
The alarms were blaring loudly, the red flashing lights were illuminating the dank and darkened cprridor of steel lined concrete, they continuously flashed in a never ending cycle as various screams could be heard combined with various bouts of different gunfire. It all seemed to clash together into a form of pure chaos as smoke of black vapor sifted from down the corridors. Cass slowly raised his head, his eye's diverted from the floor to the thick triple layered bullet proof glass that served as the door to his cell. The four by four cell in which he sat was barren aside from the small bunk he sat on and the toilet in the corner which served as a make shift sink all the same. Slowly removing himself from the bunk he approached the glass and raised his hand almost casually as it touch the glass pushing on it as it shifted. It slipped open like a door as he saw looked upon the steel locking mechanisms that once held it closed, it seemed that the main power to the facility was cut and that disabled the automated locking mechanisms on his level. Cass walked into the darkened hall looking left and right, the other cells on his level were all opened and emptied, the screams to his left signified the inmates were all down by the security checkpoint. To his right he saw the darkened figure sprawled on the ground, he approached silently looking down upon the prison guard. He had known him, at least as much as a prisoner might know a guard, he had been here on this level ever since Cass had arrived and probably long before that.
Cass bent down and put his fingers to the mans throat, there was no pulse and the skin was becoming cold and clammy already, he was dead. It seemed that he had stood no chance against the sudden freedom of twenty violent prisoners, Cass combed the guards body quietly letting his hand slip into one of the dead mans pockets, he pulled out an old blackened wallet and flipped it open revealing a few pictures of children and personal identification. Cass said nothing nor made any impression as to if this dead man made him feel anything or not. Slipping the wallet into his side pocket he reached forward again and slipped his hand into the mans armor and grabbed the electrified baton within that the other inmates were too stupid to realize was there.
"Don't you move scum!"
Cass bent back up hearing the voice behind him, turning half his body he caught a glimpse of a beaten and bloodied guard holding tightly onto his sidearm.
"I SAID don't MOVE!"
Cass said nothing as he turned his body back around to where he could no longer see the guard, he looked down at the stun baton in his hand, the guard behind him approached cautiously his footsteps echoing and his breathing getting louder. Cass heard the the small hissing release of the restraints behind him. It seemed the man did not realize Cass was armed, a mistake that was none the less caused by an oversight caused by the mass panic of the prison break happening. Cass felt the guard grab his wrist intending to put the cuff on him, the guard yelped in surprise as Cass wrenched his wrist free and turned, with a click of the red button upon the handle of the baton it extended as the electrified metal flew into the guards neck. He flew sideways the huge jolt throwing his body into a mess of spasms before smashing the wall then the ground. Cass lowered the baton as he watched the guard, almost meticulously, crawl for his gun, his body tightened from the electric shock. Cass stepped forward silently and bent down grabbing the gun from the floor slowly bending back up. He looked down at the guard, his face was contorted into an anger riddled with fear of death as Cass raised the gun and pointed it at his head.
"DO IT! I will NEVER help you! SO DO IT!"
The man screamed with desperation closing his eye's waiting for the end, Cass said nothing as he flipped the gun in the air catching it by the barrel and swung it in one swift movement. The metal struck the guards head hard, his eye's no doubt rolling back in his head as he fell unconscious. Cass bent forward removing the ID card from his pocket before bending back up looking at the man, he looked like he would say something but merely turned and walked silently down the corridor. Bodies littered the floor as he approached the security checkpoint, prisoners and guard alike almost hand in hand. It was almost fitting in a morbid sort of way, walking through the fresh blood his bare feet left imprints on the concrete floor.

