Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Johnson took in the new people who had arrived. He felt weird vibes coming from one of them, his primal instincts screaming that there was something unnatural about her, but he managed to keep it down. Not his problem really. He looked back at Skyler and chuckled. "Yeah, guess so. Not looking forward to that memorizing." He loved Science and memorizing that one but as far as dishes that don'y really interest him in any particular way? Uh, pass. He then looked back at two girls who were interacting with each other.

He overheard one of them saying that she was from Neverland and her shadow was moving too. "Peter Pan's kid?" He said to himself before shaking his head. "Never thought I'd see the day." He continued. Peter Pan had always been the forever child in the stories so seeing that he had a daughter was surprising. He understood Captain Hook having one, but really now.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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Flynn over hear someone say peter pans kid and how they never thought they would see the day she looked over at the people closes to her before facing the girl again this was'nt new to her. Her being here was wired to most, her father was supposed to never grow up but she was prof that even the forever boy doesnt stay young forever. she had heard the story of her farther and even she wondered how she really came to exist her dad was alot older know and spending time away from neverland showed that. But in the stories he was all for not growing up maybe if he didnt she wouldnt be here or exsisted at all. She pushed the though away and went back to trying to put her shadow on. "Why is this so difficult" She said to herself looking at the girl again "So whats your name?" she said sighing in fustration "Why cant this come with an instruction menu"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

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"Curious, indeed ", Aphemia said. She had never heard of Neverland before. Is it a country, a city, a village, or another world as well? She was about to ask Flynn another torrent of questions when she noticed the girl struggling with her shadow. "I'm Aphemia and it is nice to meet you as well. Would you like me to aid you with your problem?", she asked Flynn. Even though her curiosity gets the best of her sometimes, she can always push it aside if she thinks she can offer a helping hand to someone, wicked or not. It is one of the core values of the Liddel family that her mother had taught her, aside from always being punctual when it comes to tea time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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"Nice to meet you Aphemia and yeah if you can that would be amazing" She said allowing Aphemia to help with her little problem she was glade that she didnt seem strange to Aphemia but then again the girl did seem a little odd herself "Just remember to be carful it is a living thing". Flynn was trying to think about who her parents where before asking. "So whos your parents? and what story are they from?" She asked curiously.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

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"My mother is Alice Liddel. Perhaps you might know her in Alice in Wonderland?", she told Flynn as she stared at the shadow wondering what to do. "Where did you come from, Flynn? I'm fairly sure a person like yourself can only come from a story that's full of whim fantasy considering you have that kind of problem", she pointed at the shadow. "Also, what can I do when it comes to your shadow?". Aphemia didn't realize it at first but she thought that she knew of a story where someone's shadow separates from him, but she just couldn't put her finger on it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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"Yeah I've heard of her" Flynn know getting Aphemia's curouisity and odd personality "Me and my father are from neverland, Hes Peter Pan that also being the name of his story. Also about my shadow i have no clue what to do my father normally deals with her and never thought to teach me" Flynn looked at the shadow version of herself "Maybe if i ask her nicely she will go back to it's place?" She said half jockingly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 24 days ago


Peter Pan. That's why the shadow-escaping trait of Flynn was familiar to Aphemia. Her mother used to tell her stories about the history of the fairy tale families. Among these stories, Peter Pan caught Aphemia's attention. A land full of magic is never that different from Wonderland as well. As a child, she secretly wished she can visit Neverland and make friends with its inhabitants but she has made many wonderful friends in Wonderland that she will cherish in her heart forever (except for the Queen of Hearts: that woman was nastier than the March Hare without his tea).

She was still reminiscing about Wonderland that it made her forget about Flynn's shadow problem. "Don't worry dear Flynn", she said. "I'm sure we can think of some solution for your predicament. In the meantime, do you think we should socialize with some of our peers? They're all quite interesting indeed. Besides, I'm sure your shadow is not much of a troublemaker, yes?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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Flynn looked a her shadow once again sighing she know how much trouble it could be and just hope that her shadow would behave so she could at least try to meet other she was glade is had at least stop struggling. She was debating if she should let her shadow go to see if it would stay but if it didn't she would have to find it again. She turned to Aphemia "Do you think letting my shadow go is a good idea?"

