Sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Nɪɴᴛʜ Wᴏʀʟᴅ
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."_______________________
Set in a world dominated by ancient, incomprehensibly advanced ruins, humanity has found ways to survive and thrive despite the strange phenomena and maddening dangers that surround them. Intrepid few, either courageous or insane, are the ones that dare to use these ancient devices, called Numenéra, to gain greater understanding of their weird world, and to help stave off their own extinction. Will humanity one day grow to the impossible heights of their forebears, or will they become a forgotten footnote in the greater universe?
Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ Nɪɴᴛʜ Wᴏʀʟᴅ.
Well, many hellos to those of you who have decided to join me on this little venture. If you haven't read up on what's going on, you should go give the Iɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛ Cʜᴇᴄᴋ a look. Unless people end up dropping, this roleplay will be closed to anyone who didn't get a link to the OOC in private. As mentioned in the check, I'm going to need to work with a small group. While I'm not new at all to roleplay, I'm still quite a fresh GM so it's nice to sort of start small. Luckily, the system we're using is very simple, so none of us should easily be overwhelmed or hindered.
Now that the OOC is up, the character creation process can begin! I wanted to hold off on it until now because the system highly encouraged crafting characters together. This not only helps to ensure that everyone is able to play off each other rather easily, but it also allows for the Background features that the rules supply. These are things that tie each character to each other and to the starting adventure in interesting ways. As a result, I highly suggest some level of collaboration or correspondence in the chargen process so all goes smoothly.
Now that we're gathered, I should explain some precursory campaign information that should inform a bit of the character generation process. The game is going to start along an expansive, black synth road called the Wandering Walk. The Wander is famous for its ultimately intraversable length, rumoured to circle the entire Ninth World, and for a devout following of pilgrims called Peregrines --or Birds, if you're rude-- that trek the Wander for a spiritual purpose. In parts, the Wandering Walk is also used for trade routes and travel, though much of the road is cut off by natural and unnatural dangers. Because of these dangers, many scavengers and scoundrels also travel the Wander to pick clean the bodies of those less fortunate, or to cause this misfortune themselves.
The game will start with your characters on the Wandering Walk, specifically within the Fifth Stretch, partaking in camp. The Fifth Stretch is a portion of the Wander within the Beyond, between the eastern reaches of the mountainous Black Riage and the monstrously large stone structure called the Great Slab, and is the most well-documented section of the Wander. The stretch is dotted with little villages that serve as respites and trading posts for travelers. The Fifth Stretch is primarily within a blue-green desert, though not extremely hot, which features beautiful bioluminescent swarms called 'light swarms'. Whether or not any of you know each other or if any of you have been traveling together before this circumstance is to be discussed and resolved during chargen. I'll include some reasons why a character might wish to travel this road.
They could be taking a spiritual pilgrimage of their own after experiencing a traumatic event. They might be hoping to witness a light swarm for themself, either for the beauty or the discovery. They could be a skulker, looking to plunder whatever spoils they can find dead Peregrines in their travels. They could simply be lost or taking the road to a specific place elsewhere, perhaps to cross between the Steadfast and the Beyond. They could have heard rumours of treasure in the False Woods nearby. They could have heard rumours of some sort of revivication device somewhere near. They might want to be the first to climb the Great Slab. Perhaps they're looking to harvest the cerulean loam of the desert to dye something that they're making. Or whatever reason you want, really.