Cass stood upon the snow, he could feel his feet stinging from the ice crystals upon his toes, he looked upon the area silently, it was nothing more then a flurry of snow for as far as the eye could see within the huge storm that was covering the area. The screams had died down now, the fighting still concentrated within the prison itself now as apposed to outside the walls, the prisoners no doubt having no idea how to get free of the walls that bound them, fighting for a freedom they would never see. That was the point was it not? Cold Steel was not just a normal high security detention center, it was in fact a literal maze of hallways and corridors. It was built this way specifically so that only one who knew the layout of the facility could ever find the entrance. It was but one of the defense mechanisms in case of a prisoner revolt, it was however a useless measure to Cass, with his ability to remember things like a camera would imprint in a picture he still remembered the way out from the day they brought him here. It was the second defense measure that would be a bit harder to bypass, the entire area surrounding the prison was surrounded by nothing but a snowy frozen hellish piece of land, there was nothing out there but death. Any prisoner who made it this far would no doubt take their chances and wade into the snow hoping to find a way out, but the only thing they would find is a frozen death trap.
No there was no escape that way however there was a way to evacuate the area they were in and it was in the form of a secretly hidden ship that was kept in a large underground area near the prison. It truly was amazing how much one could learn when guards talk to much and don't think anyone is really listening. Cass breathed in the cold but refreshing air as he let himself taste the free air deeply before turning and walked towards the east end of the prison, it was time.

Cass let his frozen toes hit the cold steel of the ramp that lead into the medium sized transport ship in front of him. The entire area around him was empty, void of any life, unexpected in a way but he supposed the entire security force was in the prison trying to quell the revolt taking place. Didn't matter to him, just made things a bit more simple, besides, the staff of the prison were pretty sure no one prisoner could not only find their way out of the maze but also to this hangar alive so why have security here guarding the transport? Cass tossed the guards ID aside by the ramp and made his way to the cockpit of the ship, this was the third and final defense mechanism, the one final irony that none of the prisoners ever figured out. This was not a prison on Earth, no in fact it was prison situated on another planet entirely and it was the only facility period on the entirety of the planet. It was a rather clever tactic transporting prisoners on a windowless ship so they would never suspect they were in fact leaving Earth at all, make them think that escaping on foot would lead them anywhere, it was in a way the ultimate ruse was it not? Ruses however were for little children who did not know better. Five years in this steel box was more then enough to figure out how to escape it, in fact he had figured it out in much less time then that, but a revolt took considerably more time especially when your never allowed outside your cell aside from very rarely an hour in months.
It was unfortunate however that the ones he had convinced to cause the revolt would never make it out alive none the less to this ship, irony was a bitch and he did not intend on taking passengers to begin with. Cass flipped the switched on the console one by one as the system of the ship roared to life, lights flickered on one by one as he prepared for take off.
"Look! A ship! That is our ticket out of here! Hurry its preparing to leave!"
Well it seemed there some prisoners had escaped after all, Cass raised himself from the seat and took the gun from the seat next to himself and walked back into the cargo hold just in time to see at least six or more men hustle into the ship. Cass pointed the gun at them as they came to an immediate stop. It seemed none of them were armed with actual guns but blunt objects they had no doubt used to smash skulls in. Cass flicked the gun down motioning for them to drop their weapons, not like they had a choice the distance was more the enough to take them all out before they approached him. They had no choice, they dropped their weapons as Cass eyed them all.
"Look man we don't no trouble with you, we are prisoners just like you... we just want out of this hell hole just like you. An it seems like you know how to fly this thing so we definitely need you if that brings you any help in trusting us even a little."
Cass made no expression as he thought about it for a couple seconds, there were some benefits to having some willing lugs around at least for now. There no point in killing them as he was not some murderer like the rest of these animals in these cells. Cass lowered the gun and nodded his head, he motioned for the prisoners to get strapped in by pointing the gun towards the seats littering the sides.
"Thank you, truly I mean it."
Cass said nothing ignoring the thanks, it made no real difference to him either way. Walking back into the cockpit he strapped himself in, it was time to escape this frozen hell once and for all.

