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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Nora Ducane

Age: 125(Looks around 25ish)

Race: Darkling

Fraction: Rebellion

Appearance: Most people look at and think of Nora as a harmless human, given how fragile she seems, but really she is quite the rare being. She isn’t the dainty type of girl and rarely is seen in the type of clothes most girls are. Normally she wears loose fitting jeans and a dark colored tank top, with a black hooded jacket normally thrown over top her clothes. During the day, when she is around camp, her hair is always let loose and down, but is put in a ponytail when gone on raids. It is bleach blond, almost white, and goes down just to the top of her shoulders. Despite her being outside quite a bit, Nora's skins stays fairly pale. This makes her blue eyes always seem brighter than they really are. She wears a locket around her neck that once belonged to her mother. It is silver angel wings that are curled up in the shape of a heart. It has been passed down from generation to generation and was given to her just before her mother died of old age.

Nora often wears knuckless gloves on her hands to help keep people from noticing the burn on her right hand. It doesn’t do much to hide it, though, it does help slightly. Not many people can see it, but she also has a tattoo on the back. It is of angels wings that look like the feathers are dying off of them. She got it a couple decades after Asa was bound to her.

Personality: Nora walks a fine line of boarding between insane and being a extremely tactical person. She is very intelligent and knows how to manipulate things in her favor. She has a real way with words, this with a mixture of her innocent looks, usually allows her to get what she wants. Nora often can be seen talking to herself a lot, but the truth of the matter is, she isn't really talking to herself. She is actually talking to the demon bound to her soul, Asa. They have an interesting relationship, to say the least. It isn't exactly a romantic relationship at the moment, but it isn't normal or lacking any flirtatious teasing. They are possibly in love with each other, but Nora will deny it whenever it is brought up, even though Asa knows her every thought and desire. It is because of all this that she loves to make him jealous whenever given the chance. If pushed too far, Asa will bring up memories of their awkward moments together to make her stop. He toys with her in return and will often constantly chatter just to annoy her. It is a love/hate relationship really. Deep down she would do anything if he asked, but plays it off like she wouldn't. She is very flirtatious with everyone she meets, no matter if it is a woman or a man.

Weapons/Enchanted Item: The Chain of Fire: This is Nora's primary weapon of choice. It is a lightweight, spiked chain, with a 5inch long steel blade at the end of it. It lights on fire whenever she wishes it to and will burn everyone upon touching it, except for herself. It is normally wrapped around her upper torso when not is use.

History: Nora and her sister Emma were born in Berlin Germany in 1889. Her father was a studier of literature and myths, and her mother was a nurse. She grew up like any other child in Germany did. It wasn't the easiest life, but a decent one none the less. It wasn't until her mid 20s that her life changed forever. It was World War 1, her father had been drafted into battle like many other men in the country were and her mother a nurse at the nearest encampment of soldiers, leaving Nora and her sister to fend for themselves. They were doing well, that is, until Emma fell sick a few weeks after their mother left.

At first it started out as a simple cold, but it never went away and steadily got worse over time. Soon she could hardly walk or even eat anything. Nora racked her brains for weeks on what she could do, but knew they didn't have the money for anything. She had looked through many of the books her father had one medicine, but he had little in regards to that. One book in particular that she found wasn't quite about medicine, instead it was on German witchcraft and rituals. She paid the book little attention at first. What use would she get out of that? However, when Emma started losing weight faster and faster, Nora couldn't help but look to the ritual book out of desperation. After a few days of reading, she soon found a particular ritual to summon a demon, who would trade you anything you wanted in return for allowing them to attach their soul to your own. At least that is what she thought it said. She normally didn't believe in such things and she didn't exactly understand everything, but one did crazy things in desperate times.

After some more thinking, Nora carefully drew up the symbol needed for the ritual on the floor, cutting her hand with a shard of rock to use her blood. She crawled into it and for hours struggled to say the words in the book. After the better part of a day of trying to say the spell, Nora began to give up hope, but finally a voice whispered back to her. It startled her at first and made her pause and wonder if she was just going crazy. Surprisingly enough she wast. When the voice spoke to her it already seemed to know exactly what she wanted and gave her a simple choice; infuse her soul with his and save her sister or watch her slowly die. Nora took the deal without even thinking about it, not realizing what it was going to cost her or how painful is was going to be. Upon agreeing to the bargain, it started, the pain of the demon's soul twisting with hers. To this day she has never felt such pain in her life. The demon held true on his part of everything, but not in the way Nora thought.She expect him to heal Emma right away, but instead after her turning, he instructed her to feed Emma some of her blood, then kill her. Nora was blown away by his instructions and refused to do so at first. However, he quickly reminded her the only option her sister had was death. In the end, her sister was changed an hour or so later.

