DM Characters
Name: Avenie Le Moal
Age: 21
Race: Eternian
Role: Attendant

Avenie wears dresses befitting her position as a high-ranking servant, fine silks with beads and colorful sashes. Even so, she never comes close to outshining nobles, her dresses finely crafted but subtle and plain. When acting as the prince's attendant, she wears a uniform bearing the Royal colors—a plain white gown with a low v cut at the neck and long sleeves with a dark green sash about the waist.
When out chasing the prince, she typically has to don a long, dark green cloak to hide her clothing.
There was a time when Avenie was a meek and mild creature. She trusted too much and asked for too little and resolved to do such things no more. At her core is a very unprofessional love for the Royal family—she does not serve them out of a sense of duty, rather, a familial sense of responsibility. Though she has spent her life performing menial chores and services, she takes to those duties with utmost seriousness and an almost unnaturally intense attentiveness to detail.
At her best, Avenie is a polite, gentle, and efficient servant of the prince. At her worst she is a vindictive cynic, very capable of abusing her power to root out enemies of the prince. Although she rarely, if ever, drops her guard, she smiles often and is skilled at making conversation.
As a servant, Avenie has been trained to personally perform any task a royal might require—one does not become a personal attendant overnight, after all. She sews, cooks, launders, and knows just about every cleaning remedy out there.
Avenie also has a strong sense of culture and fashion. She's the one who advises the prince's wardrobe and carries around his notes. Thanks to her absurdly accurate memory and well used downtime, she has become something of an understudy to the prince, memorizing cultural nuances for greeting members of foreign nobility and navigating Eternian law.
Avenie has a few creepy habits, one of which is an obsession of poison. She claims it’s so she can catch any toxins that might come the prince's way, but then she also carries vials of the stuff herself. Add that to an unexplained penchant for practicing with throwing knives… but that’s just a ridiculous rumor, right?

An ornate throwing knife. When sheathed, it doubles as a hair ornament swept up in a bun. Avenie keeps seven of these in a small holster under her sash when prepared for combat.
Notable Possessions:

A small gift from the former Eternian queen.
Brief History:
Avenie's childhood was a little fairytale. Though she was born a commoner in a long line of royal servants, the Eternian queen treated her—and the rest of the children born among castle staff—like her own. Queen Vertrude was graceful, beautiful, and kind, even going so far as to encourage personal relationships between her family and the serving staff. Avenie was one of the prince's playmates at the time for largely this reason.
As for her father—who could say? She was born as a product of a love affair between her mother and a Reni merchant, who she has never met. Her mother still speaks fondly of the brief love affair, and even dreams of living in Renanon someday—wishful thinking that has kept the mother and daughter at odds for some time now.
At any rate, things were going well, with Avenie taking to her servant duties like a fish to water. She learned to read and write and became an avid reader, particularly fond of non-fiction. Tragedy struck when a visiting Reni councilman visited; much of his profit had been ruined by rice tariffs, and as reparation, he took Queen Vertrude's life during a personal visit and fled. In the ensuing political chaos, the councilman was accused of being an Aethern plant, but in order to keep in good standing with their treaty, the Reni government denounced the councilman, exiled his family, and sold what little remained of his land.
Avenie hasn’t been the same since. She resolved to protect the remaining family as best she could and trained with single-minded resolve to become a worthy attendant of the prince’s. Though she made no friends in the process, she had the respect of her peers. Few were surprised, despite her young age, when she replaced the prince's dismissed attendant.
Age: 21
Race: Eternian
Role: Attendant

Avenie wears dresses befitting her position as a high-ranking servant, fine silks with beads and colorful sashes. Even so, she never comes close to outshining nobles, her dresses finely crafted but subtle and plain. When acting as the prince's attendant, she wears a uniform bearing the Royal colors—a plain white gown with a low v cut at the neck and long sleeves with a dark green sash about the waist.
When out chasing the prince, she typically has to don a long, dark green cloak to hide her clothing.
There was a time when Avenie was a meek and mild creature. She trusted too much and asked for too little and resolved to do such things no more. At her core is a very unprofessional love for the Royal family—she does not serve them out of a sense of duty, rather, a familial sense of responsibility. Though she has spent her life performing menial chores and services, she takes to those duties with utmost seriousness and an almost unnaturally intense attentiveness to detail.
At her best, Avenie is a polite, gentle, and efficient servant of the prince. At her worst she is a vindictive cynic, very capable of abusing her power to root out enemies of the prince. Although she rarely, if ever, drops her guard, she smiles often and is skilled at making conversation.
As a servant, Avenie has been trained to personally perform any task a royal might require—one does not become a personal attendant overnight, after all. She sews, cooks, launders, and knows just about every cleaning remedy out there.
Avenie also has a strong sense of culture and fashion. She's the one who advises the prince's wardrobe and carries around his notes. Thanks to her absurdly accurate memory and well used downtime, she has become something of an understudy to the prince, memorizing cultural nuances for greeting members of foreign nobility and navigating Eternian law.
Avenie has a few creepy habits, one of which is an obsession of poison. She claims it’s so she can catch any toxins that might come the prince's way, but then she also carries vials of the stuff herself. Add that to an unexplained penchant for practicing with throwing knives… but that’s just a ridiculous rumor, right?

An ornate throwing knife. When sheathed, it doubles as a hair ornament swept up in a bun. Avenie keeps seven of these in a small holster under her sash when prepared for combat.
Notable Possessions:
A small gift from the former Eternian queen.
Brief History:
Avenie's childhood was a little fairytale. Though she was born a commoner in a long line of royal servants, the Eternian queen treated her—and the rest of the children born among castle staff—like her own. Queen Vertrude was graceful, beautiful, and kind, even going so far as to encourage personal relationships between her family and the serving staff. Avenie was one of the prince's playmates at the time for largely this reason.
As for her father—who could say? She was born as a product of a love affair between her mother and a Reni merchant, who she has never met. Her mother still speaks fondly of the brief love affair, and even dreams of living in Renanon someday—wishful thinking that has kept the mother and daughter at odds for some time now.
At any rate, things were going well, with Avenie taking to her servant duties like a fish to water. She learned to read and write and became an avid reader, particularly fond of non-fiction. Tragedy struck when a visiting Reni councilman visited; much of his profit had been ruined by rice tariffs, and as reparation, he took Queen Vertrude's life during a personal visit and fled. In the ensuing political chaos, the councilman was accused of being an Aethern plant, but in order to keep in good standing with their treaty, the Reni government denounced the councilman, exiled his family, and sold what little remained of his land.
Avenie hasn’t been the same since. She resolved to protect the remaining family as best she could and trained with single-minded resolve to become a worthy attendant of the prince’s. Though she made no friends in the process, she had the respect of her peers. Few were surprised, despite her young age, when she replaced the prince's dismissed attendant.