(A summery of the RP's events are also located in the truth bullet section)
(You can also go
here to get your ship fix.)
Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness a comedy of epic proportions. However, I get the sneaky suspicion I will be the only one laughing.
~Davis Gallo
Note to fans of Danganronpa: While this is a fan RP, there is little connecting this RP to the rest of the Danganronpa universe. There will likely be some lure linking the mastermind's motives to the other games, Monokuma, and everything that makes up a "class" trial from murder, to clue hunting, to judgement.
Note to newcommers: This is a fan RP. While it is not required to play the games to enjoy it, you will probably see some spoilers. If not from me, than from other players. If you plan on playing Danganronpa spoiler free, you may wish to avoid participating in the RP. Alternatively, you can watch some Let's Plays.
To everyone: I make mistakes, you make mistakes. I don't mind being notified, but let's keep our cool in here.
Alright, spoilers ahoy. Don't scroll past Monokuma struggling to hold a fish unless you're ready for it.

The charm of most Danganronpa games is that the true nature of the setting is a mystery. We didn't really know DR1 was post-apocalyptic until the end of the game. In fact, you know very little about anything going into it. Try to keep that in mind when reading further: This is just the tip of a very large iceberg.
Your characters are patients with special talents. Maybe you needed a checkup, or maybe it was open heart surgery. Which is what makes waking up in an empty elevator so strange. When you leave the elevator, you meet some strange people, a killing game is announced, There's a plush toy and some fashionable dolls riding on horseback, what the hell is going on?
Like most Danganronpa games, the bulk of the cast is made up of original characters. Tower of Carnage has an all new mastermind and features a cast largely made up of player characters. Monokuma has made a return, and he is assisted by dolls known as "carnage sisters." While Junko will not appear directly in the RP, her name has come up in spots. Though she was not the only mastermind with a killing game during the tragedy. Neo Alexander, Sinner Hector Ecclesia, and many others contributed to the downfall of civilization...
The entire role play takes place in Axis Mundi Infirmary in the heart of the USA. It's a legendary hospital owned by Infinity Initiative. (more on them later.) But to simply call it a hospital would not be doing it justice. Not only to they care for the physically and mentally ill, but they offer accommodations that can't be found even in the finest hotels. Everything from an indoor swimming pool to a soccer stadium can be found under the many floors of Axis Mundi. While some of the more ill patients aren't allowed to use these facilities, they do make it easier for loved ones to remain close to their healing counterparts. Axis Mundi also has on board medical researchers to forward the development of medical science. If it has anything to do with quality of life or medical science, it's bound to show up under Axis Mundi's roof.
Murder game
It wouldn't really be a Danganronpa RP without murder and mayhem. You'll have to investigate murders, partake in the "court of carnage", ironic tongue-in-cheek executions, all part of the experience!
In layman's terms: People will be forced to to kill each other if they ever want to escape. If the murder is discovered, they will be punished with death. If they aren't discovered, everyone BESIDES the murder is executed, and the murder gets to go free. More on that in the “RP FLOW” section.
Of course the patients murdering each other isn't the only danger. There are rules put in place that are VERY strictly enforced, and there may be other dangers...
Number of players
The mastermind wants to see murders happen, but they have made no promise to let the remaining patients go once any number of blackened (murderers) are discovered. The elevators occasionally come back with new faces. All of the people who come in were trying to escape near identical circumstances. Will you ever be let free?
This can be used to let new players into the RP, as well as give interested players in busy spots a momentary out if they find themselves busy with real life responsibilities.
Patients instead of classmates
This is a hospital, not a school. While hope's peak rather brazenly considered itself the ultimate hope, the ultimate talent, the people here believe talent is something that must be constantly nurtured and never stops improving. Rather than Ultimates, this hospital is designed to help Infinites constantly reach further. Your characters do not need to be teenagers, they need not be high schoolers. As long as they yearn to push themselves further, they are acceptable candidates for the Infinity Initiative's mission: The constant and never ending improvement of the human race.
Goodbye Hope's peak High/Goodbye Future Foundation
With the damage of the tragedy almost entirely reversed, The future foundation has more or less dissolved. People also felt that recreating Hope's Peak would be a huge mistake, as it more or less became the center stage for one of Ultimate despair's masterminds.