Gunfire could be heard all over the space station, the screams of men mixed into, it was almost like Dejavu as Cass sat silently within his small makeshift bedroom. They had been living on this space station now for months since their departure from Cold Steel. It was the best place to go for a bunch of criminals in all honesty, there was not much out here in ways of civilization and what civilization there was actually was did not travel this far, at least ever since Cybertek shut down their station out here. It was a piece of junk but it served as a temporary haven. But it seemed that the group of loud and often violent criminals he had allowed to board the ship in his escape finally managed to bring in the mercenaries that had been searching for them. No doubt as a direct result of their inability to not to make a huge racket when requisitioning food and supplies from the few settlements that existed in this area. It was only a matter of time really, then again some things were worth waiting for. Those criminals would not long survive the day if they fought with those mercenaries, but their pride and lust for remaining free would inspire them to do just that. If they died then it was one less thing to worry about when it was said and done.
"Where is that silent bastard!?"
Cass heard the remark and that would no doubt be referring to him as he had not spoken even a word since before they meant and long after for that matter. Life with them had been rather interesting to say the least, they would often come up with reasons for why he would not talk, even going as far as to say his balls had been ripped off and rendered him a girls high pitch squeal causing him to remain silent. Their stupidity was quite comical at times, but his isolation with them was near its end at least and that was something worth looking forward too. They were serving their purpose now, the reason why he chose to keep them around. He looked up as his door flew open and the leader of the little band of fools stumbled in breathing hard, blood was dripping down his forehead.
"Hello! Were having a bit of a crisis here as if you couldn't hear! Why don't you make yourself useful for once and help us!"
Cass looked at the man silently but said nothing and made no motion to move or help them in anyway. He had no intention of intervening at all for this was their fight to wage not his. The man clearly frustrated at Cass's lack of caring launched forward and picked up Cass by his shirt and pinned him into a wall breathing into his face.
"All right iv had enough of this silence bullshit! For months you have done literally nothing. You just sit in here all alone, eat our food that we gathered and contribute nothing! Were under attack by mercenaries who are going to take us back to prison and I am not going to go back! You understand!? Your going to help or so help me..."
Cass widened his eye's as he bore his into the man's almost instantly the man backed away tripping over a small table getting back to his feet quickly away from Cass. The fear was evident in his eye's.
"What the hell... what the hell are you!?"
The man had screamed the words but suddenly a shot rang out and the man went completely limp as electricity coursed through his entire body and he fell face first to the floor like a plank of wood falling forward off a wall. No sooner had he fallen did a masked man quickly enter the doorway. Cass stood their silently an made no move to do anything, without any fast movements he put his hands up and crossed his fingers putting them on top of his head, his eye's were emotionless as he slowly lowered down to his knee's.

Cass sat silently within the confined cell inside the large ship he had been transported into not even a few hours ago as it moved slowly through space. The other prisoners were all in separate cells, aside from their capture and eventual return to the Cold Steel Facility they were chatting idly. It was interesting how a caged animal could become to content so quickly knowing their fate, irony was a bitch once again after all. Across from Cass the small band of mercenaries were sitting at a table playing cards with each other, no doubt patting themselves on the back for their next paycheck. One of them in particular kept stealing glances over at Cass who merely stared right back without even the slightest hint of emotion in his eyes or face.
"That man is definitely weird, I have been doing this job a long time but that man for some reason just gives me a bad vibe you know what I am saying."
"Trying living with him for months, he has never spoken a word even once the whole damn time. Even at the prison he never spoke a word. Five years he was the freak of Cold Steel."
Cass listened to the prisoners and mercenaries alike talk about him like they were bosom buddies, it was weird that captured prisoners and mercenaries who captured them could talk so hand in hand. Cass watched the mercenary get up and wonder to his cell, he stopped outside the door and just stared at him as if trying to figure something out. He cocked his head quietly, Cass merely returned his stare making eye contact.
"You don't like to talk uh? I remember you chap, your the one who tried to smuggle those Xenomorphs onto Earth and got caught. I remember you said something before they carted you to Cold Steel, you were right about that prison not being able to hold you, but I guess us ignorant fools got one up on you didn't we smart guy?"
Cass said nothing to the man, however he did purse his lips into a rather sinister smile as if he knew something that none of them did, soon very soon.

