Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

T.J looked at the woman interrogating him, he had no idea what happened in this universe but he wasn't surprised that there were evil Rangers out there, heck he had faced the Psycho Ranger multiple times. "Okay this is gonna sound crazy, even compared everything you have seen as a Ranger. I'm from another universe, one of many without evil Power Rangers." He put extra emphasis on the word "power" because of the Psycho's.

"An aged version of a friend and predecessor of mine recruited and several others, including your other prisoner and the corpse who was our red Ranger, to fight some kinda huge threat that as far as we know wants to wipe out all in the Multiverse." T.J knew it was unlikely that she would believe him but he was sure that Mike would at least tell the story in broad strokes. "As for how we got here, we were in a fight and about to return to our H.Q when something went wrong and we arrived on this planet instead."

Mike was surprised to see that his interrogator was an alien or monster of some kind, but he tried not to judge after all as human as Maya looked she was technically an alien as well. He wasn't sure what was going on, but the whole probably rehearsed spiel about them being unauthorized Rangers and trespassing did fill in some blanks. As he started his explanation he made sure that the alien could see his hands the entire time, to show that he wasn't up to anything.

"Okay I don't know how familiar you are with Multiverse theory but it's apparently true. The three of us were in some kinda fight and Zane, our Red Ranger got killed. T.J and I were ordered to retrieve his equipment and return to our H.Q. For some reason probably a blast of magic, which is real by the way, interfered with our portal and we were sent of course." While Mike couldn't read the four-eyed face of his interrogator he had no doubt that his story sounded unbelievable, but he knew better than to lie with no way to contact T.J.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"So the first time in our universe you are saying you and your friend are the first truly good Power Rangers that was never in the service of evil like every other Power Ranger before and including my team? I find that claim highly dubious. Every Power Ranger was in the service of evil knowingly or unknowingly. Until my team broke free of our master we never knew we were in service of evil. We turned and destroyed them all at least those who didn't surrender to stand trail for their crimes. Every Ranger power is now in the service of good under Neo SPD. We have a telepath that works here, it is a quite invasive procedure, hurts from what I've seen. It is the only way to tell the truth since our science hasn't discovered the existence of the so called multiverse, which in our universe is just science fantasy. If you or your partner consent and if what you say is true then you will be set free."

Beevor gave mostly the same speech but he added one thing. "Oh we do know magic is real. Craziest bastards we ever fought."

Before they could do arrested Rangers could answer. Alarms went off. Charlie turned to her detainee "These better not be your friends attacking. If they are they and you will be prosecuted. If found guilty you will all be executed." Charlie and Beevor left and met up with the rest the team. "Who the fuck are these guys? Bring one of the detainees here." Some SPD cadet went and got TJ and dragged him to the command room. "They clearly aren't Power Rangers. So who the fuck are those guys?" The monitors all showed the enemy that TJ had recently come familiar with.

Meanwhile back at TJ's base Billy was looking for his lost comrades when he found their enemy attacking some other planet. "The search will have to be put on hold. Deal with them. Capture one alive if possible, highly doubtful but you never know. Don't forget to bring any samples." Wes & Tom transformed and rushed through the portal into the next universe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When the alarms went off and his interrogator left to do whatever her duties during an attack were T.J was actually worried that it could be some of his allies who were attacking in an misguided attempt to save him and Mike.

A few minutes later some kid came and picked him up so he could be brought to the command room where he almost realized what was going on when he saw the monitor. "Yeah looks like that threat I was talking about is attacking. Since it is the fastest way to proof whose side I'm on I'm willing to let your telepath do their thing." The Blue Ranger didn't make his decision lightly but given the circumstances he felt he had no choice.

Mike wasn't surprised that the alien didn't believe his story, though his causal acceptance of magic seemed strange to him considering how scifi this universe seemed. Before he could ask who those "crazy bastards" were alarms went off and he was left alone in his cell.

He briefly wondered if he should try and escape but since he no doubt was still being watched decided against it for now, no need to unnecessarily antagonize his captors after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Cam would have been your first choice if you valued technical know-how over skill as a ranger." Tori commented rather quietly. While he will always be the Green Samurai to the team, he wasn't a ninja like the rest of them. He could fight, there was no doubt about that, but it was the green ranger powers that put him on their level, not his base skill.

Still, she was a little sad that she couldn't yell and post in front of the bad guys like the good old days.

The alarm rang, and Billy gave them their new orders. Danny and Tori both quietly chanted their call signs as they went through the portal and morphed.

Going through the portal, both rangers had their blasters armed and aimed, ready to take out any incoming threats. "You still had your ranger powers after the bad guy went down?" Danny was rather curious, as it seemed pretty common for rangers to give up their powers to save the world.

