Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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Ms Ravenwinter Purveyor of Internet Twattery

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"Right," Yvah trailed off. She receded into herself somewhat at that comment. Maybe she was being too dramatic. Maybe the danger was gone and everyone could be safe, right? No more troubles or complications, just stopping the summoning of an alien death god. Definitely not incredibly dangerous at all. Everything would be fine, totally fine...

She may have looked a little more perturbed at this than she thought, as she caught a couple of the rescued townspeople staring. Looking to them, then back to Ary, Yvah stood straight and puffed up her chest to look big and confident. "Well, you know what they say about us and curiosity," she said, failing at putting on her best smile. Of course, she immediately regretted the joke, and quickly took to following the others after they started poking around behind the throne.

When she turned the corner, the investigation of the brazier had already began. She approached closely, laying her eyes on the gems, and hesitated while Ulor mapped them out. Once he ruled out any sort of pattern and moved on to the brazier itself, Yvah scuttled around the flame to collect the stones. Her belt pouch was nearly bursting at the seams with the stuff afterward. She turned her gaze directly to the flame after its purpose was announced. She considered the thing for a moment before pulling her waterflask free from her person. She took a quick swig from it before dumping the rest onto the flame. Then leaving to draw water from the fountain, she made sure that the pyre's magical presence would be banished.

"So, any more unfinished business?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by corneredbliss
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The half-elf, having followed Yvah into the throne room, did her due-diligence by scooping the many coins from the hallowed chair into her pouch, while the rest she piled into her pack. Considerably heavier with the weight of the money, but admittedly feeling a little more satisfied at finally having some sort of tangible reward for all of their troubles, Araerys scratched at her nose as the feline doused the flame.

"Don' think so," Ary replied, having watched the quick turnover of the room. The light was out, as like a final send off for their party, and she motioned for them to follow her back out into the main area until they were all back at the boat that had returned for them. "Suppose it's our turn now." She hoisted herself up into the vessel, waited for the others to join her, before taking a final breath and pushing back into the stream. "Off we go."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

One by one, the party members seated themselves into the boat. The journey back to the bridge was uneventful, and the party passed their deceased ally on their way back, barely recognizable from the other decomposing puddles of ooze on the ground. A brief moment passed where some of the party paid respects to the fallen ally, but they continued on their way.

As soon as they reached the top of the stairs, it was evident that a large number of people were outside. A quick surreptitious check would reveal that there were soldiers at every nearby exit, and the front doors were open, having been burned away previously. No fewer than a dozen people could be spotted outside, almost entirely human. From the lights of the torches some carried or cantrips on others' weapons, they appeared well-armed and well-trained. They also were all dressed in the Bourgund uniform that had been seen earlier during the parade. Night had long since fallen, and by anyone's guess, dawn was probably just around the corner.

Just inside the front doors of the cathedral stood a redheaded woman dressed in a chain shirt, seemingly awaiting the group's arrival. Next to her was Lex, manacled and disarmed, standing stoically and patiently. "That's them," he said as the party entered the light shining from a pendant about the woman's neck that looked like some sort of holy symbol. "It's okay," Lex continued. "They're sent by the General. I think enough people have died today."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alena stood in the morning dusk, gaze set upon the cathedral as she waited. The soft glow she'd infused her Suonetar emblem with, illuminated her pale face creating the illusion of her fair skin appearing almost translucent. Lex, the paladin they'd apprehended, stood obediently beside her. As soon as the group exited the building he gestured toward them affirming to Alena that it was in fact them that she was here to detain together with her men.

As the group filed out of the cathedral one after the other the cleric observed their facial expressions and general outlook. It appeared as though these people had gone through hell and back. And maybe even then some. Alena also recognized the look of loss on all their faces. Even if this Lex had not already informed her of the loss of one of their comrades, Daisy, she would have noticed it immediately on all of them. As it was a look she'd seen far too often on the faces of her enemies. Then, unlike now, it had failed to produce any sort of emotional response in her. But now... now she could empathize completely with these people and did not wish to pile up on their sorrow. Unfortunately, she had her orders. This mess of a situation at the church needed to be dealt with as swiftly and as bloodlessly as possible and since the General knew she had a propensity for the former and a preference for the lather, he'd entrusted her with the task to detain the group and bring the members before him to be deposed. And Alena planned to do just that.

