Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SkrtWithAWeapon
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SkrtWithAWeapon Do you have a / Geiger counter?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

CORRINE DOOLAK -- formerly The Gun Shop, Far Harbor

Corrine had stood back, more to stay out of his way than anything else. Steve accepted the crate and didn't balk or flinch, simply laid out all the parts along the workbench and went straight to work. He went between the tool box, to the bench, and back, with the fluidity of a seasoned tradesman.

She wasn't testing him more than she truly wanted to see if he were honest about his claims. Plus, there was some kind of satisfaction at watching another person work. It made her think of all the time she spent with her dad, the two of them hanging over junk with their screwdrivers, the way his tongue would poke out of the side of his mouth as he concentrated. Dad always denied that, and no one else ever noticed it.

Steve laboured steadily for some time, lining up all the wiring, even testing it properly. Eventually, not only did he have it put together, but installed a battery and even turned it on. He stood back regarding his finished product, then seemed to almost double-take as he remembered she was standing there.

"if you can find a container to complete it", Steve said sheepishly, raising his voice slightly to be heard over the whine of the blender, "Mitch would probably pay you a pretty penny for it once you show him what it does. With the power it's rated for, it should be able to crush ice or grind up just about any kind of meat or produce."

"Is that what it's for?" she replied. "I found it in the kitchen over at the old bowling alley. Might be worth the repeat trip for that container you're talkin' about. I won't take any caps for it, though. You did the work, you earned the profit."

Besides, if the extra caps helped keep Steve in town longer, then she could afford the generosity.

Assumin' we don't die tomorrow. The thought hit her like a ton of bricks. She swallowed and pushed it away.

"So, Corrine", Steve said with a wink as he pushed the off button, shutting the device down, "What do I win?"

"Win? You're a harborman, now. Your prize is...more work!" Corrine teased, giving him a playful nudge and flexing her arthritic fingers. She gently lifted the blender base and turned it around, appreciating his handiwork rather than inspecting it. "You sure weren't kidding, though. Definitely can handle yer tools."

She replaced it into the crate it had started in and looked over her shelf. Corrine became painfully aware of how long it had truly been since she'd salvaged any whole items out of the island. The blender base was one of the last things left from her final haul, which had to have been two...maybe three...months ago.

"I watched you work. It's nice to see someone else who just...hm." She paused, feeling awkward. "Who just gets it." Corrine smiled, shyly. "Lots'a folk can use a tool but don't really care for the job. You know?" She rubbed her knuckles out of habit. They were starting to ache. "You tinker with those...ah...terminals, an' such? Robots?" Her mind was running with dozens of things she'd never seen run as she babbled excitedly. "Oh! Those lifts in big buildings, those...elevators? Found all sorts of 'em, never tried to use one let alone fix it. Or what about, like, a...conveyor belt?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wampower
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Wampower I Did It My Way

Member Seen 9 days ago

James Gregor Castner- Mariner's Shack

"Brotherhood of what-now?" Longfellow chuckled. His laughs gradually morphed into a fit of coughing after which he regained himself and stared back up at the him,

Longfellow had obviously not heard of the Brotherhood, and by extension most of Far Harbor probably hadn’t, considering that Longfellow seemed like the de facto leader of Far Harbor. That was probably for the best.

"No stranger I ain't heard of a Brotherhood of Steel, or the Brotherhood of Iron or Wood. Or any other construction material for that matter. Sounds like mainlainder bullshit if you ask me," Longfellow took another swig from his flask. Despite his joke, he could tell that the man was serious however. And so he sighed, tucked his flask away, and started back at James with a curious look,

"Alright stranger I'll bite. Just what is 'The Brotherhood of Steel'?"

Before he could explain someone else had butted in. “A gang of Raiders LARPing as medieval knights.” the man chuckled.

James turned around to try to correct the man, only to see that pristine Enclave officers hat. He stopped dead, staring at the man for three tense seconds before turning back around. An Enclave Officer? Here? But he also processed the jacket the stranger wore. Maybe he was simply a wastelander who bought the hat. The Brotherhood had problems with dangerous Enclave contraband in the hands of wastelanders for years after the war. A hat making it’s way this far north wasn’t unlikely. Still… he’d have to ask the stranger later.

He downed the rest of his whiskey shot. “Anyways.”, he started again after gathering his thoughts, summing up the best explanation he could for someone who’d lived in an isolated settlement their whole life. “the Brotherhood of Steel is a powerful military group south of here. I am, or was, a part of it. Armories full of flying vehicles, power armor, laser weapons. They try to keep dangerous technology out of people’s hands. They used to use their power to help people, but the current leader has made them more aggressive and self centered. I disagreed, wanted to follow the old way of helping the Wasteland, and was exiled here.”, he paused to decide what exactly he would say about the crashed vertibird. “Or at least, I was supposed to be exiled. Something hit our bird, and it crashed somewhere on the island. The Brotherhood might sned more people to check it out, but the gear in that vehicle could help defend your settlement against this cult. It should take them some time to figure out what happened anyways. I only need some helping fixing up something to track it’s location, and a group willing to help me get the gear.”, he sat back in the chair. “Now your turn. What’s the story of Far Harbor, and the cult threatening you?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tiberius67
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Steve Miller - Lee's Gun Shop

"Win? You're a harborman, now. Your prize is...more work!" Corrine said teasingly, giving him a playful nudge. She gently lifted the blender base and turned it around, appreciating his handiwork rather than inspecting it. "You sure weren't kidding, though. Definitely can handle yer tools."

"Thanks", Steve replied, "bit smaller than what I usually work on, but I managed."

"I watched you work. It's nice to see someone else who just...hm." She paused, feeling awkward. "Who just gets it." Corrine smiled, shyly. "Lots'a folk can use a tool but don't really care for the job. You know?" She rubbed her knuckles, wincing slightly as she did so. "You tinker with those...ah...terminals, an' such? Robots?" Her mind was running with dozens of things she'd never seen run as she babbled excitedly. "Oh! Those lifts in big buildings, those...elevators? Found all sorts of 'em, never tried to use one let alone fix it. Or what about, like, a...conveyor belt?"

"Terminals?", Steve replied", "I know a bit about that....Regina's electronics still worked...most of the time...so I got some hands on with that. As far as robots, it would depend on what's the matter with it....didn't get much opportunity to program them." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "But elevators and conveyor belts? I could probably puzzle it out...is there a particular place you have in mind? A factory or something?"