She then looked around at the other students she hadnt really tried to talk to anyone apart form victor as she was quiet as shy and nervous person. She looked back at Aphemia again as longs as she had her with her then she should be fine "ok lets go and socialize with the others who do you want to talk to first?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 16 days ago

Johnson looked Skyler before saying, "Let's spread the circle of friends shall we?" He was fully aware that the girl didn't seem to like being around so many people - so many teens. But he absolutely loved talking with people and he'd rather not restrict himself to only one person. It should be a lot of people! And, mostly because he overheard Peter Pan's kid and that Wonderland child, probably Alice's kid, thinking that maybe they should talk to others.

He waved his hand at them as he approached, but not too far from Skyler so he could still hear her. "Hiya! I'm Johnson Le Roux, son of Belle and the Beast." He said before bowing, a smirk playing on his face. He really loved the whole bowing thing, probably the only thing he liked in being 'nobility'. It was fun to do. But he used it mockingly, if anything, because he didn't want to be come a noble, one like his father anyway.

"I couldn't help but overhear that you are Peter Pan's child? And you are... from Wonderland. Hm, Alice?" He asked, turning to Flynn and Aphemia respectively. He didn't want to seem too forward and rude but he needed a conversation starter. Their parents made for good stories - after all, they had their very own fairy tale stories themselves. "I found your parents' stories quite intriguing really. They were a fun read." He continued.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 24 days ago

@Polaris North@Secrethood@Animera

Aphemia curstied in return, oblivious to the boy's mocking intention. "Good day to you as well. I am Aphemia Liddel, daughter of Alice Liddel of 'Alice in Wonderland'," she gestured to Flynn who managed to convey an "everything's-alright" expression despite her shadow problem before continuing "and my friend's name is Flynn, daughter of Peter Pan. It is always lovely to meet new people, especially the son of Beauty and The Beast themselves. I find their story to be a prime example that love can overcome any trials in life, don't you agree?". She has always been curious about what it's like for other children of fairy tales to grow up in different, non-normal, and sometimes magical families. She is sure to learn some very interesting and valuable insights about their childhood that will certainly satisfy her curiousity.

Aphemia also noticed something odd about the boy. If there's something you can learn while in Wonderland is to know how to read people so it can give you clues on how to talk to them without agitating them, ESPECIALLY the March Hare. He seems to be friendly, quite energetic in fact, but she just couldn't deny the feeling that there's something about him that's bothering her.

She then realized that she had the same feeling when she first met the Mad Hatter. Although he is both her godfather and best friend, the Queen of Hearts can't even hold a candle to Hatter when it comes to being really mad. The thought of Johnson being similar to Hatter has made Aphemia more interested in getting to know the boy more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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@Polaris North@baraquiel

Flynn looked over at Aphemia seeing her "everything's alright" look made here fell slightly better Johnson when he spoke before he bowed at them. This was new to Flynn seeming her and her father where in no way nobal. "Nice to meet you Johnson" She would give him a friendly smile but it seemed more childish given how young she looks. She looked at her un-atched shadow and sighed still afraid to let it go as she didnt want to go on a search for it again.

"Your parents story was nice to read it was'nt exactly the princess meets the prince like other so it intreaged me" She said staying as calm as possible she had'nt really notice how small she was compare to the other two around her until she stood up as. "So did either of you want to come here" She hoped and kind of guessed that most of them didnt want to go here like her but where forced. She was kind of suprised that Aphemia had'nt asked him a tone of questions yet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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"Yeah, good to meet you two. It's pretty thrilling to see the children of two of the youngest characters in the books." Johnson was pretty sure that Peter Pan wasn't as young as he seemed. He was eternal after all. Now Alice, of her he was sure of. She was still human after all, who just got into odd circumstances. She was unfortunate enough to fall down the rabbit hole and into a whole new world - though it would seem that she had quite the experience and that she enjoyed it.