The alarms were blaring loudly, the red flashing lights were illuminating the dank and darkened cprridor of steel lined concrete, they continuously flashed in a never ending cycle as various screams could be heard combined with various bouts of different gunfire. It all seemed to clash together into a form of pure chaos as smoke of black vapor sifted from down the corridors. Cass slowly raised his head, his eye's diverted from the floor to the thick triple layered bullet proof glass that served as the door to his cell. The four by four cell in which he sat was barren aside from the small bunk he sat on and the toilet in the corner which served as a make shift sink all the same. Slowly removing himself from the bunk he approached the glass and raised his hand almost casually as it touch the glass pushing on it as it shifted. It slipped open like a door as he saw looked upon the steel locking mechanisms that once held it closed, it seemed that the main power to the facility was cut and that disabled the automated locking mechanisms on his level. Cass walked into the darkened hall looking left and right, the other cells on his level were all opened and emptied, the screams to his left signified the inmates were all down by the security checkpoint. To his right he saw the darkened figure sprawled on the ground, he approached silently looking down upon the prison guard. He had known him, at least as much as a prisoner might know a guard, he had been here on this level ever since Cass had arrived and probably long before that.
Cass bent down and put his fingers to the mans throat, there was no pulse and the skin was becoming cold and clammy already, he was dead. It seemed that he had stood no chance against the sudden freedom of twenty violent prisoners, Cass combed the guards body quietly letting his hand slip into one of the dead mans pockets, he pulled out an old blackened wallet and flipped it open revealing a few pictures of children and personal identification. Cass said nothing nor made any impression as to if this dead man made him feel anything or not. Slipping the wallet into his side pocket he reached forward again and slipped his hand into the mans armor and grabbed the electrified baton within that the other inmates were too stupid to realize was there.
"Don't you move scum!"
Cass bent back up hearing the voice behind him, turning half his body he caught a glimpse of a beaten and bloodied guard holding tightly onto his sidearm.
"I SAID don't MOVE!"
Cass said nothing as he turned his body back around to where he could no longer see the guard, he looked down at the stun baton in his hand, the guard behind him approached cautiously his footsteps echoing and his breathing getting louder. Cass heard the the small hissing release of the restraints behind him. It seemed the man did not realize Cass was armed, a mistake that was none the less caused by an oversight caused by the mass panic of the prison break happening. Cass felt the guard grab his wrist intending to put the cuff on him, the guard yelped in surprise as Cass wrenched his wrist free and turned, with a click of the red button upon the handle of the baton it extended as the electrified metal flew into the guards neck. He flew sideways the huge jolt throwing his body into a mess of spasms before smashing the wall then the ground. Cass lowered the baton as he watched the guard, almost meticulously, crawl for his gun, his body tightened from the electric shock. Cass stepped forward silently and bent down grabbing the gun from the floor slowly bending back up. He looked down at the guard, his face was contorted into an anger riddled with fear of death as Cass raised the gun and pointed it at his head.
"DO IT! I will NEVER help you! SO DO IT!"
The man screamed with desperation closing his eye's waiting for the end, Cass said nothing as he flipped the gun in the air catching it by the barrel and swung it in one swift movement. The metal struck the guards head hard, his eye's no doubt rolling back in his head as he fell unconscious. Cass bent forward removing the ID card from his pocket before bending back up looking at the man, he looked like he would say something but merely turned and walked silently down the corridor. Bodies littered the floor as he approached the security checkpoint, prisoners and guard alike almost hand in hand. It was almost fitting in a morbid sort of way, walking through the fresh blood his bare feet left imprints on the concrete floor.