"Speaking of terminals", Steve said, "I have recently come into possession of an old Pip-Pad 3500 that won't power up...if you could help me figure out a way to repair it, I'd be suitably grateful"

While talking to Corrine, he heard someone running outside along the front of the shop. A moment later a man's head popped in the open door to look. The man regarded him suspicously until he looked around and saw Corrine, then his expression brightened.

"Corrine!", the man exclaimed, "Been looking for you all over town! Doc Wright sent me to fetch you...he wants you to come down to the dock right now, he says it's important!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SkrtWithAWeapon
Avatar of SkrtWithAWeapon

SkrtWithAWeapon Do you have a / Geiger counter?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Terminals?", Steve replied", "I know a bit about that....Regina's electronics still worked...most of the time...so I got some hands on with that. As far as robots, it would depend on what's the matter with it....didn't get much opportunity to program them." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Corrine nodded as he spoke.

"But elevators and conveyor belts? I could probably puzzle it out...is there a particular place you have in mind? A factory or something?"

Corrine's mind was wandering. "Mostly I was just thinkin', there's all kinds of those things out there that maybe people could use on their homesteads and the like, make things just a little less hard out there. People'd probably be pretty thankful...and we'd be livin' pretty nicely..."

"Speaking of terminals", Steve said, "I have recently come into possession of an old Pip-Pad 3500 that won't power up...if you could help me figure out a way to repair it, I'd be suitably grateful."

"Hah. You're the one who makes things work. But that sounds like it could be a worthwhile project." Especially while I have no idea what a Pip-Pad even is... Her gaze drifted back up to the ceiling. "Those pre-war gadgets seem to, mostly, just end up with parts corroding more than anythin'." She paused. "But I assume you already took it apart, to see what it could need?"

Corrine heard the quick step of someone hurrying by the shop. She glanced out to see a familiar head pop in the open door to look. He shot a dirty look at Steve, until he looked around and saw Corrine, then his expression brightened.

"Corrine!", the man exclaimed, "Been looking for you all over town! Doc Wright sent me to fetch you...he wants you to come down to the dock right now, he says it's important!"

The man's name eluded her completely, but he was clearly quite certain of hers. She tried to play that off as casually as possible. Corrine cleared her throat and tilted her head towards Steve. "Is it really necessary? I'm not exactly free, at the moment."

"Yep. Doc insisted. I'm sure the outsider will wait," he gestured at Steve.

"He's with me," she replied curtly.

The man paused. "Well, go on, then, but you best get yourself down to the dock, and right away."

Corrine exchanged a look with Steve. "I suppose the sooner we check this out, the sooner we get it over with." First, she made a point of putting her tools back into the crate and locking them up with her key, before she exit the former gun shop with Steve and walked with him towards the dock. There was a cluster of people loitering about, muttering between each other. The atmosphere was anxious. Corrine spotted the figure of the doctor, who was engaged in keeping others from approaching...

...approaching, what, exactly?

"Doc, I'm here, what is it?" she called, approaching the throng. She couldn't see anything past the heads and shoulders of the others gathered around. "Do you mind? Step aside, please," she directed the harborfolk as she wedged her way in between bodies. "I said, I am coming through, could some of you just -- "

At that moment, someone moved right when Corrine expected them to move left, and she stumbled over their rubber booted foot, to flail past the doctor, and catch herself just before landing on the corpse of Bishop. She stopped, cold.

"Wh-what..." she breathed, her eyes widening. "What is...but he just..." Corrine clutched her stomach and spun around, grasping Teddy by the arm. "What happened?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Old Longfellow - Mariner's Shack
"Goddamnit didn't your mother ever tell you not to interrupt when adults are talking?" Longfellow barked back at the interruption, his speech a bit slurred, "And what do I look like anyway the Harbormaster? Huh? Just about everyone in town has got at a dinghy down there. But if you're going out to make more trouble with those cultists, then leave me out of it. Go bother someone else. Town's got enough trouble as it is."

Longfellow also happened to notice the look of recognition that two mainlanders shared between them, but decided to let that go for now. Wasn't any of his business..

He looked back at the Brotherhood man and listened as he explained who and what The Brotherhood were. Something about technology and weapons and flying contraptions. None of it really made sense to Longfellow but the man seemed to know what he was talking about in any case,

"Bird? Flying machines? Just what the hell kind of group is this?" Longfellow replied with a skeptical eye, "You know what? Nevermind. Not sure I want to know more. You'll have to talk with the rest of the townsfolk if you want help with that equipment though. Frankly, I don't think you're going to get many takers. Nobody is too keen on going out into the Fog right now. Especially after what happened this morning..."

“Now your turn. What’s the story of Far Harbor, and the cult threatening you?”

Longfellow gave a chuckle and sighed, shaking his now empty flask before tucking it away, "Son we're going to need alot more whiskey for that kind of story. But the short of it is this: The Fog has been on the island as long as anyone can remember. Didn't used to be as bad though, but lately its gotten much, much worse. You saw those odd glowing contraptions outside of town right? Well those are called condensers. Fella by the name of DiMA gave them to us awhile back to help keep back the Fog. Well now DiMA and his whole group are long gone and the town's hanging by a thread without their help. And now all of a sudden we got this crazy cult to contend with that nobody has ever seen before and to top it all off the critters on this island are starting to grow three or four times their regular sizes. Getting bigger and bigger every day it seems. Folks are scared...real scared. Scared of the cultists and scared of the island. And I don't say I blame them. "

"You ask what's the story of Far Harbor friend?" Longfellow chuckled again, "Its one that doesn't have a happy ending. That's what."

Suddenly Longfellow was interrupted once again by someone coming in from the docks. The old man was about to really let this one have it as well when the Harborman told him that Doc Wright had sent for him down at the docks. Strange considering that he'd spoken to the doctor only minutes ago,

"Alright, alright I'm goin'," Longfellow said, standing up, "Listen stranger, I still don't know if I understand this Brotherhood you're with, but if you're not looking to harm us, then I've got no beef with you. If you want to stay in Far Harbor awhile, tell Mitch over in the Last Plank to set you up with a room and a bed for a few days. Tell him Longfellow's good for it. He'll know what you mean. He owes me a few favors...think of it as my way of recompensing for the ill welcome."

With that Longfellow walked off and down towards the harbor.

-Far Harbor Boat Docks-

"Teddy just what the hell is all the commotion about?" Longfellow bellowed as he came down the steps past the curious onlookers who were still trying to figure out what was going on. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the dead body,

"Oh." He said simply.

"Wh-what...what is...but he just..." Corrine clutched her stomach and spun around, grasping Teddy by the arm. "What happened?"

