Northern Frontier, Eastern Mountain Complex Drilling Zone 213

Two frontiersman were eating their lunch, they had been drilling all morning, and their 10 hour shift was finally at the halfway point. Usually the sandwich break was an enjoyable time, goverment worker were always treated to the best Therux imported food, and didn't have to survive on processed rations like the rest of the working class. But this lunch time was not enjoyable, there was tension, so much tension in the air. They were being inspected today by a government official and thier drilling quota had not been met, there were roughly 3000 Kilos of elementum short of what they should have been this month, and it didn't look like catching up would be possible at this rate.
Driller #1:
Look, its probably just going to be some skinny state official with a calculator again, just a little bit of nagging and then he will leave us be probably. Besides, the whole government knows that our elementum has been slowly depleting since the last 5 years of constant drilling, we cant be the only zone falling behind...
Before the first driller could finish or the second could respond, their mouths dropped as the official walked on to the dig site, an older man in an incredibly impressive uniform and a face like stone escorted by 4 very well armed guards walked swiftly towards the two drillers, he was holding a box. The drillers were speechless, this man before him was Secondary Commander Vosen, essentially the 2nd most powerful man in the frontier, it was like being visited by the vice president.
Commander Vosen:
I dont want either of you to say anything, you already know of your defecit, and you have been working here long enough to know how to fix it, more drilling, we need your quota reached.....I see I walked in on you eating, I understand that some drillers arent fed enough. So I brought some more sandwiches, probably enough for 3 or 4 more lunch breaks.
Both drillers stood there stunned, not only because of who was addressing them, but because of how calm he seemed to be, duty and order was such a huge part of frontier society, they couldn't believe it.
Driller 2 #:
Thank you so much Commander Vosen sir! We will double our efforts and make sure we have caught up with our quarter by the end of the month. We still have 11 days I believe!
Commander Vosen:
.....Yes 11 days, well I would want you to make use as much of that time as possible, which is why I brought you the extra lunch...neither one of you will be leaving this hanger until 6000 kilos of elementum are mined the extra 3000 being a higher target to make up for the cost of me having to come down here. Lets hope you two can make those sandwiches last, because that will be the only food youll be receiving until the job is done, lets get to it then.
The desperate screams of the two men was drowned out as the Hangar door for the Drilling zone shut behind them, Vosen decided not to log this visit, but did send a message to the only man who he called his superior, the Chief Commander of the Northern Frontier.
This depletion is becoming more of a problem than we thought, we might have to fall back on our first idea....
Fortune Reigon, Outcast Guild Comms Centre

Men and women in fatigues were hammering away at keyboards and tuning radio signals to speak to various pilots and clients all over the continent, this was a normal day at the Comms for the largest guild in the world. Missions were being posted, and within seconds they were being taken by eager pilots looking for adventure, money and glory. Even as the 3 nations were in some turmoil or another, the economy of the quest giver stayed strong and trusted.
In one corner was a man not in camo, but in a Hyloian Officer's uniform, he was sitting quietly at a computer as he uploaded 3 new missions on to the guild board.
This is Keller, we have 3 jobs available for any pilots on my server, a lot of these are multi role, so don't be afraid to join up with a stranger, you'll get paid the same.
8 pilots got the first announcement, what they do with it, is up to them...