You see a white room; like an endless hall of mirrors, the room seems to reflect and repeat across itself, layer upon layer like a video camera recording itself. In every image there are changes - in one reflection your nose is a little bigger, in another your eyes have a different spark, in a third a total stranger copies your movements exactly.
In the immediate present, though... in the 'room that is yours', there's just the three of you. Strangers to each other.
You have come from different lands and cultures, and yet can understand each other perfectly, the words seemingly twisting and changing as they reach your ears, their meanings clear. It is then that it occurs to you...
A fourth figure stands, a voice and face that seems familiar to you in a way you can't quite describe - a sort of deja vu. Clad in green and black , this figure - calling itself the Face of the World - says that the three of you have been given a special calling. They describe how, in every generation, there is a figure who is given the power to change time and space forever.
Armed with the Artifacts Three - the Measure Blade, the Aegis Clock, and the Fetters of the Soul - this person can choose to be the protector of the world or its destruction, great change rising from the ashes. Regardless of the challenge - paradoxes, storms within time, wicked men or monsters, the breakdown of the natural order or even the might of the World Eaters - this hero of the world can overcome it.
But something has gone wrong.
Seven former wielders, finding each other through the void, have banded together and dubbed themselves the Lords of the World. Each for their own reasons, they have deemed the cycle of the Artifacts unfit and seek to bring total ruination - a greater destruction than any before it, a change so great that mankind itself would be brought to an end.
The last wielder, still inexperienced, tried and failed to stop them. Her power was broken, and for the first time in generations, the Artifacts Three were assigned to three separate wielders.
Now, individually limited but capable together of things no previous wielder could, you find yourself tasked with travelling across the lands and times of the world and preventing a terrible catastrophe...
So, uh, yes!
A time-travelling, alternate universe hopping fantasy adventure for three players plus myself. Some measure of commitment would be expected on the basis of it being a small group, but the idea is for a focus on fun, crazy fantastical hijinks, and interesting character interaction.
Also, to summarize the Artifacts in case you weren't sure what they do - the Measure Blade is a sword that can alter space and grants the wielder great strength; the Aegis Clock is a shield that can alter time and grants the wielder great knowledge; and the Fetters of the Soul is essentially a regenerative glowing chain where each 'link' can be used to do a variety of crazy utility stuff.
You see a white room; like an endless hall of mirrors, the room seems to reflect and repeat across itself, layer upon layer like a video camera recording itself. In every image there are changes - in one reflection your nose is a little bigger, in another your eyes have a different spark, in a third a total stranger copies your movements exactly.
In the immediate present, though... in the 'room that is yours', there's just the three of you. Strangers to each other.
You have come from different lands and cultures, and yet can understand each other perfectly, the words seemingly twisting and changing as they reach your ears, their meanings clear. It is then that it occurs to you...
A fourth figure stands, a voice and face that seems familiar to you in a way you can't quite describe - a sort of deja vu. Clad in green and black , this figure - calling itself the Face of the World - says that the three of you have been given a special calling. They describe how, in every generation, there is a figure who is given the power to change time and space forever.
Armed with the Artifacts Three - the Measure Blade, the Aegis Clock, and the Fetters of the Soul - this person can choose to be the protector of the world or its destruction, great change rising from the ashes. Regardless of the challenge - paradoxes, storms within time, wicked men or monsters, the breakdown of the natural order or even the might of the World Eaters - this hero of the world can overcome it.
But something has gone wrong.
Seven former wielders, finding each other through the void, have banded together and dubbed themselves the Lords of the World. Each for their own reasons, they have deemed the cycle of the Artifacts unfit and seek to bring total ruination - a greater destruction than any before it, a change so great that mankind itself would be brought to an end.
The last wielder, still inexperienced, tried and failed to stop them. Her power was broken, and for the first time in generations, the Artifacts Three were assigned to three separate wielders.
Now, individually limited but capable together of things no previous wielder could, you find yourself tasked with travelling across the lands and times of the world and preventing a terrible catastrophe...
So, uh, yes!
A time-travelling, alternate universe hopping fantasy adventure for three players plus myself. Some measure of commitment would be expected on the basis of it being a small group, but the idea is for a focus on fun, crazy fantastical hijinks, and interesting character interaction.
Also, to summarize the Artifacts in case you weren't sure what they do - the Measure Blade is a sword that can alter space and grants the wielder great strength; the Aegis Clock is a shield that can alter time and grants the wielder great knowledge; and the Fetters of the Soul is essentially a regenerative glowing chain where each 'link' can be used to do a variety of crazy utility stuff.