Name: Tabitha Calvicante
Age: Nineteen
Appearance I:
Personality: Easy-going but casually caustic, Tabitha has always kept a friendly arm's length between herself and most other people; despite her tendency to dole out unsolicited advice, or take it on herself to get involved in business that does not concern her. She is quite open with her friends, about whatever may be on her mind; but has something of glass-jaw when it comes to trading criticisms. Her personal philosophies, sometimes spouted, are often nebulous and can change depending on her current situation.
Lately, however, she has become more withdrawn...despite trying to maintain her casual demeanor.
She tends to enjoy getting into mischief and spends much of her spare time roaming around Lightbridge; looking for a good way to pass the time. Patient and surprisingly perceptive, if not the most intelligent, she is quick to catch on when someone is trying to get the better of her. Instead of outright seeking revenge, though she is not adverse to direct conflict (albeit, if the advantage is in her favor), Tabitha often plots against those who have wronged her; or resorts to outside forces. Exaggerating the truth (or outright lying) isn't something she shies away from, when dealing with strangers.
Occupation: Part-time con-artist, full-time slacker.
History: "'s a bad time to talk about alla that. Maybe later, alright? I'm sure ya heard what happened to Will..."
Semblance Type: Enlightened
Semblance Appearance: Seemingly crafted of jade, this Semblance is both jagged and smooth. Cascading outward from slitted eyes are overlapping layers of the crystalline substance, seeming to ripple around the slitted nose to once again become flat; the mouth is similarly glassy, bearing full lips, but bears a small series of scores that seem to indicate scarring. Tapering backwards on each side, it seems to be intended to fully envelop the face and reaches with gentle, cresting tendrils to the sides of the head. The top follows a similar pattern, but slowly slopes upward.
Semblance Abilities:
I Call It 'Stitching'!: Tabitha can heal wounds with physical contact. The longer contact is maintained, the more intense the restoration becomes. Initially, the healing process will be somewhat painful; dulling and finally fading the longer Tabitha maintains focus and contact with the injured.
It's A Fuckin' Wall! Or Two!: Light seems to bend to her will, even where there exists none. Forming first as a circle roughly large enough to shield a standing human being, then expanded, if Tabitha wills, into an incredibly durable translucent wall. While the 'Walls' are active, after their short moment of expansion, Tabitha can manipulate and maneuver them remotely; controlling several at a time. The light its self can not seem to form if something is obstructing it.
Go On, Underestimate Me!: Tabitha is granted an increase in endurance and reflex, though her overall physical strength seems to remain the same. While some would see this as a relatively minor boon, the truth is quite different. Not immediately obvious, but incredibly potent, this ability functions much as her others do; growing stronger with time and each blow she suffers. Once a fight ends, this ability reverts to its base stage.
Appearance II:
Age: Nineteen
Appearance I:

Personality: Easy-going but casually caustic, Tabitha has always kept a friendly arm's length between herself and most other people; despite her tendency to dole out unsolicited advice, or take it on herself to get involved in business that does not concern her. She is quite open with her friends, about whatever may be on her mind; but has something of glass-jaw when it comes to trading criticisms. Her personal philosophies, sometimes spouted, are often nebulous and can change depending on her current situation.
Lately, however, she has become more withdrawn...despite trying to maintain her casual demeanor.
She tends to enjoy getting into mischief and spends much of her spare time roaming around Lightbridge; looking for a good way to pass the time. Patient and surprisingly perceptive, if not the most intelligent, she is quick to catch on when someone is trying to get the better of her. Instead of outright seeking revenge, though she is not adverse to direct conflict (albeit, if the advantage is in her favor), Tabitha often plots against those who have wronged her; or resorts to outside forces. Exaggerating the truth (or outright lying) isn't something she shies away from, when dealing with strangers.
Occupation: Part-time con-artist, full-time slacker.
History: "'s a bad time to talk about alla that. Maybe later, alright? I'm sure ya heard what happened to Will..."
Semblance Type: Enlightened
Semblance Appearance: Seemingly crafted of jade, this Semblance is both jagged and smooth. Cascading outward from slitted eyes are overlapping layers of the crystalline substance, seeming to ripple around the slitted nose to once again become flat; the mouth is similarly glassy, bearing full lips, but bears a small series of scores that seem to indicate scarring. Tapering backwards on each side, it seems to be intended to fully envelop the face and reaches with gentle, cresting tendrils to the sides of the head. The top follows a similar pattern, but slowly slopes upward.
Semblance Abilities:
I Call It 'Stitching'!: Tabitha can heal wounds with physical contact. The longer contact is maintained, the more intense the restoration becomes. Initially, the healing process will be somewhat painful; dulling and finally fading the longer Tabitha maintains focus and contact with the injured.
It's A Fuckin' Wall! Or Two!: Light seems to bend to her will, even where there exists none. Forming first as a circle roughly large enough to shield a standing human being, then expanded, if Tabitha wills, into an incredibly durable translucent wall. While the 'Walls' are active, after their short moment of expansion, Tabitha can manipulate and maneuver them remotely; controlling several at a time. The light its self can not seem to form if something is obstructing it.
Go On, Underestimate Me!: Tabitha is granted an increase in endurance and reflex, though her overall physical strength seems to remain the same. While some would see this as a relatively minor boon, the truth is quite different. Not immediately obvious, but incredibly potent, this ability functions much as her others do; growing stronger with time and each blow she suffers. Once a fight ends, this ability reverts to its base stage.
Appearance II:

