Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Darkling: The Night War

My name is Jackson Grey. Before I became a Private Eye for hire, I was a War hero. Before that I was an Old West bounty hunter. Pretty neat, huh? I was turned into a vampire, or as I now know the proper name for, a Darkling, by a bunch of outlaws fiddling with demonic rituals they didn’t understand in the hopes of unlocking infernal power. The demoness they summoned into my body made me a deal. Let her infuse herself with my soul, turning me into a Darkling with access to highly destructive demonic magic and a thirst for blood, or die painfully. You take a guess which option I chose. Now that you know the Who, it’s time to tell you the Why. I’m writing this because I’m going off to War. For some fucking reason there were portions of the Darkworld community (a nice sounding name for what was essentially the supernatural community of the world) decided that they were done playing in the Shadows. They had decided that humanity needed to know that the things that went bump in the night were real and they were tired of hiding.

The Darkworld Council, our leaders, has a firm rule against revealing yourself to a human being. Break that rule and not only do they fucking end you, but they end your bloodline. They actively trace you and your origins and kill everyone related to you, even just a little bit. Of course now there was a War over that, being fought in a city called Meridian. All of the humans have been compelled to take a vacation of sorts, and those that couldn’t manage that were given the resources to leave. There were a few around, of course. Humans who were in the Know, they seemed to have a special talent for seeing through b.s. Or in other words, magic and compulsion didn’t work on them so there was no hiding from them. Fuckers used enchanted steel and silver, found various enchanted objects and decided to use those against us Darkworlders.

Some tended to be on our side though, fighting to keep Darkworld a secret. So anyway, I have to fight in this City because all parties agreed that until the conflict was resolved they keep it strictly secret. Counterproductive to the others side’s wishes, but I guess they figure it’s easier. I don’t fucking know, they’re all idiotic for fighting the Council anyway. Hell, they are idiotic for fighting me. So I’m off now, but I leave this letter just in case my two hundred plus year lifespan comes to an end out there fighting the good fight. I’m not sure what I want to say here, really. I love you Rachel, that needs to be said. Ken, my brother, make sure she’s safe. What else? It’s been real y’all.



Meridian is a city about the size of Chicago. It’s separated into sections, they are as follows:

Lycan Section: This is the Northern part of the City, it spans about ten miles in either direction before you start reaching Vampire territory on the Western side or the Magical territory on the eastern side. If you play a Lycan, you’re going to want to stay here unless you go on raids and the like. Stray too far away and you enter dangerous territory.

Vampire Section: This is the Western part of the city, it too spans about ten mils in either direction, it touches on the borders of the Lycan zone and the Wasteland zone. Like with the rest of the sections, this is your home for your character if you’re a vampire. Don’t stray into dangerous territory.

Magic Section: This is the section for Wizards, Druids, Witches, Warlocks, and other magical beings such as those with Talent. If you are one of these, you had better stay here or risk danger. This zone is the eastern part of the city.

Wasteland: This section is to the far south, not bordering any other zones. It used to be where the DarkWorld Council planned their attacks and stockpiled their enchanted objects. But it has since become abandoned, as dark magic seemed to seep into that section, releasing terrible creatures and otherwise dark forces. They tend to stay within the borders of this zone, but get too close or go exploring….

Rebel Section: You’re faction is made up of all kinds. Vampires, Lycans, Magical creatures and even a human or two. You want the Darkworld to go public and you’re doing your best to win, no matter who you have to kill to achieve it. You know that in order to really achieve this, you have to uproot the DarkWorld Council. Starting with Meridian. You’re section of the city resides in the middle, surrounded by enemies, but also the most heavily warded and numerous of the factions. You have more ground in the city than anyone else. *Each Rebel character gains four enchanted objects

*Each Section has an HQ. Your sections HQ is hidden from the other factions and this is where you store enchanted objects.



Vampire: Vampires are powerful creatures of the night. Turned by Darklings, Vampires possess super strength, speed, and rapid healing. They’re also resistant to the magic of druids and Wizards. They tend to stay clear of Warlocks and Witches, however. Must feed on blood to stay alive. You’re allowed two enchanted objects.

Lycan: Lycans also have super strength and speed. In human form they are slower than a vampire, but much stronger and turned they are stronger still and about equal in speed. Their healing factor in either form isn’t as good as a vampires, but they are resistant to almost every form of magic other than Wizardry and Demonic.

Druid: Druids practice Earth magic. Using this magic they can draw strength from the earth, as well as take on the attributes of animals. As strong as a bear, the vision of an eagle and even make their skin as hard as rock. Touching the earth they can heal themselves and draw upon it for extra strength, they can also manipulate fire and water as long as those elements are present.

Wizard/Sorceress: Wizards use their inner willpower to do some impressive things. They can summon forth the elements, manipulate energy into shields, or blast it forth into a destructive blast, enchant objects and even use it to heal themselves. You’re allowed one enchanted object.