She stepped forward a bit, tacking court of the officers piled in front of the cathedral, and raised her hands a bit, palms up. "Good morrow, folks, I am Alena Provost of the Knights of Bourgund. Forgive this abrupt welcoming of sorts. It has come to the General's attention that a number of people have lost their lives here under yet to be determined circumstances." Alena's gaze shifted for a moment on Lex, the paladin, and then returned to the group. "Your paladin friend here has already given his statement of what has transpired and has turned himself willingly to our purview. I am here to ask you to do the same until this situation is resolved."

The redhead paused, not so much for effect, as to gather her thoughts and relate what she wanted from the group in the gentlest, most nonabrasive and considerate manner. "I understand you've all been through a lot. I've been told you lost a companion and for that I cannot extend my condolences enough. What I can offer you is my personal promise that I will treat you with the honesty and respect your own behavior deems of me. General Aengus has entasked me with bringing you to him to offer your statements as to what has happened here. I ask that you come willingly. And yes, I will need to manacle you just like your comrade Lex here. But that is only as a gesture of your good will and as a sign that you mean not to disrupt the proceedings."

Again Alena paused and scanned the faces of her targets one by one. Although employing her most benign and placating countenance, there was a hard edge to her features. For she had permission to bring these people in willing or not. And even if she would prefer it if they came peacefully, she was also prepared to wrestle them into submission if need be. "I can assure you me and my men have no intention of parading you around the city as common criminals. We will respect your reputation and stature and take you to the general in such a route as to ensure no ill effects on any of you in that regard." A brief pause. "However... Should you decide to run from your responsibility in all this, I am fully authorized to use force. But I would very much hate to do that..." Alena paused yet again and this time a dark shadow crossed her pale face and her yellowish eyes clouded with pain. "So I again implore for your cooperation." The cleric fell silent and awaited the reactions of her charges.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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Ms Ravenwinter Purveyor of Internet Twattery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yvah remained silent during the retreat. The dematerializing mass of flesh and plant matter never tainted her vision as she kept her eyes directly forward, unwavering, away from the gruesome remains. Just trying to act as if it never happened.

They pushed on, quickly reaching the floor hatch they had entered through. She helped the others pull the fattened sack of coin over the stairs, the metals inside jangling together with each rough tug. And once everyone had come up to pile into the small study room, they pushed open the door to show armored personnel waiting expectantly in the main entrance, staring at the packed room of misfits.

Yvah's face immediately flattened, her ears angling down until a straight line could be drawn from tip to tip over her head. Knights always have to complicate things, don't they? Yvah went for a backup plan. She reached to her back, playing off the sudden awkwardness by motioning as if to scratch herself. A pick slipped between her fingers, silently transferred up her sleeve. Quickly and smoothly.

While the cherry-haired knight continued on her speach, something Yvah saw all too often with these officers, the feline huntress stepped out into the open. Her hands remained visible and away from her sides to show no obvious signs of threat. "If we go," she said, then nodding her head toward her staff over the shoulder, "can I keep my stick?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

With all foes and valuables, or at least what he considered as such, being accounted for, Ulor hobbled back through the subterranean passages without, it seemed, a care in the visible world. This was not to say that he appeared to be without a care at all, for his distractedly frowning expression was proof enough that something was brewing between his head and that of the octopus. Indeed, at one point he almost slipped over the remains of the gelatinous ooze, and only a rapid thrust of the staff allowed him to regain his balance to the benefit of what remained of the tiefling and her hungry captor. His expression seemed to brighten ever so slightly in the cathedral proper, as he glanced at various details he could, for all he remembered, have overlooked before.