Once they realized what they had become, Nora and Emma left their parents out of fear that they may harm them by accident. They also didn't want them to know what the two of them were either. The demon started speaking more regularly to her soon after her turn and told her everything she had become and the consequences that came with it. He also filled her in on what her sister had now become as well. Since then she has roamed the earth, hiding the true creature she was from everyone, and trying to stay sane despite the demon in her head. She split ways with Emma in the 90s, but they still speak to each other when they can.

After a time, she grew sick of hiding in the shadows from the fragile humans. Every day of her life, she had to hide what she was and pretend she was normal like everyone else. Just keeping a job made her lie about almost everything in her life. It wasn't exactly easy to explain to your boss why you would randomly start talking to yourself when you were suppose to be working. Things were hard enough when you had a demon in your head, she didn't want to worry about having to hide she wasn't human on top of things. Why did supernatural beings have to hide for their sake, was her thought process on it. In 2009 she found and quickly joined the rebellion to go public about the supernatural world and has been aiding them ever since.

Name: Asa

Species: Demon

Appearance: Asa in the form of what Nora finds most attractive. He looked into her deepest desires and transformed his appearance to meet those desires. He stands at a fairly tall height of 6'5 and has a well built physique. His raven colored hair is long enough to cover his ears. It often sweeps across his face and over his eyes, causing him to constantly brush it out of the way. His skin is very gaunt, but is very smooth to Nora and lacking of any scars what so ever. He usually appears in a white button up shirt and dark jacket over top of it.

Personality: He finds Nora both irritating and absolutely fascinating, just as she does with him. His soul is driven to cause destruction and make her do dark things, but it is Nora that makes part of him care for her above what is supposed to be his true nature. Of course his love will never out beat his true being, but part of him at least wishes it could. He knows she enjoys torturing him and this is what generally makes him irritated. He cant stand her touching or being intimate with other people, which is something she does often. He likes annoying her in times when he is mad at her. He will talk about nothing in particular for hours just to make her feel annoyed. He also like to force her to remember moments between the two of them where they kissed when he is feeling particularly feisty. It causes her to become irritated and that is the part that is extremely fun to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Dylan Stroud
Age: 400+
Race: Vampire
Faction: Darkworld

Appearance: A wiry whipcord of a man, with gaunt cheeks and high cheekbones. Perhaps most noticeable are the large saucers of blue-grey, like the sea after a storm, that gaze out from underneath thick, black, expressive eyebrows. Incredibly fine wrinkles and creases dance upon his face, by his lips, brow, and eyes. They make any guess at age difficult, but hint of haunting smiles, the ghosts of anger, and the resting place of sorrow. Unlike his dark brows and goatee, the straggled mop upon his head is straw, and reaches down at his shoulders with teasing stalks and locks.

Personality: A selfish, yet easy-going romantic searching for a muse to displace his growing existential and epistemological nihilism.

Tracing “Dylan” back through history would be a feat deserving of its own epic. Changing names and appearances frequently, you would only chase the shadows of rumours.

Life whilst he was human has been long since forgotten, not least by himself.

After came an indulgent parade of hedonism spanning centuries. Often the centre of attention and the recipient of many a lustful gaze everywhere between the courts of Europe to the dingiest of waterfront inns, there was no social circle he did not permeate, no sin he did not partake, and no vulgarity he spared himself.

Eventually this flaming desire guttered, and the pursuit of the sweet secrets of pleasure became vapid, and all of Europe lost a marvellous centrepiece, though many knew him by different names, and, as is the way with such frivolous folk who exist on the fine edge of fashion, they fast forgot him.

During the following years he was rarely seen by anybody, his religious journey towards enlightenment often requiring the walking of paths of solitude. The soul searching seemed to be in vain though, and he did not feel any closer to what he was searching for than when he started. After almost a century of pilgrimage and learning, he turned to the arts, trying to find meaning in poetry.

That is when an old friend contacted him, a friend he owed a favour. It was requested he fight in a war, and not just a human war, a war between DarkWorlders. The very idea struck a bolt deep inside, and Dylan found that he was eager to oblige this request, wanting to use this sombre and destructive event as inspiration for his creative mind.

