A Rilla and SmileyJaws collaboration project.

Special thanks to @Rilla for agreeing to undertake this endeavor with me.
-All RPG rules apply.
-GMs have final say when it comes to all matters referring to the RP.
- Metagaming, godmodding and other similar, over-powered behaviour are not allowed in any such capacity for the duration of this RP. Infractions may lead to you being asked to leave the RP.
-If you are unaccounted for a prolonged absence or inactivity that affects the longevity of the role-play your character will be killed off at the GMs pleasure. There's no exceptions to this rule. If you know you're going to be gone for a while, fill us in so we can work around it or put things on hold.
-No FLAMING, seriously, if you've got problems with a player and they're not in-house then keep them to PMs.
-The same can be said for rivalries between characters, if they arise keep them to the IC.
-Submittal of a character does not guarantee it's acceptance GMs reserve the right to refuse a character on grounds of it being innapropriate for the thread, not fitting the tone of the RP or not being up to standard.
-Don't act the eejit and have fun.
The art of altering the world, directly affecting reality through the use of Magick. Spells are a mystical effect as a direct action of casting the force of Magick. Magick flows through everyone and everything, all that is, is in someway comprised by the mystical element. Elvish scholars, who have with no doubt been studying the science and art of Magick the longest have concluded that it is the energy of everything living on the planet that can be manipulated and harnessed for an array of purposes. Different races who have taken it upon themselves to dedicate their lives to the study of Magick, particularly the race of men have come up with their own theories. Man's general belief is that it is the Gods who not only created Magick and used it to form the continent and surrounding lands but continue to use it today and as such their Magick overflows allowing them and the other races of the continent together to manipulate it.
The most common uses of Magick in Mournhold are; combat, healing, manipulating the mind and summoning - familiars who usually take a spiritual or physical form from nature they are temporary as it drains even a life-time Magick users reserve more vigorously than other practical uses, some parts of the world frown upon this to a varying degree from viewing it as unethical to even confusing it with a much darker and largely illegal art necromancy. Magick has also been used by some great minds to advance science through the use of Magick, something that became a recognized science of it's own and is the leading of said sciences. The art of potion making and changing alchemical properties of items to something more precious in small quantities.
Throughout Mournhold's history there have been many institutions dedicated to the study of Magik and acquiring greater knowledge of the arcane arts. The most accepted theory on Magik respected as law in the land is that of the God's divine presence while not allowing it to skew their study. The Elvish view is spare in Mournhold, largely studied in secret for fear of retribution.
Slavery has been practiced in the wider world since time immemorial, from when different races first came across each other. Of course that does not mean it is used by all and different races have had different views on the act at any given point in history. The Elves, arguably the most advanced race philosophically in the known world have long since given up the custom. A system both cultural and economically important to them for many years in their history. The Elves are known for once having ran a race of humanoids to extinction through slavery, although it is referred to by historians these days, particularly in Mournhold and like-minded nations as a genocide.
On paper and by decree, slavery is illegal in Mournhold, that is to say that the laws are only really enforced further South, the midlands is in a grey area, slavery is both frowned upon but practiced by some wealthy individuals, especially the aristocracy, the majority of slaves here are descendants of Elvish slaves since the arrival so among those who keep slaves they justify it as more ethical than freeing them to something they'd never know.
Humans; Renowned for their history as conquerors. Before the Empire dominated large parts of the known world, mankind was a tribal race, often banding together in only small groups, nomadic travelers. Furthermore, humans today often regard themselves as the finest, most advanced civilization in the world.
Imperial society boasts a caste system that every man and woman born or assimilated into the empire, but only pure-blooded humans are allowed in the higher castes. Academies and each free citizens expected to have at least one year of education have lead to a high rate of literacy in the mainlands of the Empire.
Dwarves; The homelands of the Dwarves is a place of magnificent mountains and bitter cold. Once this realm was home to many warmongering Thanes and their clans, but history tells of their consolidation under one great leader to fight the invasion of the Imperial forces. Many years have passed, and although there has been a truce between the two peoples since the conflict, it is an uneasy peace.
Before the conflict the Dwarves lived above ground, only moving to their famous underground holds when the wars began. Little is known about the 'true' Dwarves reclusive and withdrawn. Those who remained outside have mostly adapted and assimilated, many freed slaves and others descendants of war prisoners.
Small stature, dense bone structure and heavy physique.
Elves; Largely forest and jungle dwellers, the Elves, who refer to themselves as Ae'thar have lived all over the known world for all of history. Originally a seafaring folk, explorers and conquerors, it is said by scholars and historians that the Ae'thar were the Old World's colonizers, much like the Empire of today. Not much is known about the fall or why, outside of woodlands and forestry, seldom few Elvish settlements have been seen to exist. The New World Elves live largely as hunter-gatherers and generally group in complex patterns of non-permanent tribes. Those who reside in the cities of the lands of Man are largely an outlying group.
Lean and incredibly agile people with exceptional mental and sensory awareness.
Halflings; Halflings stand about three feet tall, a full foot, sometimes foot and a half shorter than Dwarves and their inability to grow beards are all ways one would distinguish them from their stockier cousins. One of the rarer races in Mournhold, they are often accompanied by Gnomes who equally little is really known about.
Notorious pickpockets and general thieves, it should be noted that not all Halflings are inherently criminal although this is often how they are perceived in many of the world's settlements.
*The list will be added to as the role-play progresses
Aurora's End (Starting location)
Rooted on the light side of the woodlands, the town-stead of Aurora’s End is home to Eddard The Pale, his lordship residing over the town and surrounding area. Home to approximately five-hundred townsfolk, this does not include Eddard himself nor the two knight errant, three squires and contingency of thirty men-at-arms (or state soldiers depending from which part of the kingdom you hail from). While far from city status, Aurora’s End is a large town running alongside a branch of the river Barrow. It was not by accident that the town was built by a woods, as it has not only spiritual significance to the people of Aurora’s End, but is also a great source of income for the many skilled woodsmen and craftsmen who choose to take up home here. However, being next to the woodland also has it’s drawbacks in these uncertain times. Aurora’s End has been lucky to thus far escape the pestilence but it was not so lucky in evading the effects of political upheaval. Rumors, whether or not founded in truth, are quickly spreading and not everyone is convinced that Eddard and his men possess the strength in numbers to hold off an attack from bandits or a rival lord.
Maple and thatched rooftops scattered throughout and willow wood walls give the township itself an appearance suited to its location. The general atmosphere of the town is pleasant. The economy of Aurora’s End is neither bountiful or feeble, supported mostly by woodsmen and fishing their biggest economic strength comes from their intricate and somewhat unique fletching techniques.
The most infamous street in Aurora’s End would be Terrier Walk, a place full of beggar’s and thieves and also the “Fletcher’s Arms”, a fairly reputable tavern at least among the locals.
(Human, Elf, Dwarf, keep it traditional).
(Pictures & written description are preferable, please lord no Anime aha. Written descriptions do not have to be heavily detailed).
(Think typical fantasy classes, try give a bit of a description of class).
(Something to remember in relation to your characters actions and interactions, think typical RPG alignments i.e. Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic and their variations).
Personal trinkets:
(Really just a fluff thing but you never know when something could come in useful etc).
Short History:
(Detailing briefly the events from birth to your arrival at Aurora's End).
(Anything else you'd like to add or feel I've left out).

In the middle of the third age a new branch of power grew from the imperial tree that rules most of the lands in the known world. The name given to this fundamentally martial arm, the Ordo Arcana. A ministry of sorts charged with investigating secrets, mysteries and the arcane wherever it shows itself. Magick, a gift from the god Dybris, transformed society as people knew it for the better - at first. On the mainland dwarf, elf, gnome, human and troll alike came together to work in harmony. For centuries this unity remained mostly intact, however during the closing years of the second age the work of a trickster god would undo all that had been for as long as generations back could remember. This unnamed god brought with him an ideology. Taking human form he introduced the notion of using magick for personal gain and darker arts to the most adept. Using his ethereal influence to shape those dubbed worthy into instruments of a greater plan. What would happen next would bring a short lived but destructive era of chaos.
With a champion of every race, the trickster made sure his pawns ascertained positions of influence and power among their respective kin, these were usually advisers or head magicians and shamans of major settlements. Friendship between the different races began to fray like old rope as hunger for power grew among greedy leaders - or those who saw themselves fit to lead. Advances in the fields of magick and Alchemy gave the ability to produce giant constructs, warmachines among other great and terrible discoveries. Within a decade conflict had broken out once again, internal conflict within the uneasy alliances was almost always present in some shape or form. War raged for only thirty years but it was time enough to change the known world. Races became largely segregated, protective of their turf, peace agreements be damned, and much knowledge of many aspects was lost whether through life or loss of instruction. The period that ensued immediately after would go down in history as the dark days, but from the ashes arose a phoenix. A small band of warriors under one banner became an army and would within half a century sweep across most of civilized mainland and surrounding islands that made up the discovered world - placing it under imperial rule.
Around the same time as the founding of the Ordo Arcana, other changes were being made in the Empire. These would soon become clear as favorable, at least to some races of the Empire, others it became a nuisance which would soon evidently show itself as a sort of social culling of those deemed lesser; Trolls, Dwarves, Goblins and even Gnomes to name a few despised by a largely older, xenophobic and human council that stood at the forefront of the governing branch of the imperials.
It is the beginning of the fourth age, use of magick is scarcely seen in public for fear of retribution, the boogeymen of the Ordo Arcana, more than just a story mother's told naughty children. There are those who still practice the arcane of course, referred to as adepts, those who still have a link to the fountain of magic in the plane of Dybris - the most sensitive to it going on to becoming the greatest of wizards or magicians, even if in near secret.
With a champion of every race, the trickster made sure his pawns ascertained positions of influence and power among their respective kin, these were usually advisers or head magicians and shamans of major settlements. Friendship between the different races began to fray like old rope as hunger for power grew among greedy leaders - or those who saw themselves fit to lead. Advances in the fields of magick and Alchemy gave the ability to produce giant constructs, warmachines among other great and terrible discoveries. Within a decade conflict had broken out once again, internal conflict within the uneasy alliances was almost always present in some shape or form. War raged for only thirty years but it was time enough to change the known world. Races became largely segregated, protective of their turf, peace agreements be damned, and much knowledge of many aspects was lost whether through life or loss of instruction. The period that ensued immediately after would go down in history as the dark days, but from the ashes arose a phoenix. A small band of warriors under one banner became an army and would within half a century sweep across most of civilized mainland and surrounding islands that made up the discovered world - placing it under imperial rule.
Around the same time as the founding of the Ordo Arcana, other changes were being made in the Empire. These would soon become clear as favorable, at least to some races of the Empire, others it became a nuisance which would soon evidently show itself as a sort of social culling of those deemed lesser; Trolls, Dwarves, Goblins and even Gnomes to name a few despised by a largely older, xenophobic and human council that stood at the forefront of the governing branch of the imperials.
It is the beginning of the fourth age, use of magick is scarcely seen in public for fear of retribution, the boogeymen of the Ordo Arcana, more than just a story mother's told naughty children. There are those who still practice the arcane of course, referred to as adepts, those who still have a link to the fountain of magic in the plane of Dybris - the most sensitive to it going on to becoming the greatest of wizards or magicians, even if in near secret.
Special thanks to @Rilla for agreeing to undertake this endeavor with me.
-All RPG rules apply.
-GMs have final say when it comes to all matters referring to the RP.
- Metagaming, godmodding and other similar, over-powered behaviour are not allowed in any such capacity for the duration of this RP. Infractions may lead to you being asked to leave the RP.
-If you are unaccounted for a prolonged absence or inactivity that affects the longevity of the role-play your character will be killed off at the GMs pleasure. There's no exceptions to this rule. If you know you're going to be gone for a while, fill us in so we can work around it or put things on hold.
-No FLAMING, seriously, if you've got problems with a player and they're not in-house then keep them to PMs.
-The same can be said for rivalries between characters, if they arise keep them to the IC.
-Submittal of a character does not guarantee it's acceptance GMs reserve the right to refuse a character on grounds of it being innapropriate for the thread, not fitting the tone of the RP or not being up to standard.
-Don't act the eejit and have fun.
The art of altering the world, directly affecting reality through the use of Magick. Spells are a mystical effect as a direct action of casting the force of Magick. Magick flows through everyone and everything, all that is, is in someway comprised by the mystical element. Elvish scholars, who have with no doubt been studying the science and art of Magick the longest have concluded that it is the energy of everything living on the planet that can be manipulated and harnessed for an array of purposes. Different races who have taken it upon themselves to dedicate their lives to the study of Magick, particularly the race of men have come up with their own theories. Man's general belief is that it is the Gods who not only created Magick and used it to form the continent and surrounding lands but continue to use it today and as such their Magick overflows allowing them and the other races of the continent together to manipulate it.
The most common uses of Magick in Mournhold are; combat, healing, manipulating the mind and summoning - familiars who usually take a spiritual or physical form from nature they are temporary as it drains even a life-time Magick users reserve more vigorously than other practical uses, some parts of the world frown upon this to a varying degree from viewing it as unethical to even confusing it with a much darker and largely illegal art necromancy. Magick has also been used by some great minds to advance science through the use of Magick, something that became a recognized science of it's own and is the leading of said sciences. The art of potion making and changing alchemical properties of items to something more precious in small quantities.
Throughout Mournhold's history there have been many institutions dedicated to the study of Magik and acquiring greater knowledge of the arcane arts. The most accepted theory on Magik respected as law in the land is that of the God's divine presence while not allowing it to skew their study. The Elvish view is spare in Mournhold, largely studied in secret for fear of retribution.
Slavery has been practiced in the wider world since time immemorial, from when different races first came across each other. Of course that does not mean it is used by all and different races have had different views on the act at any given point in history. The Elves, arguably the most advanced race philosophically in the known world have long since given up the custom. A system both cultural and economically important to them for many years in their history. The Elves are known for once having ran a race of humanoids to extinction through slavery, although it is referred to by historians these days, particularly in Mournhold and like-minded nations as a genocide.
On paper and by decree, slavery is illegal in Mournhold, that is to say that the laws are only really enforced further South, the midlands is in a grey area, slavery is both frowned upon but practiced by some wealthy individuals, especially the aristocracy, the majority of slaves here are descendants of Elvish slaves since the arrival so among those who keep slaves they justify it as more ethical than freeing them to something they'd never know.
Humans; Renowned for their history as conquerors. Before the Empire dominated large parts of the known world, mankind was a tribal race, often banding together in only small groups, nomadic travelers. Furthermore, humans today often regard themselves as the finest, most advanced civilization in the world.
Imperial society boasts a caste system that every man and woman born or assimilated into the empire, but only pure-blooded humans are allowed in the higher castes. Academies and each free citizens expected to have at least one year of education have lead to a high rate of literacy in the mainlands of the Empire.
Dwarves; The homelands of the Dwarves is a place of magnificent mountains and bitter cold. Once this realm was home to many warmongering Thanes and their clans, but history tells of their consolidation under one great leader to fight the invasion of the Imperial forces. Many years have passed, and although there has been a truce between the two peoples since the conflict, it is an uneasy peace.
Before the conflict the Dwarves lived above ground, only moving to their famous underground holds when the wars began. Little is known about the 'true' Dwarves reclusive and withdrawn. Those who remained outside have mostly adapted and assimilated, many freed slaves and others descendants of war prisoners.
Small stature, dense bone structure and heavy physique.
Elves; Largely forest and jungle dwellers, the Elves, who refer to themselves as Ae'thar have lived all over the known world for all of history. Originally a seafaring folk, explorers and conquerors, it is said by scholars and historians that the Ae'thar were the Old World's colonizers, much like the Empire of today. Not much is known about the fall or why, outside of woodlands and forestry, seldom few Elvish settlements have been seen to exist. The New World Elves live largely as hunter-gatherers and generally group in complex patterns of non-permanent tribes. Those who reside in the cities of the lands of Man are largely an outlying group.
Lean and incredibly agile people with exceptional mental and sensory awareness.
Halflings; Halflings stand about three feet tall, a full foot, sometimes foot and a half shorter than Dwarves and their inability to grow beards are all ways one would distinguish them from their stockier cousins. One of the rarer races in Mournhold, they are often accompanied by Gnomes who equally little is really known about.
Notorious pickpockets and general thieves, it should be noted that not all Halflings are inherently criminal although this is often how they are perceived in many of the world's settlements.
*The list will be added to as the role-play progresses
Aurora's End (Starting location)
Rooted on the light side of the woodlands, the town-stead of Aurora’s End is home to Eddard The Pale, his lordship residing over the town and surrounding area. Home to approximately five-hundred townsfolk, this does not include Eddard himself nor the two knight errant, three squires and contingency of thirty men-at-arms (or state soldiers depending from which part of the kingdom you hail from). While far from city status, Aurora’s End is a large town running alongside a branch of the river Barrow. It was not by accident that the town was built by a woods, as it has not only spiritual significance to the people of Aurora’s End, but is also a great source of income for the many skilled woodsmen and craftsmen who choose to take up home here. However, being next to the woodland also has it’s drawbacks in these uncertain times. Aurora’s End has been lucky to thus far escape the pestilence but it was not so lucky in evading the effects of political upheaval. Rumors, whether or not founded in truth, are quickly spreading and not everyone is convinced that Eddard and his men possess the strength in numbers to hold off an attack from bandits or a rival lord.
Maple and thatched rooftops scattered throughout and willow wood walls give the township itself an appearance suited to its location. The general atmosphere of the town is pleasant. The economy of Aurora’s End is neither bountiful or feeble, supported mostly by woodsmen and fishing their biggest economic strength comes from their intricate and somewhat unique fletching techniques.
The most infamous street in Aurora’s End would be Terrier Walk, a place full of beggar’s and thieves and also the “Fletcher’s Arms”, a fairly reputable tavern at least among the locals.

(Human, Elf, Dwarf, keep it traditional).
(Pictures & written description are preferable, please lord no Anime aha. Written descriptions do not have to be heavily detailed).
(Think typical fantasy classes, try give a bit of a description of class).
(Something to remember in relation to your characters actions and interactions, think typical RPG alignments i.e. Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic and their variations).
Personal trinkets:
(Really just a fluff thing but you never know when something could come in useful etc).
Short History:
(Detailing briefly the events from birth to your arrival at Aurora's End).
(Anything else you'd like to add or feel I've left out).
Copy Code
[color=silver][b]Personal trinkets:[/b][/color]
[color=silver][b]Short History:[/b][/color]