Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The sun sinks low as you walk home from school, your friends already have gone their separate ways for the day. At the moment, you're feeling a little bit alone, to be honest. At least the sky is pretty, the setting sun panting the clouds in shades of orange and red as it slowly sinks towards the horizon. For the moment, your mind is on various concerns having to do with school. Your grades, all the homework you have due... ah, it's not so bad but still, thinking of homework can be a little bit stressful, right? So your mind drifts to other matters, as you adjust the skirt of your school uniform after pausing for a moment. You're a little embarrassed to admit it, but one of the matters that floats through your brain is the fact that, well... Ever since you were a little girl, you always wanted to be some kind of hero! And you'd heard about them, those girls who were lucky enough to get those incredible powers... Ah, it's something you'd always wanted!

You'd spent so much time looking at fansites, reading up about everything anyone knew about magical girls. Even with the popularity polls and everything, no-one actually knew the identities of the girls. In a way, that was exciting, wasn't it? One could be at your school! But there was also that feeling of jealousy. How did they get picked out, and why hadn't you been picked if so? There had to be some reason, though... right?

You sigh as you walk along. Maybe you shouldn't be too worried about this... maybe it's better to just try and focus on your homework, and forget about a silly little dream you had since you were a little girl.

Until you hear that voice from behind you. It's a small one, and as you turn it's revealed to be the voice of a little girl. No, no, not a child, a girl who could literally sit in the palm of your hand. And she has wings... and... and... it's a fairy?!

"Hi there!" the girl says brightly, proudly displaying the badge on her chest. "Would you like to be my partner, so I can ignite your heart and you can be a hero?!"

You say yes faster then you can even think.

For years, there have been magical girls. Girls who have gained incredible, magical powers in order to defend the innocent from evil. And these girls are the world's best defense against the Negari. Monsters of all sorts of shapes and sizes, magical girls are the only ones who can effectively fight and defeat them whenever they appear.

Thanks to magical beings known as fairies, tiny winged girls, form partnerships with human girls in order to give them the power they need to defeat the Negari wherever they appear. And so, across the world, hundreds upon hundreds of magical girls balance their daily lives and their duties to defeat the Negari!

The largest concentration of magical girls is in Japan, and something that has come to exist across the years is popularity poll for magical girls, one for each city and a larger national one conducted once a year. In addition, numerous magical girl fansites have sprung up on the internet.

Of course, fame and popularity gets to some magical girls' heads, and disagreement between girls can turn into full-blown fights over who gets to patrol where or who takes what spot in the polls.

Still, even with these conflicts, rarely is anyone seriously hurt, and the magical girls keep defending the innocent!

And yet, something strange has been happening recently. Lately, there has been an unusual amount of Negari appearing in and around the coastal Umitori City. This has resulted in fairies being a bit more aggressive in their search for magical girl candidates, often looking for anyone who remotely has potential. However, there's rumors that someone else might be after these candidates...

So, a magical girl RP!

Tonally, I'd like this to actually start out fairly light and even silly at times. However, it will have a serious plot and fights are intended to usually be fairly serious. It'll get increasingly serious as it goes on, as well.

Magical girls can vary a lot in appearance, as their outfits and powers are influenced by the girls' subconscious. As a result, no two magical girls are alike!

Every magical girl has a fairy. Fairies have assigned themselves the job of searching for candidates. They all possess some level of magical healing ability, so if a magical girl is injured, her fairy can help her get back on her feet.

Fairies carry a book of regulations, with three top rules for magical girls at the beginning.

1. Magical Girl Candidates must be from 8 to 18. However, once a magical girl candidate becomes a magical girl, they remain one.
3. Magical girls may not use their abilities against nonmagical individuals. The exception is when a nonmagical individual poses a serious threat to a magical girl.

The Negari steadily became more and more common as humans grew more and more clustered together. While there are so many benefits to cities and inter-connectivity, unfortunately this has lead to negative emotions more easily clustering together and birthing more Negari. The stronger the negative emotion that creates a Negari, the more powerful that Negari is.