Cass stood upon the snow, he could feel his feet stinging from the ice crystals upon his toes, he looked upon the area silently, it was nothing more then a flurry of snow for as far as the eye could see within the huge storm that was covering the area. The screams had died down now, the fighting still concentrated within the prison itself now as apposed to outside the walls, the prisoners no doubt having no idea how to get free of the walls that bound them, fighting for a freedom they would never see. That was the point was it not? Cold Steel was not just a normal high security detention center, it was in fact a literal maze of hallways and corridors. It was built this way specifically so that only one who knew the layout of the facility could ever find the entrance. It was but one of the defense mechanisms in case of a prisoner revolt, it was however a useless measure to Cass, with his ability to remember things like a camera would imprint in a picture he still remembered the way out from the day they brought him here. It was the second defense measure that would be a bit harder to bypass, the entire area surrounding the prison was surrounded by nothing but a snowy frozen hellish piece of land, there was nothing out there but death. Any prisoner who made it this far would no doubt take their chances and wade into the snow hoping to find a way out, but the only thing they would find is a frozen death trap.
No there was no escape that way however there was a way to evacuate the area they were in and it was in the form of a secretly hidden ship that was kept in a large underground area near the prison. It truly was amazing how much one could learn when guards talk to much and don't think anyone is really listening. Cass breathed in the cold but refreshing air as he let himself taste the free air deeply before turning and walked towards the east end of the prison, it was time.

Cass let his frozen toes hit the cold steel of the ramp that lead into the medium sized transport ship in front of him. The entire area around him was empty, void of any life, unexpected in a way but he supposed the entire security force was in the prison trying to quell the revolt taking place. Didn't matter to him, just made things a bit more simple, besides, the staff of the prison were pretty sure no one prisoner could not only find their way out of the maze but also to this hangar alive so why have security here guarding the transport? Cass tossed the guards ID aside by the ramp and made his way to the cockpit of the ship, this was the third and final defense mechanism, the one final irony that none of the prisoners ever figured out. This was not a prison on Earth, no in fact it was prison situated on another planet entirely and it was the only facility period on the entirety of the planet. It was a rather clever tactic transporting prisoners on a windowless ship so they would never suspect they were in fact leaving Earth at all, make them think that escaping on foot would lead them anywhere, it was in a way the ultimate ruse was it not? Ruses however were for little children who did not know better. Five years in this steel box was more then enough to figure out how to escape it, in fact he had figured it out in much less time then that, but a revolt took considerably more time especially when your never allowed outside your cell aside from very rarely an hour in months.
It was unfortunate however that the ones he had convinced to cause the revolt would never make it out alive none the less to this ship, irony was a bitch and he did not intend on taking passengers to begin with. Cass flipped the switched on the console one by one as the system of the ship roared to life, lights flickered on one by one as he prepared for take off.
"Look! A ship! That is our ticket out of here! Hurry its preparing to leave!"
Well it seemed there some prisoners had escaped after all, Cass raised himself from the seat and took the gun from the seat next to himself and walked back into the cargo hold just in time to see at least six or more men hustle into the ship. Cass pointed the gun at them as they came to an immediate stop. It seemed none of them were armed with actual guns but blunt objects they had no doubt used to smash skulls in. Cass flicked the gun down motioning for them to drop their weapons, not like they had a choice the distance was more the enough to take them all out before they approached him. They had no choice, they dropped their weapons as Cass eyed them all.
"Look man we don't no trouble with you, we are prisoners just like you... we just want out of this hell hole just like you. An it seems like you know how to fly this thing so we definitely need you if that brings you any help in trusting us even a little."
Cass made no expression as he thought about it for a couple seconds, there were some benefits to having some willing lugs around at least for now. There no point in killing them as he was not some murderer like the rest of these animals in these cells. Cass lowered the gun and nodded his head, he motioned for the prisoners to get strapped in by pointing the gun towards the seats littering the sides.
"Thank you, truly I mean it."
Cass said nothing ignoring the thanks, it made no real difference to him either way. Walking back into the cockpit he strapped himself in, it was time to escape this frozen hell once and for all.