Skills/Equipment: Nothing beyond what might be expected of a normal Darkworld fighter.
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Carlos Castillejo

"I'm nothing short of a long statistic."
Theme(s): Crystalised, F*ck Society, La Catedral


Full Name: Carlos Ángel Castillejo

Gender: Male

Faction: Mostly neutral but Darkworld leaning

Race, Ethnicity: Vampire, Spanish

Place of Birth: Salamanca, Spain.

Date of Birth: August 5, 1892. Baptized on August 11, 1892.

Age: 122 (Appears 31)

Eye Color: Sky blue

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 160 lbs


Carlos Ángel Castillejo is a fairly tall and thin man, consisting of the same light olive-skinned complexion of his fellow former countrymen in the warm country of Spain. He has long legs and a rather broad chest which matches his large head. His face is thin and broad, complemented with sharp facial features and the dark, long, and thin hair of his mother as well as the bushy and almost dramatic eyebrows of his father. His long hooked nose distinguishes his southern European lineage as well as his olive skin though possess two almond shaped eyes which are as blue as the clear sky. Carlos often has a light beard on his thin face and his long black hair that reaches down his shoulders.


Language: Spanish, Portuguese, English, German, Italian, French, Chinese.

Past Occupations: Union worker, WW 1 Veteran, WW 2 Veteran, Former CIA and Government Informant, Community College professor, Taxi Driver.

Current Occupation: Taxi Driver


  • Received GED in 1947
  • Mathematics - University of Southern California (B.S.), Princeton University (M.S.)

Notable Talents/Abilities: Excellent driver, excellent shot, Muay Thai and BJJ practitioner.


Carlos Ángel Castillejo is a self-learnt man, of course not capable of truly reading until he was about 15 years old but soon after falling in love with reading whenever he could spare the time to do so. It is easily to tell that Carlos is an independent man, choosing to do things on his own rather than reaching for any help unless he needs to. He is not an egocentric man, or at least not is anymore as living such a long life can easily diminish any notions of self-preservation. Like most hardened men, Carlos would rather see a man in his accomplishments than bragging unconsciously about them to a group of people. Though he isn't exactly self-sacrificing either, often being apathetic towards others as well as showing indifference to people he deems as less than him.


In the now larger city of Salamanca, Carlos Ángel Castillejo was born on the early morning of August 5, 1892 to two human parents, both who made their living as restaurant owners. The young Carlos was born to five other children, only three of which would survive into childhood which included his beautiful blonde sister Basilia, Lorenzo, and Eduardo Castillejo - all of which were the perfect bond and the type of family any person could dream of having. Carlos was the youngest and thus he was the considered the baby of the family as he can remember. During his upbringing, he could feel nothing but great times and although most have been forgotten through the sands of his lengthy time, they still were nonetheless fond memories of his former human life.

Growing up with very little education, Carlos was barely literate, being able to read simple signs but never truly learning to read a whole book until later in his life. Such was the education of a low middle class Spanish boy as many if not most knew how to read. With what little school he possessed, the young man did what he could in order to get by and by the age of 15 had finally taught himself to read and fell in love with books, often burying himself in his self studies. Lorenzo however was the most clever of the family and then later in his life chose to pursue an academic career in Germany were he would later become a professor in Psychology while Eduardo chose to take care of the family business. Basilia who would later marry into another small entrepreneurial family in another city. And as for Carlos himself - He chose another path: The United States, the land of opportunity.

And so in 1911, the young 19-year-old traveled across the Atlantic ocean in order to pursue a chance of and with his experience later garnered, he would later work in the steel industry, often helping build railroads in New York City. It was in these first four years that his life would turn into his favor, being a man of self-sufficiency and with luck and hard work brought him, a more comfortable life. He became married to a young Basque woman and both had two children twins named Javier and Esteban in 1915.

At 25 years of age, the young Carlos Castillejo enlisted to join the United States Army to fight during World War 1 and in 1917 for the next year he spent in trenches fighting the enemy. It was possibly a good chance of the young man to prove himself worthy of being in the country he took advantage of when he was younger though things like valor and patriotism are easily thrown out of the window amidst a scene of violence between men of foreign backgrounds and the young Carlos then knew what true conflict was. Shortly after the war, the once amiable and cheerful boy he once was had faded away. He became colder and more distant, the war lingered onto him for perhaps too long and hardened the young man deep into his core. It was in the later events in his life that Carlos would later turn his former blue collar life into an underworld criminal one and with his experience with weaponry as a sniper during the first World War, he would learn to hone his new trade for a more unscrupulous one.