Teddy motioned for Corrine and Longfellow to come close, and then his whispered under his breath,

"Right now everyone is thinking he drowned. But I examined him, and he didn't die from a long dip in the ocean. He was dead or dying before he even hit the water. Someone sliced his throat almost to the bone. I thought it best if we didn't tell everyone just yet...don't want to start a panic after all. People start thinking there's cultists all around, and folks are paranoid enough as it is...we don't want to give them more cause to lash out at people."

"Can't keep that up forever Ted," Longfellow said disapprovingly, "Folks got a right to know."

"I know...I know," The Doc said shaking his head, "But its just temporary. Just until we can figure out what..."

"LET ME THROUGH! LET ME THROUGH GODDAMNIT!" The angry voice of a woman broke through the crowd and shortly afterward, Rose came barreling down the steps towards her dead partner.

Teddy was about to stop her before Longfellow intervened,

"That's her friend Ted, let er' go."

Rose keeled down and examined Bishop's dead body. She shook her head sorrowfully as she noticed the knife wound and stood up angrily, stamping her foot with such force that she cracked the rickety wooden boards on the docks,

"Bastards...I knew it. I knew they were here somehow. They must have tracked us from The Commonwealth. Tracked us the whole damn time."

"Who's here?" Teddy asked both confused and shocked by the woman's reaction.

"Something alot worse than those cultists," Rose snapped back, "The Institute."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SkrtWithAWeapon
Avatar of SkrtWithAWeapon

SkrtWithAWeapon Do you have a / Geiger counter?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

CORRINE DOOLAK -- the docks

Longfellow arrived on the scene, which was when Teddy beckoned them both over and said in a very low voice: "Right now everyone is thinking he drowned. But I examined him, and he didn't die from a long dip in the ocean. He was dead or dying before he even hit the water. Someone sliced his throat almost to the bone. I thought it best if we didn't tell everyone just yet...don't want to start a panic after all. People start thinking there's cultists all around, and folks are paranoid enough as it is...we don't want to give them more cause to lash out at people."

"Can't keep that up forever Ted," Longfellow said disapprovingly, "Folks got a right to know."

"Damn right," Corrine agreed.

"I know...I know," The Doc said shaking his head, "But its just temporary. Just until we can figure out what..."

"LET ME THROUGH! LET ME THROUGH GODDAMNIT!" The angry voice of a woman broke through the crowd and shortly afterward, Rose came barreling down the steps towards her dead partner.

Teddy was about to stop her before Longfellow intervened,

"That's her friend Ted, let er' go."

Rose keeled down and examined Bishop's dead body. She shook her head sorrowfully as she noticed the knife wound and stood up angrily, stamping her foot with such force that she cracked the rickety wooden boards on the docks, "Bastards...I knew it. I knew they were here somehow. They must have tracked us from The Commonwealth. Tracked us the whole damn time."

"Who's here?" Teddy asked both confused and shocked by the woman's reaction.

"Something alot worse than those cultists," Rose snapped back, "The Institute."

Corrine exchanged a look with Longfellow, Teddy, and Steve, then finally, at Rose. She reached out and gently touched Rose on the arm. "Listen. I know he was yer partner and things didn't go so great for y'all on the island. Why don't we all -- " she made a point of making eye contact with Longfellow, and Steve once more -- "head back up to the Plank, have ourselves another drink, and you can tell us about this 'Institute' and what makes it so bad. Leave the doc here to do what he needs to do for yer friend."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wampower
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Wampower I Did It My Way

Member Seen 9 days ago

James Gregor Castner- Mariner's Shack

"Bird? Flying machines? Just what the hell kind of group is this?" Longfellow replied with a skeptical eye, "You know what? Nevermind. Not sure I want to know more. You'll have to talk with the rest of the townsfolk if you want help with that equipment though. Frankly, I don't think you're going to get many takers. Nobody is too keen on going out into the Fog right now. Especially after what happened this morning..."

James sighed inwardly. He supposed it might be better for him right now if the people understood little of the Brotherhood, but soon they were going to be getting closer and close to this town and the people needed to be ready.

Longfellow gave a chuckle and sighed, shaking his now empty flask before tucking it away, "Son we're going to need alot more whiskey for that kind of story. But the short of it is this: The Fog has been on the island as long as anyone can remember. Didn't used to be as bad though, but lately its gotten much, much worse. You saw those odd glowing contraptions outside of town right? Well those are called condensers. Fella by the name of DiMA gave them to us awhile back to help keep back the Fog. Well now DiMA and his whole group are long gone and the town's hanging by a thread without their help. And now all of a sudden we got this crazy cult to contend with that nobody has ever seen before and to top it all off the critters on this island are starting to grow three or four times their regular sizes. Getting bigger and bigger every day it seems. Folks are scared...real scared. Scared of the cultists and scared of the island. And I don't say I blame them. "

It had to be the worst threat to any settlement he’d heard. That scouting mission wouldn’t have been enough at all to help with this town’s problems, and they probably would have pulled out anyways. He had to do what he could to help out.

"You ask what's the story of Far Harbor friend?" Longfellow chuckled again, "Its one that doesn't have a happy ending. That's what."

Before he could respond, a man came up and urged Longfellow to go down to the docks at the doctor’s request.
"Alright, alright I'm goin'," Longfellow said, standing up, "Listen stranger, I still don't know if I understand this Brotherhood you're with, but if you're not looking to harm us, then I've got no beef with you. If you want to stay in Far Harbor awhile, tell Mitch over in the Last Plank to set you up with a room and a bed for a few days. Tell him Longfellow's good for it. He'll know what you mean. He owes me a few favors...think of it as my way of recompensing for the ill welcome."

“Thanks Longfellow. I’ll see what I can do to help out.”, and then Longfellow was off.

James wasn’t sure what to do now. There was some kind of commotion on the docks, but he doubted he’d be trusted enough by the civilians yet to get a real look at what was happening. Then the Enclave hat from before slipped back into his mind, a wave of anger passed over him. The Enclave were no better than the pre-war terrorists he’d read about. Nobody was safe from being slaughtered by them in the name of their twisted version of America. And they were so sure of themselves too, thinking their fancy power armor would always save them. He never saw the concept of defeat in the eyes of a single one of their soldiers until just before his super sledge went home.

He looked around. Most of Far Harbor was concentrated by the disturbance at the docks. The possible Enclaver had moved off, but hadn’t gone far. James walked to him at an average pace, making no attempts at concealment. He stopped in front of the man, hand casually on his holster where Bear, his .44 hunting revolver, was resting.

