Alonzo Gaspar de Aguirre, the Pirate King of Hell

Alonzo Gaspar de Aguirre was born in the year of our lord 1650; he never knew who his mother was, or why his father refused to ever speak about her. Alonzo's childhood was fraught with tragedy, seemingly engineered by outside forces to destroy his morals and drive him into the horrors of crime. At the ripe age of 13, Alonzo was hired onto a Spanish merchantman as a mere assistant to the bo'sun. After a mere three years in service, the crew he was serving with mutinied. Alonzo never figured out
why he was mutinying, but he took it in stride as he helped his new mates haul the old captain into his new position at the ship's keel. That night, Alonzo crept into his new captain's quarters with a boning knife and secured command of the ship. With his position confirmed, Alonzo hoisted the black flag and prepared for his new life.
On Alonzo's thirtieth birthday, his ship was assaulted at sea by some invisible force. His crew had been slaughtered to a man, and he himself had been bound with black ivy in his sleep. His captor loomed over him and offered him a deal: bring himself into servitude or be executed. With no other options, Alonzo accepted, and his captor warmly welcomed him... as mother to son. He, she explained, was an experiment. Her name was Scylla, and she was eager to see how he had grown.
Under the command of his demonic mother, Alonzo was granted insight into his parentage and training for his powers. In exchange, Alonzo would perform certain... tasks for his father. Thwarting the plans of her rivals, blunting the teeth of those who would hunt her, and granting her followers ever greater power amongst human and demon society.
Over years of terror and conquest, Alonzo and his mother grew confident and lazy. A group of church operatives, masquerading as pirate hunters, had managed to corner his and her fleet off the northeastern coast of the New World. Alonzo's men fought bravely as Scylla brought the very ocean to bear against her pursuers, but eventually the church prevailed. Alonzo, his men, and Scylla were forced onto the coast and sealed for centuries in the cold ground. But over the years, the continuing corruption of humanity has weakened the magics that sealed Alonzo, and now he and his allies are free again to wreak havoc on a changed world. Now fueled only by his lust for power, Alonzo prowls the land, immortal and hateful.
Devil Arm: Lamia, the Grappling Sword
The Lamia is a rapier created from the demon of the same name. Its grip and guard are inlaid with beautiful spirals of gold and silver, and the blade is much thicker than most normal rapiers. When Alonzo strikes with Lamia, the blade magically flexes and grows, trying to entangle its target. The blade is lined with thousands of sharp teeth, too small to be seen but sharp enough to shred and shatter anything it wraps around.
Firearm: Roc, the Golden Cannon
Roc is a powerful matchlock pistol formed out of Lamia's defeated comrade and lover. Inlaid with gold and decorated with ancient wood, the Roc is impossibly beautiful. But when it fires, the Roc unleashes a terrible blast of fire and wind that can peel steel apart and vaporize flesh. Roc doesn't need ammunition to fire, and has a range of only a couple yards before the blast wave it released dissipates into uselessness.
Blue Stinger: Control over one's aerial movements is surprisingly simple, once you get the hang of it. Alonzo has developed the ability to send himself hurtling swordfirst through the air, even from a standing position.
Seaman: Scylla's mastery over the oceans of the world has been somewhat passed down to Alonzo. Though he cannot will water to wipe out his foes, his motions are extremely fluid underwater and anyone attempting to move through water near him will find themselves floundering uselessly.
Thunder Force: Being sealed has given Alonzo hundreds of years to practice the fine arts of aerodynamics using Roc as his favored launching tool. By simply aiming his handcannon backwards and firing, Alonzo can send himself flying.
Crazy Taxi: Alonzo is, as any good captain should be, intricately linked to his ship. This link is so profound that it is willing to ferry him across any surface it can conceivably fit on. Be it sea, land, or air, Alonzo's ship is more than capable of fording it. When Alonzo wishes, he can send it hauling into the realm between worlds, allowing it to follow him without attracting much attention.
Ghost Squad: Alonzo's ghostly crew are forced to serve him even after their mortal lives. If Alonzo so wishes, he can instantly teleport a small handful of undead pirates to assist him. The pirates themselves are barely stronger than normal humans only due to their inability to feel pain, and Alonzo can only call on up to five of them at a time.
Other: Alonzo has no idea what modern society or technology is like, and is frankly insulted that the Age Of Wooden Ships And Iron Men has long passed. Nothing can convince him to upgrade his ship, though he may be willing to steal more advanced weaponry and plunder the treasures of the Information Age. Thar be gold in them circuits, after all!