Name: Joey Freeman
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Power limit/weaknesses: May become extremely tired after a fight(depends on how long it was), and he can still be defeated or killed but it's just really hard to do so.

Personality: Joey is very friendly to most, but can't always bring himself to trust a vampire. He is highly protective of any friend he makes so if you plan to hurt any of them, be sure he's not watching. When fighting, he will not give up till either he or the opponent is pinned and will attend to injuries afterward. While he may seem nice the majority of the time, he does have a temper which is really hard to bring out unless you push the right buttons.
History(optional): He remembers nothing about his childhood except for the fact that he was bitten by a werewolf(which he now knows as Golden) at a young age.
Crush: None yet.
Relationship: Single (Straight)
Pet(s): A black German Shepard named Ash.
Other: Unlike most werewolves he's seen, he cannot talk in wolf form nor can he change at will. The only time you will see him in wolf form is if he is really angry or the full moon just so happens to be out. Whether wolf or human, his personality remains the same.
Name: Virgil
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Titan (though he tends to keep this to himself)
Powers/Skills: As a human, can read minds, but not send messages. As a titan, he goes out of control and destroys anyone and anything in his path.
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more): When his titan side is taking over or at least attempting to, it is very painful for Virgil and may become immobile if it happens to be a full transformation.
Personality: Virgil is a quiet one and as stated before, he likes to keep to himself especially when it comes to telling his BIG secret. He also kind shy and a bit insecure.
History(optional): "I'd rather keep this to myself."
Crush: I'm not sure if that would be a good idea or not considering what I am.
Relationship: Single. Not like it matters, anyway. (Straight)
Pet(s): None
Other: Wears a special chain bracelet on his shoulder which her covers with his jacket. The bracelet must never come off or else the titan would be free to take over at any time. Also if the black acid is the titan's blood and if it were to drop on a human's head whether their super or not, there is a 50-50 chance that said human will become a titan themselves, but he must be in titan form for this to work.
Name: Zorin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Fairy
Powers/Skills: (but only from tiny to human size)
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more): Whenever he decides to be tiny, he is pretty vulnerable to being stepped or sat on, mistaken for a fly, etc.
Personality: Wise, A bit of a rebel(not by much though). He loves to go on adventures no matter what. Instead of being afraid of danger, he welcomes it. He is not evil though, just likes to mess around. He also cares deeply for his own kind so when one is badly hurt, it ticks him off.
History: TBR
Crush: none (may change)
Relationship: Single (Bi)
Pet(s): None
Other: None at the moment.
Name: Salvatore
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more):
Personality: Cunning, stuck-up, acts like he cares for people, but in reality, he only cares for himself and his most desires which is to cause chaos. He loves to toy with his victims before showing them his true intentions. Unlike the weaker villains, he is pretty good at making convincing lies or he'll just let said victim think what he or she wants.
History: "Like I'll ever tell you."
Crush: "No time for that."
Relationship: "Screw love, I'm here to cause chaos." (Straight btw)
Pet(s): None
Other: Nothing to put here.
Name: Jaiden Thompson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter (animals)
Powers/Skills: Jaiden can transform into various animals.
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more): Incapable to transform into inanimate objects, or anything else other than animals. Also using huge animals like the elephant can take a toll on him and make it hard to move around without crushing something. However, he seems to prefer whatever fits the current situation.
Personality: Kind of a goof as well as a show off, only serious when he has to be, loves to meet others, bad or good. Always determined to put a smile on people's faces. All in all, he's just a really loving guy.
History: TBR
Crush: Not yet.
Relationship: Single (Straight)
Pet(s): He has no need for those.
Other: None for now.
Name: Golden Oscuro
Nickname: Golden or The Unknown Werewolf.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Powers/Skills: Hypnotic Eyes: Golden can put others in a suggestive trance upon eye contact, effect may take a few minutes to work or happen instantly. While in the trance, the person becomes highly pliant to their suggestions.
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more): Can only use his power on one person at a time.

Personality: He is very cruel and mean. He is obsessed with attempting to defeat Joey despite failing several times. He takes science way too far to where he will use it for anything. The two words that best describe him are: Insanely Evil.
History: "That's for me to know and for you to never find out.
Crush: "No and I don't plan on getting one."
Relationship: "Love is not my thing."
Pet(s): Nope.
Other: Intent on doing whatever it takes to get rid of "Wolfy."
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Power limit/weaknesses: May become extremely tired after a fight(depends on how long it was), and he can still be defeated or killed but it's just really hard to do so.