“You know”, he started in a casual sarcastic tone “if the Brotherhood of Steel is a gang of raiders LARPing as medieval knights, then the Enclave was a gang of super mutants insane enough to think they were Americans.” He whistled and gestured towards the clean grey hat. “Where’d you get the hat?”, his fake casual tone slipping into something more threatening.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lewis251
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Lewis251 The Fallout Invader and Loco Coffee cup killer!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James Williams-Far Harbour

“I wanted to ask about that big boats out there not a Dinghy but fine you’re not interested... I’ll go look for someone else.” James replied before walking off.
Wonder why they were talking about the brotherhood

With Longfella not interested and Corrie “Tour Guiding” with Steve he decided to head to the docks himself and perhaps have someone tell him who owns the boat but as he approached he noticed the docks where being blocked off by an group of fishmen.

Shit... did they find Bishop?

Someone who looked like a doctor was allowed though but the fishermen where blocking other from seeing what was going but after Rose pushed her way though James knew what was going on...fuck why didn’t he weight him down or something

If someone had seen me there been a mob after me already.

James was just about to head back to the Bar when that guy Longfellow had been talking about the brotherhood with approached. “You know”, he started in a casual sarcastic tone “if the Brotherhood of Steel is a gang of raiders LARPing as medieval knights, then the Enclave was a gang of super mutants insane enough to think they were Americans.”

“Oh great.” James muttered to himself knowing what was going to happen next. Some idiot (although in this case he may be brotherhood) had been told stories about the big bad enclave and after finding an enclave officer wanted the glory of taking one down.

He whistled and gestured towards the clean grey hat. “Where’d you get the hat?” his fake casual tone slipping into something more threatening.

“You’re Mother.” James sarcastic replied before adopting a more serious tone “we both know the answer... The enclave and yes before you ask I was a member, Captain James William the 3rd of the Enclave supply and personnel core.”

James then opened up his coat revealing his battle damaged uniform. “I didn’t exactly agree with what the robot ordered but they where my family and it would have been fucking stupid to leave but it doesn’t matter anymore enclave are gone.”

well apart from maybe in Chicago...

“Only reason I have this on is because the Brotherhood showed up in Boston and they shoot spies... Anyway you know the truth now so say whatever you where gonna say about the enclave.... I don’t really care anymore.”

“I’ve got more important things to do, like saving this town from atom fruitcakes.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tiberius67
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Steve Miller - Dock Entrance

As Steve and Corrine approached the docks, he noticed a small crowd had accumulated at the head of the stairs, where a pair of harbormen blocked the path. They parted immediately to let Corrine through, then just as immediately closed ranks to stop him.

"Docks are closed right now, Outsider", one of the men said. "This is none of your business."

Corrine abruptly stopped descending the stairs and wheeled about and came back.

"He's with me", Corrine said to them curtly as she reached between the two harbormen to take Steve's hand and pulled him forward bodily.

"Oh", replied the Harborman with a shrug. "I guess it is your business then, Outsider." The pair made no further attempt to obstruct him and he began to descend the stairs as Corrine let go of him and dashed ahead.

"Doc, I'm here, what is it?" Corrine exclaimed as she approached the throng at the end of one of the docks, then began trying to wedge her way closer to whatever they were surrounding. "I said, I am coming through, could some of you just -- ".

She never completed the sentence as she tripped and fell face-first into the center of the mass of people. Steve picked up his pace to catch up to her, and help her up if needed.

"Wh-what..." she breathed, her eyes widening. "What is...but he just..." Corrine clutched her stomach and spun around, grasping one of the harbormen by the arm. "What happened?"

Another man charged past him, a elderly but formidable looking man in a pea-coat. Steve recognized him as the man Corrine had been arguing with when he got tot to town earlier.

"Teddy, just what the hell is all the commotion about?" the man bellowed as he came down the steps past the curious onlookers, who parted before him like moses parting the Red sea. He stopped in his tracks as the opening in the crowd revealed a dead body, a man who looked vaguely familiar.

"Oh.", the man said simply.

The harborman next to Corrine, presumably Teddy, gestured for the man to approach. At the same time, Corrine waved him over so steve joined them.

"Right now everyone is thinking he drowned", teddy whispered once they had drawn close. "But I examined him, and he didn't die from a long dip in the ocean. He was dead or dying before he even hit the water. Someone sliced his throat almost to the bone. I thought it best if we didn't tell everyone just yet...don't want to start a panic after all. People start thinking there's cultists all around, and folks are paranoid enough as it is...we don't want to give them more cause to lash out at people."

"Can't keep that up forever Ted," the old man said sternly, "Folks got a right to know."

"I know...I know," Doc Wright said shaking his head, "But its just temporary. Just until we can figure out what..."

"LET ME THROUGH! LET ME THROUGH GODDAMNIT!" The angry voice of a woman broke through the crowd and shortly afterward, a tough looking woman sprinted down the stairs towards them. the Doc looked ready to stop her, but the Old Man waved him off, curtly mentioning that she knew the victim.

The woman kneeled nect to the slaim man, regarding them sadly. She then stoop up, angrily stamping her foot with enough force to crack the board her foot came down on.

"Bastards...", she said, her voice filled with fury, "I knew it! I knew they were here somehow. They must have tracked us from The Commonwealth. Tracked us the whole damn time."

"Who's here?" Doc Wright asked, clearly taken aback.

"Something a lot worse than those cultists," the woman snapped back, "The Institute."

Corrine exchanged a look with the Old Man, Doc Wright, and Steve, then finally, at the woman. She reached out and gently touched her on the arm. "Listen. I know he was yer partner and things didn't go so great for y'all on the island. Why don't we all -- " she made a point of making eye contact with Longfellow, and the Old Man once more -- "head back up to the Plank, have ourselves another drink, and you can tell us about this 'Institute' and what makes it so bad. Leave the doc here to do what he needs to do for yer friend."

"Yes", Steve added, "We should discuss this and what it means before the rumor mill gets ahold of it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

OOC: Did a roll for this. Corrine passed with a 6.

Rose - On the Docks

"Listen. I know he was yer partner and things didn't go so great for y'all on the island. Why don't we all -- " she made a point of making eye contact with Longfellow, and Steve once more -- "head back up to the Plank, have ourselves another drink, and you can tell us about this 'Institute' and what makes it so bad. Leave the doc here to do what he needs to do for yer friend."

The paranoid agent's face softened as she heard Corrine speak her offer. In normal circumstances, she didn't fancy letting her guard down in front of strangers, but there was something oddly comforting about the harborwoman that made her trust her. Although as alone as she now was on this island, she didn't really have any other choice.