"A love that transcends physical boundaries... and even one of personality. Even I was surprised when they told me their story." He said with a light chuckle. He then turned his head towards the shadow that seemed to want to break away from its owner, Flynn. "Having trouble with your shadow huh?" He wasn't exactly sure how to react or help with that. It was something that only Peter Pan had, and apparently his daughter, so he wasn't exactly knowledgeable in that kind of problem.

He shrugged at Flynn's question. "Nah. I really liked my old school. But I'm here now, so there's no going back."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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@Polaris North@baraquiel

She looked at her shadow "Yeah its one of my fathers traits i wish i didn't get, it just plain annoying to deal with."

She then looked at the academy building she know what it intented to do make them into their parents. She didn't really like that idea as she turned back to the others. "Im still confused about why father sent me here it's not like i can become him." It was true that Flynn and her father looked similar but other than that and a few other things they didnt have a lot in commen. One of the main difference that probably stuck out the most was their genders and she wasn't really sure how and academy could change that. The closes they could probably get was by cutting her hair but even that wouldnt do much.

Flynn started to become less nervous the panic she felt earlier going away. "To be honest we should'nt have to become our parents." She said still curious about Aphemia's answer wondering is she wanted to come here or not.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

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@The Valkyrie@Hazy
I check my watch to see it 6:00, we arrived here I think 5:40 but I duo wonder where we start going to class "it's 6:00 and our first class is beauty class" I told them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by quietkid13
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@Animera@Polaris North@Overlord24@OptiPri@Hazy@KatherinWinter@sassy1085@The Valkyrie@Secrethood@baraquiel

"That is correct Miss Tremaine." said the elderly woman with the clip board.

"Alright children, we are on a strict schedule and must proceed as smoothly and orderly as possible. Please gather close so that I may see who is present. When I call you name, raise you hand and answer."

The lady raised her clipboard and held a pen to it.

"Gray Árnadalr?..."
"Nils Bäcker?..."
"Skyler Fitzherbert?..."
"Xade Grimhilde?..."
"Conner Hood?..."
"Griffin Hook?..."
"Johnson Le Roux?..."
"Aphemia Liddel?..."
"Flynn Pan?..."
"Madison Tremaine?..."
"Amy White-Charming?..."
"May White-Charming?..."
"Victor Wolfe?..."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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Gray blew a bit of hair out of her face. She raised her hand and said, "Here." Strict schedule? The only strict thing she saw here was this woman.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I jump little when the elderly woman with the clip board say my name, After Gray say she is here, I raised my hand "here" I say and I look at my friend Gray with a smile and a wave.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 16 days ago

Johnson listened closely to what Flynn said. Yeah, she was right. She was absolutely right. While he didn't mind being kind of like Belle because she is such a great person, he wasn't exactly looking forward to being like his father. While he has been changing bit by bit, there are still some unsavory traits to him. Johnson doesn't like that about him - in fact, it is the reason why he hates talking to him.

He was about to answer when he heard the lady speak. He turned his head and realized they were taking attendance. "Present!" He said while raising his hand when his name was called.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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@Polaris North@quietkid13

Flynn was lost in thought looking at her shadow well trying to figure out what to do about it her arm was really stsrting to get tired from holding the fidgeting shadow. She was only pulled out of her thoughts when she heared Johnson say present and she relised that attendance was being taken. “Here” she said once her name was called out putting her free hand up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Griffin was relieved when it looked like things were finally starting to happen. He raised his hand when his name."Here." It was good to know they wouldn't have to stand out here all day. Of course the woman hadn't really said what would happen next. He supposed it didn't matter. He would follow the group for now. That would probably change when he got a feel for the group and this place.
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