Witch/Warlock: Witches and Warlocks use the power of runes. Basically enchanted writing. Their clothing is often customized with magical runes that give them a healing factor to rival vampires, or strength and speed to rival a Lycans. They also tend to carry around books filled with runes that allow them to cast various spells like shields, wardings, telekinesis, and others. Some even tattoo themselves with runes, all capable of doing various things. Unfortunately this requires proper preparation and forethought at times to effective. If they haven’t thought of the situation they are in, they’ll likely be vulnerable. They can only power one spell at a time with their magic. Do not let Witches or Warlocks get a hold of a piece of your DNA, or they can use their magic to do horrible things to you that you have no chance of avoiding. Allowed one enchanted object.

Human: Just a vanilla mortal, most count you as weak and pathetic when compared to the beings surrounding you. As a human being you will be proficient in modern combat. Firearms, hand to hand, tactics, etc. You’ll also have access to four enchanted objects.

Note: Humans are guaranteed an enchanted silver/steel weapon. They can choose to not have one, but if they do take one, they only get three more enchanted objects.

Darkling: Darklings are the original vampire and far more powerful. Each one is made by a demon fusing themselves with their soul or consciousness. This gives them access to demonic magic and powers beyond most. Faster than any vampire,with a healing factor that outstrips them too, they are strong, though not as strong as a Lycan. They are vulnerable to all types of magic, though their own demonic magic is generally enough to take care of most magical threats. They can even break down enchanted steel given enough time. Allowed one enchanted object.

*Demonic Magic: Demonic Magic allows Darklings and demons alike to summon destructive energy. This energy can be turned into shields, destructive blasts, or even rip open a portal to any destination they wish. It cuts through most other magic and can even break down enchanted steel.


Enchanted Silver/Steel: This material is magically enhanced to be lethal to every supernatural being in existence. It cuts through magic like butter even. Incredibly rare, weapons made from this material are considered enchanted objects


Points System

So how do you win? You win via Raids and collecting enchanted objects. You gain enchanted objects by raiding the Wasteland. Raids from your faction on the Rebels will gain you a point if successful. Successful Raid on the DarkWorld Faction will gain the rebels two points. Both factions gain two points from collecting enchanted objects.

The first to 100 points in a session wins that session. There will be a total of 5 sessions in this RP.

Raids: Raids work fairly simply. You need to have three people interested in Raiding and three people interested in defending. Then you must ask for GM approval to raid a faction. If you’re a Rebel you must say which area you’re raiding. The DarkWorld Faction only needs to Raid the Rebels, so they do not have to specify an area as there is only one rebel area.

A GM will then set the stage for you. Once that is done, each of the participants will have two posts each. Once that is done, the GM’s will go over it and judge. We will judge based on the posts and who we believe has the upper hand. Quality doesn’t necessarily matter here as much as how your teams seem to be handing the battle. Once we make a judgement, the winners of the Raid will get to write a finishing post driving off the enemy team.


1. All judgements are absolutely FINAL. Arguing with a judgement will result in being asked to leave the RP, or your character being banned from Raids and Enchanted Object Hunts.

2. No killing PC’s or otherwise Godmodding. If a PC wants their character to be killed they may approach a GM about it. Otherwise the losers of a Raid are simply driven off.

3. Raids will have assigned posting order as to keep things organized!

Enchanted Object Hunt: This involves four people from a faction, Rebel or DarkWorld. Once you have four, you must ask for GM permission. Your characters will then enter the Wasteland where a GM will set the stage for you. Once all NPC’s are defeated, your faction will gain an Enchanted Object and a point.


Enchanted Objects

Enchanted Objects are objects that grant the user an additional powerful ability. Below is a list of them and what they can do. Please note that some have special actions that when used have benefits for your faction. Such as gaining a point. No one knows how these objects came to be as creating them is a lost art. They are valuable and some can be very rare.

Trench Coat of Healing: Grants the wearer a healing factor equal to a Vampire. Or increases a Vampire’s healing factor to heal even major wounds in seconds.  *Two available

Invisibility Cloak: The wearer is invisible. *One Available
Sphere of Mystery: Breaking this does something good for you. *See GM. Five available

Enchanted Silver/Steel Weapon: A weapon of your choice made of Enchanted Steel/Silver. *Three available.

Necklace of Strength: Increases Strength to that of Lycan level. Or increases strength slightly past that if already a Lycan or Vampire. *One available.

Staff of Power: Gives magic users a bit of extra power behind their offensive spells. Each one will hit just a little harder. *One Available.

Levitation Cloak: Allows the user to levitate 20 feet off the ground.

GM Note: Enchanted Objects are added occasionally. You do not have to pick your characters objects right away, you're allowed to wait until something is added that you like.



Your Role

Your role in the RP is simple, pick a race, pick a faction, Rebel or DarkWorld and fight for that faction. Either you believe that the Supernatural should be public knowledge world wide, or you don’t. You could have various reasons for believing what you do. Maybe you hate the DarkWorld Council, maybe you believe in staying in the shadows. Whatever your reasons, you’re fighting in this War.


Important Rules

1. Do Not Be Difficult! I don't mind questions, but if you challenge everything I say or do at every turn, I'm going to be frustrated. If I must I will ask you to leave the RP. Don't make me do that.