"Fine," She said, with a weary sigh. She gave a stern look towards Doc Teddy and held up a finger, "You take care of him. Understand me? He's not some dog you bury out back. He's family."

Teddy gave an understanding nod, "I'll make sure he's given proper respect."

Satisfied with that, Rose turned and walked back up the dock with the rest of the group, and made her way to The Last Plank. She found the first empty booth she saw and sat down. Her hands were shaking as she laid them on the table, and she seemed frustrated with herself because of this.

"I don't know for certain," She began slowly, once she'd calmed down, "But I don't think Bishop was killed on coincidence. And I don't think the cultists did it either...it doesn't make sense. We were up in that observatory for nearly two days and they could have finished us off whenever they wanted....but they didn't. And they even let us walk down the mountain with Corrine and that Enclave bastard."

"It has to be The Institute," She said, shaking her head and clasping her hands together, partly in fear, "It has to be them. They're still looking for me..."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SkrtWithAWeapon
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SkrtWithAWeapon Do you have a / Geiger counter?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

CORRINE DOOLAK - Far Harbor docks

"Fine," Rose said, with a weary sigh. She gave a stern look towards Doc Teddy and held up a finger, "You take care of him. Understand me? He's not some dog you bury out back. He's family."

Teddy gave an understanding nod, "I'll make sure he's given proper respect."

Rose nodded, and waved for them to leave. Corrine hung back with Steve, behind Rose and Longfellow, as they wandered back into the town. She drew close to Steve and murmured into his ear.

"The dead man, his name was Bishop. He and Rose held James and I at gunpoint up in Acadia, when we went up there looking for the synths." She watched his reaction and jumped back in, quickly. "Oh, they thought we were threats. We decided to come back down the mountain together, when we all found out we weren't, well, enemies or somethin'. Some mainland group called, hmm, Train Tracks...Engineers...oh! 'Railroad.' They help the robot people. Or, people robots. Whatever they are." A breeze picked up off the water, particularly cool, causing Corrine to shiver and jam her hands into her pockets. "I didn't really know him, but he was, eh, civil enough." She sighed.

Rose made a beeline for the nearest open booth, and sat down. Longfellow sat next to her. Corrine motioned to Mitch for a full round for all four before sliding onto the bench. She reached out and took Steve by the hand and gently pulled him onto the bench next to her.

"I don't know for certain," Rose began slowly, after a few moments, "But I don't think Bishop was killed on coincidence. And I don't think the cultists did it either...it doesn't make sense. We were up in that observatory for nearly two days and they could have finished us off whenever they wanted....but they didn't. And they even let us walk down the mountain with Corrine and that Enclave bastard."

Corrine wouldn't object to James being called a bastard, and nodded. "That's true. They confronted us, but withdrew. Even when they came to the Hull, even when James shot at them, all they did was withdraw. If one or any of 'em made it into the town, someone would've seen it."

"It has to be The Institute," She said, shaking her head and clasping her hands together, partly in fear, "It has to be them. They're still looking for me..."

"What was it you said? We're stubborn, usually good people, but keep to ourselves?" Corrine smirked, repeating Rose's words back to her. "Why would the Institute be tryin' to kill you? What, really, is the Institute? I assume it's some kind'a mainland thing?" She shook her head. "Thing is, harborfolk can spot a mainlander from a mile away. Plus, after the cult showed up at our doorstep, everyone's a lil extra...suspicious." She shot a glance at Steve, and softened. "Well, most of us," she corrected.

"But with good reason, otherwise," she continued. "Don't rightly know what any of them Institute folks might look like, but none of 'em would get past anyone without bein' noticed, I'm pretty sure. Longfellow?" Corrine drew the attention to the old hunter. "What do you think?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The Last Plank

"But with good reason, otherwise," she continued. "Don't rightly know what any of them Institute folks might look like, but none of 'em would get past anyone without bein' noticed, I'm pretty sure. Longfellow?" Corrine drew the attention to the old hunter. "What do you think?"

Longfellow sloppily set down the bottle of booze he'd been gulping down after Mitch had brought the group their round and the old alcoholic slurred his words in a haze of perpetual drunkenness. The man had been drinking almost constantly since the morning, and even he had a limit.

"Aye, that's true. We can spot a mainlander from a mile away, and shoot em' nearly as far too."

Rose shook her head vehemently at these words of encouragement however,

"No. No you wouldn't," She said sternly, "You would have no idea they're among you because the ones they send could look just like someone you know. Someone you love. You could be one yourself and not even know it. The Institute..." She paused, finding the words particularly difficult to speak, "...they've created people. And not in the good ol' fashion way either. They've made artificial people. They're called Synths: synthetic persons. The people up in Acadia? That's what they were. They look just like humans in every way and its impossible to tell whether or not someone is a Synth unless you're willing to kill them. The Institute uses their Synths to infiltrate settlements, replace people, spy on groups, assassinate troublesome wasteland leaders...and generally cause mayhem where they can. But every so often, one of these Synths goes rouge. They escape and try to make their own way in The Commonwealth. That's where me and my group comes in. The Railroad helps these Synths to freedom."

"The problem," Rose continued, her hands starting to tremble again, "Is that The Institute doesn't just let these Synths go. Oh no. They're property to them. Advanced pieces of technology that need to be recovered, reclaimed, and reset. And so they track escaped Synths wherever they go. Sometimes The Railroad is able to make sure a Synth stays hidden for good, or at least give them the best chance. But much of the time....The Institute manages to reclaim them. Either way, they never stop hunting them."

Rose sighed again, and took a deep breath again, "I know because I'm a Synth myself. I escaped from The Institute. But instead of making my way out of The Commonwealth, I stayed with The Railroad and chose to help more of my kind. For the longest time I thought that maybe, just maybe, I was in the clear. But I should know by now that you're never truly free."

She looked up at the people seated around her in the booth, turning to each one of them in turn to give them a cold hard stare,

"Bishop is dead now. And if I had to guess, I'd say its because The Institute has sent one or more of their Synths to Far Harbor. My team and I, Bishop included, we suspected even assumed that this might happen. After all, if we, The Railroad, had heard about Acadia, its Synths, and their sudden disappearance. Then its almost guaranteed The Institute would have as well. That's why they're here I think. To retrieve the Acadia Synths and me with them. Bishop was a human. He's was a liability and not their property. It would make sense to kill him first. The problem is that we can't trust anybody now. Any of you could be a Synth. Any of you could be working for them. Any of you could have killed Bishop. Maybe even without realizing it...."

