The red-clad woman stepped down into the dimly lit underground portion of the prison, wrinkling her nose as the stale stench of human feces assaulted her senses. The bent figure of the jailor moved ahead of her, his large ring of keys clanking against his hip with each step. The prisoners housed here would most likely never see the light of day again, those not sentenced to death by hanging, but left here to rot in squalid conditions. The end result would likely be the same, perhaps delayed a few years, when some disease or other claimed them.
Rumor had it that the red-clad Lady Dulcena, esteemed member of the High Council, was a powerful sorceress, despite the use of magic being outlawed more than a century ago. But there was also rumor that those that had sought to discredit her had succumbed to unfortunate accidents.
She looked into each cell, pausing at some to study the inhabitant more closely, by-passing others with barely more than a glance. Most were human, though a few of other races were imprisoned here too. She spoke to none of them immediately, but when she had completed her inspection, she had the jailor, aided by two more armed guards, collect those that had caught her attention. 10 in all, each shackled and taken to a room on the level above. Here a single, barred window let in both sunlight and fresh air.
She let that pleasant breeze wash over them for a few long moments. That small taste of the outside world would make it harder to refuse her deal, not that she suspected any of them would.
"I have an offer," she began, eyes sweeping over each of the prisoners before her, not bothering with introductions. "I have a dangerous job ahead, one that I suspect will cost at least a few lives. If you choose to serve me and survive the tasks ahead, you will have earned your freedom. If you decline, then so be it, you will go back to your cell."
She looked directly at one of the prisoners, a human male, and commanded. "Choose."
He hesitated. "What kind of task?" he finally asked, uncertain.
Instead of answering, she waved a hand at one of the guards, who immediately grabbed the man and started dragging him back toward the stairs. "I'll do it! I accept! Please don't send me back down there. Please..." his desperate pleas ignored, still echoing up the stairs when Dulcena looked to the next and repeated "Choose."