Gunfire could be heard all over the space station, the screams of men mixed into, it was almost like Dejavu as Cass sat silently within his small makeshift bedroom. They had been living on this space station now for months since their departure from Cold Steel. It was the best place to go for a bunch of criminals in all honesty, there was not much out here in ways of civilization and what civilization there was actually was did not travel this far, at least ever since Cybertek shut down their station out here. It was a piece of junk but it served as a temporary haven. But it seemed that the group of loud and often violent criminals he had allowed to board the ship in his escape finally managed to bring in the mercenaries that had been searching for them. No doubt as a direct result of their inability to not to make a huge racket when requisitioning food and supplies from the few settlements that existed in this area. It was only a matter of time really, then again some things were worth waiting for. Those criminals would not long survive the day if they fought with those mercenaries, but their pride and lust for remaining free would inspire them to do just that. If they died then it was one less thing to worry about when it was said and done.
"Where is that silent bastard!?"
Cass heard the remark and that would no doubt be referring to him as he had not spoken even a word since before they meant and long after for that matter. Life with them had been rather interesting to say the least, they would often come up with reasons for why he would not talk, even going as far as to say his balls had been ripped off and rendered him a girls high pitch squeal causing him to remain silent. Their stupidity was quite comical at times, but his isolation with them was near its end at least and that was something worth looking forward too. They were serving their purpose now, the reason why he chose to keep them around. He looked up as his door flew open and the leader of the little band of fools stumbled in breathing hard, blood was dripping down his forehead.
"Hello! Were having a bit of a crisis here as if you couldn't hear! Why don't you make yourself useful for once and help us!"
Cass looked at the man silently but said nothing and made no motion to move or help them in anyway. He had no intention of intervening at all for this was their fight to wage not his. The man clearly frustrated at Cass's lack of caring launched forward and picked up Cass by his shirt and pinned him into a wall breathing into his face.
"All right iv had enough of this silence bullshit! For months you have done literally nothing. You just sit in here all alone, eat our food that we gathered and contribute nothing! Were under attack by mercenaries who are going to take us back to prison and I am not going to go back! You understand!? Your going to help or so help me..."
Cass widened his eye's as he bore his into the man's almost instantly the man backed away tripping over a small table getting back to his feet quickly away from Cass. The fear was evident in his eye's.
"What the hell... what the hell are you!?"
The man had screamed the words but suddenly a shot rang out and the man went completely limp as electricity coursed through his entire body and he fell face first to the floor like a plank of wood falling forward off a wall. No sooner had he fallen did a masked man quickly enter the doorway. Cass stood their silently an made no move to do anything, without any fast movements he put his hands up and crossed his fingers putting them on top of his head, his eye's were emotionless as he slowly lowered down to his knee's.

Cass sat silently within the confined cell inside the large ship he had been transported into not even a few hours ago as it moved slowly through space. The other prisoners were all in separate cells, aside from their capture and eventual return to the Cold Steel Facility they were chatting idly. It was interesting how a caged animal could become to content so quickly knowing their fate, irony was a bitch once again after all. Across from Cass the small band of mercenaries were sitting at a table playing cards with each other, no doubt patting themselves on the back for their next paycheck. One of them in particular kept stealing glances over at Cass who merely stared right back without even the slightest hint of emotion in his eyes or face.
"That man is definitely weird, I have been doing this job a long time but that man for some reason just gives me a bad vibe you know what I am saying."
"Trying living with him for months, he has never spoken a word even once the whole damn time. Even at the prison he never spoke a word. Five years he was the freak of Cold Steel."
Cass listened to the prisoners and mercenaries alike talk about him like they were bosom buddies, it was weird that captured prisoners and mercenaries who captured them could talk so hand in hand. Cass watched the mercenary get up and wonder to his cell, he stopped outside the door and just stared at him as if trying to figure something out. He cocked his head quietly, Cass merely returned his stare making eye contact.
"You don't like to talk uh? I remember you chap, your the one who tried to smuggle those Xenomorphs onto Earth and got caught. I remember you said something before they carted you to Cold Steel, you were right about that prison not being able to hold you, but I guess us ignorant fools got one up on you didn't we smart guy?"
Cass said nothing to the man, however he did purse his lips into a rather sinister smile as if he knew something that none of them did, soon very soon.