Original art © R. Talsorian Games Inc.
The year is 2169. Humanity has flung itself into the stars, well beyond the confines of the Solar System. An overpopulated Earth population realized that the only way to sustain its way of life was via cooperation and coexistence. Thus, the United Earth Federation spearheaded the journey beyond its blue and green planet, to colonize sectors of space both known and unknown. At first, colonization of the Solar System was achieved via slower-than-light travel. Generations later, the invention of the spacegate system allowed mankind to send matter from one location to another. Years of travel became weeks, allowing for the seeding of colonies on the very periphery of known space. Scientists, volunteers and entrepreneurs willingly leapt farther and farther on a quest to discover new worlds, stars and lifeforms.
Eventually, the probe UES Pathfinder found some.
Sound interesting? Mobile FRAME, or FRAMEs has been my brainchild roleplay for around four years now, spanning multiple chapters, offshoots and iterations. Most of these have come and gone, falling prey to inactivity, but especially my own failure to nurture and maintain the pace of the roleplays. Despite this, I keep coming back to FRAMEs, out of emotional attachment and a desire to see it succeed.
I can't say with certainty I'm ready to launch an entire, self-contained roleplay by myself this moment: what I'm seeking is a dedicated group I can call on to help develop the setting. The above is only a preliminary idea; I want to share this setting with friends passionate both about mecha as a genre and about worldbuilding. I reiterate: I need a strong, tight-knit core of users to call friends, to help set FRAMEs on track again.
If you're unfamiliar with FRAMEs, this series has always been envisioned as a retro-styled sci-fi setting. It draws inspiration from a range of anime, videogame and tabeltop RPG franchises:
- Armored Trooper VOTOMS
- Patlabor
- Macross
- Front Mission
- Heavy Gear
- Mekton
- Battletech
- etc...
It revolves around the exploits of pilots and their FRAMEs (F.ully R.eactive A.rmored M.obile E.ngines). FRAMEs are mechs chiefly inspired by those of VOTOMS and Heavy Gear: small, mobile, humanoid (but not always) vehicles adapted for warfare.
FRAMEs is intended to blend space opera, cyberpunk and pulp sci-fi elements. Themes include political, economical tensions and conflicts of human nature. The format is episodic, with a balance of in-and-out-of-cockpit action. I also welcome opportunities for character development and even romances, friendships and rivalries.
It's an ambitious project for certain; that's why I'm asking for helping hands.