The most basic form can be destroyed in droves by any competent magical girl, but more powerful types of Negari can prove to be a serious danger even to the most skilled among them. There's even Negari who might be fully intelligent and humanlike, if born from powerful enough negative feelings.

Regardless of type, they nearly always attempt to hurt innocent people, though it's possible they can be directed by a stronger power, or that the intelligent Negari may have more complicated motivations.

  • Name:
  • Magical Girl Title:
  • Age: 8-18
  • Gender: Female(MAGICAL GIRLS MUST BE GIRLS!!!)
  • Appearance:
  • Magical Girl Appearance: (Usually just an outfit change, very rarely does any physical change)
  • Personality:
  • Skills: (What they can do as a regular human).
  • Abilities: (What powers they have as a magical girl. Include attacks here!)
  • Weapon(s): (Most magical girls have some kind of tool or weapon!)
  • Brief History:
    • Fairy Name:
    • Fairy Appearance:
    • Fairy Personality:
  • Theme Song:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

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I really hope i'm not a death sentence to this one too

You want us to repost the girls here first?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Yeah, I'd like that just to keep everything formal. ^^;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: 葛 馮虚 (Katsura Hyoukyo)

Magical Girl Title: Copenhagen Star

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Magical Girl Appearance: Hyoukyo, when transformed, dons a navy blue overcoat with golden trim, creating an impression that she seems immobile. However, that is far from the case; despite the seeming bulkiness of her garb, with its silver, majestic epaulettes, it is particularly easy for her to move in this form, and underneath the coat is sleeveless, grey and silver vest with a simple golden orb at its centre, alongside navy blue trousers. A single, darkly-glowing orb hairpin also manifests on the left side of her head.

Personality: In her day to day life, Hyoukyo is the very image of the model student: a polite and reserved young woman who carries herself with nothing less than the appropriate decorum. She greets everyone with a warm smile, and is never deficit in kind words to give to her compatriots, whether they be simple shopkeepers, the teachers at her school, or her classmates. Her marks, particularly amongst the sciences, are consistently high, the reward borne from her diligent studying and sharp mental faculties. In fact, the class representative-like student will, if queried, courteously explain to you that her ambitions lie in the field of physics, and that much of her hard work serves her quest to enter an university course related to such.

Knowledge is something Hyoukyo cherishes highly, and her highly analytical mind cannot help but absorb and categorise everything she sees and learns. She views it as incredibly important to know as much as possible, although she prefers to keep much of what she learns close to the heart unless the situation prompts it (and if it would suit her own plans and purposes). Indeed, when not surrounded by textbooks, her powerful curiosity drives her to investigate many other things, learning and growing from all the knowledge she consumes.

Despite her zeal in that regard, she is a remarkably patient figure, proper and unflappable to a fault. Of course, this does not prevent her from being subtly condescending to those she dislikes, particularly if they have displayed too obvious a weakness, and her views can be tinged somewhat by a sense of exasperation that the stranger things in life. Her sense of humour is also rather dry, and her polite manner of speech only serves to convey this. She can also be particularly talkative on subjects she enjoys; it isn't too strange to hear diatribes on them from time to time.

While she tries to hide it, of course, Hyoukyo also has a strong sense of right and wrong. While she may not be the most personable of people beyond giving polite advice to those she feels needs it, she will fight to address anything that conflicts with her moral code. It may not be overly present, but her heart does burn with heroism, and thus she will act to channel those energies against her foes.

Skills: What stands out the most about Hyoukyo is her intelligence: the analytical young woman is blessed with a sharp mind, allowing her to excel in both school and in areas that require the use of her brain. She thinks particularly rapidly, and is also very good at solving problems. She is also very skilled in regards to tennis, and regularly works out to keep fit for her sporting participation. She's reasonably fluent in English as well (and due to her parentage, knows a few phrases of German).