A sardonic grin spread across Rose's face and she let out a half-crazed chuckle, "I suppose I should be thankful they didn't send a Courser. You'd probably all be dead by now."

Longfellow let out a stifled burp, seemingly unfazed by Rose's tale of terror,

"Or maybe he just got his throat slit by someone 'round town who doesn't like nosy mainlanders who talk too much snooping and stirring up trouble!" He said angrily in his drunken stupor.

"What do you mean old man?" Rose glared back.

"I mean this town has enough trouble with them damn cultists. Now you're telling us we got to start turning on one another like animals? Just who the hell do you think you are anyway? I know I'm human, and I know the friends and neighbors I've lived with all my life are human and that's all there is too it. Its you mainlanders I'm concerned about and frankly, I'm starting to think you should all just get in a boat and go back where you came. Take your problems with you. Hows that sound?"

With that Longfellow stood up abruptly and stormed out of The Last Plank.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SkrtWithAWeapon
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SkrtWithAWeapon Do you have a / Geiger counter?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"I mean this town has enough trouble with them damn cultists. Now you're telling us we got to start turning on one another like animals? Just who the hell do you think you are anyway? I know I'm human, and I know the friends and neighbors I've lived with all my life are human and that's all there is to it. Its you mainlanders I'm concerned about and frankly, I'm starting to think you should all just get in a boat and go back where you came. Take your problems with you. Hows that sound?"

With that Longfellow stood up abruptly and stormed out of The Last Plank. Corrine cringed as the door slammed shut. Other patrons turned towards the sound, then went back to their drinking and mumbling amongst themselves. She swirled the whiskey in her glass as she contemplated everything Rose had just divulged to them. When she suggested they meet for a drink and talk about "The Institute," she had no idea it would sound like the plot of one of the film reels salvaged from the old movie theatre. Despite what she knew about Acadia and those who occupied it, Corrine didn't once consider trying to find out what being a "synth" really meant, and after everything she heard, she was sorry she had asked.

Longfellow certainly had that part right. Mainlanders and their problems really should just stick to the mainland. She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry for your friend. Ain't too many folk around here these days who haven't lost a friend, or a loved one, so in that way, many of us can relate." Corrine took a swig of her whiskey. The alcohol burn was a welcome feeling that oozed down her throat and into her core. If only it chased the cold and stiffness from her other joints so easily.

"The codger's drunk, but he's right. Many of us come from generations of folks who have toiled on this island, in the fog, against its creatures and worse. We've got enough to handle on our own, and especially right now." She tried to speak softly, though her words were harsh. "You got someone stalkin' you? As of tomorrow, this whole town full of people may be dead or at least without a place to live. You can go back to wherever yer home is, but us," she gestured to the rest of the patrons in the Plank, "this is our home."

She drained her glass and placed it gently onto the table. "I don't wish ya any ill will. Sad to say, though, if Longfellow doesn't have a lead, chances aren't good there'll be more to do about this bad bit of business. We've got other fish to fry."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Rose - The Last Plank

"I don't wish ya any ill will. Sad to say, though, if Longfellow doesn't have a lead, chances aren't good there'll be more to do about this bad bit of business. We've got other fish to fry."

Rose grimaced at Corrine's words and finished the rest of her drink before standing up, a look of anger and frustration flashed across her face. She'd heard this particular tune before,

"Fine," She said defiantly, "I'll handle this myself then. Its not like I'm not used to it. Its been this way from town to town across the wastes. People just shut their doors and hold their ears, and hope that The Institute doesn't take them. Nobody wants to fight back and nobody is willing to risk their lives to help a Synth. I'll figure out what's going on here one way or the other, and I WILL find the person that killed Bishop. All of you 'tough' harbor folk can go back to drinking yourselves into a stupor."

Rose then dropped down a few caps to pay for the drink, picked up her gun and left the Last Plank.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tiberius67
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Steve Miller - The Last Plank

Listening to Rose talk about the Institute, and "synths" pretending to be people....a old memory of the last time he'd been to Rivet City floated up to the surface. The Lone Wanderer had been through two weeks before and shot two men down like dogs in the Science Lab....people were still talking about it. Butch Deloria, ever eager to advertise his relationship with the Vault Kid, had plenty to say about it.

The Muddy Rudder - Ten Years Ago
"Wish I'd have seen it", Butch DeLoria said gleefully as he nursed his beer. "That hot brunette down in the Science Lab, Janice, told me all about it when I did her hair last week. She said the old guy, Zim, or something, had been bugging the Dragon Lady (what pretty much everyone outside the Lab called Dr Li behind her back) trying to get her help finding this "android". She thought he was a fruitcake so she wouldn't see him, told Janice to play "Talk to the Hand" with him. Guy hung around for nearly a month, then Richie (DeLoria was proud of the fact he was one of the few people to be on a first name basis with the Lone Wanderer, as he had grown up with him and run off from the Vault himself after they had some kind of riot down there) swings through and talks to the guy and agrees to help him out."

"Did he find him?", Steve asked. "Is that who he shot in the Lab?"

"Nah, man", Butch answered. "He went around asking questions, rumor has it he even went into the bow of this old rust-bucket looking for clues. But about a week later, he rolls into the Science Lab. He goes up to Zim, and tells him he found out who he was looking for. Janice says he whispered the name in his ear so she didn't hear it. But she heard what came next. Zim was all happy with what Richie told him, and paid him off. then Richie unslings the plasma rifle he had slung on his back and holds it up like he was showing it to him.

"He gave me this rifle", Richie said to him, "I think his idea was that I kill you and your friend with it."

Zim laughed and laughed, but Janice said then Richie suddenly got all ice cold.

"But you know what the pity is...", Richie said as he started to take aim at them, "...when I'm paid to do a job, I always follow my job through."

"Then Zap! Zap!", DeLoria said as he held up both hands mimicked with shooting a rifle at something, "he dusts them both where they stand!"

"WTF?", Steve said with astonishment, "Right in front of everybody? That's nuts! Did they arrest him? How did he get out of that?"

"Nope", DeLoria said with a smirk, "Dragon Lady had a cow, but she really got mad when she called Security and they told her Zim and his friend were spies for the Falls and he'd been deputized to off them. Janice says she flipped out and ran up to the Market and had it out with Harkness. She didn't hear conversation but everyone in the Market at the time did...Harkness in effect told her to STFU and get over it, and any other slaver he found on board was getting more of the same."

"Wow", Steve said, "that kid is something else. they ever figure out who that "android" was?"

