"Hey! Heeeeey~!"A small girl nervously bounded across the street, completely heedless of a car that very nearly hit her in the process, as she accosted a complete stranger on the other side of the road. Thinking she might be homeless, he averted his gaze and pretended to ignore her — only to recoil when he suddenly had a paper shoved in his face.
"Have you seen this person!?" The little girl pleaded loudly, pushing it up closer to him as though five centimeters wasn't enough distance to properly view it.
"I'm looking for her! It's really important!!""I— I dunno, just...go away." Her face fell at the rebuke, pouting as the stranger made all haste to leave her presence. Why did no one want to talk to her? Was it because she smelled bad? She did smell pretty bad. Probably. Her sense of smell had reached an automatic shutoff point of some kind, so she didn't actually know how bad she smelled, other than that it was bad enough that her 'secondary brain' had activated an emergency-level protocol in response.
Well, it probably wasn't that bad, anyway.
"Hungry..." The girl muttered, listlessly making her way down the street, as she gingerly held the piece of paper with both hands. The person on it was really important. She had to find them, no matter what! But, with no idea where that person was, and...literally no investigative skills whatsoever...she was reduced to asking random people on the street. Which, to her earnest shock and surprise, was not working.
Her last box...drawing a small, cardboard box from her hoodie pocket, she emptied it over her mouth, dumping six or seven sugar cubes directly onto her tongue, chewing them like light snacks just before tossing the box over her shoulder. She'd need more food soon, but that was fine. She could—
Oh, hey! Another person!
Wow, she's tall! Like, super-duper tall. Taller than tall.
Talltall. And she looks lost. That means she doesn't have anywhere to go, which means she has nothing better to do than look at paper and listen to someone talk!
The perfect target. Meanwhile, the girl quickly running towards her was about as short as short could get. Not even ten years old, if she wasn't so loud, people would probably walk into her without noticing. She was wearing a black hoodie over a tracksuit, both of which, along with her shoes, were
caked in...something.
It almost looked like amber, but a detailed analysis might betray the fact that a large amount of mucus, blood, and sputum had apparently been melted into the fabric of her clothing. There was no way that could have come from just one episode of a bad cough. It was every time she threw up over herself, or wiped her mouth, or
anything...and some kind of persistent, ambient heat source had made sure that every molecule of it was bonded nice and snug with the polymer hoodie.
To call those clothes dirty was an insult to dirt itself. They needed to be laundered in unicorn blood before they could be called 'safe to wear'. And dear stars above,
the smell. If one of the four horseman walked among the streets of Frixion Prime, there was now a decent approximation of what it might do to a person's nose.
Unnaturally dark hair, dyed a jet black, peeked out from underneath the hood, cut in a jagged and uneven fashion. Her deep, red eyes were filled with a childlike glee that sharply contrasted the rest of her body, her cheeks sunken and her limbs eerily thin. The bones in her hands seemed to push up through the skin farther than usual, and her arms had barely any muscle on them at all. Even without the state of her clothing, she gave the appearance of someone who should really be in a hospital.
Despite that, however, through the force of sheer childlike boundless energy, she pressed through her own physical state towards the ultimate goal of...being a pest, probably, or whatever it is she wants.
"Heph yooph!!" With a mouthful of half-chewed sugar spewing from the corners of her mouth, the little girl approached the talltall stranger, shoving a piece of paper in her face and swallowing the 'food' in a terrible rush.
"Hey! Hey you! Have you seen this person!?"
artist interpretation "It's super duper ultra important, I gotta find her!" The little girl pleaded, pushing the paper as closely to the woman's face as she could reach, which was not very.
"Pleeeeeeeease say that you've seen her? Pretty please!?" ...As if saying please would make it more likely...