Abilities: Hyoukyo's main ability allows her to bend and twist space around her, using it in ways such as bringing her closer to her foes in the blink of an eye or diverting attacks off course from her. However, her changes to the fabric of 'space' do not tend to be permanent, and any modification she makes will eventually 'spring' back into its original shape when she stops actively making use of her power. It is possible for her to affect a permanent change if an immense amount of her energy is exerted, but she tries to abstain from doing so as to prevent herself from becoming extremely exhausted.

It is from this power that she derives her 'signature attack', the "Stellar Degeneration Blast", which is essentially a ball of condensed 'darkness' fired from her body towards an enemy, twisting and distorting space in its wake as well as generating a strong gravitational well around it. Those nearby will notice that it grows warmer and warmer the further away it gets from Hyoukyo. Its range is limited, but it is a high-power attack, serving as her 'finisher'. Contact with the ball generally tends to twist the enemy apart. Indeed, the amount of energy it requires from her dictates such, for otherwise her reserves will be left completely empty.

She is working on getting some more mundane special moves to work, however.

Her physical strength is noticeably greater than the average human's as well, allowing her to carry her large weapon.


Brief History: The only daughter to a pair of physicists, Hyoukyo is partly of German descent, with her Japanese father having first met her mother at a conference in Munich. Following their courtship, they gave birth to her in Hokkaido, and she would be raised in the island nation for the rest of her life, taking in far more of her father's culture than that of her mother's. This would only be helped along by the growing rift in her parents' relationship, which ended in a divorce that gave custody of her to her father. Thus, the girl was cut off from her German heritage at a young age, and was from then on taken care of singlehandedly by the elder Katsura.

It would be not long after her thirteenth birthday that her father fell in love once more with a woman from Umitori, marrying and immediately moving the household to the coastal city to join her new stepmother. While the change in scenery, and the presence of a new parental figure, was admittedly hard to get used to for Hyoukyo, she was soon able to acclimate to her new home, and threw herself headlong into her studies once more. Tensions did rise between her and her stepmother from time to time, but they would grow to understand one another, and Hyoukyo would view her as just an important figure in her life as her birth mother.

Nowadays, Hyoukyo is a proud student of East Umitori High School, where she also serves as a class representative for Class 3-G.

Fairy Name: カナリア (Kanaria)

Fairy Appearance: Kanaria is a palm-sized little girl with googly glasses and azure hair tied into pigtails. She wears a red baseball cap on top of her head, which tends to be one of the few constants of her appearance (due to her frequent change of doll clothes). Her wings, which allow her to fly, possess blue feathers and are rather birdlike.

Fairy Personality: Kanaria is a foul-mouthed girl, contrasting greatly with the demeanour of her contractee. She's overly talkative, incredibly exuberant, and generally full of the vices you wouldn't expect such a tiny creature to have. She adores money, and is willing to do anything to get as much dosh as possible. Her sense of humour is rather immature, and she adores the strangest of puns. However, despite her myriad flaws, her heart is in the right place, and she cares greatly for Hyoukyo.

Theme Song: Heian Alien -hz style-
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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Name: 中島 星 (Nakajima Hoshi)

Magical Girl Title: Shooting Star

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Magical Girl Appearance: Upon Transformation, Hoshi’s garb becomes a blazing red, black, and gold uniform that harkens back, strangely enough, to the livery of the Prussian military of old, that might make you ask, "Ch-Char?" at first glance. While the heeled boots and long, flowing scarf may not seem combat practical to the average viewer, rest assured that Hoshi’s all action, high-octane, three-times-faster-than-you fighting style isn’t hindered in the slightest. Just like the glorious starburst emblazoned upon her chest, our girl is ready to race into the fray, as soon as she dons her shades after transformation!

Wouldn’t want Aniki to learn we’re endangering ourselves, after all.

Personality: Hoshi is an optimistic girl, whose basal state is the casually upbeat type of person who makes friends quickly and does so for keeps. She appreciates life in its utmost, and all of the beautiful little things in it, in her mind, should be cherished, because one never knows when they might be gone.

