Avatar of Vlad P
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    1. Vlad P 8 yrs ago


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Anthony James Webber

As the creature approached them Anthony became more and more tense. One could tell that from the look on his face. Although he knew this was a bad idea he felt like he couldn't leave the poor fool die alone. And now here he was in the water next to him. As the creature popped out of the water he calmed down seeing that the ravenous shark turned out to be a friendly and playful dolphin. "Wonderful." Said Anthony slapping the water with his hands. As he was wiping his face of the water Anthony saw another survivor pop up. A 2nd girl. And quite a pretty one too. Anthony liked her eyes. He then started playing with the dolphin too, putting one hand on his back and with the other he was maintaining himself on the surface of the water.
Anthony James Webber

The man responded to Anthony's question saying that they're probably in the Caribbean. That would have been pretty awesome if they weren't floating around in a raft next to a crashed plane. The other guy seemed concerned with the girl's injury. The word shark had the girl pretty concerned as she imidieatly pointed one out. Anthony looked in the direction that the girl pointed seeing what looked like a shark fin heading towards them. "Oh this is just great!" He said with a concerned tone as he nodded his head in dissaproval afterwards.

After the girl told the boys to do something about it Anthony sees one of the guys jumping in the water with a pocket knife in his hand, asking if anyone would help. "Are you nuts? You really mean to fight a shark with a pocket knife? get back in here!" Said Anthony trying to convince the guy to come back on the raft. "Jesus Christ!" Said Anthony as he eventually jumped in the water in the water alongside the guy. "Is it too late to mention that you're bleeding. Huh? You're like an invitation for supper." Said Anthony to the guy looking at him afterwards.
This looks very interesting. I'm in too.
Anthony James Webber

Anthony just came back from the bathroom and sat back on his seat. Before the plane took off he managed to convince the person next to him to switch seats with him so that Anthony could stay next to the window. The guy was nice enough to accept. As he sat back on his seat Anthony rested his head next to the window and closed his eyes hoping to catch some shuteye before the plane reaches it's destination. Afterall he would need all the rest he can get because he knew that dealing with his ex-wife would be a tiring job.

Unfortunately for him he only managed to get about 15 minutes of sleep because the violent turbulences that the plane started to have woke him up. Anthony was shaking left and right as he looked around him trying to make sense of things. Pieces of the plane were falling apart, people were screaming in fear. "You gotta be kidding me!" He said outloud as he grabbed his chair with one hand and the chair in front of him with the other.

It was useless however as he was sent flying from one side of the plane to the other. That resulted in him hitting his head hard and passing out. He woke up with a terrible headache and as he looked around the whole plane was a mess. There were seats and plane parts everywhere, dead passengers and water mixed with blood. The plane was catching up water fast so with some effort he pushed away a dead body that wwas on top of him and quickly made his way to the plane's door, which seemed to be opened. He looked left and right and started swimming to the top. After getting his head out of the water Anthony started looking around.

There was no sight of any land anywhere and just as he started thinking for the worst he heard a whistle and the voice of a man shouting. He followed the sound all the way to an inflatable raft with three people inside. Two men and a young woman which seemed to have a leg injury. He gathered his strength and got on the raft as he put his hands on his legs and started catching his breath. "Hey! You guys are from the plane too right?" He said as he stopped for a second checking out the girl's injury. Then looking back at the guy with the whistle. "For a moment there I thought I was the only survivor. We really should get out of here. There are sharks in these waters and they're drawn to blood like crazy. And there's plenty of that in the water right now. Does anybody happen to know where the hell we are?" He said as he ran his hands through his water soaked hair.
Face Claim: Milo Ventimiglia

OOC Name: Vlad P

Character's Full Name: Anthony James Webber

Nicknames: Nino, AJ

Appearance: Anthony has been growing his hair for the last year and a half currently reaching shoulder length. He has brown eyes and a moustache which is the last remains of the thick beard he used to have up until 3 weeks ago. He has a height of 5 ft and 9 in and a weight of 178 pounds. He has no tattoos, birth marks or other things that might make him stand out. Anthony likes to dress in street type clothes which means that you will rarely see him in a suit or other types of formal wear. On the day of the crash he was wearing blue jeans, black canvas shoes, a black t-shirt and a black leather jacket over it.

Personality: In his 40 years of life Anthony had to rely on himself most of the time which is why he is very distrustful of strangers and people outside of his circle of friends and familiar people. That does not mean however that he is a jackass. He treats those he comes in contact with nicely but maintains his distance. He opens up however if he sees that the person is worth it.

He never regrets his decisions even if they turn out to be bad decisions and once he is involved in something he goes all the way with it. He rarely ever gets angry preffering to ignore people that annoy him or he treats them with his trademark coldness. Anthony is a simple person that enjoys simple things and is generally happy with his life even though those around him keep telling him that he is capable of more. He loves cars and music which also comprise most of his universe.

A little background/History: He was going to visit his ex-wife and his 7 year old son. They moved away some time after the divorce and him losing the custody.

Accessories: His smartphone with 63% battery left and a pack of chewing gum.
I love potatoes and every food you can make from them. I also like pizza too.
I love pirates. I'm gonna be keeping an eye on this. But overall i'm interested. Hopefully it will be casual.
@Erklings25 Thanks dude!
Depends on what you're planning to do with that said computer. It also depends on how much money you're willing to spend. If you're a gamer then I suggest you buy one with an Intel I5 processor. This processor is usually ideal for gaming. However if you plan on using it for something else other then gaming then you could do well with an I3 too. I don't know much about AMD processors so I can't really say anything about them. Personally I stopped using a PC 3 years ago when I sold my old junk and bought a Lenovo laptop. It works very well but unfortunately it has an Intel I3 so I struggle with some games, especially new ones like 2015 and forward. However I plan to change that.
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