Name: Helvana
Alias: Mother of Crows; Corvian Witch; Corvian Outcast; Bird Brains (use it at your own peril).
Gender: Female.
Domain (Portfolio): Darkness (Hexes)
Domain (Portfolio) Description: Darkness, contrary to what is commonly believed, is not simple absence of light, but rather its opposite, much like the other side of a coin. Darkness in its purest state can take form and attain consistency, be it soft and malleable or hard. On its own, however, the forms it can take are limited and rely on other Domains to assume other forms. While light can be measured in intensity, pure darkness is measured in thickness and can only be dispersed by light of greater intensity.
There's no better way than to cause misfortune without being noticed than by influencing fate through curses and hexes, and thus Helvana makes this her main method of operations. She specializes in influences that bring strong and imediate effects since she won't afford to wait and see some villager lose half of his crops over the course of weeks, but she'll stick around to see him trip and break something.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Personality: Helvana is a trickster, pure and simple and enjoys causing trouble and watching as things develop. She's smug, sadistic, proud and impossible to break, even if she was about to die she'd still display a grin to the very end. Causing misfortune isn't all that she does, however, and if she were to meet someone in need, she wouldn't even think about harming them and would instead take pity on them, but she'll never admit to being a good person. She goes out of her way when she helps others, so if someone were to harm those she care for she'd be very personal about her revenge.
Helvana's also disrespectful, or indifferent, towards anyone and couldn't give a damn whether she's talking to a great hero or a god. The one thing she treats with care are her pet crows and doesn't associate with others due to that, but if she were to find someone or something that pikes her interest, then she'll also treat them with care.
She covers her body with garbs and a mask she fashioned after her cute pets as she thinks little of mortals and would only deign to show her face to one if they're worthy of her respect. She's indifferent to showing her face to other gods or demi-gods, though.
In truth, she feels devoid of a purpose and tries to find something to live for. She doesn't know why she even takes pity on some people even if they're nothing but lowly creatures in her eyes, but she feels oddly joyous about it. Despite this the idea that she can be truly good is ludicrous to her since she recognizes how twisted she is.

She also takes the form of a crow whenever she flies or when she spies of unsuspecting people. Although she knows it won't affect those with great power, she'll almost always be surrounded by her murder of crows, so unless they can tell which of the crows is Helvana, she already has an edge over them. She can still speak in this form.
Musical Theme: - if you actually manage to make her mad.
Description: Somewhat of a walking paradox, one wouldn't know if they should fear or admire Helvana. In one hand she could ruin someone's life in a heartbeat, but on the other she could save someone just as fast. Consider yourself blessed if she cares for you, but if you anger the Corvian Witch, beware the black feathers.
Concealment Level: 1.
Detection Level: 1.
Alias: Mother of Crows; Corvian Witch; Corvian Outcast; Bird Brains (use it at your own peril).
Gender: Female.
Domain (Portfolio): Darkness (Hexes)
Domain (Portfolio) Description: Darkness, contrary to what is commonly believed, is not simple absence of light, but rather its opposite, much like the other side of a coin. Darkness in its purest state can take form and attain consistency, be it soft and malleable or hard. On its own, however, the forms it can take are limited and rely on other Domains to assume other forms. While light can be measured in intensity, pure darkness is measured in thickness and can only be dispersed by light of greater intensity.
There's no better way than to cause misfortune without being noticed than by influencing fate through curses and hexes, and thus Helvana makes this her main method of operations. She specializes in influences that bring strong and imediate effects since she won't afford to wait and see some villager lose half of his crops over the course of weeks, but she'll stick around to see him trip and break something.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Personality: Helvana is a trickster, pure and simple and enjoys causing trouble and watching as things develop. She's smug, sadistic, proud and impossible to break, even if she was about to die she'd still display a grin to the very end. Causing misfortune isn't all that she does, however, and if she were to meet someone in need, she wouldn't even think about harming them and would instead take pity on them, but she'll never admit to being a good person. She goes out of her way when she helps others, so if someone were to harm those she care for she'd be very personal about her revenge.
Helvana's also disrespectful, or indifferent, towards anyone and couldn't give a damn whether she's talking to a great hero or a god. The one thing she treats with care are her pet crows and doesn't associate with others due to that, but if she were to find someone or something that pikes her interest, then she'll also treat them with care.
She covers her body with garbs and a mask she fashioned after her cute pets as she thinks little of mortals and would only deign to show her face to one if they're worthy of her respect. She's indifferent to showing her face to other gods or demi-gods, though.
In truth, she feels devoid of a purpose and tries to find something to live for. She doesn't know why she even takes pity on some people even if they're nothing but lowly creatures in her eyes, but she feels oddly joyous about it. Despite this the idea that she can be truly good is ludicrous to her since she recognizes how twisted she is.

She also takes the form of a crow whenever she flies or when she spies of unsuspecting people. Although she knows it won't affect those with great power, she'll almost always be surrounded by her murder of crows, so unless they can tell which of the crows is Helvana, she already has an edge over them. She can still speak in this form.
Musical Theme: - if you actually manage to make her mad.
Description: Somewhat of a walking paradox, one wouldn't know if they should fear or admire Helvana. In one hand she could ruin someone's life in a heartbeat, but on the other she could save someone just as fast. Consider yourself blessed if she cares for you, but if you anger the Corvian Witch, beware the black feathers.
Concealment Level: 1.
Detection Level: 1.