"They were given back to me, believe it or not." She remarked. "The Overdrive Rangers called me in for help and reconnected me to the Morphing Grid, so I'm the only Wind Ranger with their powers now."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"If I were you I would hold very still." Charlie spoke to TJ. A creature jumped on TJ's head it spun around several times and laid down. "I have no clue where it came from but we learned it's useful and not to make it mad. Believe me you won't sleep for months if you piss it off. I still have nightmares every once in a while." Charlied turned him to face a monitor that was turned off, it made a perfect mirror. "It needs direct line of sight, so mirror. Why it can't just sit in your lap I'll never know. Alien cat thing go figure." The cat stared into the reflection of TJ's eyes. TJ became unable to move any part of his body, couldn't even blink. The cat's powers dug through his brain.

Charlie and her team watched. While numerous monsters defended their planet from the invaders. "This is highly unusual. Other than the blank stare in his eyes he doesn't look like he is any pain. Maybe because he is allegedly from another universe." Rachel the Pink Ranger said. Ivan the Yellow Ranger was going to say something when the alarm for evil Power Rangers went off. "Suit up ev...." The alien cat thing jumped down, meowed once, then started licking it's stomach. "Weird." All five Rangers said in unison. They were generally shocked, it never reacted like that to anyone. Heck the most good & decent person in their universe, Dulcea, at least go hissed at. Charlie pointed at random individuals in the room. "Go get his buddy. Go get their stuff. Tell him and his buddy they are free to go, give them their stuff, tell them to join the battle. Send out a message to our warriors and tell them not to attack the Power Rangers that just joined the battle, apparently they are the good guys, if you believe the alien cat thing. Don't mention the alien cat thing." Charlie and the team morphed and joined their monster allies and the Multiverse Warrior Rangers.

Wes stopped when came through the portal he found monsters attacking monsters. "Alright team, don't attack indiscriminately we may have landed in a universe where monsters are the good guys or they are and just don't like the invading monsters. Who knows. So only attack the ones we know for sure are our enemies, until we know different." Wes was about to get hit from behind by one of the monsters native to the universe he found himself in when the announcement was made. The monster stopped his attack against Wes and smiled. Then proceeded to attack the invaders. "That was fucking weird. What made it stop attacking you Commander?" Wes shrugged his shoulders. "I could have done without the smile. An attack might have been preferable. Anyway enough chit chat time to fight Tom." They proceeded to attack. Tom severed an arm and through it through the portal. "Good job Tom. See if you can get a head with minimal damage to it, i.e. don't throw it through the portal."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When the alien cat thing paralyzed him T.J ,for a brief second, worried if the whole mindreader thing had been a trick of some kind. He quickly realized though that that was stupid and relaxed. Eventually the "cat" was done reading his mind and stopped paying attention to him. From the reactions from everyone he could tell it was unusual though he had no idea why.

Still judging from the fact he and Mike were ordered to be released and handed their equipment it was clear he had gotten their trust, which was a good thing as his teammates had found them and a threeway battle would have added all kinds of unnecessary complications. As soon as he was given his morpher, he spun his globe and transformed. "What is the fastest way to the fight?"

Mike had no idea what was going but since the girl running into his room had all his equipment and gave it to him, he was sure T.J had managed to explain things to their former captors. While he morphed she explained about the attack and the fact that it seemed his alles had found him and T.J.

She then guided him to the nearest exit so he could help in the battle. Along the way he and the blue Ranger met up, each using the fact that the other was in costume to confirm they both at least knew the basic situation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The random room occupant that told them to join the fight pressed a series of buttons and teleported them near the fight. They had to run several feet but if they teleported any closer and their rematerialization spot also had somebody in it the moment they rematerialized it would have been very bad, very disgusting, and she didn't want to have to clean it up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As T.j rushed outside he decided it would be smart to be ready for ranged and melee combat. Knowing that his morpher could handle the shooting, he once again switched the multi-part weapon he suspected all the Multiverse Rangers had into Claw-mode. As soon as he was outside one of the stronger footsoldiers spotted and chard at him. Since the monster was still a few feet away he fired a few quick shots at it, before preparing the Scutum globe in case he needed the forcefield. The footsoldier meanwhile ignored the painful but otherwise harmless laserbeam that hit him in the chest and kept charging, its club ready to hit it's enemy as soon as it got in range.

The Blue Ranger forming the Claw-weapon was the first time Mike saw the Multiverse Ranger's individual weapons. While he agreed they would be useful, he knew better than to waste time with figuring out how to assemble the pieces into something useful though if he knew about the hud it would have been a different story. Seeing his partner take on one of the upgraded footsoldiers, he decided to stick close in case T.J needed help. Unfortunately for him three of the regular footsoldiers, one of each color, swarmed him. He managed to dodge a sword strike form the gray one, only to be hit from both sides by the other two.
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