahead and host.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metal Tortoise
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Metal Tortoise The RP Testudinidae

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Will do, I'll have it up in a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DavidSPumpkins
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I am still relatively new to this site. I joined, because a buddy of mine told me the roleplayers were of a higher qualities; along with the fighting, of course. I love what I have seen so far, and look forward to meeting more, and fighting more people.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I am still relatively new to this site. I joined, because a buddy of mine told me the roleplayers were of a higher qualities; along with the fighting, of course. I love what I have seen so far, and look forward to meeting more, and fighting more people.

Beat Rilla for me m8!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DavidSPumpkins
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@MelonHead I am going to try. My my character, Hiro, is a little bullheaded. So, he is going to have to slow his pace, to win this fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@MelonHead I am going to try. My my character, Hiro, is a little bullheaded. So, he is going to have to slow his pace, to win this fight.

Rilla's weakness is being shot with loads of arrows or having axes thrown at him, if you can't do either of those things, you'll have to get really creative.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DavidSPumpkins
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by DavidSPumpkins>

Rilla's weakness is being shot with loads of arrows or having axes thrown at him, if you can't do either of those things, you'll have to get really creative.

Rilla knows what is coming, and if his character manages to fall for it; things are going to get REALLY interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metal Tortoise
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Metal Tortoise The RP Testudinidae

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Posted up annnnddddd...Lets have some fun, eh? @Doc Doctor
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago

I'm going to try and make something like a hub again. It'll be a kind of arena setting though, where you just fuckin' fight. Multi dimensional colosseums will separate the tiers. What's more, I intend to start up a Discord where these fights may be settled over chat, to speed things up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Schradinger was a cool cat.
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