Aye! SO what happens to my character? To be honest I have another one ready that could fit right into this RP but just hanging with my Darkness guy because of the arguing about his powers and such. Really, the only reason he is still around is because I still don't understand why his powers aren't accepted. Feels like the arguing and clarification on his powers is left unfinished.
@Mammalia I seriously want to know if you think God has ever spoken or shown a sign to you and in what form did it come?
Yeah! I could go through my journal and list them out. Here's one from early on:
On June 5, 2016, God struck me with a verse: "By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness, O God of our salvation, hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas" (Psalms 65:5). It didn't seem relevant to anything in particular, but I saved it in my journal.
On June 6, I went to a community college to apply for classes as a high schooler. Because I had procrastinated, I was literally applying on the day the class started and there was a waitlist. Several people described the situation as utterly impossible--I would never be able to get in, because there were too many factors against it. One by one, the problems disappeared and I managed to get in against all odds.
Here's one from lately:
I go to Crossfit on a regular basis, and someone who heard that I tutor kids at a relatively cheap price asked if I wanted to tutor his kids. I decided to pray about this, and after a while, God struck me with Isaiah 42:6-7, which spoke of our being a light to the people around us, and I realised this was a way to establish a closer relationship, so I began to go through with tutoring. In talking to the man, I got to invite his kids to VBS and connected him with my youth pastor, who got a chance to witness to him for the first time. The tutoring didn't go through, but had accomplished God's goal for me in becoming a light.
It happens in all sorts of small ways at my internship:
I've been facing lethargy while working in the heat, and I know it's a problem, a bad attitude. But I always tried to correct it by giving myself energy, and it didn't often work. I had recently discovered that I wasn't trusting God enough to help with problems in my own mind, and I began seeking God for help with even the smallest hardships. From then on, my lethargy has gone away reliably, as long as I ask. I also began to ask God for help in smaller hardships--carrying something very heavy across the property, for example, and nearly dropping it before asing God for strength to keep going. I was able tok eep going until someone happened to pass by and pick it up out of my hands without even asking.
I know a couple of these things seem small, but once I saw God in the big things, I started seeing Him in the small things, too.