And that duality of nature is what drives her, beneath her easygoing, and at times almost breezy demeanor. She understands very deeply the importance of protecting that which she holds dear, and how suddenly, callously, and quickly life can flip itself upon its head and tear everything away if one isn’t careful. Not willing to let that happen in the slightest, Hoshi is always willing to do whatever it takes to hold them close. Running in the morning? No problem. Looking up martial arts and boxing training manuals online and practicing in the living room? Worth it. Making food when she can to help lighten her Aniki’s load? She’d do it every day if she could.

When a little girl is given a second chance at life, she’s bound to want to do two things: Make the most of it, and Give Back with all of her heart. She is a fiercely loyal friend who is nearly impossible to anger, let alone lose, and she will always have the backs of the people she cares about, no matter what their problems are. She knows firsthand how much of a difference having even one person there in a time of need can help someone.

As such, if you talk to her, you’ll find yourself conversing with one of the friendlier girls on this side of the planet. Though her decorum isn’t always up to snuff, there is no true impoliteness about her, save from the rare burst of a dry witticism. We can blame her Aniki for that one, given that such phrases are basically his primary form of communication. And while on the subjects of things good old Nakajima Kyotaro can be blamed for, let's discuss her tastes in entertainment. Being a guy living on his own, he didn't have much in the way of things that would interest the usual twelve-year-old girl, so she ended up making do with what he had to offer. One of her fondest memories was when they first watched a movie together, Enter the Dragon. From there, she found that, while she wasn’t lacking in traditionally “girly” tastes by any means (her wardrobe is a testament to this), she also had an untapped love for action, fighting, and other shonen stuff, much to his surprise. Even fighting games! He had to deal with her spamming Raging Demons for three weeks, once…

Despite her willingness to give most things a try, one line she definitely will not cross is that set by her moral compass. Her resolve to protect others is absolute, and she will never quibble on her sense of right and wrong. Everyone, however, deserves a second chance.

That’s a sure thing.

Skills: You mean besides making her Aniki worry? She’s a naturally fast runner, and while she never had the opportunity to get on the track team in middle school, she could often be seen running with them in the early mornings after the coach figured out she wasn’t hurting anything. As such, her stamina is also at a very high level for a young girl of her age, which helps her in her self-taught martial arts training. This training consists mainly of form work found off the internet, since Aniki won’t buy her a punching bag or something and for some reason she hasn’t looked into martial arts schools nearby. She’s a surprisingly good singer, at least during karaoke time, an increasingly experienced cook, and a thorn in her Aniki’s side in most fighting games by this point.

Abilities: Her magical girl abilities all revolve around one thing: raw speed. While her strength is indeed enhanced by the transformation, as it is for every magical girl, the gains made are dwarfed by those towards speed, agility, and reaction time. Simple and straightforward, much like her approach to fighting: Get over there and hit it a lot.

To that end, her “Special Moves” tend to take full advantage of her blinding speed, such as a “Gungnir Thrust”, which is essentially a flying side kick delivered at ridiculous speeds for the maximum possible impact, with a few directional variations. Another would be the “North Star Blitz”, which is perhaps even simpler— bunches and bunches of punches, all over and slipping through any opening they can find. The strangest of the lot is most definitely “Roar of the Dragon”, a punch thrown so hard and fast that the sheer force of air displacement alone is concussive, allowing her range to suddenly spike out by ten feet at this point in time.

And that’s to say nothing of all the other fun ideas Aniki’s shows and games have given her…

Weapon(s): Everyone who’s ever punched a wall knows—hands are pretty fragile. Even with proper form helping them out, there’s still only so much of an impact the knuckles can take, so with that in mind, what’s a girl like Hoshi to do? Those monsters aren’t going to punch themselves, after all, so her hands need protection.

What better than a pair of golden gauntlets, that seem to glow like the stars in the night sky? Providing both protection and additional power to her strikes, Hoshi’s fistic pursuits would get nowhere without her weaponry. They even come with Kung Fu Grip!

