Name: Silvius Grey More known as luggage.
Not serious and joking


Age: 17
Northern frontier [Raised in the Fortune Region]
149 lbs
Born in the year 2217 Silvius grew up and lived most of her life in the northern frontiers but due to unprepared and unwilling parents she was abandoned by them while they were visiting one of the fortune region towns, she was then raised in an orphanage in the fortune region, though she was always silent and well behaved at first, when she learned about the truth, a switch inside her flipped.
The first of many changes was her fondness of masks and a particular voice modulator that one of the social workers who work at the orphanage uses whenever she was reading one of the story books during story time in their class, wanting to have the voice modulator to herself she asks the woman for it in exchanged for reading a bed time story every night.
Fast forward to the year 2221, when she was at the age of 4, when she was wearing her clown mask she was gleefully reading a bed time story to the other children and a fault in the wiring causes the orphanage to catch on fire, ill prepared for this they panic as the door couldn’t be opened because the door became too hot to open by hand, eventually the firefighters arrived but it was already too late for the others, only she survived.
Due to the incident the orphanage closed down, leaving the young girl to fend for scraps in order to survive day to day life until one fateful day while she was stealing from a small mechanic’s shop, she found a small broken voice modulator on one of the shelves, this piqued her interest, she tried to fix it with the mechanic’s tools and the materials available.
After a few hours of tinkering she was able to make it work again coincidentally at the same time the mechanic, an old man with no family to call his own, called out to her, she was just about to run for her life when she heard, "You grab the hammer and help me out with this and I'll give you a good meal." Words from the old man that gave the girl hope once again.
In the year of 2232, the once orphaned six year old child became well known as the fifteen year old masked mechanic (though everyone thought she was a guy) she was renowned throughout the region, cheap affordable prices, good quality repairs, this all changed when she got her first taste of combat after two mechanized divisions clashed for the final time in the Orio war, Northern Mk2s’ and Therux state Mk2’s.
While the battle didn’t last long, the battle dealt a hefty blow to the civilians population as well as inflicting casualties to each other. Infrastructure, economy, and livelihoods were severely damaged in the town, though she was exposed to a small portion of the combat, the sight of the massive machines of destruction made her want one for herself, so while the clean up crew made their way to clear away the mess, she and a few of her employees took one of the unidentified Mechs and from that she made ol’ faithful.
After this event things were turning out well for her as the town rebuilt and prospered and formed its own militia to make it safer for everyone, but one day the town was attacked by another larger force; though the initial wave killed many of the militia before the military arrived they were able to hold them off.
Around the third wave, the criminals decimated them, but before the town was completely overrun, she powered up old faithful and with its primitive weapons and damaged state she was able to repel the invaders an act that started her career as a militia leader of the town.
Though labelled as luggage by her men due to no one ever witnessing her work and because they see her as a lazy sloth of a man they could not deny her support here; though troublesome, she has contributed to successful defenses in what seems to be hopeless battles.
After the death of her father she left the town with old faithful, bringing her the tools and the gear that her father owned as she decided that it was finally time to start exploring the dark world that her father had a small part in lighting.
While she worked as a freelancer for three years, she has never failed a single contract growing her old faithful in size as another win equals new parts for her ever growing mech.
Tactical Preference & Skills:
Whenever she is not serious she will not fight or avoid it and when she is serious and no one is around she will fight seriously.
She likes to be defensive preferring sneaking up to other mechs and firing at their critical points or parts.
while she likes to play really weak she is a good fighter because of all the experience she has gained throughout her career as a freelancer because of this her combat style became something similar to a combat technique called ‘drunken fighting’.
For the mech she has a very hard hitting battle mech but as she is always not serious she has adopted an artillery mech role as as she buries herself as she charges up her back cannons and fire at the enemy from a distance.
though has close and mid capabilities she will always adopt a siege tank role in combat or panic and try to be as much of a luggage.
Not serious: COMMANDER MY HELMET IS MISSING! *Is wearing the helmet already* / CARRY ME TO THE BATTLEFIELD! *Waits for someone to carry her enormous mech*
Slightly serious: COMMANDER HELP ME! *Moves the controls in a way that she her mech hits a critical target*
Serious: It was fun but... *shoots her target three times in the chest* It wasn't enough.
Dead Serious: *Background Static*
I… *Shoots the targets arms*
don't feel… *Shoots the targets legs*
like joking around anymore. *Shoots you point blank in the head*