But that hasn't stopped everyone from looking for talent. The Infinity Initiative is a brand new organization that looks to find the greatest potential and help it mature well past its limits. It scouts for people of all ages all over the world to find those with "infinite talent." It's quite a boon to be scouted, as you get access to the best hospitals, as well as assistance with paying bills or anything that could impede your progress. Of course Infinity Initiative gets something out of the deal too. People pay quite a bit of money to get their label tied to an infinite, and the wealthy are willing to pay the high dollar to be treated by their future art hospitals.
Essentially the RP will be broken up into several cases, and each case will be broken up into several parts, or "seasons." Each season will present different opportunities and goals to the characters.
They are as follows:
Daily Life
These segments are designed mostly to allow for character development and interaction with other characters. I will do my best to keep something going, but my main focus will be scheming designing the next case and figuring out who our victim and killer are going to be.
There will be a "night of carnage" event to keep things interesting during the build period.
Daily Life 2
Basically a second daily life segment that happens twards the end of the planning phase.
Towards the end of the daily life season, there will likely be a motive announced. That's everyone's cue to make themselves ready. It won't be long before a despair enduing tragedy happens.
Deadly life
A body has been discovered, and everyone has a limited amount of time to scrounge up as much evidence as they can. This will usually require splitting up and investigating multiple locations.
After you decide where you are going to search I will send you a PM. It will include all the evidence in the area. Then you just have to write a post discovering it all. Once all the evidence has been discovered, everyone will be required to go to the court of carnage.
Court of Carnage
This is the moment of truth, where everyone throws wild accusations assess the crime scene, the evidence, and tries to figure out whodunit. With any luck justice will be served, and they will be executed post-haste. Otherwise...
Oh, and there will be no firing of truth bullets at yellow and blue text, no eliminating white noise, no surfing through one's brain, no firing of bullets at soul shields, no minigames whatsoever. Just good ol' honest deductions. And all the arguing and shit posting the stupider characters can manage.
The patients of Axis Mundi have few things in their possession. Maybe a pipe they use to smoke, or a photo of their family. The most precious thing in their possession is the E-handbook, inspired by the version made by Hope's Peak academy. It's nearly indestructible, and allegedly can still function after being run over by a ten ton tank. Just don't enter a sauna with it...
While the E-handbook mostly contains basic information, it also has several auxiliary devices like a camera and recorder, which are both useful for collecting and sharing evidence for trials. There's no wi-fi, so good luck trying to update your facebook page.
There's also an OOC E-handbook, which contains information for easy reference. Note that the OOC E-handbook doesn't reflect what's in everyone's IC E-handbooks.
Truth Bullets
I'd like to remind everyone that there are no truth guns to fire truth bullets with, so you have to debate the old fashioned way.
However, a brief summery of key clues found during the investigation will appear at the top of the first OOC page. Truth bullets are notes and evidence that may be important to uncovering the murderer. Keep in mind that not all the answers will be in the truth bullets. They are just there to help you keep up with the intricacies of the crime.
There are also data bullets. While not intended to to help solve murderers, they do contain relevant bits of information that you might find yourself wanting to remember.
Rooms & Locations
A brief description of the more curious places in Axis Mundi. In the right situation, some of the stuff in here is more valuable than the truth bullets. Obviously reading people's posts is the most helpful, but something in here could jog your memory...
There's also information like who's staying in which room. Important if you have difficulty keeping track of everyone.
Hospital Regulation
A list of rules that all patients must never break. Otherwise they will be punished...
This will likely change as the RP progresses, but it will always reflect the current rules in place. Note that these aren't for the RP itself, but have been put in place by the mastermind and their goons. Unlike the rules for the RP, you, and maybe even the murderers, may try to work around these rules.
Q: Is there player death in this RP?
A:Yes, but it is entirely up to each player if they want to partake in it or not. I encourage and am grateful to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the story. I'm all for someone volunteering to be a victim for a round if they wish. If they also want their character to leave the RP as a blackened, but I have enough of those to finish the RP at the moment. Just hit me with a PM and we can start discussing how you want to go out.
Q: Should I chose to be a victim or a murderer, do I get any say in my fate?