2. Be Civil! Be Civil to everyone in this RP. If you aren't, you'll be asked to leave.

3. Do not under any circumstances, Godmod.

Looking for some interest.

GM: Override

Co GMs: Regitnui, Old Amsterdam, Ever*Unofficial.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cleopatra
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Cleopatra starting global wars since before You were born

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


I'll give you my interest.

You give me that Necklace of Strength for my Wizard/Sorceress or Witch/Warlock.

That aside, I'm happy to join. I'm excited for the possibilities and the pvp aspects.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Queen Tomato
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Queen Tomato A Tomato

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hit me up with that Druid hype, tomato.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Awesome. xD I'm checking interests here, as I'm working on the finer details of the RP. I'm just glad there is some interest in it so far. Please, if you all have any questions or concerns, voice them. Maybe something I haven't thought of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Queen Tomato
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Queen Tomato A Tomato

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Awesome. xD I'm checking interests here, as I'm working on the finer details of the RP. I'm just glad there is some interest in it so far. Please, if you all have any questions or concerns, voice them. Maybe something I haven't thought of.

I want to make an Ocean druid. I sincerely hope this squish of mine will be granted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It's a possibility. There are Waterfronts and beaches around the city. Your character would have a real advantage around water. You could still do general Druidic magic, you'd just have a special talent with Water and such.

Also, think about what faction you guy's would like to join. DarkWorld, or Rebels.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Potentially interested in making a rebel witch/warlock.

Are the enchanted objects listed to be assigned/chosen? Or just possible to find in the wasteland?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Potentially interested in making a rebel witch/warlock.

Are the enchanted objects listed to be assigned/chosen? Or just possible to find in the wasteland?

Little of both on the assigned/chosen part. I'm going to edit this in as I forgot, but every human character is guaranteed an Enchanted Steel/Silver weapon as one of their enchanted objects. It doesn't take one of the ones available, and they do not have to take it. If they do, however, they only get three other enchanted objects. The ones found in the Wasteland give your faction an enchanted object. Those are then put up in the Enchanted Object list for choosing. This is why I encourage people to wait before picking all of the enchanted objects available to their character as one might come along that they really like. I may also decide to give your character an enchanted object if you write a particularly fantastic post in the Wasteland. It depends. Also, keep an eye on those spheres people, they are better than they seem.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Instigator


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

What are specific differences between what sorcerers and warlocks can and can't do? What obstructs a warlock from simply making a ton of enchanted items with their runic magic? Also, how quickly does a warlock prepare and cast a spell whilst completely unprepared?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

definitely interested
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

What are specific differences between what sorcerers and warlocks can and can't do? What obstructs a warlock from simply making a ton of enchanted items with their runic magic? Also, how quickly does a warlock prepare and cast a spell whilst completely unprepared?

Good question. I'll make sure to edit in the answer so it makes a bit more sense. There is nothing preventing the Warlock making a ton of enchanted items, but he can't activate them all at once. He has to power the specific spell he needs. For example if he has a ring with a rune on it that allows him to release a blast of energy and a ring that allows him to blast forth a fire ball, he can only power one of those spells at a time. You're also limited to what you can carry of course. You can haul a backpack full of magic items if you want but you're going to have to go looking for the specific one you need for its specific spell.

As for how quickly he can make a spell unprepared, it's about as fast as you can draw a rune. In other words you're probably dead if you're unprepared for that situation. Sorecerers are Wizards basically and they do everything a Wizard can do. They can also cast multiple spells at once.

Edit: I should add that although he can only cast one at a time, he can cast all of his spells pretty quickly. The benfit is also having powerful spells on hand at a moments notice. So with the ring example he can cast both within a second or so of each other.

Does this answer your question? Also, glad to have you @Queentze

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Since I didn't do it before. @instigator
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Got a character for this. Count me in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Happy to have you mate. If I can get a few more interested I'll have this up tomorrow evening.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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jdh97 Hopeful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interested also.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Awesome. xD Love that I'm getting enough people. One more and I might even post this tonight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blubaron45
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Blubaron45 Professional Weirdo

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll also throw my interest in here. So is this essentially a modern-ish setting?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Override
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Override Renaissance Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yes. I'll add it in soon. 2014 is the year. Wars been on since 2008
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lurking Shadow
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Lurking Shadow Yithian Archivist

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Override Interested, though I'd like for some info on the limits of a Lycan character. Specifically concerning the shifting of forms between man and beast.

1) does this occur at will? or does it have a trigger such as when under stress?

2) In Lycan form (or whichever term you'd prefer), are they able to keep this form indefinitely? or do they have a limited amount of time?

3) Lycanthropes being commonly depicted as being instinctual, would the ones in this RP have some sort of urge for blood lust (similar to how one would occasionally get hungry)?

Lastly, not a question but a comment, I've not yet done a PvP/Arena RP yet so I may be somewhat slow to posting as I read other's post to gauge how I should structure mine.

Anyways, This would be a good opportunity for me to finish up on a CS based somewhat off of the Hound of Ulster
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