Avatar of Ermine
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: kitakaze/Puss/Catherine
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1451 (0.36 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Ermine 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Oh. Right. Should update this from time to time.
8 yrs ago
FINALLY have a date for the move. Can FINALLY move back to Whitestone to be with my sister.
1 like
8 yrs ago
I'M A DE ROLO, APPARENTLY. O_O As in, I found out I have another sister who's like 10 now. Named Cassandra. Now I'm Alice von Ermineskaya Kowalski de Rolo III.
8 yrs ago
1. It has been at least 3 years since guildfall. It does not feel that long. 2. Just need to confirm stuff and I can move. 3. My sister is officially a model. Plus, she has an interview today.
8 yrs ago
Five Open Legend games, soon to be six. Three D&D games, soon to be two. A Numenera game that's been going since before Numenera went public. Probably enough for now. -nodnod-


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The girl who was clearly younger than the rest of the group stepped forward before the others could make the situation worse. No good could come from antagonizing someone with more authority than oneself, especially when backed by someone the longer-standing party members apparently knew.

"Excuse me, but I am one of many lives they saved, and while I'm willing to come along with them, I can only assume there will be a mockery of justice. No one will check for the remains of the demon and the dragon, or if they do, they will destroy the evidence, because a few captured 'murderers' is a much more comforting thought than blood sacrifice to open a portal underneath the city, or a small army of the undead, or of fish men capturing innocent people like myself."

After finishing her speech on two breaths, Peony finally looked at the man. Like the woman, he seemed to be a man of faith. Also, apparently, a traitor. She'd remember this for if she were ever alone with him.
With a slight perk of the ears, Kyoumi regains her excitement as the monk tells them about the exhibition match. The little challenges for breaking stuff was a good way to show off, but was also a waste of energy, and she doubted they'd let her use her fire claws or bite. She could see how it would be cheating, after all.

She'd already let the effects of her spells fade, "sheathed" her weapon, and had dismissed her claws and bite almost immediately after using them, but she re-cast corrosive touch into her armor in case anything were to happen, though she figured they were safe enough for the moment. So for now, she was going to follow the lead of whoever took them somewhere.
Kyoumi spent the rest of the night in silence, with the majority of the night and morning not spent sleeping spent on meditation and prayer, though shortly before they were brought to the arena, she did take some time to comb her hair, brush her teeth, and weave her hair into hard-to-grab patterns.

"We're not going to lose this fight, no matter who we face. We're destined to win, right?" She said to the group, before joining the discussion on group names, though her only good suggestion in her opinion was Glitter and Rainbows and Ünicorns and Princesses, or GRÜP. She didn't expect the group to agree to it, but at least it was simple.

Once they reached the arena and signed in, however, she ceased talking, entering a sort of battle trance, as she cast spells to prepare for combat.

>Mage Armor (+4 armor bonus to AC), Shield (+4 shield bonus to AC), Disguise Self (A heavily armored human samurai of indeterminate sex with a plumed kabuto and draconic mempo), and Mirror Image (4 extra Kyoumi-samurai).
Peony follows behind the prisoners, not taking her eyes off of them, as they leave the cell, slamming the cell door behind them with a look on her face that reads "not even a thank you?" at first, before transitioning into a "if this old man says one more thing, his family will at least have a body to bury." She draws her sword as the man steps into the boat, almost as a promise to do as her expression commanded. She took a deep breath before stepping closer to the boat herself and shaking it with her foot while he stepped in, whispering to the old man (trying her best not to be heard by anyone but him) "You are no more important than anyone else here, and my master would want your head for your baseless pride."

As she turned to walk away from him and to the rest of the survivors, raising her blade to be in front of her face, its flames now glowing white, she muttered a prayer.

"Those wishing to leave, please board the boat. I'm sure you'll have the protection of at least one of us while the rest of us make sure we clear the rest of this filthy place of any who would harm the city. May you be sheltered by Tymora's power, and ever safe from Beshaba's gaze." She pauses momentarily, before taking her knee, blade held downward, looking upward overdramatically. "O Tymora, please aid these people in whatever struggles they must overcome, that they may one day do so for others, with or without acknowledgement or recompense. May they reach their homes safely and be embraced by the loving arms of family. May they be granted your fortune in their endeavors, or act on your guidance to aid in your wishes." She stands, grasping the hilt of her blade and, with a flourish, resuming her prepared, but not hostile, stance toward the old man, winking, and blowing a kiss with her free hand.

>Thaumaturgy to slam the door to the cell shut.
>Thaumaturgy to make her voice sound more ominous, but not louder, for the threat (advantage on intimidation)
>Going Vox Machina lite and intimidating the old man (prepared to go all the way if necessary): 12
>Even more Thaumaturgy to change color of the flames on her sword (because thematic)
>Hopefully calming prayer: 10

Gold Dwarf Invention Wizard

Rushing to join Yvah, if for no other reason than to have a chance to kill something, Peony peeked around the corner. She wasn't trying to hide at all, and if anything wanted to draw any attention to her. But as it turned out, a conversation with other prisoners had already started. Unfortunately for her, she had nothing to add; she hadn't met these people, after all. But the least her group could do was let them out.

>Insight on the dead guys: 21.

They'd said the keys were on one of the guards, right? There were some fishmen who came from this direction when they'd arrived, and of those present, they were the only ones that made any sense to be guards. Peony did a quick search of their bodies for the keys, which gave results without much effort.

She hurriedly returned to the cell, holding the most likely key up in the air victoriously. "I hope none of you soaked too long in that water, or that you didn't soak at all. I'd hate to have ended up in a cell with the horrid smell of other...people." She inserted the key and turned in an overly dramatic hero pose, internally hoping it was the right key and that these people would idolize her.
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