Brief History: Hoshi’s life was, in all honesty, very, very normal. She was a normal girl, who lived in a normal house with her normal parents going to a normal school five days out of the week. She was happy, healthy, and full of all the vitality you would expect from a young lady in modern day Japan.

Then, her parents died at twelve.

Hoshi’s world was destroyed by a random car accident one night. There was no warning, not even a premonition of it. Her parents simply never came back. After a numb pair of nights in the Social Services office, her next, and as it would appear, only of kin was called in—one 22 year old, gainfully employed, and very, very bewildered Nakajima Kyotaro. Her mother’s nephew, and apparently, only Plan B. The two didn’t know each other at all until that point. She didn’t even know who he was until he returned a few hours later— and explained to her that he’d decided to take her in, if she wanted to come with him.

Without uttering a word, she would leave at his side a few minutes and a bunch of paperwork later.

Over the next few weeks, she would begin to get settled into her new home and used to her newfound older cousin being like an older brother, having wisely decided to not try and replace Mama and Papa despite taking on their status of Legal Guardianship. It was a slow, painful process, but 3 years on into the present day, Hoshi and Kyotaro are now practically inseparable, and not a day goes by where she doesn’t try and give back however she can. If she were ever to count her blessings, her "Aniki" would doubtlessly be at the top.

Hoshi is currently enrolled as a first-year at East Umitori High School, in class 1-C.

Fairy Name: テンドウ (Tendou)

Fairy Appearance: Tendou is a small woman, as most fairies tend to be, roughly palm sized. Her favored garb is rather traditionally japanese in style, and her long, straight blue hair reaches roughly down to her mid-back, partially done up into a small ponytail on the side. Her wings are birdlike, reminiscent of an eagle’s, but obviously much smaller.

Fairy Personality: Someone stop this girl from watching so many samurai movies. Her usual demeanor is poised in the utmost, and her cool head is often crucial in tempering Hoshi’s more hotblooded tendencies. Seems to fancy herself a wordsmith, and will often spew quotes and poetry where the situation deems appropriate. The jury, however, is still out on whether or not she just makes most of it up. What is clear is that she definitely cares for and has faith in her young charge, no matter how stoic she may seem to be. The girl has been through so much.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Going to try and get something done this time around at least, but we'll see how things turn out I guess.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

room for one more?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Crimmy: Accepted.

@HereComesTheSnow: Accepted.

@Rin: I'll help out however I can!