And still, his visage was ready to change to one of puzzlement once the party stepped outside to be confronted by the guards. While he did not deign the latter with more than a single look, despite the apparent insistence of the hovering octopus that he at least take stock of their weapons, his perplexity had found its focus on the manacled and humbled Lex. When the latter spoke, the mage went so far as to scratch his head with an utterly lost look on his face. He did not pride himself of being finely knowledgeable of matters of the mind, but had someone placed an enchantment while he was not looking?

Then again, he is a paladin, he obeys the law...

Ulor returned his attention on what was effectively happening just in time to hear the final segment of the guard-captain's speech. Were they to be bound as well now? Well, it had never happened to him in Bourgund, of all places.

"If you must." he rasped, without, however, making any motion to ease his manacling should the officer have proceeded with it. Instead, he twirled his hands in some bizarre fashion, whereupon fluid bolts of pale-green lightning danced around his wrists for a moment, as a low crackling sound reverberated through the air, followed by a slight, yet unpleasant stench of dust and brimstone.

"For all it makes you feel safer."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

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Auro'pol had gasped awake as the man bandaged him up. He laid there a moment, collecting himself and his thoughts. Soon he came to realization that he had no clue what was even going on. He couldn't remember how he ended up becoming the sacrifice of choice for a handful of rather... grotesque, fish people. The Bladesinger slowly sat up, running his hands through his ghostly white hair. Looking around, he noticed the party of adventures that had somehow come across his path and saved him from an untimely demise. The ghost elf would would slowly rise to his feet as the woman discovered his book, lifting the tomb. with his face keeping stoic, he would nod in agreement. While the rest of the party looked around, he would moved to the alcove, retrieving his gear. A slight smirk crossed his face as he equipped his claws. "If only I had my claws..." He grumbled as he threw his sack over his shoulder and returned to the rest of the group. As the party climbed onto the boat, he would bow deeply in response Eilina and stepped onto the vessel. "I have no money to compensate for my rescue, so if you are willing to allow it, I would like to offer my service as a Bladesinger to your party".
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mistiel
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Mistiel Edgier than a Sphere

Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

As it was now dawn and Ceria had been walking through town for a half an hour from the orc artificer's house, she felt an odd desire to honor Daisy's memory with a song. So, she walked, first to the inn, and then - upon not finding the rest of the party there - in the direction of retracing her steps, hoping to find some trace of whether her friends, if they were still to be her friends, had continued on or returned to the general.

Along the way, she began to sing, attempting to honor Daisy's memory, not really caring who heard or if her song was considered to be very good. She added a little bounce to her step, switching Ephola to staff form and twirling the mottled light blue iridescent piece of weaponry lightly. As she sang, while she was belting out the lyrics "to take a cup of kindness yet" with a vigor that astounded herself, she was surprised to find that people she passed had interesting expressions and were staring at her weirdly. Ignoring it for the most part, Ceria walked on, making for the cathedral with all due haste.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by corneredbliss
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The party and their newest plus one rode through the putrid waters mostly in silence, with only the Bladeslinger offering his services. Araerys could only look at him and nod her head curtly for they were passing by Daisy's remains, and her mouth had formed a thin line on her face to keep her emotions at bay. Soon enough, though it felt stretched to an eternity to the bard, they reached the stairs that led them back up to the cathedral. It seemed ages since they'd clambered down the very steps, and Ary was lost in thought as they pushed through the doorway, only to find themselves faced with a strange sight.

Lex, the paladin she had healed earlier, forlorn and manacled before them. A woman and her officers, clearly ready to jump in a moment's notice. The shock on the half-elf's face could have rivaled the despair that colored it not too long ago. After it passed, and as the commanding knight spoke her words, Ary's eyes slid into condemning slits as she glared at their former comrade. Lawful as he was, he had no right to add further insult to their injuries this night. She could feel her slender hands balling into fists beside her as she hissed at him, unable to hide the betrayal she felt. "You snake."