Name: Names are a temporary distinction. People never remember names. Titles, though, that's a different story.
Age: Shouldn't we have more important things to worry about, if we're so damn finite? So damn small?
Appearance I:
Personality: I don't talk to people like this, often. I'm usually pretty busy. I guess you could say I've finally started coming out of my shell!
Occupation: I'm a reject. I get it. Don't worry, I know my place.
History: Misremembering? That's what you call it, huh? I know plenty of delusional people. Lightbridge's full of them. I remember exactly what happened. It's pretty hard to forget.
Semblance Type: Masks? Creepy.
Age: Shouldn't we have more important things to worry about, if we're so damn finite? So damn small?
Appearance I:

Personality: I don't talk to people like this, often. I'm usually pretty busy. I guess you could say I've finally started coming out of my shell!
Occupation: I'm a reject. I get it. Don't worry, I know my place.
History: Misremembering? That's what you call it, huh? I know plenty of delusional people. Lightbridge's full of them. I remember exactly what happened. It's pretty hard to forget.
Semblance Type: Masks? Creepy.
Name: Beatrix Ashworth
Age: Seventeen.
Personality: A gentle, if somewhat impressionable soul; Beatrix does whatever she can to be of help in a situation, even if she does so in near-silence. She tends to throw herself fully at problems, the moment she perceives them, and doesn't think of much else while doing so. Given her impressive stature (~6'1) and considerable physical condition, she often resorts to using force in the most gentle way she can think of.
In her personal life she can be talkative, but struggles to finds 'the right thing' to say. She tends to overthink things, in these scenarios, and can completely lock herself into reserved frustration. For Beatrix things are very much divided by a large, red line. Once that line is crossed, and her patience tested, she becomes quite a different person.
Occupation: Student at Dayglow Academy. Planar anomaly.
Semblance Type: I don't really get that whole thing. Not yet, anyway. I'm...trying. Caretaker Nirvu has been teaching me, a little bit, but I don't think...I don't know if...
Age: Seventeen.
Personality: A gentle, if somewhat impressionable soul; Beatrix does whatever she can to be of help in a situation, even if she does so in near-silence. She tends to throw herself fully at problems, the moment she perceives them, and doesn't think of much else while doing so. Given her impressive stature (~6'1) and considerable physical condition, she often resorts to using force in the most gentle way she can think of.
In her personal life she can be talkative, but struggles to finds 'the right thing' to say. She tends to overthink things, in these scenarios, and can completely lock herself into reserved frustration. For Beatrix things are very much divided by a large, red line. Once that line is crossed, and her patience tested, she becomes quite a different person.
Occupation: Student at Dayglow Academy. Planar anomaly.
Semblance Type: I don't really get that whole thing. Not yet, anyway. I'm...trying. Caretaker Nirvu has been teaching me, a little bit, but I don't think...I don't know if...
Name: The name I've been given is 'Three'. I know that's a number, but I like it.
Age: That's a secret!
Inert Appearance:
Personality: I like to mess around, a lot. That doesn't mean I'm not serious about the things I have to do, though. Just because someone likes to goof off doesn't mean that they're inept or wasting time. Mortals have taught me how to have a good time, and I do; all the time. Er, most the time.
What do you care, anyway? Sheesh. Go away.
Occupation: Personal Assistant to the Ghost Girl and being of immense potential! You looking for her, or something?
History: Ehehehe.
Active Apperance:
Age: That's a secret!
Inert Appearance:

Personality: I like to mess around, a lot. That doesn't mean I'm not serious about the things I have to do, though. Just because someone likes to goof off doesn't mean that they're inept or wasting time. Mortals have taught me how to have a good time, and I do; all the time. Er, most the time.
What do you care, anyway? Sheesh. Go away.
Occupation: Personal Assistant to the Ghost Girl and being of immense potential! You looking for her, or something?
History: Ehehehe.
Active Apperance: