Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago


What is going through your head when your child is more powerful than you before their first birthday? What is going through your heart when your child could safe the whole world? Or burn it down in a near future? What goes through you... when your child is earth's resource?

There is no way, just no way that this is true. It just can't be...

"Welcome!", a female voice shirps through the room. To your left and right - petrified parents. And you are one of them. "Thank you for boarding our train. Your trip to SYCEP will start shortly. Special Youth Care and Education Program. The institute was founded five years ago, when the government started to be aware of the special children of our nation. The whereabouts of our facility is a strongly restricted information and only a handful of people are allowed to know the exact place of it." All of her talking felt like a blur. The pieces weren't coming together for you yet. "All of you are here right now, because you have received a letter from SYCEP, signed by the president. Not a little amount of you have tried to contact the telephone number that was given with the letter - and I am sure that has left you with even more questions and no answers. You have been asked to this place and into this train by the president, the government, the military - and SYCEP. All of this sounds very strange, I am aware of that. But don't be alarmed. All is well. All of you are here for a reason. A reason that you cherish and love and hold dearly... Your children. The reason you all are sitting in this train right now, on your way to SYCEP is because of the children beside you. Again, don't be alarmed. Your children are all well.

SYCEP is a facility, a school, a nursery, a home for the special gifted. Five years ago all of a sudden children were born and raised with powers beyond our imagination. Children that were different. But special. For the sake of the safety of all of those children, SYCEP was founded. A home for those that felt different and alone in the world. A school for those who had powers that they couldn't understand. Your children are gifted with immense powers that they all have yet to reveal, but there is no doubt. Further information will be announced at our arrival, as well as questions being answered. Enjoy your ride." The woman left the train department. Leaving confused, scared, angry and helpless parents behind with their young children.

This RP is about the normal parents of the supernatural children. What do you do when you get locked up in a facility because your child has a gift? What do you do when your child gets watched, tested, educated and you have no say in it? What do you do when your child has an outburst of their power during a tantrum? How could someone normal like you have a say in things? Will you consider your child a 'freak'? Will you try to help them? Will you accept the rules of the SYCEP? Are you suspicious or grateful that someone is there to help with your unnatural child? And what do you do when they try to use the children as weapons? What will you do when threats occur? Are you going to be afraid of your toddler?

You are just normal. But it is your child, isn't it? You are not special, but you are not powerless, you are not helpless, you can fight.

I want this to start as a simple 'Slice of Life' RP (within the facility) and turn it more action-driven slowly time by time. The parents are confused, trying to figure out what to do and who their child is and what is going on. They are trying to gain back some delusion of 'being in control'. But I plan on having threats occur, questions pop up, rebellion start, obstacles appearing - and most of all: parents trying to parent their tiny kids as best as possible.

I hope for the typical 'I don't know what to do, my child won't eat anything', 'I don't know how to react when my child is crying unstoppable' as much as the unusual 'okay... I think my kid might spit fire...' conversations. The children are supposed to grow and react and act like normal children do. They don't learn to walk or talk faster.

While I understand that some of you are probably intrigued playing this out as the children or as teenagers in the facility, I am wanting this to be about the parents. The children are supposed to be the reason of things, but not the main characters. I want this to be about a group of completely normal people going to outrageous, dangerous, silly costs to fight for their children. The children are supposed to be ghosted by the parents' writers (single parent, divorced parents, married parents, three parents? I am fine with most things here).

So if you still haven't gotten what I mean... here it is in fat words.
The story is about the PARENTS. They get pulled into a facility where their children get educated, tested, trained and they are only ever so slightly in control of things. This story is about PARENTS rising up and fighting things / evil / the world's bad people / aliens? (everything is possible) to protect their children from the burden that their powers bring. It's about PARENTS being completely ordinary, trying to protect their not-at-all-ordinary toddlers from not-so-ordinary situations. It's about THEIR story and THEIR rising up and THEIR fights.

If you have not yet called me a complete insane... well then I guess you are either insane as well or we both are quiet not-so-insane. Who knows? Express interest or not, we will see if my idea is even at all tolerable.

Character Sheet

(The CS was a quickie so to say, excuse me if I will ask for some changes later)

If you want your character to have a wife/husband, divorced ex, significant other, whatever please write it in fat words above the hider of your CS.

There will be no ghosting of significant others, the other parent or both (cause they can be different persons obviously). So it is highly encouraged and very much so wanted that you guys get together as a couple or exes to battle this fight. The only acceptable excuses for one of the two parents not being in the facility are: they're dead (tell us why), they've lost the custody (in that case the SYCEP wouldn't have contacted them for this matter; tell us why they lost custody). I encourage you to please get together and create creative, maybe unusual, but realistic families!

Questions and Answers

What the fuck is ghosting?
Ghosting means that a character is written by you, on the side, as you feel need for it to be.
Example: Such as an interaction with your boss - if your boss isn't written by another writer, you would make up the conversation between your character and the boss on your own. By using the boss in the post, you 'ghost' them. They are not your character to play, but they are not anyone else's character either. They are basically your NPC.

Are you allowed to have older or younger children that are normal?
Yes you are! But they are not allowed to be older than twelve.

Are you allowed to play a pregnant one?
Yes you are! But the child with the powers must be already born. Make sure it's a logical time gap between your children (at least nine months of course).

Can you play someone within the facility?
I rather not because the fight is gonna turn against the facility. But if you have a creative idea, I wanna heart it! PM me the idea or write it down here, I will give it a thought and come back to you. But do not feel upset, if I might say no. Thank you.

What relationships are allowed?
Single. In a relationship. Married. Divorced. Widowed. Whatever, really. Threeway marriage? I am down for it! Get funny, if you like!

What about twins?
Twins are allowed! They can have the same power, different powers or one has a power and the other doesn't. Please note that the RP will focus (not only, but still) on parenting and therefor you should know how to portrait a parent with twins. (Google is your best friend hehe.)

Rules for Applying

  • Must be able to describe actions, reaction, emotions and conversations logically in every post.
  • Must be able to write a decent personality section (a simple 'She is kind to people' won't be enough, but no novel either.)
  • Must be able to write logical, true, relatable parenting sections. (How would a parent react? It's not always easy and sunshine.)
  • Must be able to write logical, true, relatable child development sections. (Google is an amazing helper.)
  • Must be able to write logical, true, relatable good and bad times with the children. (Children don't always listen. There's unpredictable issues, small and big both. Use Google for help. Many 'Mom groups' from ages ago are readable and you can simply pull ideas from there. Be creative, but not unrealistic.)
  • Must be able to portrait a child correctly in their current stage of development. (Terrible two? Well they're terrible for a reason. No one year old can form full on sentences. No three-month old can walk. No newborn can turn onto their stomach. Please check Google for development information if needed, this is super quick and easy.)

    These might sound a little tight, but believe me that finding information on children and their development is as easy as checking up the weather. You can find it anywhere and everywhere and I will not hawk-eye every single tiny thing. But if I see you telling me your kid sleeps through the night every day and eats all the food you put in front of them, I will have to say something.

    If you write up an issue with your child, it is not necessary that you know the answer to it. You are a parent. You are learning on the go and there are other parents to ask in this RP.

Some other stuff

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This seems really interesting actually. Count me in.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Maybe someone else finding a curiosity in this as well?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Barrett
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Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Strike another interest, this seems like a really nice concept.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Mhh... bump?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vlad P
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Vlad P The Metalhead

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This looks very interesting. I'm in too.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

I want to thank every single one of you for the interest! Thank you :)

I have made the OOC. While I hope for more players, I am sure we can make it work with a small group as well!

You can work on your CS and possible character relations (lovers? exes?) right away. I am incredibly excited to see the characters you come up with.
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