Yvah had stepped forward, was speaking now. And though Araerys was the most sure of her character, knowing this must be some type of ruse, her emotions had the better of her and she momentarily glanced at the girl in bewilderment, before her anger was once again refocused on the stubborn obstacle before them. Sure they had just fought of a league of horrors, but she wondered if the group was in any shape to be fighting again if tested.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The girl who was clearly younger than the rest of the group stepped forward before the others could make the situation worse. No good could come from antagonizing someone with more authority than oneself, especially when backed by someone the longer-standing party members apparently knew.

"Excuse me, but I am one of many lives they saved, and while I'm willing to come along with them, I can only assume there will be a mockery of justice. No one will check for the remains of the demon and the dragon, or if they do, they will destroy the evidence, because a few captured 'murderers' is a much more comforting thought than blood sacrifice to open a portal underneath the city, or a small army of the undead, or of fish men capturing innocent people like myself."

After finishing her speech on two breaths, Peony finally looked at the man. Like the woman, he seemed to be a man of faith. Also, apparently, a traitor. She'd remember this for if she were ever alone with him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alena stood stock still in the morning dusk, her Sounetar emblem still emitting the soft glow of the light spell. By the time all involved exited the cathedral the sun had risen a bit and now the sky was starting to get suffused with a soft morning glow. Very soon the objects enchanted with the light spell would need to be snuffed out. But as it stood, the soft glow of the enchantment was still needed. The cleric knight blinked tired eyelids as she observed her charges. One by one they came up and said their piece about the situation they found themselves in and what the law asked of them to endure.

Alena scrutinized the young feline female upon hearing her question.Is she baiting me or does she take me for a fool? The cleric wondered tiredly. Sounetar, grant me wisdom to get through this without unnecessary injury. Alena approached the young woman. "I'll make you a counter offer." She spoke gently. "I take the staff and walk right beside you so you can keep an eye on it." She encompased the group with a compassionate yet firm gaze. "Understand... Surrendering your weapons is more about your intent to cooperate and less about us fearing you'd attack us." The knight paused. "Though if you should so choose. Again I warn you! We are authorized to use the necessary force to bring you in front of the General."

Alena didn't miss the colorful hand-show of the gaunt looking man either. Out of the corner of her eye she saw some of her men recoil in disgust. At least she hoped it was disgust and not fear. She and her cadre of men needed to present a unified front before this group if they had any chance of convincing them to comply without any further bloodshed. As for herself... Well... She'd seen enough gore and dark magic during her time with the clan to last her a lifetime. She was no stranger to it and it held no sway over her. It only brought back heavy memories. Which piled on top of her already tired mind made her even more eager to nip this whole situation in the bud and get this people deposed without quarrel.

The cleric knight's attention was drawn to the entrance or exit of the cathedral as a petite half-elf woman made her way out and after assessing the situation had some choice words about Lex who'd turned himself in voluntarily to Alena and her men and had also taken it upon himself to incriminate in a way his fellow adventurers. I can appreciate the man's respect for the law, but still, betraying your party like that... I'd be calling you worse than 'snake', buddy. Alena thought to herself. But before her attention could linger for longer on the fiery half-elf a young girl spoke up in defense of the group. Extolling their effort in saving her life and the lives of several other people. Probably the group of people who'd exited the cathedral first.

Once again Alena took court of the gathering. "Everyone, please. I understand your concerns. You don't know me and have no reason to trust me. So my word may as well be worthless to you. But it is not to me or my patron. So I give it to you in front of Sounetar who always watches over me. I and my men shall escort you to the General in the most respectful manner. I will listen to your side of the story and should I see the truth in it I will not allow any wrong judgement to befall you! This is my word to you under the watchful gaze of my patron. Take it or leave it, but please accompany me and my men to the General's of your own free will with the conditions I stipulated." Alena finished her speech, her right hand over her emblem, temporarily dimming it's glow. She took the time to make eye contact with each and every person in the group. And then she waited.
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