The Prince of Eternia
OoC Update (as of 7/16)
Man, this wasn’t easy. I loved all the profiles sent my way, but it’s impossible for me to run a larger group while maintaining a quality roleplay. Thanks to all of you for making all of these great characters--I'll let those who weren’t able to be accepted know if we end up with an empty spot!
Accepted Characters:
The Noble: @Lionhearted
The Knight: @Riegal
The Alchemist: @CollectorOfMyst
The Beastmaster: @The Muse of Eru
Feel free to post your CS's! I'll have more info about starting the roleplay once all the profiles are in order. Again, thanks to everyone who applied!
The Setting
A low-fantasy realm where alchemy and magical crystals are the source of magic (ergo, pseudo medieval sort of time period with Victorian themes). Eternia is a very prosperous kingdom, but not all is as calm as it appears. A young prince strives to prove himself in the eyes of his father during a time of tension with other countries. Besides attending noble functions, he has been given responsibility of a principality, which includes a large port city, its neighboring village, and a small fortress. Between managing his land and meeting with foreign dignitaries, he even has pressure to choose a wife! He'll need stout companions to help him, no doubt...
Da Rules
-I reserve the right to accept or reject character concepts as I see fit, as well as to kick players from the roleplay for any reason.
-This is a high-casual roleplay. Posts should be two or more paragraphs long.
-Magic is vague on purpose. You're free to craft magical items as you see fit, but I won't accept anything I deem overpowered or superfluous.
-Feel free to ask any questions!
-Be polite and have fun!
First, Pick Your Role...
The Noble
A young man or lady who was born into the nobility of a neighboring country. The noble is on good terms with the Prince's country, visiting often. Fluent in a few languages and diplomatic in nature, the noble is well educated and even trained for self-defense.
The Knight
A young lady or man whose ancestors have always served the Prince's family. Assigned to the Prince for protection from a young age, the knight has trained since childhood to fight for the Prince's safety. Wherever the Prince goes, the Knight follows, bound both by duty and friendship.
The Alchemist
A young man or woman in touch with both science and magic. In this world, both logic and myth intertwine into a complex weave of possibility. Years of study have rendered the alchemist wise to the natural and surreal, and the alchemist's help is invaluable to the health of the royal family.
The Beastmaster
A young man or woman with a remarkable ability to communicate with animals. This manner of magic is intrinsic and invaluable, allowing the beastmaster to train and care for animals of the royal family with unparalleled efficiency. Well accustomed to the natural world and its dangers, the beastmaster both mysterious and dangerous to enemies of the castle.
The Attendant (taken)
A young woman trained to look after royalty all her life. She manages servants under the Prince and aids him in his duties, whether it's preparing for a banquet or handling paperwork. Her duty is to guard the image of the Prince as much as his safety.
The Prince (taken)
A young man who always gets into trouble. He sneaks out of the castle frequently and travels through the kingdom frequently despite his responsibilities. Although he is only the second son, he takes his duties seriously and has been promised a portion of the kingdom upon his father's death.
Next, Decide Your Race (all are human)...
Etern (Eternia, Land where our RP takes place)
The people of Eternia have always been sustained by magic. Their flora is tainted with magic, as are their minerals, providing the most advanced technology and medicine of the world. This had made their resources the most desirable, and as such, they have seen no shortage of war. Thanks to their advancements and treaties with Renanon, however, the most recent century has been a peaceful one. The large number of refugees and civilians who have come to their borders over the years has rendered a mixed culture of every color and size, though native lineage tends to render their ears pointy.
Aethen (from Aethendale)
In ancient times, Aethens were conquers of the great sea. Over time, they claimed coastal territories and settled inland, assimilating the culture there into their own. Generally fair-haired and fair-skinned, Aethen are a pale and hearty people. Their line of kings and queens has been unbroken for centuries, and aside from a few wars in the past, the people have seen great prosperity.
Genivan (from Geniva)
Legend has it that the very first kingdom ever settled began in Geniva. For centuries, Genivan tribes have sought control over the entirety of the country, but none have ever succeeded. Instead, Geniva is divided up into three independent city-states (Ameretat, Indra, and Vayu) who band together whenever their borders are threatened—they tend to quarrel the rest of the time. Generally brown-skinned with dark hair, Genivans thrive in hot and humid jungle climates. Their culture is the most diverse of any country, featuring imported clothing, music, and culture from other city-states and countries.
Aloyan (Aloya)
The Aloyan people are largely nomadic. Even their capital city is said to be portable, switching location every few years as farmers and hunters settle into new territory. This is due to their climate being the harshest of the land, scorching some areas so badly that nothing lives. Aloyans move about to avoid these heat storms that ravage across the land, settling in golden plains and plateaus that have been newly reborn. Generally dark-skinned with dark hair, Aloyans are a strong and proud people who have made a proud living under impossible circumstances.
Renni (from Renanon)
Renni have always made their living on the sea while making their homes on a large chain of islands. Despite being the trade center of the world, they have a strong traditional culture that is oriental in nature. Generally light-skinned with dark hair, Renni have arguably the strongest navy and economy in the world, but rely on their trade connections in order to sustain themselves. Rather than being ruled by a monarch, the country is run by an oligarchy.
World (Iarilia) Map:

Eternia Map:

Character Sheets
Feel free to PM these to me (any character profiles posted in this thread will not be approved). Characters are not approved on a first come, first serve basis, but rather, will be approved in a few days' time.