"Nope", DeLoria said impishly, "Not even blabber-mouth Vera wants to speculate on that, given how the last two people to ask questions literally got scraped off the floor of the Lab. DeLoria then got an off gleam in his eye, and said very quietly. "But do you want to know a secret?"

"Sure", Steve said, "Lay it on me."

Butch then grabbed Steve by the lapels and pulled him close, and whispered in his ear.

"Harkness used to have a Plasma rifle", Deloria whispered, "Used to." He then let go of Steve and patted a cheek with his hand affectionately and winked.

"i'd keep that under your hat if I were you", DeLoria said with a smirk, "If something bad happens, I'd have to tell Richie you knew. You really don't want to be on his shit list. You know, back in the Vault he was quiet and kept to himself...". Deloria didn't finish his thought as he was interrupted by a familiar pleading whine.

"Butchie, baby", Trinnie...the closest thing to a whore Rivet City would allow on board...pleaded said as she wound herself around DeLoria, "My glass is empty...."

"Yeah, Yeah, Baby", DeLoria replied suggestively as he took the opportunity to let his hands roam while she giggled, "Butchie Baby is thirsty, too...perhaps we can help each other out?" DeLoria said as he shifted his attention entirely to the young Lamplighter.

Back at the Last Plank

Rose finished explaining the situation as she saw it, but it wasn't received well. First the old man, who he now knew was named Longfellow, throws a fit about Mainlanders and their problems and storms out, followed by Corrine telling her, in effect, she was on her own as they had problems enough already. As if the locals had actually been doing anything about them.

"Fine," Rose retorted angrily, "I'll handle this myself then. Its not like I'm not used to it. Its been this way from town to town across the wastes. People just shut their doors and hold their ears, and hope that The Institute doesn't take them. Nobody wants to fight back and nobody is willing to risk their lives to help a Synth. I'll figure out what's going on here one way or the other, and I WILL find the person that killed Bishop. All of you 'tough' harbor folk can go back to drinking yourselves into a stupor."

She then slammed some caps on the counter, then picked up her weapon and stalked out, the door slamming shut behind her. The other locals in the bar looked up for a moment, then back to their drinks.

"Well", Steve said quietly to Corrine, "That could have gone better." He then added. "I don't live here, so I figured I'd keep my mouth shut and follow your and Longfellow's lead...that was clearly a mistake." He then looked her right in the eye. "You have a gun? Get it if you don't have it on you and meet me at that spot on the Hull we talked at in fifteen minutes. I have a story of my own about "synths" from the Commonwealth that I'll explain to you then....if you don't come looking I'll assume you don't care. In any case, if what she says is true...and I have my own reasons for believing it is...she is next. And whatever this Institute is, I think I can safely say it doesn't have our best interests at heart. I have no idea who killed Bishop or why...but I'll be damned if I sit around and twiddle my thumbs while some bastard goes around killing people that we, frankly, need badly if we're going to see the sunrise the morning after next."

Steve then got to his feet and headed for the door, cracking it open to see if he could spot Rose. Once he felt he could leave without her spotting him right off, he slipped out, and quietly closed the door behind him, then headed along, doing his best to shadow Rose without being too obvious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SkrtWithAWeapon
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SkrtWithAWeapon Do you have a / Geiger counter?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Fine," Rose retorted angrily, "I'll handle this myself then. Its not like I'm not used to it. Its been this way from town to town across the wastes. People just shut their doors and hold their ears, and hope that The Institute doesn't take them. Nobody wants to fight back and nobody is willing to risk their lives to help a Synth. I'll figure out what's going on here one way or the other, and I WILL find the person that killed Bishop. All of you 'tough' harbor folk can go back to drinking yourselves into a stupor."

She then slammed some caps on the counter, then picked up her weapon and stalked out, the door slamming shut behind her. The other locals in the bar looked up for a moment, then back to their drinks.

"Well", Steve said quietly to Corrine, "That could have gone better." He then added. "I don't live here, so I figured I'd keep my mouth shut and follow your and Longfellow's lead...that was clearly a mistake."

It...what? Corrine made to ask him 'how do you figure' but his sudden eye contact stalled her mid-thought.

"You have a gun? Get it if you don't have it on you and meet me at that spot on the Hull we talked at in fifteen minutes. I have a story of my own about "synths" from the Commonwealth that I'll explain to you then....if you don't come looking I'll assume you don't care. In any case, if what she says is true...and I have my own reasons for believing it is...she is next. And whatever this Institute is, I think I can safely say it doesn't have our best interests at heart. I have no idea who killed Bishop or why...but I'll be damned if I sit around and twiddle my thumbs while some bastard goes around killing people that we, frankly, need badly if we're going to see the sunrise the morning after next."

She watched dumbly as the young man swept off the bench and walked to the door, peeping out for a moment before slipping through it. Corrine rubbed her face, wondering what had just happened. Two people in two minutes accused her about not caring about others' problems before storming off, was the gist of it. Typical mainlander attitude, was her first reaction. None of 'em ever try to understand us, but the moment we don't react the way they think we should, it's a hearty 'well, fuck you, too!'

She sighed, deflating slightly onto the table, eyeing her empty glass. "If I care," she mumbled to herself, feeling hurt and defensive at the same time. "Didn't I make a point of showin' you how beautiful my home is, an' why I'd rather die protecting it than flee?"

The patrons at the next table turned to look at her with quizzical expressions. Corrine realized she had been muttering out loud. "And?" she growled at them, her face flushing in embarrassment.

As if it couldn't get more embarrassing, the door flung open as Errick strolled in from a return to the outhouse -- which, more accurately, meant he likely just pissed off the side of the pier -- and he stopped the second he spotted her sitting alone. "What's this?! Where's yer date, Corrine? He get back on a boat after he figured out yer age difference?"

Corrine clenched her arthritis-riddled knuckles and trembled. "Seems I missed the part where that were any of yer business."

Errick leaned against the opposite bench, grinning. "Maybe he was looking for more of a...carnal tour?"

Corrine rolled her eyes and showed herself out, but not before flipping a certain finger over her shoulder at Errick. Several patrons burst into laughter.

"We love ya, Corrine!" someone called at her just before the door banged shut.

She took a deep, calming breath, before she marched herself to her bunk in the common house. The gun she owned was no more than some antique by that point. It was her father's and hadn't been fired, let alone maintained, for several years. She sat brooding on her bunk, turning the firearm over and over in her fingers, frowning.