Personality: Joey is very friendly to most, but can't always bring himself to trust a vampire. He is highly protective of any friend he makes so if you plan to hurt any of them, be sure he's not watching. When fighting, he will not give up till either he or the opponent is pinned and will attend to injuries afterward. While he may seem nice the majority of the time, he does have a temper which is really hard to bring out unless you push the right buttons.
History(optional): He remembers nothing about his childhood except for the fact that he was bitten by a werewolf(which he now knows as Golden) at a young age.
Crush: None yet.
Relationship: Single (Straight)
Pet(s): A black German Shepard named Ash.
Other: Unlike most werewolves he's seen, he cannot talk in wolf form nor can he change at will. The only time you will see him in wolf form is if he is really angry or the full moon just so happens to be out. Whether wolf or human, his personality remains the same.
Name: Virgil
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Titan (though he tends to keep this to himself)
Powers/Skills: As a human, can read minds, but not send messages. As a titan, he goes out of control and destroys anyone and anything in his path.
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more): When his titan side is taking over or at least attempting to, it is very painful for Virgil and may become immobile if it happens to be a full transformation.
Personality: Virgil is a quiet one and as stated before, he likes to keep to himself especially when it comes to telling his BIG secret. He also kind shy and a bit insecure.
History(optional): "I'd rather keep this to myself."
Crush: I'm not sure if that would be a good idea or not considering what I am.
Relationship: Single. Not like it matters, anyway. (Straight)
Pet(s): None
Other: Wears a special chain bracelet on his shoulder which her covers with his jacket. The bracelet must never come off or else the titan would be free to take over at any time. Also if the black acid is the titan's blood and if it were to drop on a human's head whether their super or not, there is a 50-50 chance that said human will become a titan themselves, but he must be in titan form for this to work.
Name: Zorin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Fairy
Powers/Skills: (but only from tiny to human size)
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more): Whenever he decides to be tiny, he is pretty vulnerable to being stepped or sat on, mistaken for a fly, etc.

Personality: Wise, A bit of a rebel(not by much though). He loves to go on adventures no matter what. Instead of being afraid of danger, he welcomes it. He is not evil though, just likes to mess around. He also cares deeply for his own kind so when one is badly hurt, it ticks him off.
History: TBR
Crush: none (may change)
Relationship: Single (Bi)
Pet(s): None
Other: None at the moment.
Name: Salvatore
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more):

Personality: Cunning, stuck-up, acts like he cares for people, but in reality, he only cares for himself and his most desires which is to cause chaos. He loves to toy with his victims before showing them his true intentions. Unlike the weaker villains, he is pretty good at making convincing lies or he'll just let said victim think what he or she wants.
History: "Like I'll ever tell you."
Crush: "No time for that."
Relationship: "Screw love, I'm here to cause chaos." (Straight btw)
Pet(s): None
Other: Nothing to put here.
Name: Jaiden Thompson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter (animals)
Powers/Skills: Jaiden can transform into various animals.
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more): Incapable to transform into inanimate objects, or anything else other than animals. Also using huge animals like the elephant can take a toll on him and make it hard to move around without crushing something. However, he seems to prefer whatever fits the current situation.

Personality: Kind of a goof as well as a show off, only serious when he has to be, loves to meet others, bad or good. Always determined to put a smile on people's faces. All in all, he's just a really loving guy.
History: TBR
Crush: Not yet.
Relationship: Single (Straight)
Pet(s): He has no need for those.
Other: None for now.
Name: Golden Oscuro
Nickname: Golden or The Unknown Werewolf.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Powers/Skills: Hypnotic Eyes: Golden can put others in a suggestive trance upon eye contact, effect may take a few minutes to work or happen instantly. While in the trance, the person becomes highly pliant to their suggestions.
Power limit/weaknesses(at least one if not more): Can only use his power on one person at a time.

Personality: He is very cruel and mean. He is obsessed with attempting to defeat Joey despite failing several times. He takes science way too far to where he will use it for anything. The two words that best describe him are: Insanely Evil.
History: "That's for me to know and for you to never find out.
Crush: "No and I don't plan on getting one."
Relationship: "Love is not my thing."
Pet(s): Nope.
Other: Intent on doing whatever it takes to get rid of "Wolfy."