A: Murderers get to talk over specifics of the crime with me, such as motive and certain aspects of how they do it. They will also get the option to write their own execution if they wish. It will need to be approved by me first of course. Victims get to control aspects leading up to the death itself, and get to make a new character before the deadly life season starts instead of after. Both characters will also get a large boost to their development arc, as the case will be entirely about those two (three?) involved.
Q: How secret are the murders?
A:I'm pretty much going to be the only person who knows exactly what's going on. Obviously the victim, killer, and anyone else involved with the case will have a clearer view than most, but I may choose to add my own little switches in there.
Q: Can I discuss things like clues and who the murderer is in OOC? UPDATED 3/4/2017
A:The original idea was that it would all come out of your character's mouths in the IC. However, it might be a bit neater if what the characters were discussing was also discussed in ooc just to keep things tidy. I would like it to be possible to see all the logic unfold IC however. I would like to ask that people don't write inner monologs revealing themselves as the killer, or other such important details.
Q: How hard will the cases be to solve? What happens when we fail?
A:The goal is more to tell a story than create a forum version of the Danganronpa game. What made the games so interesting was that it was both a mystery game and a mystery book. You got to solve a case, but you also got surprised by big reveals presented by other characters. the lot of you will have to solve the mysteries, but I will give you a gentle push if you get stuck. In terms of difficulty, I've been told that the cases thus far were pretty tricky. I do not feel they are nearly as absurd as DR2's cases however.
Q: Are you SURE Junko won't be making an appearance?
A:Here's the thing. I love Junko from the games. So much so that how she is portrayed in the anime feels out of character to me. Being that there are a fair bit of fans for both the anime and the games, I do not think it would be fair to portray what I consider the superior version. And while I like her, I already have a mastermind for this story. I do toy with the idea of finding a way to bring her back, but I don't really think it would be a good idea. I could be convinced however...
Q: And the other characters?
A:Possibly, but unlikely. They would be ten years older than they were in DR 2 though.
Q: Can my character know about the events in the other games?
A:Junko didn't destroy the world, she convinced the world to destroy itself. There were hundreds of people completely unaffiliated with ultimate despair that kept the carnage rolling for their own reasons. It's unlikely that more than a select few know about the killing games, the true mastermind, or how the calamity really happened.
Q: Are there any expectations for post length?
A: During character building stages, I would like to see longer posts. Collaborating is encouraged if it's just dialog/ action between two characters. During the investigation phase, and especially the court of carnage, I'd like to put emphasis on shorter posts more frequently as inner monologues and the color of the walls doesn't move a debate forward. I think that will better suit the bullet dialog nature of the courtroom. I don't want to see one liners though.
Q: How about quality?
A: The writing level I'm aiming for is high casual. But I'll let anyone in so long as they have the basics down and can write believable dialog.
Q: Can I talk about Danganronpa V3 in the IC or OOC? Can I make references to its events?
A: IC wise, V3 doesn't really have anything to do with the RP. In OOC, Posting spoilers for the game is still off limits. Though it's okay to post memes of characters and what not.

~ All forms of metagaming, godmodding, and the like are prohibited.
~No spoilers about Danganronpa V3.
~ Keep OOC drama as low as possible. If you do have a problem, take it to PMs. I'll answer within 24 hours most of the time.
~ OOC is for announcements, discussing ideas with the entire RP cast, And shenanigans. I don't want anything that could spoil the experience leaked in the OOC. Don't discuss who you think the murder is, what you think the relevance of a clue is, or anything like that in the OOC unless it is also being discussed by the characters in the court of carnage. If you need to ask something technical in order to write a post, use the PM system.
~ Players who are murderers/victims should avoid writing anything that could spoil the surprise, IC, OOC, or otherwise. It shouldn't be 100% certain who the murderer is until the final clues come into place.
~ If it's been a week since your last IC post without any word from you, I may take control of your character(s), and they might not be there for you to take back after 2 weeks. Depends on how i'm feeling. Please notify me if you won't be able to post for an extended period of time, or lose interest in the RP. Common courtesy.
~ You may control a maximum of one characters at any one time. You will only be allowed to make a new character if you have no more characters. Adopted player characters do not count towards this limit.
~ As for IC: Cussing is fine in moderation. No sex please, not even fade to black. But you can be a pervert.
~ If you're going to use colored text anywhere, please use a bright color that doesn't blend in with the background.