Titans Beyond

It always begins with a Robin. Matthew McGinnis, after the revelation that his older brother was Batman also discovered that an illicit program called Project Batman Beyond had result in Terry and Matt being the biological sons of the original Batman, Bruce Wayne. To Matt there was little doubt what his next step was. As a legacy of the first Batman and brother of the current one Matt would take on the mantle of Robin and become a protector of the city. This idea though was dashed by Terry. He didn't want his brother in that kind of danger. Bitter and angry Matt vowed that no matter what Terry thought he would prove his worth. Matt stormed from his brother's apartment with his Robin uniform determined to show that he could be just as effective as Batman. Like Robins of the past Matt knew what he must do. To be able to measure up to the caliber of hero that Batman was he'd need a team. Matt set out to form the Teen Titans for this era.
Matt sought out other amateur heroes, ones with strange abilities that they used to help as best they could whether they be metahuman or mutation. To his cause the latest Robin recruited six heroes who ranged from legacies of the Golden Age to high school students, to those with nothing left but their cause. During their first mission they ran afoul of Batman. The clashing of the Titans with Batman resulted in their target escaping. Furious with each other the fight between the brothers came to blows. Matt had no chance of taking on the more experienced Batman or his suit, but when the other young heroes came to Matt's aid it truly became a brawl. Though the result saw Batman disable each of the Titans in turn their skills and powers in some small way earned his grudging respect, though he'd never admit as much to Matt.
Just two weeks after they came together as a team a blow was struck at the very heart of the Titans. A horribly mutated woman capable of shifting into liquid form, Inque was a brutal mercenary willing to do any job for the right price. Paid by an unseen force who knew the secret of the Batman, she killed Matthew McGinnis and left his body, bloody and lifeless for Terry to find. Terry was enraged and grief stricken. He had tried to keep Matt out of this life for fear that this day would come. That he would lose Matt completely. At the insistence of Bruce Wayne whose health in recent years had started to fail Terry contacted the young heroes of his brother's team. To honor him, Terry took it upon himself to train these new Titans.

Here's how it is... this was an established RP that only got about ten posts into the IC before due to certain circumstances we lost our GM and the RPer who basically functioned as CoGM. Those of us that remained didn't want to let the idea go but that means that we're only looking for two, perhaps three people to fill missing spots. Any and all applications are welcome but the spots are severely limited so acceptance will be based on creativity and/or quality. While I put up the Interest Check @Demon Shinobi is actually our GM, I merely assist where necessary as CoGM as I have more free time.
Anybody affiliated with the Teen Titans or Young Justice can be reimagined for this or you could take the sons or daughters of today's heroes (the RP takes place around 2043). If that doesn't appeal to you you are more than welcome to create an original character for the setting. We'll take applications for a week to ten days (depending on interest) then pick the appropriate characters to round out the squad. As we have a number of established character their powers are not available for use by applicants. These include intangibility/phasing, enhanced senses, Superspeed/Speed Force related powers, and gravity manipulation. In addition the role of powerless superhero is unavailable as it is being filled by Batman. CS requirements include but are not limited to:
Experience: [Anywhere from twenty-eight days to ninety days, but you had to have been a hero on Matt McGinnis' radar and now we've been training together at least a month or so plan accordingly.]
Hometown: [Options include: Gotham, Bludhaven, or Hub City.]
Age: [15-20 years old]
Reason for joining Robin?: [This can simply be because you wanted to be a hero, or a power/responsibility or great tragedy moment occurred. Whatever you like.]
We're only accepting two (possibly three) more people. Since it's a small cast we're not expecting dropouts early on, as we hope everyone is ready to go into this with a bang and excited to develop something like this in the future DCAU Beyond setting. Everybody who posts a CS won't make the cut. We will primarily be using the DC Animated Universe as a basis for lore and a timeline though elements from other DC properties can easily be worked in as well. While we each may live in one of the three cities we'll meet twice a week for training in Gotham and Batman will have set up a bunker HQ to use as a main setting and for housing if any of our applicants want to have a homeless hero. We'll face other enemies of Batman's and any suggestions for other more Titans or Young Justice themed villains are more than welcome.
Those currently involved are:
@Demon Shinobi - Red Arrow - Heightened Senses
@Prince of Seraphs - Phantom Girl - Intangibility/Phasing
@ProPro - Accel - Speed Force Abilities
@Skwint - G-Man - Gravity Manipulation.