Combat Begins!
@corneredbliss - Ary hears Yvah's loud shouting and runs to rejoin the group, and upon seeing the big gelatin thing, remembers hearing stories about this creature before. "What the - Don't get near it! Don't let it touch you! It will literally swallow you alive if you get too close!" She frantically waves for Yvah to get back over to them, then uses Dissonant Whispers aimed toward the blob, dealing 9 psychic damage! However, there is nowhere for the ooze to move.
@Oraculum There's not much a lone octopus can do at that distance. Hearing the commotion, Ulor sends our tentacled friend to see what the matter is, keeping at 15 feet's distance from the blob-thing.
@Ms Ravenwinter - She may not know exactly what this thing is capable of, but she's seen it before. One of her friends lost an arm to something like this. In immediate terror, Yvah slinked down on her paws and scuttled backward in withdrawal. Once she backed out to the corner of the hall, she turned and darted full speed away from the monstrous cuboid slime.
Gelatinous Cube - The cube meandered forward, splorping and sloshing across the floor. The octopus deftly blurbled out of the path of the oncoming cube with ease, and the ooze was only slightly slowed down as it rounded the corner, squeezing through the narrow passage and pressing up against Daisy and Ceria, sucking them towards its slimy interior.
Daisy and Ceria must make Dex Saves!Ceria passes with ease, backflipping away from the oncoming danger, but Daisy was blindsided as the ooze rounded the corner, becoming engulfed by the ooze and taking
13 damage! (Edit: Forgot temp HP. Daisy is alive.)
@Ermine - Despite being engulfed by the cube, Daisy begins the gestures and song necessary for a Witch Bolt (9 to hit, 7 damage), her wand in hand. The electricity courses through the enemy, also dealing 7 damage to Daisy. She falls unconscious, sparkling ever so slightly with arcane energy.
- Hearing the sounds of fighting on the other side of the stairwell, Lex rounded the corner, maul in hand. Placing a mark of vengeance on the Cube, Lex summoned the divine fury inside him, driving his maul through the ooze and dealing 25 damage. (Concentrating on Hunter's Mark, used lvl 1 Divine Smite).
@Mistiel - Ceria sees Daisy's struggles lessening within the slime and cries forth an elvish exclamation, "Leith- nin mellon!" (Release my friend!) She backed up a few steps to try and avoid the cube's retaliation for what she was about to do. Nocking an arrow, she let it fly in the cube's direction, carefully aiming to miss Daisy (Atk:
21 for
17 damage). The chances that the slimy cube could understand her were pretty slim, but it seemed natural to say. Funny how she never thought she'd say that about anyone other than Arthera.
As Ceria stepped away, the cube grew a pseudopod and thwacked Ceria, dealing
10 acid damage!
@Oraculum - Seeing the creature is dangerous, but slow and and a large target, Ulor withdraws into the northward corridor, and begins to cast his spells on the cube. Hex was placed on the cube, but the arcane blast was rushed, missing terribly and going straight bast Yvah's nose as it crashed into the wall behind her.
Eilina stepped forward, pointing a finger towards the Cube. The sound of a bell tolling could be heard, but the ooze seemed unaffected. "Crap," the gnome muttered.
@LovelyAnastasia - Solglia grunted, hearing the scuffle and waiting to make sure nothing came up behind them. Well, that and it is a bit of a slow time for she-dwarves in heavy armor. Often others do not take well to someone clanking about ahead of them. But she moved ahead, standing in front of the magic flinger and his girlfriend, peeking around the corner at the jiggling creature. Frowning, not willing to waste her weapon on this thing, considering any weapons might be swallowed up, the war cleric put on hand on her holy relic pendant and the her other hand out toward the gloopy menace. With a chant in her guttural outlandish dwarven, a blot guided and struck the mass of slobbering slime. Energy from the hit made it glitter a bit. (Attack: 11 for 13 radiant damage)
@corneredbliss - Ary watches with horror as Daisy gets sucked into the blob, but is quickly filled with a renewed inspiration as her teammates land their blows. Knowing her own damage wouldn't do as much the others', she reaches out to Ceria after the girl gets thwacked and grabs her upper arm, casting Cure Wounds on her (+6 HP for Ceria). She then uses Bardic Inspiration on the full-blood: "Tha' was a good first shot, girl - les see if you can outdo yerself!"
@Oraculum - Having avoided the creature as it swept through the corridor, the octopus hovered in a recess for some moments. Then, as if reched by an inaudible command, it floated towards the corner behind which the cube had crawled, rising to reach the ceiling as it did. It swept over Lex, and, remaining suspended over him, aimed a small, but (mostly) well-directed spurt of ink at the ooze. If nothing else, the dubious taste of the black substance might have served to distract the entity for an instant. (Action: Help Ulor on his next Attack)
@Ms Ravenwinter - Yvah steps back as the mass of hungry gelatin barrels through her friend and narrowly missing the Elf. She couldn't risk punching the monstrosity for fear of it simply consuming her hand. Her throwing axes jangled together, strapped to her thigh. Pulling one free, she let it loose into the air and watched as the blade cleaved off the shimmering, unnatural flesh of the creature. Yvah continued to distance herself then, backing up until she was pressed against the edge of the next doorway.
Gelatinous Cube - The acid inside the ooze was potent, and already the skin on Daisy's body could be seen melting away. Its pseudopod reached out towards Lex and thwacked uselessly against the paladin's shield.
@Ermine - Daisy takes 31 damage from the ooze, which exceeds her maximum HP. Daisy is dead.
- Lex attacks the ooze, dealing 12 damage and killing it... but not before it killed Daisy.
Combat is complete. All characters gain 200 exp.