It was in the 1920's during the era of prohibition that he honed his abilities as a hitman for these immoral men and in his time, he would meet men like Al Capone, Arnold Rothstein, Johnny Torrio, and a plethora or many other famous criminals, many of them who had names that did not make it to popularity. In those years to which only his wife was aware of but did not approve had it not been for the streaming amounts of revenue which came from being a criminal. Life for the most part was economic until one unfortunate day during an illegal alcohol trade from New York to Chicago by truck. Only one shipment was needed to head to Chicago and took only three men to take it there, an easy task but little did he realize that it was going to change his life. Out of all the problems a criminal could run into during this mission - It was a flat tire.

During the duration of time in which was spent changing the tire, Carlos could remember having the eerie feeling of being watched. It was dreadful and cold, as if someone were preying on them. When one man decided to take a look around, all that was heard were his fatal screams in the dark night in the middle of nowhere. Both men were armed and yet felt to helpless and from the corner of his eye, the other man had also vanished in a fraction of a second. It was perhaps the worst feeling Carlos ever had before being snatched himself and felt an antagonizing sharp pain in his neck but before whatever took him could sink its teeth deeper into his bare neck, Carlos fired his .38 revolver and collapsed for the floor with what he thought some sort of beast in the woods. Taking his flashlight, he realized it was a vampire and to his disbelief knew that he was bound to become one himself.

During the next hour, he would transition. It was a long, torturous pain but in the end, the Spanish man recovered within only a few minutes after his transition. Immediately, Carlos felt rejuvenated, feeling almost super-human as he developed cat-like reflexes and unimaginable speed in the day which he transitioned. When back on the road to Chicago after ridding of the bodies, Carlos spent his time sleeping during the day time and often found the day to be laborious. The sun which he most enjoyed the most in the world as a child, became nothing more than a burdening blind light.

Upon returning to New York, Carlos developed a passion for doing his job during the night as the daylight seemed to be rather blinding. Everyone in the criminal underworld called him the "Night Stalker" for his renowned abilities as a successful hitman though no one knew of his vampirism, not even his family. To feed his ever growing hunger for blood, Carlos would often steal the blood of those he'd killed and collected the blood into a canteen by which he would drink only when he needed to. In those later years, the hitman would kill over 100 men during his career but later grew to the attention of the United States Government who would later apprehend him in 1929 and was surprisingly aware of his affliction for blood.

Carlos Castillejo was spared execution but the Spanish hitman would have to work for the United States government in apprehending his fellow colleagues to which he obliged. In the 1930's Carlos Castillejo worked as an informant for the United States Government, by which he was obligated to do. During one unfortunate event at home, the Castillejo couple went for a relaxing drive though without warning, a truck smashed into the driver's side of the vehicle he was in. Carlos's wife, Ofelia, tragically didn't make it. Given that both his sons had already gone to college and had professions of their own, Carlos used this opportunity to as an alibi to escape from hiding his other life as his youthful appearance had already raised far too many questions and with the help of the United States Government, he made a new life for himself.

It was something that would haunt him for the rest of his life as he could never see his sons again. However, later in 2002, on his deathbed, Carlos visited his son Javier and confessed his life shortly before his death. During World War II, Carlos would later work with several other vampires of a secret battalion in stopping the Nazis in their tracks from conquering all of Europe which the US Government would later pardon him from his former crimes. Shortly after the war, Carlos later pursued a life in academia as his brother Lorenzo did who had just recently died. In his pursuits, he later accumulated a GED in 1947 and would later receive a masters in mathematics from the Univesity of Princeton in which during the 1960s and 1970s would later work as a community college professor. He spent the majority of the 80's exploring the world, the 90's as a taxi driver, the 2000's as a small business owner of a Taxi cab company in New York and later another in the city of Meridian which he has lived in since 1997. Little would he realize that the war between the rebels and the Darkworld would later also fall into his laps.

During the years which pursued after 2009, the Spanish Vampire received yet another job offer from the underworld though this time for a political movement rather than the mafia. Since he had a knowledgeable background and given the sum of money that came because of it, Carlos was obliged to take the offer though only as part time. It was the usual business of smuggling weaponry and moving people from point a to point b, all of which he has proven to have done inconspicuously through his Taxi Businesses. Although the man had worked with the United States government to keep the world of beasts apart from the human world, he had always true no intentions on letting the mythical world of the beasts of Meridian go on without publicity. As the war begins to brew between the Darkworld and it's Rebellious zealots, Carlos prepares himself for what is about to come in the ensuing unprecedented events which are bound to unfold.
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