Perhaps he's a gunsmith, too. Otherwise, I guess I could hit someone with it, or throw it at them. Her stomach fluttered as she looked at it. Corrine couldn't determine if she was nervous about what he'd say to her, next, or the thought of a terrible battle was making her worried.

She took a deep breath and swallowed on her dry throat. She put the pistol into her coat pocket, stood, and made her way back to the Hull to wait for him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wampower
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Wampower I Did It My Way

Member Seen 9 days ago

James Gregor Castner-Far Harbor

“Oh great.”, the possible Enclaver said. The man had not been intimidated by James’s remark, which made sense, but he didn't seem to take the situation seriously.

Then he asked about where the man got his hat. “Your Mother.” the man sarcastically replied before adopting a more serious tone “we both know the answer... The enclave and yes before you ask I was a member, Captain James William the 3rd of the Enclave supply and personnel core.”

So it was true. This other James was really an Enclave officer. James realized with some surprise that he was more shocked than angry.

The other James then opened up his coat revealing his battle damaged uniform. “I didn’t exactly agree with what the robot ordered but they where my family and it would have been fucking stupid to leave, but it doesn’t matter anymore the Enclave is gone.”

He gripped his gun harder, but was suddenly unsure what his move would be.

“Only reason I have this on is because the Brotherhood showed up in Boston and they shoot spies... Anyway you know the truth now so say whatever you were gonna say about the enclave.... I don’t really care anymore.”

“I’ve got more important things to do, like saving this town from atom fruitcakes.”

It was a lot to process, but even as the other James revealed his past he felt his anger fading. There were some parallels weren’t there? He didn’t agree with what Maxson ordered and what happened to Colleen, but it would have been stupid to leave his only family, the family that was really gone. All he had left was helping a town he never knew. It also wouldn’t be wise to pick a fight with this man in the middle of such a xenophobic town. Even though the other James had cooperated with attempted genocide, maybe they should try to work together if the Enclaver really was turning over some kind of new leaf and helping people for a change. He wouldn’t really trust James, but circumstances were circumstances.

He let off the grip of Bear and sighed deeply “Well you’re probably wondering why I stopped you about your stupid hat. My name is James Gregor Castner, Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel. Possibly former based on today’s events. I was a part of a squad you might remember from the war: Lyon’s Pride.”, he started confidently, with a note of aged weariness as he mentioned his old squad. “We certainly killed a lot of your kind in the war, and you killed plenty of ours. And you planned to kill a lot more than that”, he said that last part with some intensity. “But that was a decade ago. If you’re truly willing to put it behind you, if you truly want to help this town, then we should try not to kill each other and work together. I’ve got an eye on you though. I’ll kill you myself if you do something wrong. Deal?” He held out his hand, offering a handshake of understanding. "Just one question. Why would ex Enclaver care about helping a town like this?".
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lewis251
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Lewis251 The Fallout Invader and Loco Coffee cup killer!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James Williams-Far Harbour

The man let go of his pistol and sighed deeply “Well you’re probably wondering why I stopped you about your stupid hat.”
Pretty oblivious that your brotherhood.

My name is James Gregor Castner, Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel. Possibly former based on today’s events. I was a part of a squad you might remember from the war: Lyon’s Pride.”, he started confidently, with a note of aged weariness as he mentioned his old squad.

“The brotherhood’s elite unit that heroically took back the water prufiler from the enclave with the help of the pesky Vault kid Ritchie and his merry super mutant enforcer ... yes you could say I heard of them.” James smirked.

Supposedly the kid let autumn walk out of there alive but we never saw him again.

“We certainly killed a lot of your kind in the war, and you killed plenty of ours. And you planned to kill a lot more than that”, he said that last part with some intensity.

“The events Oil Rig haunted alot of the leadership...I won’t try and defend what they attempt to do but like I said not everyone agreed with their plans, help why do you think Eden gave the FEV virus to the Vault kid?” James sadly replied as he though back to colonel Sutler, he’d lost his entire family on the Oil rig...

must have ruined him...

“But that was a decade ago. If you’re truly willing to put it behind you, if you truly want to help this town, then we should try not to kill each other and work together. I’ve got an eye on you though. I’ll kill you myself if you do something wrong. Deal?” He held out his hand, offering a handshake of understanding. "Just one question. Why would ex Enclaver care about helping a town like this?".

“I would be lying if I said they didn’t somewhat remind me of the enclave.” James replied as he shook the other James hand “but truthfully I have no-else to go but even if I did... The atom cultist fruitcakes.”
Too big of an unknown to avoid...

“Not sure if you saw what happened at the wall but You must have seen how the regular Atoms whackos have spread up and down the coast, if they get a hold of whatever mind controlling machine or bloody cult powers the ones of the island have then we are all fucked...."

Shortly after James had finished speaking the old codger, Longfellow stormed out of the last plank James turned to him and asked “hey what’s going on in there? is this do with what you found on the dock?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wampower
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Wampower I Did It My Way

Member Seen 9 days ago

James Gregor Castner- Far Harbor

It seemed that they had an agreement. The other James also seemed to not agree with the Enclave’s true goal. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all...

“I would be lying if I said they didn’t somewhat remind me of the enclave.” James replied as he shook the other James hand “but truthfully I have no-else to go but even if I did... The atom cultist fruitcakes. Not sure if you saw what happened at the wall but You must have seen how the regular Atoms whackos have spread up and down the coast, if they get a hold of whatever mind controlling machine or bloody cult powers the ones of the island have then we are all fucked.”

James nodded, even though he was somewhat confused. What mind bending powers? “Brotherhood scouting reports indicated that the Children of Atom spread to various corners of the Commonwealth, and that some were highly dangerous. If what you say about the Children getting ahold of some dangerous power here is true, then not just Far Harbor is at risk here. Though what exactly happened at the wall?”

Then Longfellow slammed the door on his way out of the Last Plank. The other James spoke up “hey what’s going on in there? is this do with what you found on the dock?"

He simply nodded and looked at Longfellow, waiting for an explanation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Old Longfellow - On The Docks

“hey what’s going on in there? is this do with what you found on the dock?"

Longfellow stopped and turned with an angry drunken glare. The last people he wanted to talk to right now were more mainlanders,

"Aye you could say that," He replied sternly, "We found a man drowned in the wat....ah hell, who gives a shit. Someone gutted that newcomer like a trout. One of the two you and Corrine found up at Acadia. Slit his throat and tossed him in the sea. The other one, the woman, is going on about people not being real-people or some mainland nonsense. Institute this, Synth that. Whatever. I'm going to go lie down..."

With that Longfellow walked off, mumbling profanities under his breath.
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