Cassius "Cas" Williams | Auditorium/Hallway/Cafeteria
Interacting: Anyone in the Cafeteria

Cassius' orientation had been far less formal than his fellow residents. Unlike them, he'd only just arrived that morning and he'd come to his senses in an empty auditorium with none but himself. Cas found himself sitting in a chair, looking up towards a massive whiteboard, almost leading him to think he was back in Chicago Fire's meeting room where Coach Klopas would draw their formations. He tried to clear his head, but he felt a constant weight on his mind, likely from being sedated before he'd been escorted from his hospital in Chicago. His sense of familiarity was obliterated when a woman in a stark white lab coat walked through a door in the wall, her heels clicking obnoxiously against the floor. "Good morning, Cassius." She said, with a posh tone that bugged Cas to no end.
"Where the hell am I?" He muttered in his groggy baritone. He tried to stand up but his tired body decided that moving was not going to happen. Instead he sat defeatedly back in his chair, turning his gaze back to the newcomer.
"You're in our state-of-the-art research facility." She answered. "You should really move at a slower pace, the sedatives require time to fade. Anyways, welcome to the facility." She flipped an electronic tablet around to show a white slide. "Let me explain some things." She began to slide through a presentation, detailing the fact of his suspected, "illness," the reason he was currently missing matches and sitting out one of the best seasons of his professional careers, was not actually anything that had existed before. It was supposedly a new strain of sickness that she claimed would give him special abilities impossible for other humans.
"That's honestly the most dumbest thing I've ever heard." He said, shaking his head.
"I don't have su- superpower or whatever. I'm just a footballer who needs help not getting sick so I can do what I do." He shook his head, crossing his hands. His right thumb caressed the knob of the golden rolex watch on his right wrist, as he often did when he was nervous.
"That's not an uncommon reaction, Mr. Williams. Allow me to demonstrate." She said, laying her tablet on the table beside her. She looked back at him and her body began to shimmer and vibrate until a second copy of herself flashed into existence. This sight was more than enough to shake Cas out of his dazed state.
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped and out of pure instinct her jumped out of his chair, backpedaling into the aisle behind him. Between heaving breaths, Cas said,
"Okay, what kind of LSD's did you inject me with?!" That was the only explanation his brain could give him. Cassius was no stranger to drugs, being a bit of a partier, but he'd never taken anything that caused him to see crazy hallucinations.
"Only a sleeping agent, Cassius. Your mind is working at near full level, despite your mild sedation." She said, then began to detail the rest of why this illness was truly going to give him powers. She then showed him a display of all the facilities and directed him to go through the back door and join the other patients. "I'll see you again soon, Cas." She said, then left through the same door she'd entered.
"Hey! Come back! I don't have super powers!" He shouted, but the door shut with no more word from anyone. Cassius sighed and shook his head, turning to look at the door at the back of the facility, which slid open almost as if it knew he was looking at it. He walked to the back of the room and through the door, stepping into a white hallway that reminded him of a hospital (naturally). He walked past a series of closed doors, calling out for someone to answer.
When no one answered he turned down another hallway, also receiving no contact with intelligent life. He reached a third hallway, the doors labeled with what looked like room numbers, and at the end of it was an open doorway. Inside the doors looked to be a cafeteria of some sort, and he could see people within. He jogged to the doorway and came to a halt as he stepped inside.
"Hey!" He shouted as he entered the room.
"Does anyone know what's going on?! I think I was drugged, 'cause I swear to God I just saw some lady in a lab coat clone herself!"