@shagranoz: Plenty of room.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Yukimura Noriko
  • Magical Girl Title: The Ripper. Being far from the most cheerful of magical girl names, you have to wonder why Noriko has something so blatantly angst-ridden. The answer? Having no naming sense whatsoever and cheerfully picking up the first thing the fan community called her because of all the knives. It's a vast improvement over "The Girl That Stabs Things With Sharp Knives", even if she has little idea what it could possibly by referencing.
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:
  • Magical Girl Appearance:
  • Personality: 'Magical girl fangirl' would not be the first choice for a traditional girl's hobby and yet, in Noriko's case, it very much is--or as much as you can be without going on the internet and taking part there. She receives every magazine that she can get a subscription to and follows them religiously, even though she occasionally makes appearances herself nowadays. It would be accurate to say that she has a deep appreciation for magical girls and their work but such a description is only accurate for her childhood. She really likes magical girls.
    That being a magical girl allows her to get close to her idols and try to befriend them is an amazing opportunity that Noriko can't pass up. That being a magical girl means her identity is an unknown is even better. It means being able to act without having to keep to her upbringing every second of the day--and it exposes her vast enthusiasm for both her tasks and the girls around her. Yet she's still awkward about trying to get to know people and worries about her identity being exposed--which would mean a return to acting properly.
    Outside of being a magical girl, Noriko tends to be polite but rather distant. Not only does she have little idea how to go about making friends with someone of her own age, her upbringing has left her with few common interests with the majority of people that she meets. She's actually rather shy when not hidden by being a magical girl.
  • Skills: Noriko's skills are conspicuously lacking in a large variety of everyday matters even despite her age. Her cooking skills don't even reach the point of being able to make tea normally and those rare attempts she makes at something as simple as rice tends to lead to abject failure, not least because of her incompetence with technological innovations of any kind. Her skill there looks like it should belong to a rural centenarian, with anything more complicated than 'make phone call' or 'turn on television' going badly.
    Conversely, her traditional skills are far better than the norm. For all her inability to not burn tea on a day to day basis, the white-haired girl can perform tea ceremonies flawlessly. If it has some element of ceremony or art about it, even her handwriting, Noriko tends to be as accomplished as she is technologically hopeless.
    Helpfully for a career as a magical girl, and a likely influence on why her abilities are so simple, is that her list of traditional skills include such things as being able to defend herself proactively. Such as by attacking someone with a sword. Or by punching them until they can't hurt her in return. Rather than any one style, Noriko is actually schooled in several different methods of fighting unarmed and a scale of how to use swords from 'I have a knife' up to 'am I supposed to be cutting through horses?' and 'I only have a stick'. Though mostly directly irrelevant to operating as a Magical Girl, it gave her a leg up on most new magical girls by actually having trained reflexes and an awareness for combat before being thrown in at the deep end.
  • Abilities: Anyone discovering Noriko for the first time is bound to expect some sort of herculean magical girl, provided they don't recognise the reference. These people are often surprised to learn that she's perhaps in the running for the most physically meagre magical girl, as she doesn't receive any sort of enhancement to her strength. What gets boosted abnormally is her speed, allowing her to get in, make a single wound, and get out again. There's a limited effectiveness in inflicting a death of a thousand cuts, which is why Noriko is rather thankful that the speed is just a vector for the application of her real ability.
    She has the ability to pinpoint physical weak points. In doing so, it gives her the ability to severely cripple or even outright enemies if she can land her blow correctly. It was this surgical precision that lead her first followers to compare her use of knives to a famous murderer, despite her friendly attitude.
    Though only she can actually see the exact point and exploit it to maximum effect, it's still a physical weakness. Anyone that knows roughly wear to hit can take advantage of their attacks not being so easily dismissed, which makes Noriko a valuable ally even in battles against something too large for her knives to have a major impact.
    It is, perhaps, for the best that Noriko doesn't have a true finishing move because of her total inability to come up with a good name for even her ability to see weak points. When it has to be given a name in fact sheets, she picked "Knowing Where Things Break More When Stabbed".
  • Weapon(s): Knives. Noriko didn't actually name them given that she has no limit on the number that can be pulled out and you could buy their kind anywhere in Japan. They're remarkably well balanced, suitable for stabbing, cutting, or even throwing as the situation arises. On the downside... well, knives. They have no special abilities like other magical weapons might possess nor much reach. Combined with her lack of any method for hitting harder, tough opponents can ignore almost all attacks Noriko might conceivably make until she discerns their weakness and manages to strike it.
  • Brief History: Being born the only child of an old and wealthy family is no insurance against poor health, as Noriko found out. From infancy, the girl spent more time actively sick than capable of causing problems in the normal vein of young children. On its own, no amount of advanced medicine seemed to improve her condition and her parents took the opposite approach: aside from the medicine itself, limit her contact with modern life and cities. She was consequently sent to be raised by her grandparents in the country, a household as untouched by technological advance as possible in this day and age.
    Though her health was generally improved out here, enough that Noriko could start to learn the martial arts that had been passed down through the years, it was still marked by enough illness that her attendance at school was spotty and her time spent with her peers quite limited--they didn't even have similar interests, after all. But she enjoyed the surroundings and over time her health improved to the point that, after Junior High, her parents decided to send her to a selective high school in Umitori.
    In her first year back in a city, Noriko's health began to decline once again and her lack of socialisation made it difficult for her to form friendships, especially as she started taking time off for illness. At the beginning of her second year, she was home ill once again--missing the beginning of year and even what class she was to be in--when she received an unexpected visitor: a fairy. The disgruntled girl offered her a simple trade: Noriko would become a magical girl and in the process her health problems would be corrected, or at least suspended indefinitely. Simply not being ill was an alluring choice, but to be able to make friends with the magical girls in her magazines without her previous illness casting a cloud over things and get another chance to make a first impression...
    Noriko took the fairy up in it in a heartbeat, though even now she has yet to make any close friends this way but that's not going to stop the rich girl from trying her best as more and more magical girls are created.
    • Fairy Name: Hawthorne
    • Fairy Appearance: Such a fancily dressed fairy.
    • Fairy Personality: Hawthorne is quite... unfriendly for a fairy, and concerned only with her partner being the best magical girl possible, regardless of what this requires her to do. For instance, she specifically sought out someone in Noriko's situation, that would have no reason to turn her down and as many reasons to fulfil her assigned task as possible. In this, she's a very good support so long as Noriko has some desire to keep performing as a magical girl. If she were to give up on making friends this way, then she would have to get... creative. Even arranging a false friendship would be an acceptable step to Hawthorne.
  • Theme Song:

And this time, I will hopefully be interacted with. ;~;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Raineh Daze: Accepted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 2 days ago

This okay?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Duoya: The civilian appearance is silly, but I don't see any issues with the bio itself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Duoya: Oh right, also it's up to you if you met your fairy before the RP or near the start. Do you want to start as a magical girl, or have some buildup to becoming one, basically. ^^;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Ah, alright. Thank you for clarifying.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Midori Matsuyama

Magical Girl Name: Shining Thunderbird

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Magical girl appearance: Long yellow skirt, white top with a crossed lightning bolts emblem.

Personality: Midori is a geek through and through. She's built several computers, and quite good ones, too. She tends to be reserved and quiet, always watching everything and saying nothing. When she does speak, it's either incredibly insightful or massively sarcastic. Despite this, she has a decent reputation in the magical girl community as a good person to have backing you up in a fight.

Skills: Midori has a great head for science, and if she could ever get her hands on some Negari samples, she could probably devise some non-magical countermeasures. She also is a computer genius, and runs her own magical girl news site, SparkleStar. She's been learning some judo, but is still a novice in the art by anyone's measure.

Abilities: Lightning Ride- Midori conjures a lightning bolt and travels on it to her destination. Better for long-distance travel than short-range maneuvering during combat.

Thundershot- A ball of lightning fired at a target. Weak, low energy cost

Thunder Cannon- A short range beam of lightning

Electropillar- A vertical column of electricity, useful against both ground and air targets

Electric Explosion- A lightning shockwave attack that radiates from Midori's body

Wrath of the Storm- Conjures a massive bolt of lightning from the heavens. Midori's finisher.

Weapon- A three foot metal staff. Doubles as a lightning rod.

Brief History: Midori's childhood could best be described as uneventful. She lived an middle-class family as an only child, excelling in school but having few friends. Mostly, she just tried to stay out of everyone's way, wishing she could be special. When Takashi appeared in front of her, she was over the moon. That dream she had to be in the spotlight? She got it, but she's slowly learning to be careful what she wishes for.

She is a second-year at East Umitori, class 2-A

Fairy Name: Megumi

Fairy Appearance: Slender, with brown hair and blue eyes. Her wings are covered with yellow feathers.

Fairy Personality: Megumi is brave, proud... and the very definition of baka. She believes that the best, if not only, way to solve a problem is with extreme violence. She also has a tendency to say things that are accidentally disturbing, but she still genuinely cares for Midori, she just refuses to admit it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NightinGem
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NightinGem amateur journalist, professional pokememer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh shoot, there's an OOC page already, I feel a bit silly for posting in the Interest Check. Room for another, mayhap?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Still working on my bio, but I should have it done today. Don't start without me! \>_</
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@shagranoz: There's not much wrong but that would make two "fire and swords" girls just to make it clear. ^^;

@NightinGem: Yep, there's room.

@Feyblue: Looking forward to it!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sigh... that's what I get for doing other things while working on a CS.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@shagranoz: I mean to say "not much wrong" sorry. ^^;
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