@LadyRunicSo, let me be perfectly transparent, because I've been in your position with a surplus of free time and a lack of RPs and hoping someone can match my pace and energy. I really don't want to let you down, but I am limited and I want you to understand.
Also if this sounds like I'm lecturing, please forgive me, I just want you to know I'm not being a bum. I really do want to thank you for your patience and understanding.
I'll never leave you waiting for more than two days. I saw your terms and agreed to commit to them AT MINIMUM. That's only fair, and I'd hate to be like all these other dregs who make others wait. I prefer to post at least once a day, or even get into fast paced sessions once in awhile, but if I'm swamped I'll at least meet the minimum.
Every Sunday through Thursday, I'm out of my house from about 9:30pm to around 8am (work), and then I sleep from about 11am to 7pm. I also spend about an hour eating dinner with my SO (this is very important to me).
So this gives me about 4 hours a day of true free time, which I spend either shopping for food, (usually every two days, we go through like a half gallon of soymilk and tons of veggies every day), running some errands, trying to keep my house from looking like Pripyat, and spending some meager amount of time with my SO (besides dinner). Lately I had to address a somewhat serious thing, which should hopefully be over. God I hope it is.
Unfortunately this means that during the week I'm usually both really busy and really tired. Sometimes I do post on my lunchbreaks, but I didn't today with it bwing July 4th and I didn't want to get wrecked by a drunk driver at 2am.
It also means that my weekends (Fri, Sat) are hugely free and is when I can be a posting powerhouse, which I'd love.
Basically, during the week I'll probably disappoint you and I'm sorry. But during the weekend I'd love to do some rapid fire with you. If you see me on the site, usually I'm just reading from my phone while at work.
Also if it eases your waiting I'm reachable at almost anytime, even at work, on Steam (same name), or I can log on discord. I value close rapports with my RP partners and I'd love to discuss plot and characters in real time. I can also tell you precisely when I'm available at any time.
Unless I'm asleep. Then you'll have to guess.
I guess.
Again I'm not trying to lecture or anything! I'm really glad you're enthusiastic for this story, I think about it a lot and I can't wait to get to the meat of the story, I just want you to think I'm not a jerk. I prefer being direct.